Unemployment falls to 8.3%

You can say whatever you want about Reagan. I wasn't even a year old when he was inaugurated and I spent most of his term watching cartoons, playing with GI Joes, and running around outside. You older folks can argue the timeline and intricacies of everything that went on from Carter's term to his. I didn't live it.

But that's all beside the point. What happened from Carter to Reagan doesn't change the fact that the economy went off a cliff in September of 2008 and was still tail spinning when Obama took office in 2009. It doesn't change the fact that the economy was losing 700k jobs a month when Barack took office. It doesn't change the fact that each month of employment doesn't exist in a vacuum and that there was no way that steep slope was going was going to be turned on a dime. And I answered your question. He isn't failing so I reject your premise. The economy is growing jobs and there's no way they are going to grow at the same trajectory (or anywhere close to it) in which we lost them after the crash.

The huge deficit is also a result of the crash. We were already running a $450 billion deficit when the crash hit and the massive unemployment left in it's wake put a huge gash in government receipts (the government took in $600 billion less for FY2009 than it did FY2008) which played a big role in blowing up the deficit.

The economy has turned the corner. He's going to get four more years.

junior thinks he knows more than someone who was actually old enough to vote for Reagan. DERPBOY, Wisdom is something you grow into, wisdom is something you lack.

lol you couldn't refute that post if your life depended on it

What's to refute? Bush and the democrats cause the mess, and obama is continuing where bush left off.
I see. so, if I said reagan had to clean up after carter, and none of the poor gdp and high unemployment was his fault because he had to let Volcker pop the inflationary/financial bubble, you'd be cool with that? and the deficit? is that Bushs too?

and you didn't answer my question Art.

You can say whatever you want about Reagan. I wasn't even a year old when he was inaugurated and I spent most of his term watching cartoons, playing with GI Joes, and running around outside. You older folks can argue the timeline and intricacies of everything that went on from Carter's term to his. I didn't live it.

But that's all beside the point. What happened from Carter to Reagan doesn't change the fact that the economy went off a cliff in September of 2008 and was still tail spinning when Obama took office in 2009. It doesn't change the fact that the economy was losing 700k jobs a month when Barack took office. It doesn't change the fact that each month of employment doesn't exist in a vacuum and that there was no way that steep slope was going was going to be turned on a dime. And I answered your question. He isn't failing so I reject your premise. The economy is growing jobs and there's no way they are going to grow at the same trajectory (or anywhere close to it) in which we lost them after the crash.

The huge deficit is also a result of the crash. We were already running a $450 billion deficit when the crash hit and the massive unemployment left in it's wake put a huge gash in government receipts (the government took in $600 billion less for FY2009 than it did FY2008) which played a big role in blowing up the deficit.

The economy has turned the corner. He's going to get four more years.

junior thinks he knows more than someone who was actually old enough to vote for Reagan. DERPBOY, Wisdom is something you grow into, wisdom is something you lack.

you lack the wisdom to publicly admit your lies about the GA ballot, yet you lecture others on wisdom? Here, have some neg, you lying, narcissistic sack of whale excrement.
You can say whatever you want about Reagan. I wasn't even a year old when he was inaugurated and I spent most of his term watching cartoons, playing with GI Joes, and running around outside. You older folks can argue the timeline and intricacies of everything that went on from Carter's term to his. I didn't live it.

But that's all beside the point. What happened from Carter to Reagan doesn't change the fact that the economy went off a cliff in September of 2008 and was still tail spinning when Obama took office in 2009. It doesn't change the fact that the economy was losing 700k jobs a month when Barack took office. It doesn't change the fact that each month of employment doesn't exist in a vacuum and that there was no way that steep slope was going was going to be turned on a dime. And I answered your question. He isn't failing so I reject your premise. The economy is growing jobs and there's no way they are going to grow at the same trajectory (or anywhere close to it) in which we lost them after the crash.

The huge deficit is also a result of the crash. We were already running a $450 billion deficit when the crash hit and the massive unemployment left in it's wake put a huge gash in government receipts (the government took in $600 billion less for FY2009 than it did FY2008) which played a big role in blowing up the deficit.

