Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Chrysler has already paid back the loan.

Do a ittle research.
I did. The tax payers lost 6 billion on the 'investment'.

FactCheck.org : Chrysler Paid in Full?

Since then, the administration has announced that it will sell its remaining Chrysler shares to Fiat, the Italian automaker that will now own a majority of the U.S. car company. Taxpayers will reap about $560 million from the stock sale, Treasury says. That still leaves taxpayers about $1.3 billion in the hole, and Treasury doesn't expect to ever get it back.
And the facts are that the automaker has not completely repaid the investments made by U.S. taxpayers, and that's the result of a decision by the Obama administration to forgive a significant portion of the original loan made by the previous administration.
Shit... even fuckedcheck won't back the lib spin. That's bad news. Can their word be trusted? Let's see how this 'Folgers' switch turns out.

"We've replaced the normally liberal conclusions of fuckedcheck.org with something that disagrees with them. Let's see if they turn on it like rabid tasmanian devils on crystal meth."
Chrysler Group LLC's 26,000 U.S. hourly employees will get their profit-sharing bonus checks Friday, according to an email CEO Sergio Marchionne sent late Monday to local union leaders, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News.
In his message, Marchionne praised workers for helping restore the Auburn Hills automaker to profitability and said they would receive a base bonus of $1,500 before taxes and union dues. Workers who worked overtime will receive more; workers who did not put in a full year of full-time work will receive less.
"In 2011, we demonstrated that outstanding results can be achieved when we bring together clear objectives, strong motivation, and enormous passion," Marchionne said in the email, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News. "Therefore, it is my pleasure to recognize you with this payment, which reflects the collective achievement of our company's performance and your personal contributions in 2011."
Chrysler reported its first net profit of $183 million — its first in 15 years — last week. For the first time since 2005, it also posted an operating profit of almost $2 billion. The company's annual earnings were actually much higher, but Marchionne decided to pay back Chrysler's loans from the U.S. and Canadian governments early.

Marchionne: Chrysler's hourly employees to get bonuses Friday | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com
Chrysler Group LLC's 26,000 U.S. hourly employees will get their profit-sharing bonus checks Friday, according to an email CEO Sergio Marchionne sent late Monday to local union leaders, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News.
In his message, Marchionne praised workers for helping restore the Auburn Hills automaker to profitability and said they would receive a base bonus of $1,500 before taxes and union dues. Workers who worked overtime will receive more; workers who did not put in a full year of full-time work will receive less.
"In 2011, we demonstrated that outstanding results can be achieved when we bring together clear objectives, strong motivation, and enormous passion," Marchionne said in the email, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News. "Therefore, it is my pleasure to recognize you with this payment, which reflects the collective achievement of our company's performance and your personal contributions in 2011."
Chrysler reported its first net profit of $183 million — its first in 15 years — last week. For the first time since 2005, it also posted an operating profit of almost $2 billion. The company's annual earnings were actually much higher, but Marchionne decided to pay back Chrysler's loans from the U.S. and Canadian governments early.

Marchionne: Chrysler's hourly employees to get bonuses Friday | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

doesn't mention the almost 5 billion in the article I posted. You FAIL
Chrysler Group LLC's 26,000 U.S. hourly employees will get their profit-sharing bonus checks Friday, according to an email CEO Sergio Marchionne sent late Monday to local union leaders, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News.
In his message, Marchionne praised workers for helping restore the Auburn Hills automaker to profitability and said they would receive a base bonus of $1,500 before taxes and union dues. Workers who worked overtime will receive more; workers who did not put in a full year of full-time work will receive less.
"In 2011, we demonstrated that outstanding results can be achieved when we bring together clear objectives, strong motivation, and enormous passion," Marchionne said in the email, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News. "Therefore, it is my pleasure to recognize you with this payment, which reflects the collective achievement of our company's performance and your personal contributions in 2011."
Chrysler reported its first net profit of $183 million — its first in 15 years — last week. For the first time since 2005, it also posted an operating profit of almost $2 billion. The company's annual earnings were actually much higher, but Marchionne decided to pay back Chrysler's loans from the U.S. and Canadian governments early.

Marchionne: Chrysler's hourly employees to get bonuses Friday | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

doesn't mention the almost 5 billion in the article I posted. You FAIL

No, you fail for being against the success of America.
I did. The tax payers lost 6 billion on the 'investment'.

FactCheck.org : Chrysler Paid in Full?

And the facts are that the automaker has not completely repaid the investments made by U.S. taxpayers, and that's the result of a decision by the Obama administration to forgive a significant portion of the original loan made by the previous administration.
Shit... even fuckedcheck won't back the lib spin. That's bad news. Can their word be trusted? Let's see how this 'Folgers' switch turns out.

