Unemployment falls to 8.3%

'Going to?' It's fading? Is that why things are no better now than when he left, over three years later?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

We are much better off than four years ago.

Yeah, it's a wonderful life out there, all propped up to look real pretty... until the crash hits.
Oh? Inflating the money supply artificially by over 100% is going to have an adverse negative effect once it starts moving? Oh that's just fearmongering balderdash! You sir are a liar. :rofl: No really! I'm being serious! :lol: Quit laughing at me! :roflmao:

A salient point that the left wishes to conveniently ignore that we're living on borrowed time before consequences slam home.
Ding bat that's not a source showing 1.3 million people dropping from the work force because of being a baby boomer. A lot of baby boomers have not retired. they are still working. Some are in their 70's

POlus your source has to much government influence on it, try again. And it's dated 2008
As I have shown so many times before, when worthless lying scum CON$ get caught with their foot in their lying mouth, they play dumb. The link clearly does not say that ALL the 10,000 Boomers retire as soon as eligible, it clearly says 3 out of 4 do, putting the lie to your Straw Man.

And it says that trend will last 2 decades, the length of the Baby Boom Generation, so the 2008 stat will not be out of date for about 15 more years.

Don't you think you CON$ have worn out your perpetual dumb act?????

Even so where are the numbers to support that opinion.
Do the math yourself.

Baby Boom population - U.S. Census Bureau - USA and by state
The Census is responsible for the number changes, not Obama.

Who's the head of the Census department? and who is his boss?

The Census is following a procudure that predates Obama. The problem, we have the same level of unemployment as two months ago, 8.9%. The numbers went down due to adminstrative adjustments, not jobs.
I already nailed you on that bullshit earlier in this very thread. Repeating it does not make it true.
Last time the unemployment figures fell, they actually rose to 11.4. What would the figures be if they told the truth this time.

The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts

By Paul Craig Roberts

February 06, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --- Last Friday the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in the first month of this new year 243,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate (U.3) fell to 8.3 percent. This good news is a mirage. It is due to faulty seasonal adjustments and to the BLS birth/death model. In a prolonged downturn, seasonal adjustments and the birth/death model produce nonexistent employment.

The unadjusted data show a rise in the unemployment rate. The birth/death model, which estimates the net effect of jobs lost from business failures and jobs created by new start-ups was designed for a normal growing economy, not for a prolonged downturn four years old. Statistician John Williams (shadowstats.com) reports that the BLS adds 48,000 new jobs per month to the payroll employment report based on the birth/death model even though the economy has not come out of the deep recession. In other words, over the course of a year, the birth/death model adds about 580,000 jobs to the reported jobs numbers. End of year benchmark revisions quietly take the nonexistent jobs out of the totals, but these revisions do not receive headlines and pass largely unnoticed.

* The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts:****** Information Clearing House
Last time the unemployment figures fell, they actually rose to 11.4. What would the figures be if they told the truth this time.

The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts

By Paul Craig Roberts

February 06, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --- Last Friday the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in the first month of this new year 243,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate (U.3) fell to 8.3 percent. This good news is a mirage. It is due to faulty seasonal adjustments and to the BLS birth/death model. In a prolonged downturn, seasonal adjustments and the birth/death model produce nonexistent employment.

The unadjusted data show a rise in the unemployment rate. The birth/death model, which estimates the net effect of jobs lost from business failures and jobs created by new start-ups was designed for a normal growing economy, not for a prolonged downturn four years old. Statistician John Williams (shadowstats.com) reports that the BLS adds 48,000 new jobs per month to the payroll employment report based on the birth/death model even though the economy has not come out of the deep recession. In other words, over the course of a year, the birth/death model adds about 580,000 jobs to the reported jobs numbers. End of year benchmark revisions quietly take the nonexistent jobs out of the totals, but these revisions do not receive headlines and pass largely unnoticed.

* The January Jobs Are Statistical Artifacts:****** Information Clearing House
Same CON$ervative bullshit, different CON$ervative bullshit artist.
Who's the head of the Census department? and who is his boss?

The Census is following a procudure that predates Obama. The problem, we have the same level of unemployment as two months ago, 8.9%. The numbers went down due to adminstrative adjustments, not jobs.
I already nailed you on that bullshit earlier in this very thread. Repeating it does not make it true.