The economy has turned the corner. He's going to get four more years.

junior thinks he knows more than someone who was actually old enough to vote for Reagan. DERPBOY, Wisdom is something you grow into, wisdom is something you lack.

you lack the wisdom to publicly admit your lies about the GA ballot, yet you lecture others on wisdom? Here, have some neg, you lying, narcissistic sack of whale excrement.

He never ever admits when he's wrong. You should see his shameful history in the birther/conspiracy theory threads.

Charles Barkley: "that's turrible"
junior thinks he knows more than someone who was actually old enough to vote for Reagan. DERPBOY, Wisdom is something you grow into, wisdom is something you lack.

you lack the wisdom to publicly admit your lies about the GA ballot, yet you lecture others on wisdom? Here, have some neg, you lying, narcissistic sack of whale excrement.

He never ever admits when he's wrong. You should see his shameful history in the birther/conspiracy theory threads.

Charles Barkley: "that's turrible"

Is that lying son of a bitch here? he needs help he's crying out for it. He comes to a thread with an off topic subject and you GT don't say anything about him doing that, but you attack me. Sounds like you a liberal defending another liberal.
Now, Listen up shit stain, when I am wrong I admit I have several times.
you lack the wisdom to publicly admit your lies about the GA ballot, yet you lecture others on wisdom? Here, have some neg, you lying, narcissistic sack of whale excrement.

He never ever admits when he's wrong. You should see his shameful history in the birther/conspiracy theory threads.

Charles Barkley: "that's turrible"

Is that lying son of a bitch here? he needs help he's crying out for it. He comes to a thread with an off topic subject and you GT don't say anything about him doing that, but you attack me. Sounds like you a liberal defending another liberal.
Now, Listen up shit stain, when I am wrong I admit I have several times.

No, I've seen you obstainant about admitting when you're wrong dozens of times. You're an ass hole, seriously. Look at ya.
He never ever admits when he's wrong. You should see his shameful history in the birther/conspiracy theory threads.

Charles Barkley: "that's turrible"

Is that lying son of a bitch here? he needs help he's crying out for it. He comes to a thread with an off topic subject and you GT don't say anything about him doing that, but you attack me. Sounds like you a liberal defending another liberal.
Now, Listen up shit stain, when I am wrong I admit I have several times.

No, I've seen you obstainant about admitting when you're wrong dozens of times. You're an ass hole, seriously. Look at ya.

I have in the past admitted I was wrong, If you think I haven't start a thread in the flame zone showing where I was wrong and did not admit to it. If not move along and you and conservative need to stop trying to derail this thread.
Talking about another subject is deflection. Congress put us in the economic position we were in for 2008. That was Democratic led economic experimentation by Barney Franks and company.
He never ever admits when he's wrong. You should see his shameful history in the birther/conspiracy theory threads.

Charles Barkley: "that's turrible"

Is that lying son of a bitch here? he needs help he's crying out for it. He comes to a thread with an off topic subject and you GT don't say anything about him doing that, but you attack me. Sounds like you a liberal defending another liberal.
Now, Listen up shit stain, when I am wrong I admit I have several times.

No, I've seen you obstainant about admitting when you're wrong dozens of times. You're an ass hole, seriously. Look at ya.
since the little pussbot is pretending to ignore me, and is such a coward that he has PM's turned off and has his public page 'restricted' to his 'friends list', ask him if he admits his quote in my sig is a lie. He'll probably start pretending to ignore you too :rofl:
Is that lying son of a bitch here? he needs help he's crying out for it. He comes to a thread with an off topic subject and you GT don't say anything about him doing that, but you attack me. Sounds like you a liberal defending another liberal.
Now, Listen up shit stain, when I am wrong I admit I have several times.

No, I've seen you obstainant about admitting when you're wrong dozens of times. You're an ass hole, seriously. Look at ya.

