Understanding The Left

The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
The only thing about civil rights the liberals care about is highjacking it as a “cause” to tack on their petty grievances to.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
who would you blame?
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy

Leftists mostly care about looking like they care in an attempt to score cheap virtue points.

Actual caring is for adults, not leftist children.
Exactly. Their idea of fighting for minority’s ( see blacks for an example) Is telling them they are too stupid to find the MVD,use the internet or know how to do the paperwork to get an ID...therefore shouldnt be required to have an ID to vote.

Just one example of their racist BS.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
who would you blame?
I don't know who "started" it. I do know that each tribe is making it worse. Each tribe has put party over country, and that's unforgivable for me.
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
Sorry....but yet another FAIL on your part

All I asked for was one single piece of legislation from Republicans that helped the poor and working class and you couldn’t do it
/----/ ... allow me to address that whole “conservatives don’t like poor people” idea directly. Exhibit A: Charitable giving. I love my liberal friends, and know many who are generous with their money and time – but as Reagan said, facts are stubborn things, and the numbers don’t lie. Conservatives give substantially more to charity than liberals every year. Republicans are often attacked as not being compassionate for opposing government welfare programs, but that is a function of our belief in the proper role of government, not hostility to people in lower income brackets. More than that, a quick look at income levels throughout the US shows that the twenty or so lowest income states are red states, while most of the states above the median income level are reliably blue. Combined, these facts tend to rebut the idea that conservatives as people are anti-poor. Republicans and the Poor - A Conservative's Perspective
Another myth

Conservatives give to their church
They vote against programs that help the working class and the poor
/——/ No myth. Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, “Who Really Cares,” cites data that households headed by conservatives give 30 percent more to charity than households headed by liberals. A study by Google found an even greater disproportion: average annual contributions reported by conservatives were almost double those of liberals.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Conservatives are Bible Thumpers. They donate heavily to their church and it pays for churches, pastors and their families, heat and AC

Does nothing for the environment, education, healthcare
i'm conservative and not that religious at all.

next stupid statement? what am i thinking. it will be the very next thing you say.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
who would you blame?
I don't know who "started" it. I do know that each tribe is making it worse. Each tribe has put party over country, and that's unforgivable for me.
well certainly, I asked how do you correct it? you know, stop it? ranting on about it does nothing to it, maybe encourages the extreme positions even more. the fact remains, the press is owned by the dems, anyone, and I mean anyone says anything different is just a liar. Until the press belongs to the people again, this shit ain't ever gonna stop.

the press must report the truth on either side. not one side only.

just remember, obammy was off limits. and that's all anyone needs to know.

Oh, I'll do an interview, but you give my your questions and we'll do a rehearsal of the interview and then do it live.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
and i agree with you as well - congress needs to be doing their job. we've collectively lost sight of that and our separation of powers lines are fading fast.

i don't have to listen to the media. none of us do. we have choices and if someone wants to play the victim 24x7 then move on and stop talking about them. make them irrelevant because their clickbait no longer works.

there's life after the fall of mainstream news. oann.com and others are focused on traditional news. it will just take us a bit to learn to trust again. name any source and people first look to see which way it's purported to lean.

it will lean for you if you like it, against you if you don't. that's not all on the media, but us as well.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
who would you blame?
I don't know who "started" it. I do know that each tribe is making it worse. Each tribe has put party over country, and that's unforgivable for me.
well certainly, I asked how do you correct it? you know, stop it? ranting on about it does nothing to it, maybe encourages the extreme positions even more. the fact remains, the press is owned by the dems, anyone, and I mean anyone says anything different is just a liar. Until the press belongs to the people again, this shit ain't ever gonna stop.
I've said many times that two things have to happen, since it's clear that we're not going to see a strong third party.

