Unemployment down to 6.6%

The BLS seasonal data have been highly distorted to make this report look good.

It shows an increase in Employed of 638K, yet the government released other data that only 113K jobs were added in January.

They can't both be correct.

I don't see that particular number (638K) but I do see some similar numbers which I'm finding it challenging to reconcile.
The BLS seasonal data have been highly distorted to make this report look good.

It shows an increase in Employed of 638K, yet the government released other data that only 113K jobs were added in January.

They can't both be correct.

Both numbers are seasonally adjusted, and yes they can both be correct.

Total Employed comes from a survey of households and includes everyone in the US age 16 and over not in the military, in prison, or an institution, who worked at least one hour for pay or at least 15 hours unpaid in a family business or farm during the week of January 12-18. A person is counted once no matter how many jobs s/he has.

"Jobs" comes from a survey of businesses that pay UI taxes and were on the payroll for the pay period that included January 12-18. Excluded are agricultural workers, the self-employed, people who work in other people's houses, those working under the table etc. If a person has more than one job, they're counted for each job.

So, no, they don't have to match up.
Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Hardly anyone?

The US, now, enjoys one of the lowest UE rates in the world.

And the MAJORITY of Americans are working.

I saw the exact same thing happen during Clinton's time too.

You folks shot down ALL good news.

And how many people are out of the workforce? This is hardly good news for them, given that lots of people HAVE LEFT THE WORKFORCE!
The more people that quit looking for a job and don't count against the UE rate...soon the UE rate will be 0% with millions of people out of work....
So what is the labor participation rate? The more who drop out of the workforce the lower the unemployment rate falls if it's falling because so many have stopped looking for jobs that is hardly good news or a sign of a growing economy.
The LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator as it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring. The Right know this, but have nothing else negative to attack the economy with. They never said that the Bush economy or UE numbers were bad because the LPR was declining during his Regime. No, they said the LPR's projected decline for the next 20 years was justification for privatizing SS. If Bishop Willard had been elected, the declining LPR would suddenly stop being a negative economic indicator and just as suddenly become a positive indicator for the need to privatize SS.
So what is the labor participation rate? The more who drop out of the workforce the lower the unemployment rate falls if it's falling because so many have stopped looking for jobs that is hardly good news or a sign of a growing economy.
The LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator as it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring. The Right know this, but have nothing else negative to attack the economy with. They never said that the Bush economy or UE numbers were bad because the LPR was declining during his Regime. No, they said the LPR's projected decline for the next 20 years was justification for privatizing SS. If Bishop Willard had been elected, the declining LPR would suddenly stop being a negative economic indicator and just as suddenly become a positive indicator for the need to privatize SS.

It's a reason for the left not to brag about Obamacare disincentivizing people from seeking full employment.

Without significant reform to reduce spending commitments, the government will need more revenue to run itself and to fund entitlements. Not even more people signing up for taxpayer subsidization of their lifestyle years before they reach the usual retirement age.
So what is the labor participation rate? The more who drop out of the workforce the lower the unemployment rate falls if it's falling because so many have stopped looking for jobs that is hardly good news or a sign of a growing economy.
The number of workers who became discouraged and dropped out of the workforce DROPPED by 80,000.
Shitbag....there are 18-60 year olds sitting on their asses collecting welfare benefits.

The CBO stated yesterday at Congressional Hearings that obamacare creates a class of people that will not work to keep medical benefits.

Shut the fuck up, inbred.

So what is the labor participation rate? The more who drop out of the workforce the lower the unemployment rate falls if it's falling because so many have stopped looking for jobs that is hardly good news or a sign of a growing economy.
The LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator as it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring. The Right know this, but have nothing else negative to attack the economy with. They never said that the Bush economy or UE numbers were bad because the LPR was declining during his Regime. No, they said the LPR's projected decline for the next 20 years was justification for privatizing SS. If Bishop Willard had been elected, the declining LPR would suddenly stop being a negative economic indicator and just as suddenly become a positive indicator for the need to privatize SS.
This administration is shameless...
People cut their hours at work to take advantatage of the subsidies and this is good...
People leaving the work force so the Ue number drops...and this is a good thing...
Obama says there are 48 million people without insurance so we get ObamaCare and millions of people who had insurance get screwed...
And the 48 million who needed insurance which is why we are where we are today...
And the 48 million who needed insurance are no where to be found...why aren't they signing up in droves???

You just can't make this stuff up...
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Good job Obama. :thup:

By 2016, hardly anyone will be working but official unemployment will be 5%. :clap2:

Job growth remains weak in January; unemployment rate falls to 6.6% - latimes.com

Hardly anyone?

The US, now, enjoys one of the lowest UE rates in the world.

And the MAJORITY of Americans are working.

I saw the exact same thing happen during Clinton's time too.

You folks shot down ALL good news.

And how many people are out of the workforce? This is hardly good news for them, given that lots of people HAVE LEFT THE WORKFORCE!
No one is allowed to retire when a Dem is president, but the out of workforce number increasing every year of the Bush Regime was nothing but great economic news.
Obama is making the rich richer and giving the lower class people FREE shit paid for with tax money from the middle and rich classes.

The middle class is being fucked in the end losing their jobs, losing work hours, losing their medical insurance, losing their doctor, etc while Obama stands on a podium lying his ass off about protecting the middle class with so-called minimum wage increases that are focused on any lower class person willing to work.
Shitbag....there are 18-60 year olds sitting on their asses collecting welfare benefits.

The CBO stated yesterday at Congressional Hearings that obamacare creates a class of people that will not work to keep medical benefits.

Shut the fuck up, inbred.

So what is the labor participation rate? The more who drop out of the workforce the lower the unemployment rate falls if it's falling because so many have stopped looking for jobs that is hardly good news or a sign of a growing economy.
The LPR is a completely worthless economic indicator as it is affected by demographics like Boomers retiring. The Right know this, but have nothing else negative to attack the economy with. They never said that the Bush economy or UE numbers were bad because the LPR was declining during his Regime. No, they said the LPR's projected decline for the next 20 years was justification for privatizing SS. If Bishop Willard had been elected, the declining LPR would suddenly stop being a negative economic indicator and just as suddenly become a positive indicator for the need to privatize SS.
Yeah, they are called CON$ervatives!

That is not what the CBO said. They said people are no longer chained to a full time job to get health insurance through their place of employment.
Disgusted, digusted,
You have no complaint. You are what you are,
And you ain't what you ain't
So listen up buster
And listen up good,
Stop wishing for bad luck
And knocking on wood.
Signed, Dear Abby.

The other survey said 600 k jobs were added- and experts say ALL signs are good..

Sorry, hater dupes...It was the weather lol...

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