Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Your still a moron TDM.

Your Dems and the Reps are responsible for the state this country is in.

Keep telling yourself your Dems were innocent bystanders. You might believe it but anyone with half a brain knows better.

Guess that leaves you out.

Obama brought the country back.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

It's morning in America.

Sounds like a mantra. Obama's a religion now huh?
Your still a moron TDM.

Your Dems and the Reps are responsible for the state this country is in.

Keep telling yourself your Dems were innocent bystanders. You might believe it but anyone with half a brain knows better.

Guess that leaves you out.

Obama brought the country back.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

It's morning in America.
here... for the obviously indoctrinated Chris...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ettl3zfLWus]Kids Obama Song - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGK8ZFKZZUk]Sing for Change FULL version - YouTube[/ame]
We just had the government 'get out' of Chrysler for a 6 billion dollar loss to the tax payers. That's good how? GM just shuffled money around and took out new loans and is STILL looking at going down if the lack of sales for the Chevy Volt are any indicator. The stimulus has bailed out foreign banks quite successfully, but has been an abject failure in this nation. Besides, isn't that more a Bush era fuckup? Okay, Obama can have the blame for it too, since he's pushed for QE2 and wants QE3 now.

Obama has done a great job for the Chinese and radical Islamofascists by inflaming hate for the US around the world and undermining our economic health.

Chrysler has already paid back the loan.

Do a ittle research.
I did. The tax payers lost 6 billion on the 'investment'.

Shit... even fuckedcheck won't back the lib spin. That's bad news. Can their word be trusted? Let's see how this 'Folgers' switch turns out.

"We've replaced the normally liberal conclusions of fuckedcheck.org with something that disagrees with them. Let's see if they turn on it like rabid tasmanian devils on crystal meth."

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011
Here is a teachable moment as we see worthless lying scum CON$ exaggerate 1.3 billion into 6 billion, teaching us to never ever believe any number that comes from lying scum CON$. :eusa_liar:
Chrysler has already paid back the loan.

Do a ittle research.
I did. The tax payers lost 6 billion on the 'investment'.

Shit... even fuckedcheck won't back the lib spin. That's bad news. Can their word be trusted? Let's see how this 'Folgers' switch turns out.

"We've replaced the normally liberal conclusions of fuckedcheck.org with something that disagrees with them. Let's see if they turn on it like rabid tasmanian devils on crystal meth."

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011
Here is a teachable moment as we see worthless lying scum CON$ exaggerate 1.3 billion into 6 billion, teaching us to never ever believe any number that comes from lying scum CON$. :eusa_liar:
I thought you was a government troll why are you calling the Treasury Department lying scum?
If that happens obama won't be the cause of it, his job record would be the political death of any president. It will be self inflected wound that kills the GOP.


Obama’s made-up jobless numbers

But wait, what’s that little asterisk here? A record 1.2 million Americans left the labor force? 1.2 million?! Well, where’d they go? Oh, just left? Well, OK. But no, wait. What does that even mean?
CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times
Most of them were Boomers retiring, that's where they went.
It means you have to be stupid to believe anything from the Washington Slimes. But you knew that already.
Highest unemployment since when, Chris? And we're going to get killed? :lol:

Big time.

I actually feel sorry for you.

It's our children that are going to have to deal with this shit that you should feel sorry for. The country will be in a better place once the '60's hippy generation' are no longer in a position to hold sway here. I'll fight to hold onto what shreds of our country and the contitution are left until they're gone.

I'm that generation and sadly, I have to agree with you. I had great liberal hopes at the time but they were dashed by the leftist agenda that kills the liberality of hope while wearing it as a mantle. This cost will be the greatest mutli-generational scourge America has ever brought into itself.

Can it divest itself from that hard leftist agenda now stamped into liberality?

I wonder.

Obama’s made-up jobless numbers

But wait, what’s that little asterisk here? A record 1.2 million Americans left the labor force? 1.2 million?! Well, where’d they go? Oh, just left? Well, OK. But no, wait. What does that even mean?
CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times
Most of them were Boomers retiring, that's where they went.
It means you have to be stupid to believe anything from the Washington Slimes. But you knew that already.

Your opinion is not a source. site it.
I did. The tax payers lost 6 billion on the 'investment'.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011
Here is a teachable moment as we see worthless lying scum CON$ exaggerate 1.3 billion into 6 billion, teaching us to never ever believe any number that comes from lying scum CON$. :eusa_liar:
I thought you was a government troll why are you calling the Treasury Department lying scum?
The Treasury Dept didn't lie about costing the taxpayer 6 Billion, it was YOUR fellow lying scum CON$ervative Little Fizzle. But thanks for the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act when CON$ are caught lying.
Here is a teachable moment as we see worthless lying scum CON$ exaggerate 1.3 billion into 6 billion, teaching us to never ever believe any number that comes from lying scum CON$. :eusa_liar:
I thought you was a government troll why are you calling the Treasury Department lying scum?
The Treasury Dept didn't lie about costing the taxpayer 6 Billion, it was YOUR fellow lying scum CON$ervative Little Fizzle. But thanks for the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act when CON$ are caught lying.