First, some brave voices in each party are going to have to say "enough is enough", and stop worrying about bending over for their base. Next, the nutters on both ends of the spectrum will have to be culturally marginalized out of the conversation. They lack both the skills and the temperament to collaborate and innovate.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
and i agree with you as well - congress needs to be doing their job. we've collectively lost sight of that and our separation of powers lines are fading fast.

i don't have to listen to the media. none of us do. we have choices and if someone wants to play the victim 24x7 then move on and stop talking about them. make them irrelevant because their clickbait no longer works.

there's life after the fall of mainstream news. oann.com and others are focused on traditional news. it will just take us a bit to learn to trust again. name any source and people first look to see which way it's purported to lean.

it will lean for you if you like it, against you if you don't. that's not all on the media, but us as well.
no, no, you miss the reason for the extremism, it is due to the press. Period!!!! if truth isn't reported, then there is nothing for a country to do. you missed my entire point. I thought you were for ending extremes? there's only one way, the way it is reported. and BTW oan is on cable, you don't get cable, you don't get oan or fox or newsmax. nope. never get real news.

push congress back to legislating, and it takes the press to do that. IMO.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
who would you blame?
I don't know who "started" it. I do know that each tribe is making it worse. Each tribe has put party over country, and that's unforgivable for me.
well certainly, I asked how do you correct it? you know, stop it? ranting on about it does nothing to it, maybe encourages the extreme positions even more. the fact remains, the press is owned by the dems, anyone, and I mean anyone says anything different is just a liar. Until the press belongs to the people again, this shit ain't ever gonna stop.
I've said many times that two things have to happen, since it's clear that we're not going to see a strong third party.

First, some brave voices in each party are going to have to say "enough is enough", and stop worrying about bending over for their base. Next, the nutters on both ends of the spectrum will have to be culturally marginalized out of the conversation. They lack both the skills and the temperament to collaborate and innovate.
I voted for trump for that very point, he insulted both parties, even in his inauguration speech. both parties, never trumpers and the left bashed him for it.

Dude, if leaders can't lead, it's over. trump tried.

I'm surprised the russia russia shit was allowed to happen without the coup being punished. I'm saddened by my own country. the whole kavanaugh thing was so sick I was deeply embarrassed for him and his family. I never thought I'd see a group of humans act like piranha. wow. just wow. and then to repeat it for all to see the undignified again. amazing. fk them all. I hope death to those who chose that path.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
and i agree with you as well - congress needs to be doing their job. we've collectively lost sight of that and our separation of powers lines are fading fast.

i don't have to listen to the media. none of us do. we have choices and if someone wants to play the victim 24x7 then move on and stop talking about them. make them irrelevant because their clickbait no longer works.

there's life after the fall of mainstream news. oann.com and others are focused on traditional news. it will just take us a bit to learn to trust again. name any source and people first look to see which way it's purported to lean.

it will lean for you if you like it, against you if you don't. that's not all on the media, but us as well.
no, no, you miss the reason for the extremism, it is due to the press. Period!!!! if truth isn't reported, then there is nothing for a country to do. you missed my entire point. I thought you were for ending extremes? there's only one way, the way it is reported. and BTW oan is on cable, you don't get cable, you don't get oan or fox or newsmax. nope. never get real news.

push congress back to legislating, and it takes the press to do that. IMO.
i can't control what others do. only myself.

and i simply will not get into the stupid dramafied clickbait shit our media has become. just because someone out there, even with a loud voice screams HATE THE OTHER SIDE, i simply don't have to do it.

if i do, it's my fault, not theirs.
To begin with the conclusion, everything the Left controls, suffers for it.

1.Remember when the NYTimes was ‘the paper of record’? Now, it is simply a vengeful, lying rag. The latest slander is a claim that Justice Kavanaugh thrust his genitals into the hand of a fellow college student….then this rag had to admit that the ‘victims’ has no knowledge of such an event.

In every way possible, the Left resists and finds a way to champion the obverse of tradition and social evolution. And it always begins with shredding the truth.

2. Society has moved from slavery and feudalism using capitalism as the vehicle to raise standards of living for everyone….so the Left champions proven failed economic theories, socialism and communism.
A leading Democrat candidate for President is a communist, the political doctrine that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to get its way…..and then ended with a whimper.

3. While the Bible imposes authority and a system of hierarchy, the ‘commandment to honour father and mother,' …



a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.


pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum, social scale, class system

…. the Left demands a revolt against parents, police, every authority it can think of.

