Unemployment down to 3.9%

Boy, rough day for Democrats and their Fake Newsters. How they gonna spin this great news for America? Trump's on a roll. It's gotta sting. :)

Except Trump aint responsible, Pres. Obama is. Trump still hasn't accomplished anything, other than making billionaires richer. He relies on poor, dumb rubes like yourself to keep these billionaires richer than they've ever been

The Black man is better than an Orange Man. Facts Matter!
True, the umemployment rate did in fact drop a lot more --after it soared into double digits in during the first year your faction's leader ran things. Still, by looking at the very beginning to the very end he still showed a 3% drop --not bad.

My concern goes beyond just looking at the beginning and the end points in time, but rather the entire eight years between:

You have got to be kidding

So in your mind, an economy that starts with 4 percent unemployment and ends with 10 percent unemployment is the same as one that starts with 10 percent unemployment and ends with 4 percent

They have the same “average”

The Black man is better than an Orange Man. Facts Matter!
True, the umemployment rate did in fact drop a lot more --after it soared into double digits in during the first year your faction's leader ran things. Still, by looking at the very beginning to the very end he still showed a 3% drop --not bad.

My concern goes beyond just looking at the beginning and the end points in time, but rather the entire eight years between:

You have got to be kidding

So in your mind, an economy that starts with 4 percent unemployment and ends with 10 percent unemployment is the same as one that starts with 10 percent unemployment and ends with 4 percent

They have the same “average”
Lowest black/hispanic unemployment rate EVER.

Why do you hate minorities?

The Black man is better than an Orange Man. Facts Matter!
True, the umemployment rate did in fact drop a lot more --after it soared into double digits in during the first year your faction's leader ran things. Still, by looking at the very beginning to the very end he still showed a 3% drop --not bad.

My concern goes beyond just looking at the beginning and the end points in time, but rather the entire eight years between:
Point is kinda true. BS it was headed to the moon level from Dubya! :ahole-1:


Obama was handed a 10.8% in 2009. Ended his rule at 4.4 with no help from Congress.
Which could mean they are useless.
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The unemployment rate is now 3.9%, the lowest it has been in 18 years! The last time the UE rate was 3.9% was the year 2000...

The economy created 164,000 new jobs overall, more than enough to keep pace with the average monthly amount of first-time job seekers (usually right around 150,000).
2000, that was Clinton.
Now when Obama was president the lying scum Right said you needed 500,000 new jobs to keep up with new workers and more if you wanted the economy to grow, but now with a LOSER like Tramp all you need is 164,000.

The UE rate went down because over 400,000 workers dropped out of the workforce, not because of job creation. Tramp got his 500,000+ by dropping 400,000 and adding 164,000. LFPR DECLINED .1% each of the last three months.

June 5, 2015
RUSH: From the moment Obama did his Porkulus, we needed 500,000 jobs a month just to stay even, and a little more than 500,000 jobs a month in order to grow the economy. And we haven't come close to 500,000 jobs in a month being created.
Not even close!
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that manufacturers added 24,000 workers in April, extending the 22,000 gain seen in March. It was the seventh consecutive month with robust growth in hiring in the sector, averaging 26,571 per month over that time frame.
BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000. All of a sudden the lying scum Right doesn't care about growing the government.
Let me ask liberals on this forum this question:

Had the unemployment rate gone UP to say....6 percent.....would ya'll still be on here saying its a useless measure and that it doesn't indicate anything?

Me thinks not.
Even the Fed has stopped using it as THE metric for employment.
Untrue. The Fed stopped setting unemployment goals, but the U-3 is still the rate they use.


“We’re not going to look at any single indicator like the unemployment rate to assess how we’re doing on meeting our employment goal,” Yellen said in June. “We will look at a broad range of indicators.”

How the Fed Learned to Stop Worrying About the Unemployment Rate

In other words...The U-3 stinks. We used to use it as THE employment data point. Not anymore as we realize it sucks. So we use it along with other data that we trust more.

Now you go to my ignore list.

Bye bye.

And just one more for the road...as I KNOW you hate this...the BLS deliberately misrepresents data to the American people to make it look better than it really is. That means - to me - they are a pathetic and destructive group of bean-counting losers.
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Let me ask liberals on this forum this question:

Had the unemployment rate gone UP to say....6 percent.....would ya'll still be on here saying its a useless measure and that it doesn't indicate anything?

Me thinks not.
Wingers always downplay good news when they're not in power.

Both ends.

One of the primary reasons neither end has any credibility.