Now you're reduced to lying. :lol:
The Census is following a procudure that predates Obama. The problem, we have the same level of unemployment as two months ago, 8.9%. The numbers went down due to adminstrative adjustments, not jobs.
I already nailed you on that bullshit earlier in this very thread. Repeating it does not make it true.

Now you're reduced to lying. :lol:
wait... He told the truth at some point? That doesn't sound right.

The Census is responsible for the number changes, not Obama.

Who's the head of the Census department? and who is his boss?

The Census is following a procudure that predates Obama. The problem, we have the same level of unemployment as two months ago, 8.9%. The numbers went down due to adminstrative adjustments, not jobs.

That would come as quite a surprise to the net 1/2 million people who started jobs in that time period.

There were no "administrative adjustments" that impacted the unemployment rate. There was a yearly benchmark.
as i have shown so many times before, when worthless lying scum con$ get caught with their foot in their lying mouth, they play dumb. The link clearly does not say that all the 10,000 boomers retire as soon as eligible, it clearly says 3 out of 4 do, putting the lie to your straw man.

And it says that trend will last 2 decades, the length of the baby boom generation, so the 2008 stat will not be out of date for about 15 more years.

Don't you think you con$ have worn out your perpetual dumb act?????

even so where are the numbers to support that opinion.
do the math yourself.

baby boom population - u.s. Census bureau - usa and by state

where are the numbers showing baby boomers retire when they turn 62!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is astounding how many experts we have here whose are so well versed in labor statistics.

Almost as amazing as how incompetent the people must be who work in the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Thank GOD you guys are here to give us the benefit of your superior statistical research, eh?
The Census is responsible for the number changes, not Obama.

Who's the head of the Census department? and who is his boss?

The Census is following a procudure that predates Obama. The problem, we have the same level of unemployment as two months ago, 8.9%. The numbers went down due to adminstrative adjustments, not jobs.

Who's the boss of the census Bureau Director? The census procedure might predate obama but if obama is the boss of the head of the census, Do you really trust those numbers?
Perhaps a more accurate statement might be, Obama is the beneficiary of a Census change that allows for a lower unemployment number, with basically the same number of people out of work at a 8.9% rate in 2011, which is the equivalent of 8.3% in 2012.

Saying the unemployment situation is the same as three months ago, seems correct to me. Fits with what I actually see out there.
In Oct 2011 when the U-3 rate was 8.9% there were 140,297,000 employed and 13,759,000 unemployed, however in Jan 2012 there were 141,637,000 employed and 12,758,000 unemployed. Apparently that fits with what you WANT to see "out there."

The Census is following a procudure that predates Obama. The problem, we have the same level of unemployment as two months ago, 8.9%. The numbers went down due to adminstrative adjustments, not jobs.
I already nailed you on that bullshit earlier in this very thread. Repeating it does not make it true.

Now you're reduced to lying. :lol:
You obviously thought I wouldn't be able to find the earlier post at the top after the threads were merged. :eusa_liar:
It is astounding how many experts we have here whose are so well versed in labor statistics.

Almost as amazing as how incompetent the people must be who work in the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Thank GOD you guys are here to give us the benefit of your superior statistical research, eh?
Any two bit mobster can cook the books and make them look legit. That's the Chicago way.
Perhaps a more accurate statement might be, Obama is the beneficiary of a Census change that allows for a lower unemployment number, with basically the same number of people out of work at a 8.9% rate in 2011, which is the equivalent of 8.3% in 2012.

Saying the unemployment situation is the same as three months ago, seems correct to me. Fits with what I actually see out there.
In Oct 2011 when the U-3 rate was 8.9% there were 140,297,000 employed and 13,759,000 unemployed, however in Jan 2012 there were 141,637,000 employed and 12,758,000 unemployed. Apparently that fits with what you WANT to see "out there."

I already nailed you on that bullshit earlier in this very thread. Repeating it does not make it true.

Now you're reduced to lying. :lol:
You obviously thought I wouldn't be able to find the earlier post at the top after the threads were merged. :eusa_liar:

Nothing of the sort. I just replied to your post later in that thread and disproved it. Its math. THREE variables changed not one.

The payback of the bailouts to Chrysler have not been paid back.... utter fact...

Sorry Charlie... your repetitive lies will not work

So you would have let them crash, then blame the administration. Any reasonable dem or pub president would have bailed them out. The right thing to do: no ifs, ands, or buts, and if the extremists who want America to fail, well, screw them.

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