4. The advancement of society has been marked by increases in individualism and liberty, instead, as the Left gains power, it demands collectivism, and Leftist governance either bans or mandates.

“Florist Hopes Supreme Court Will Affirm Her Right to Turn Down Order for Gay Wedding” Florist Asks High Court to Uphold Right to Decline Order for Gay Wedding

5. While the origins of America clearly state the nation’s mission centers on life….“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.
…the Left has been responsible for the slaughter of over 60 million of the most innocent.

Color me ‘pessimist,’ but I'm convinced that the Left will succeed in destroying our nation, and Western Civilization, and will take the rest of with it into the abyss.

More right wing rants.

1. The fact is that the right wing media will lie, cheat and steal to protect Trump. They have sold their collective souls because they want power. They spread the Trump propaganda to keep fools like you in line. The essence of the NY Times story is intact. The FBI was corrupted into launching a phony investigation which was designed to give Kavanaugh cover not to find facts.

2. Communism did not kill anyone. It was evil men who did it. No economic system kills anyone. What we are seeing is a extreme form of capitalism. Republicans support corporate statism allows corporations to grow so big and powerful they can control the government and people. Big corporations control the Republican Party. and when they say jump, Republicans ask how high. Corporations are allowed to pollute our air and water and destroy wildlife habitats all to save a few bucks. These co0mpanies need to be broken up.

3. There should be limits on authority when it endangers the health of others. You want unbridled authority. Parents do not have the right to endanger others by refusing to give their children the proper vaccines. Police officers do not have the right to abuse the authority they are given.

4. If someone says their religion prevents them from serving blacks is that okay? Or black and white married couples? Suppose that florist is the only one in town. There are a lot of reasons for not creating a blanket law.

5. When is a life a life? What about the liberty of a woman to make a decision? You are making a subjective observation and you make your interpretation as liberal as possible to make the numbers seem as large as possible.

Hyper partisanship is destroying our nation. Neither side should get everything they want. Trump is destroying the values we believe in. Trump's mad quest to be able to make laws without Congress' approval puts the Constitution at risk.
To begin with the conclusion, everything the Left controls, suffers for it.

1.Remember when the NYTimes was ‘the paper of record’? Now, it is simply a vengeful, lying rag. The latest slander is a claim that Justice Kavanaugh thrust his genitals into the hand of a fellow college student….then this rag had to admit that the ‘victims’ has no knowledge of such an event.

In every way possible, the Left resists and finds a way to champion the obverse of tradition and social evolution. And it always begins with shredding the truth.

2. Society has moved from slavery and feudalism using capitalism as the vehicle to raise standards of living for everyone….so the Left champions proven failed economic theories, socialism and communism.
A leading Democrat candidate for President is a communist, the political doctrine that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to get its way…..and then ended with a whimper.

3. While the Bible imposes authority and a system of hierarchy, the ‘commandment to honour father and mother,' …



a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.


pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum, social scale, class system

…. the Left demands a revolt against parents, police, every authority it can think of.

4. The advancement of society has been marked by increases in individualism and liberty, instead, as the Left gains power, it demands collectivism, and Leftist governance either bans or mandates.

“Florist Hopes Supreme Court Will Affirm Her Right to Turn Down Order for Gay Wedding” Florist Asks High Court to Uphold Right to Decline Order for Gay Wedding

5. While the origins of America clearly state the nation’s mission centers on life….“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.
…the Left has been responsible for the slaughter of over 60 million of the most innocent.

Color me ‘pessimist,’ but I'm convinced that the Left will succeed in destroying our nation, and Western Civilization, and will take the rest of with it into the abyss.

More right wing rants.

1. The fact is that the right wing media will lie, cheat and steal to protect Trump. They have sold their collective souls because they want power. They spread the Trump propaganda to keep fools like you in line. The essence of the NY Times story is intact. The FBI was corrupted into launching a phony investigation which was designed to give Kavanaugh cover not to find facts.