"We've replaced the normally liberal conclusions of fuckedcheck.org with something that disagrees with them. Let's see if they turn on it like rabid tasmanian devils on crystal meth."

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011
Shit... even fuckedcheck won't back the lib spin. That's bad news. Can their word be trusted? Let's see how this 'Folgers' switch turns out.

"We've replaced the normally liberal conclusions of fuckedcheck.org with something that disagrees with them. Let's see if they turn on it like rabid tasmanian devils on crystal meth."

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011

If so, then compare the cost to the cost if Chrysler had gone under.
Shit... even fuckedcheck won't back the lib spin. That's bad news. Can their word be trusted? Let's see how this 'Folgers' switch turns out.

"We've replaced the normally liberal conclusions of fuckedcheck.org with something that disagrees with them. Let's see if they turn on it like rabid tasmanian devils on crystal meth."

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011

If so, then compare the cost to the cost if Chrysler had gone under.

IF? who knows? What we do know is that the tax payers lost in the deal. Basic economy 101 if one fall there will be another to take it places. But the government prevent the natural selection in the name of saving union pensions.
The number of Americans filing first- time claims for unemployment insurance payments unexpectedly declined last week, indicating the labor market recovery is gaining traction.

Applications for jobless benefits decreased 15,000 in the week ended Feb. 4 to 358,000, Labor Department figures showed today. Economists forecast 370,000 claims, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg News survey. The four-week moving average, a less-volatile measure of claims, declined to 366,250, the lowest since April 26, 2008.

The easing of dismissals is moving in tandem with a drop in the unemployment rate, which fell in January to a three-year low of 8.3 percent. Job creation also accelerated last month, showing the world’s largest economy is making headway in restoring the 8.3 million jobs lost during the 2007-2009 recession.

Jobless Claims in U.S. Unexpectedly Fall - Bloomberg
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- U.S. taxpayers likely lost $1.3 billion in the government bailout of Chrysler, the Treasury Department announced Thursday.
Taxpayers lose $1.3 billion as govt. exits Chrysler - Jul. 21, 2011

If so, then compare the cost to the cost if Chrysler had gone under.

IF? who knows? What we do know is that the tax payers lost in the deal. Basic economy 101 if one fall there will be another to take it places. But the government prevent the natural selection in the name of saving union pensions.


Is that all you got?

Man, you guys are going to get killed in November.
Horse shit, $8.00 an hour is slave labor for a working stiff,America needs not just jobs,but well paying jobs,the illegals have destroyed the wage structure in this country,and Obama is to blame,3 years and counting,and he has divided the Country .
Horse shit, $8.00 an hour is slave labor for a working stiff,America needs not just jobs,but well paying jobs,the illegals have destroyed the wage structure in this country,and Obama is to blame,3 years and counting,and he has divided the Country .


Obama has deported illegals at a higher rate than any president.
Horse shit, $8.00 an hour is slave labor for a working stiff,America needs not just jobs,but well paying jobs,the illegals have destroyed the wage structure in this country,and Obama is to blame,3 years and counting,and he has divided the Country .

I cant stand democrats, but must disagree Obama is to blame for illegals and the wage structure. Both parties suck on the issue.
Horse shit, $8.00 an hour is slave labor for a working stiff,America needs not just jobs,but well paying jobs,the illegals have destroyed the wage structure in this country,and Obama is to blame,3 years and counting,and he has divided the Country .

That lie wont fly in the face of the facts.

the Republican party did EVERYTHING they could to try and harm this presidents chances.

They annouced it right after he took office.

Then they voted against their OWN bills to try and harm him.

The divide is clearly created by the right.

The American people are not as stupid as you hope they are.
Horse shit, $8.00 an hour is slave labor for a working stiff,America needs not just jobs,but well paying jobs,the illegals have destroyed the wage structure in this country,and Obama is to blame,3 years and counting,and he has divided the Country .

Are you really this stupid? After 9-11, Bush could have closed the southern border with full support of the American people. He did nothing. And the majority of the illegals came in after 9-11. During Bush's first term, we have no idea of who or what came across that border.

The Teabagger obstructionists, a truly Do-Nothing Congress, is what has divided this naiton. Soon to be united in kicking their collective asses out.
Horse shit, $8.00 an hour is slave labor for a working stiff,America needs not just jobs,but well paying jobs,the illegals have destroyed the wage structure in this country,and Obama is to blame,3 years and counting,and he has divided the Country .

I cant stand democrats, but must disagree Obama is to blame for illegals and the wage structure. Both parties suck on the issue.

You are a Republican, and you are arguing that wages are too low????

Republicans have constantly fought minimum wage increases and unions, the two things that support wage earners.

Are you really this confused?

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