The Black man is better than an Orange Man. Facts Matter!
True, the umemployment rate did in fact drop a lot more --after it soared into double digits in during the first year your faction's leader ran things. Still, by looking at the very beginning to the very end he still showed a 3% drop --not bad.

My concern goes beyond just looking at the beginning and the end points in time, but rather the entire eight years between:
Point is kinda true. BS it was headed to the moon level from Dubya! :ahole-1:


Obama was handed a 10.8% in 2009. Ended his rule at 4.4 with no help from Congress.
Which could mean they are useless.

You mean Obama was useless. He couldn't spell Congress yet work with them. He couldn't wait is why the Supreme Court slammed him over a dozen times

No one has denied that the Obama economy, which Trump is riding, is good.

Trump is the election focus, no matter how much the GOP will try to sell differently.

The American electorate is now wise to the GOP/Alt Right Fake Alt Right Media (FARM) propaganda.

Aw, come on. That's just the irrational butthurt talkin. This is great news for the country.

yeah but NONE of this is going to matter soon if Trump wont get the balls to stand up to Israel and cut off aide to the bastards,if he keeps Kissing Israels ass as every president since LBJ has,he is going to get us into world war three. If Israel has its way with Trump Israel with our aide will topple Syria and Iran and the next country they will coerce the united states to invade is Russia which will in fact start world war three.

Trump should stop saying make america great and say make the WORLD great.:mad: His forieng policys suck.:mad:

what planet do you live on? what a bunch of BS
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that manufacturers added 24,000 workers in April, extending the 22,000 gain seen in March. It was the seventh consecutive month with robust growth in hiring in the sector, averaging 26,571 per month over that time frame.
BLS says GOVERNMENT jobs INCREASED by 265,000 in April, from 20,957,000 to 21,222,000. All of a sudden the lying scum Right doesn't care about growing the government.

military jobs are government jobs, idiot.
Aw, come on: I know the truth irks you, Dschrute3. I have been pleased with the economy since 2016. It's running fine until the unwise GOP policies once again bust it. And, once again, I will be in position to do well because of GOP greed. The election, though, is a referendum on Trump and GOP foolish.
The blue surge is not because of a good economy, Redfish: you know that. It is that Donald is crazy and the GOP absolutely messed up because it control the squeals in the Alt Right and the Freedom Caucus. Watch what happens to the far right and alt right squeals in the fall this year in the elections.

there is no blue surge, jakey boy (or rightwinger, or whoever you are today). the GOP will retain control of congress and Trump will continue to win for America. Sorry, dude, the hildebeast lost, she is nothing but a corrupt stain on history and will never be anything else.
Let me ask liberals on this forum this question:

Had the unemployment rate gone UP to say....6 percent.....would ya'll still be on here saying its a useless measure and that it doesn't indicate anything?

Me thinks not.

I used to accept U3 as an appropriate measure of unemployment

But Republicans have convinced me that it is a made up number by corrupt Deep Staters

The REAL number of unemployed is 172 million or 52 percent.
Labor force participation rate about the same as obama left it. Not such an important number anymore?
So Sad!!!:boohoo:
So now it doesn’t matter? Cause under obama the unemployment rate went down, but it was really the participation rate that mattered. Hypocrisy is funny.

even using the same calculation methods, Trump's numbers are better.
remember how bad things were this time during the Obama term? its was total depression in 2010.
Obama was handed 2 wars, a recession, a housing bubble, auto industry was about to collapse... Trump was handed a strong economy and declining deficits. So far he's messed up one of the two.

Obama allowed two stupid wars to continue and did nothing but pansy around with murdering dictators, he sent pallets of cash to the Iranians and got nothing in return. There was no recession in 08, it was a simple market correction that was way overdue. Obozo bailed out the car companies in order to save the UAW and keep its money coming in to the DNC. Obama doubled the national debt. WTF is wrong with you? Did you spend the last 8 years under a rock?
So Sad!!!:boohoo:
So now it doesn’t matter? Cause under obama the unemployment rate went down, but it was really the participation rate that mattered. Hypocrisy is funny.

even using the same calculation methods, Trump's numbers are better.
remember how bad things were this time during the Obama term? its was total depression in 2010.
Obama was handed 2 wars, a recession, a housing bubble, auto industry was about to collapse... Trump was handed a strong economy and declining deficits. So far he's messed up one of the two.

Obama allowed two stupid wars to continue and did nothing but pansy around with murdering dictators, he sent pallets of cash to the Iranians and got nothing in return. There was no recession in 08, it was a simple market correction that was way overdue. Obozo bailed out the car companies in order to save the UAW and keep its money coming in to the DNC. Obama doubled the national debt. WTF is wrong with you? Did you spend the last 8 years under a rock?

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