2. Communism did not kill anyone. It was evil men who did it. No economic system kills anyone. What we are seeing is a extreme form of capitalism. Republicans support corporate statism allows corporations to grow so big and powerful they can control the government and people. Big corporations control the Republican Party. and when they say jump, Republicans ask how high. Corporations are allowed to pollute our air and water and destroy wildlife habitats all to save a few bucks. These co0mpanies need to be broken up.

3. There should be limits on authority when it endangers the health of others. You want unbridled authority. Parents do not have the right to endanger others by refusing to give their children the proper vaccines. Police officers do not have the right to abuse the authority they are given.

4. If someone says their religion prevents them from serving blacks is that okay? Or black and white married couples? Suppose that florist is the only one in town. There are a lot of reasons for not creating a blanket law.

5. When is a life a life? What about the liberty of a woman to make a decision? You are making a subjective observation and you make your interpretation as liberal as possible to make the numbers seem as large as possible.

Hyper partisanship is destroying our nation. Neither side should get everything they want. Trump is destroying the values we believe in. Trump's mad quest to be able to make laws without Congress' approval puts the Constitution at risk.

Did you actually write this?????

"Communism did not kill anyone."

I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
and i agree with you as well - congress needs to be doing their job. we've collectively lost sight of that and our separation of powers lines are fading fast.

i don't have to listen to the media. none of us do. we have choices and if someone wants to play the victim 24x7 then move on and stop talking about them. make them irrelevant because their clickbait no longer works.

there's life after the fall of mainstream news. oann.com and others are focused on traditional news. it will just take us a bit to learn to trust again. name any source and people first look to see which way it's purported to lean.

it will lean for you if you like it, against you if you don't. that's not all on the media, but us as well.
no, no, you miss the reason for the extremism, it is due to the press. Period!!!! if truth isn't reported, then there is nothing for a country to do. you missed my entire point. I thought you were for ending extremes? there's only one way, the way it is reported. and BTW oan is on cable, you don't get cable, you don't get oan or fox or newsmax. nope. never get real news.

push congress back to legislating, and it takes the press to do that. IMO.
i can't control what others do. only myself.

and i simply will not get into the stupid dramafied clickbait shit our media has become. just because someone out there, even with a loud voice screams HATE THE OTHER SIDE, i simply don't have to do it.

if i do, it's my fault, not theirs.
so you like the way the left behaves i.e., Kavanaugh? Climate Change? I mean, again, give me something from the right that is extreme like these types of issues with the left. dude, you gotta give something here.
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
who would you blame?
I don't know who "started" it. I do know that each tribe is making it worse. Each tribe has put party over country, and that's unforgivable for me.
well certainly, I asked how do you correct it? you know, stop it? ranting on about it does nothing to it, maybe encourages the extreme positions even more. the fact remains, the press is owned by the dems, anyone, and I mean anyone says anything different is just a liar. Until the press belongs to the people again, this shit ain't ever gonna stop.
I've said many times that two things have to happen, since it's clear that we're not going to see a strong third party.

First, some brave voices in each party are going to have to say "enough is enough", and stop worrying about bending over for their base. Next, the nutters on both ends of the spectrum will have to be culturally marginalized out of the conversation. They lack both the skills and the temperament to collaborate and innovate.
what you are witnessing is what would happen to a third party president by both parties. it isn't accepted, period, trump can't get anything done because of that very point. But I, unlike you, will not give my vote to the ones I dislike the most, not at all.

Trump i knew would win, I was reading and watching and seeing with my own eyes the people embracing him. I knew my vote was a good one. It still is. I will vote for him again.

I also hope hundreds of congressional fks get their asses handed to them. I don't care the party. this is our country and I would like candidate Yang know, simply, fk off you commie.. you work for us, WE DO NOT WORK FOR YOU.

"STEPHANOPOULOS: Entrepreneur Andrew Yang?

YANG: In America today, everything revolves around the almighty dollar -- our schools, our hospitals, our media, even our government. It's why we don't trust our institutions anymore. We have to get our country working for us again, instead of the other way around. We have to see ourselves as the owners and shareholders of this democracy rather than inputs into a giant machine."
what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
I think it's possible that we're literally regressing.