I have in the past admitted I was wrong, If you think I haven't start a thread in the flame zone showing where I was wrong and did not admit to it. If not move along and you and conservative need to stop trying to derail this thread.

admit you lied about Obama being off the ballot in GA, and I'll drop my sig, and I will refrain from pointing out further lies on your part for 3 months.
People saying they dont trust the numbers should not trust the numbers, ever, under any President, thus we have no benchmark to measure what's "good" and what's "bad" so, stop circle jerking with mundane nothingness.
Is that lying son of a bitch here? he needs help he's crying out for it. He comes to a thread with an off topic subject and you GT don't say anything about him doing that, but you attack me. Sounds like you a liberal defending another liberal.
Now, Listen up shit stain, when I am wrong I admit I have several times.

No, I've seen you obstainant about admitting when you're wrong dozens of times. You're an ass hole, seriously. Look at ya.

I have in the past admitted I was wrong, If you think I haven't start a thread in the flame zone showing where I was wrong and did not admit to it. If not move along and you and conservative need to stop trying to derail this thread.

CONCLUSION:president Barack Obama is eligible as a candidate for the presidential primary election under O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(b)
People saying they dont trust the numbers should not trust the numbers, ever, under any President, thus we have no benchmark to measure what's "good" and what's "bad" so, stop circle jerking with mundane nothingness.

GT this time is a hair different.

The Congressional Budget Office was so concerned about these people leaving the labor force that they warned that the current unemployment rate that reporters so breathlessly await at the beginning of each month is quite misleading.

At the end of last year, the CBO cautioned that the official unemployment rate was about 1.25 percentage points lower than the real rate. In January, that gap was about 1.6 percentage points.

Read more: The Bad News Behind The January Jobs Report | Fox News
No, I've seen you obstainant about admitting when you're wrong dozens of times. You're an ass hole, seriously. Look at ya.

I have in the past admitted I was wrong, If you think I haven't start a thread in the flame zone showing where I was wrong and did not admit to it. If not move along and you and conservative need to stop trying to derail this thread.

CONCLUSION:president Barack Obama is eligible as a candidate for the presidential primary election under O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(b)

I was wrong so fucking what? I said I would accept the decision of the Secretary of State and it's a dead issue. Or did you miss that part in that thread that I wrote?
People saying they dont trust the numbers should not trust the numbers, ever, under any President, thus we have no benchmark to measure what's "good" and what's "bad" so, stop circle jerking with mundane nothingness.

go here if you need numbers

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

They got everything.

Official UE = 13 Million
Actual UE = 23.2 Million


Over 16% UE. That's a lot of people and nothing to cheer about.
People saying they dont trust the numbers should not trust the numbers, ever, under any President, thus we have no benchmark to measure what's "good" and what's "bad" so, stop circle jerking with mundane nothingness.

go here if you need numbers

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

They got everything.

Official UE = 13 Million
Actual UE = 23.2 Million


Over 16% UE. That's a lot of people and nothing to cheer about.

nothing what so ever, just any lie to make obama look good.
People saying they dont trust the numbers should not trust the numbers, ever, under any President, thus we have no benchmark to measure what's "good" and what's "bad" so, stop circle jerking with mundane nothingness.

go here if you need numbers

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

They got everything.

Official UE = 13 Million
Actual UE = 23.2 Million


Over 16% UE. That's a lot of people and nothing to cheer about.

To you and full-auto.....

The formula has been stagnant - it's the same statistics used to calculate it under each President.

Two Thumbs: what I mean is, when Bush was looking sharp with his 4.-whatever % unemployment, there was that actual "real" UE number then, too, which was higher. There always is. Difference being, if a partisan's team is in office they use official, and the opposing team shouts "but but but real."

That's what I mean by the whole thing being a circle jerk. If you're going to cite the "real" number, then go ahead and downgrade Bush's good early UE numbers to "meh."
People saying they dont trust the numbers should not trust the numbers, ever, under any President, thus we have no benchmark to measure what's "good" and what's "bad" so, stop circle jerking with mundane nothingness.

go here if you need numbers

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

They got everything.

Official UE = 13 Million
Actual UE = 23.2 Million


Over 16% UE. That's a lot of people and nothing to cheer about.

The 'real' number you idiots keep referring to is simply U-6, which is a number the bureau of Labor Statistics reports every month.

It is currently at a 36 month low, right along with the U-3 'official' number.

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