Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Chris, I'm not suggesting Obama had anything to do with the Census data or survey, just questioning the results. The lower number seems wrong to me, and apparently Mr. Bernake.

Why do you find it unbelievable that in a month when the economy added 243,000 jobs, and when the prior 2 months were revised upwards,

that the net result was a modest 2/10ths of a percent drop in the unemployment rate?
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the 8.3 percent rate of unemployment in January understates weakness in the U.S. labor market. “It is very important to look not just at the unemployment rate, which reflects only people who are actively seeking work,” Bernanke said today in response to questions at a hearing before the Senate Budget Committee in Washington. “There are also a lot of people who are either out of the labor force because they don’t think they can find work” or in part- time jobs. “The 8.3 percent no doubt understates the weakness of the labor market in some broad sense”

U-3 ALWAYS understates how many people are not working. So what?

The propaganda here, aka the lie, is that somehow this is unique or peculiar to the Obama presidency, or that the number is being fudged.

You can't win this argument.

I get it, when it serves your side Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke is a propagandist.

You're an idiot. Nothing you said has anything to do with what I said.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the 8.3 percent rate of unemployment in January understates weakness in the U.S. labor market. “It is very important to look not just at the unemployment rate, which reflects only people who are actively seeking work,” Bernanke said today in response to questions at a hearing before the Senate Budget Committee in Washington. “There are also a lot of people who are either out of the labor force because they don’t think they can find work” or in part- time jobs. “The 8.3 percent no doubt understates the weakness of the labor market in some broad sense”

U-3 ALWAYS understates how many people are not working. So what?

The propaganda here, aka the lie, is that somehow this is unique or peculiar to the Obama presidency, or that the number is being fudged.

You can't win this argument.

I get it, when it serves your side Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke is a propagandist.

"Online advertised vacancies rose 438,000 in January to 4,273,000 according to The Conference Board Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Data Series released today. With the January increase, labor demand has risen 1.44 million since the series low point in April 2009 (see chart). This increase now offsets approximately 80% of the 1.76 million drop in ad volume during the 2-year downturn period from April 2007 through April 2009."

CARPE DIEM: There's Hope: Online Job Demand Rises Above Pre-Recession Levels: Highest Since June 2007
Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?
until last week, yes. But note that "can't find" implies actually looking for work. Of course some not trying to work won't find a job. That's why they're not classified as unemployed.
You answer implies you are trying to deflect the issue.
Since I don't know what your issue is, I can hardly deflect.

1. Did they lose their Job?
yes, fired.
3. to imply or question are they looking for a job is a deflection.
not sure what you mean. My friend was fired, found a new job, then quit for better job.
4. which leads us back are they no longer working because they lost a job?
now working because found job.
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

Or this could be said about the obama machine when it's numbers do not match with reality.

Liar, liar, pants on fire....

"Online advertised vacancies rose 438,000 in January to 4,273,000 according to The Conference Board Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Data Series released today. With the January increase, labor demand has risen 1.44 million since the series low point in April 2009 (see chart). This increase now offsets approximately 80% of the 1.76 million drop in ad volume during the 2-year downturn period from April 2007 through April 2009."

CARPE DIEM: There's Hope: Online Job Demand Rises Above Pre-Recession Levels: Highest Since June 2007

Data can be manipulated, The data given does not match the reality of today's economy.
Chris, I'm not suggesting Obama had anything to do with the Census data or survey, just questioning the results. The lower number seems wrong to me, and apparently Mr. Bernake.

Why do you find it unbelievable that in a month when the economy added 243,000 jobs, and when the prior 2 months were revised upwards,

that the net result was a modest 2/10ths of a percent drop in the unemployment rate?

I live in Michigan NYC. We have been a top ten recovery state for a while now. It was not good here in December and January. So if a leading state is having a tough time, it just seems strange we are so much better. So, it is amazing how car sales where I work seem to reflect the economy as a leading indicator. That has not been very strong either. The good news is, if I'm wrong we are better off. That is a good thing.
until last week, yes. But note that "can't find" implies actually looking for work. Of course some not trying to work won't find a job. That's why they're not classified as unemployed.
You answer implies you are trying to deflect the issue.
Since I don't know what your issue is, I can hardly deflect.

yes, fired.
3. to imply or question are they looking for a job is a deflection.
not sure what you mean. My friend was fired, found a new job, then quit for better job.
4. which leads us back are they no longer working because they lost a job?
now working because found job.