This blend of shallow hyperbole and blind, simplistic tribalism is killing us. It's making us lazy, incurious and binary, and robbing us of our intellectual elasticity.

I wonder how this happened. No doubt each tribe would blame the other.
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
and i agree with you as well - congress needs to be doing their job. we've collectively lost sight of that and our separation of powers lines are fading fast.

i don't have to listen to the media. none of us do. we have choices and if someone wants to play the victim 24x7 then move on and stop talking about them. make them irrelevant because their clickbait no longer works.

there's life after the fall of mainstream news. oann.com and others are focused on traditional news. it will just take us a bit to learn to trust again. name any source and people first look to see which way it's purported to lean.

it will lean for you if you like it, against you if you don't. that's not all on the media, but us as well.
no, no, you miss the reason for the extremism, it is due to the press. Period!!!! if truth isn't reported, then there is nothing for a country to do. you missed my entire point. I thought you were for ending extremes? there's only one way, the way it is reported. and BTW oan is on cable, you don't get cable, you don't get oan or fox or newsmax. nope. never get real news.

push congress back to legislating, and it takes the press to do that. IMO.

I agree.

All I can say is: “Good night and good luck.” This is how Edward R. Murrow signed off. I'm 79 and I remember the man well.

I'm also old enough to remember when this country had a legitimate free press. I remember something called “investigative reporting” whereby news agencies vigorously and fearlessly sought the truth. All of that is gone, replaced by an agenda-driven press which withholds the truth and in many cases simply lies to the country.

I have always maintained that there is not a single problem in this country that would not be solved if we had an honest, aggressive, and diligent press. If we had that, everything else that is worthwhile and fair would follow. Joseph Pulitzer understood the awesome power of the press:

"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy. Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion will sweep them away. Publicity may not be the only thing that is needed, but it is the one thing without which all other agencies will fail."

“Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together," Pulitzer wrote. "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mold the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”

Joseph Pulitzer

Pulitzer was right; as the press goes, so goes the country. Unfortunately, when the press withholds or distorts the news in favor of a personal political agenda they become an enemy more dangerous by far than any foreign threat could ever be. The greatest threat to our country's security is not Russia or China but the unholy alliance between the MSM and the Soros-backed Democratic Party.

In the final analysis, it doesn't matter who holds the office of President or Senator or Congressperson.
The only thing that matters is who is standing over their shoulder making sure they perform their sworn duties. Every politician lives and dies by public opinion. They spend fortunes to convince the masses why they should be elected/reelected. These politicians fear the truth, but if there is no one seeking the truth they feel invincible. Their allegiance is not to their constituents but to their own ambitions. They sell out to the highest bidder and they do so with impunity knowing their misconduct is protected from public scrutiny.
then list it. instead all you do is make these extreme statements of stereotypes and say ITS TRUE but never NEVER EVER back it up.

list the legislation and voting history and why those who voted against your "ideals" did so. without doing that you're just a muppet dancing around hoping big bird finally notices you.
They are neither extreme nor stereotypes

If not, show me a piece of Republican legislation protecting the environment. Show me a single Trump executive action that made environmental rules tougher

Show me ANY Republican legislation that helps the poor and working class more than it helps the wealthy
now you're moving the goal posts around, son. like you love to do.

you said the RIGHT cares about supporting the wealthy and has the legislative record to back that up. you said the left cares about all the welfare and social issues, and has the record to back it up.

i asked you to prove this - NOT hide behind TRUMP SUCKS; of which you did, as usual. so yes, you are lobbing out stereotypes and pretending they are an accurate representation when its' just you, blithering.
Sorry....but yet another FAIL on your part

All I asked for was one single piece of legislation from Republicans that helped the poor and working class and you couldn’t do it
/----/ ... allow me to address that whole “conservatives don’t like poor people” idea directly. Exhibit A: Charitable giving. I love my liberal friends, and know many who are generous with their money and time – but as Reagan said, facts are stubborn things, and the numbers don’t lie. Conservatives give substantially more to charity than liberals every year. Republicans are often attacked as not being compassionate for opposing government welfare programs, but that is a function of our belief in the proper role of government, not hostility to people in lower income brackets. More than that, a quick look at income levels throughout the US shows that the twenty or so lowest income states are red states, while most of the states above the median income level are reliably blue. Combined, these facts tend to rebut the idea that conservatives as people are anti-poor. Republicans and the Poor - A Conservative's Perspective
Another myth

Conservatives give to their church
They vote against programs that help the working class and the poor

They also forget what they hear at the lectern.