So you do realize obama's bailout was a failure?
Obama’s made-up jobless numbers

But wait, what’s that little asterisk here? A record 1.2 million Americans left the labor force? 1.2 million?! Well, where’d they go? Oh, just left? Well, OK. But no, wait. What does that even mean?
CURL: Obama's made-up jobless numbers - Washington Times
Most of them were Boomers retiring, that's where they went.
It means you have to be stupid to believe anything from the Washington Slimes. But you knew that already.

Your opinion is not a source. site it.
Actually I already did in this very thread, so you already know it's true.

But just to refresh your pretend bad memory, that 1.2 million is a full years correction and over that year a minimum of 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day.

Baby Boomer Retirement March 2008
Over the course of the next two decades, an average of 10,000 baby boomers per day will reach retirement age.

Ideation Insurance Group
Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.
I thought you was a government troll why are you calling the Treasury Department lying scum?
The Treasury Dept didn't lie about costing the taxpayer 6 Billion, it was YOUR fellow lying scum CON$ervative Little Fizzle. But thanks for the perpetual CON$ervative dumb act when CON$ are caught lying.

So you do realize obama's bailout was a failure?
Even you worthless lying scum CON$ don't think it was a failure or you wouldn't have exaggerated it to 6 billion to make it a failure if the 1.3 billion was already a failure.

We have another teachable moment here, if lying scum CON$ really believed that something was actually bad, they wouldn't have to exaggerate.
Most of them were Boomers retiring, that's where they went.
It means you have to be stupid to believe anything from the Washington Slimes. But you knew that already.

Your opinion is not a source. site it.
Actually I already did in this very thread, so you already know it's true.

But just to refresh your pretend bad memory, that 1.2 million is a full years correction and over that year a minimum of 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day.

Baby Boomer Retirement March 2008
Over the course of the next two decades, an average of 10,000 baby boomers per day will reach retirement age.

Ideation Insurance Group
Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.

Ding bat that's not a source showing 1.3 million people dropping from the work force because of being a baby boomer. A lot of baby boomers have not retired. they are still working. Some are in their 70's

POlus your source has to much government influence on it, try again. And it's dated 2008
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011

If so, then compare the cost to the cost if Chrysler had gone under.

To the taxpayer.. nothing

Businesses go under all the time... it's a part of life... companies come in to being... companies exist for whatever time.. companies go out of business.. new companies come in to business and the cycle continues
This ignores the fact that they'd have been bought by now on the cheap by a stronger car company and converted to make their vehicles. The bloated union would have been destroyed, and the economies of those areas would have been rebounding, PLUS less political corruption and payola. Sure, the union golden parachutes would have gone up in flames, but you know what? Everyone else is taking it in the shorts, so why should they be exempt from the same issue. Next, to do this to government unions. Oh wait, WI and OH already are.
Your opinion is not a source. site it.
Actually I already did in this very thread, so you already know it's true.

But just to refresh your pretend bad memory, that 1.2 million is a full years correction and over that year a minimum of 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day.

Baby Boomer Retirement March 2008
Over the course of the next two decades, an average of 10,000 baby boomers per day will reach retirement age.

Ideation Insurance Group
Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.

Ding bat that's not a source showing 1.3 million people dropping from the work force because of being a baby boomer. A lot of baby boomers have not retired. they are still working. Some are in their 70's

POlus your source has to much government influence on it, try again. And it's dated 2008
As I have shown so many times before, when worthless lying scum CON$ get caught with their foot in their lying mouth, they play dumb. The link clearly does not say that ALL the 10,000 Boomers retire as soon as eligible, it clearly says 3 out of 4 do, putting the lie to your Straw Man.

And it says that trend will last 2 decades, the length of the Baby Boom Generation, so the 2008 stat will not be out of date for about 15 more years.

Don't you think you CON$ have worn out your perpetual dumb act?????
Actually I already did in this very thread, so you already know it's true.

But just to refresh your pretend bad memory, that 1.2 million is a full years correction and over that year a minimum of 7,500 Boomers are retiring every day.

Baby Boomer Retirement March 2008
Over the course of the next two decades, an average of 10,000 baby boomers per day will reach retirement age.

Ideation Insurance Group
Approximately 3 out of 4 Americans start claiming Social Security benefits the moment they are eligible at age 62.

Ding bat that's not a source showing 1.3 million people dropping from the work force because of being a baby boomer. A lot of baby boomers have not retired. they are still working. Some are in their 70's

POlus your source has to much government influence on it, try again. And it's dated 2008
As I have shown so many times before, when worthless lying scum CON$ get caught with their foot in their lying mouth, they play dumb. The link clearly does not say that ALL the 10,000 Boomers retire as soon as eligible, it clearly says 3 out of 4 do, putting the lie to your Straw Man.

And it says that trend will last 2 decades, the length of the Baby Boom Generation, so the 2008 stat will not be out of date for about 15 more years.

Don't you think you CON$ have worn out your perpetual dumb act?????

Even so where are the numbers to support that opinion.
Your still a moron TDM.

Your Dems and the Reps are responsible for the state this country is in.

Keep telling yourself your Dems were innocent bystanders. You might believe it but anyone with half a brain knows better.

Guess that leaves you out.

Obama brought the country back.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

It's morning in America.
It's morning in America? More like it's dusk in America and the monsters are coming out. ...unless 2012 makes it an eclipse and we come out from behind the moon of socialism.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-itu1C5oB5I"]Pitch Black (Trailer 2000) - YouTube[/ame]
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