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 43I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not
stop blaming, start fixing.

stop reacting, start thinking.

stop responding to stupidity, start expecting more.

in the end, focus on our problems, not attacks.
it starts in congress, not doing the people's work is where this should all begin. what is it you all can do to change that? explain. I completely agree with your point, but the point really is that the media has been hijacked and normal america doesn't have a press to protect them. that was what we counted on as a people. own the press, you run the country, not the people, but the actors voted in.
and i agree with you as well - congress needs to be doing their job. we've collectively lost sight of that and our separation of powers lines are fading fast.

i don't have to listen to the media. none of us do. we have choices and if someone wants to play the victim 24x7 then move on and stop talking about them. make them irrelevant because their clickbait no longer works.

there's life after the fall of mainstream news. oann.com and others are focused on traditional news. it will just take us a bit to learn to trust again. name any source and people first look to see which way it's purported to lean.

it will lean for you if you like it, against you if you don't. that's not all on the media, but us as well.
no, no, you miss the reason for the extremism, it is due to the press. Period!!!! if truth isn't reported, then there is nothing for a country to do. you missed my entire point. I thought you were for ending extremes? there's only one way, the way it is reported. and BTW oan is on cable, you don't get cable, you don't get oan or fox or newsmax. nope. never get real news.

push congress back to legislating, and it takes the press to do that. IMO.
i can't control what others do. only myself.

and i simply will not get into the stupid dramafied clickbait shit our media has become. just because someone out there, even with a loud voice screams HATE THE OTHER SIDE, i simply don't have to do it.

if i do, it's my fault, not theirs.
so you like the way the left behaves i.e., Kavanaugh? Climate Change? I mean, again, give me something from the right that is extreme like these types of issues with the left. dude, you gotta give something here.
what would you like for me to give? i never said i like the way the left behaves, YOU are saying that for me as if i did. the left does that to me a lot also. now, at times i don't like how the right responds to the left either. so, now what? if someone screams at you and you want the screaming to stop, do you scream back? it's never worked when i've tried that method when i had to watch my nephews at babies, but it is quite comparable to me. how to treat someone acting like a child. well, like a child comes to mind.

you keep asking me to compare an extreme with a counter extreme and i can't. and i won't. if i do not like the extremes it does me ZERO GOOD to play their game, much less try to be better at it than they are. yet, if i see them acting as children then simply treat them as such. go "that's nice dear" and keep moving on. when they rail on kavanaugh then we *should* have simply showed some backbone and demanded proof before we allowed it to go to "public prosecution" where he never stood a chance anyway. granted that isn't easy but like you say, what other choices do we have? play their game and keep lobbing extreme shit at each other, or stop and grow up.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Science. It is science.
Stupidity has become the most common trait among those on the right.

You have allowed Trump, Limbaugh, Mindwars & Fox to make you a pack of blithering idiots.

No one took your healthcare asshole. If you lost your doctor, it was because you were too stupid to pick a plan that included him.

Education, obvious something ou lack.

Civil rights? You assfiucks are pissed because you can't discriminate.
Its pseudo bullshit. Not science.
Medicare for all would have to eliminate private insurance. Millions of people lost their healthcare under ACA and you call them stupid. You are a bigoted asshole.
Special rights are special rights. Period.

Medicare for all doesn’t have to do away with private insurance. Supplemental policies...
Ahhhhhh ok. Just raise the taxes really high on the people that already have insurance.

Yes, taxes go up but you are no longer paying insurance premiums. It's not hard math...

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