You dance around a question that you did not have to.
All you had to say was your friend was fired which would mean the government would not consider him unemployed.
Or this could be said about the obama machine when it's numbers do not match with reality.

Liar, liar, pants on fire....

"Online advertised vacancies rose 438,000 in January to 4,273,000 according to The Conference Board Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Data Series released today. With the January increase, labor demand has risen 1.44 million since the series low point in April 2009 (see chart). This increase now offsets approximately 80% of the 1.76 million drop in ad volume during the 2-year downturn period from April 2007 through April 2009."

CARPE DIEM: There's Hope: Online Job Demand Rises Above Pre-Recession Levels: Highest Since June 2007

Data can be manipulated, The data given does not match the reality of today's economy.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

"Online help wanted ads are being manipulated by the Obama administration, and I'm the only one who knows......"

What a joke.
Liar, liar, pants on fire....

"Online advertised vacancies rose 438,000 in January to 4,273,000 according to The Conference Board Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Data Series released today. With the January increase, labor demand has risen 1.44 million since the series low point in April 2009 (see chart). This increase now offsets approximately 80% of the 1.76 million drop in ad volume during the 2-year downturn period from April 2007 through April 2009."

CARPE DIEM: There's Hope: Online Job Demand Rises Above Pre-Recession Levels: Highest Since June 2007

Data can be manipulated, The data given does not match the reality of today's economy.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

"Online help wanted ads are being manipulated by the Obama administration, and I'm the only one who knows......"

What a joke.

I remember a time how the left was screaming bush lied. Why is it now different?
The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.

That number comes straight from the same report you are so proud of jackass.
But the report does NOT say 1.2 million dropped out. The census data showed an undercount, so Saround 1.5 million were added, mostly in the 16-24 and 55+ age groups, so a lot of students and retirees: not in the labor force. The labor force also increased.
The economy still has weaknesses, is recovering, manufacturing is growing, and so on.

Guarded optimismn is appropriate.
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Obama is the second coming of Carter, so close yet so wrong. The question is will he LEAD to another Reagan? Or Coolidge?
I would be cautious about believing those employment numbers.

Allen West: 'Is Someone Playing with Unemployment Numbers?' - New numbers on the economy came out today, revealing some seemingly positive trends, such as a drop in the unemployment rate. One of these numbers is a major drop in black unemployment, from 15.8% to 13.6%, a huge jump. On the surface, it's good news.

Allen West, however, isn't having it -- he thinks someone may have tampered with the figures.

"Can someone tell me how employment in the black community has improved at a rate three times the national average in just a few months?? With numbers like today, urban communities should be well on their way to economic recovery then! There is something suspicious about the job numbers released today and it has me very concerned," West wondered Friday. "Is this dramatic supposed decrease in black unemployment a result of job creation or is someone playing around with the census numbers??"

The numbers presented indicate a massive drop, one that we've never seen before -- and one that doesn't seem to reflect actual experience. Even economists are questioning the numbers:

Bill Clinton has done this trick to the BLS numbers before. He excluded the inner cities from the survey where high concentrations of unemployed & black people live. I guess Hillary has shared this secret with Barack.

Clintons Unemployment Numbers Trick - The Clinton administration also reduced monthly household sampling from 60,000 to about 50,000, eliminating significant surveying in the inner cities. Despite claims of corrective statistical adjustments, reported unemployment among people of color declined sharply, and the piggybacked poverty survey showed a remarkable reversal in decades of worsening poverty trends.
Quote: Originally Posted by bigrebnc1775 View Post OK what ever but the judge just ruled obama is not eligible and the State Attorney General concurs.
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Obama is the second coming of Carter, so close yet so wrong. The question is will he LEAD to another Reagan? Or Coolidge?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Obama is the second coming of Carter, so close yet so wrong. The question is will he LEAD to another Reagan? Or Coolidge?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

please link to Obama policies that directly affected those items.
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Obama is the second coming of Carter, so close yet so wrong. The question is will he LEAD to another Reagan? Or Coolidge?

Yes obama is another Carter as for the economy, but he is also a geroge bush when it comes to the Constitution.
Obama is the second coming of Carter, so close yet so wrong. The question is will he LEAD to another Reagan? Or Coolidge?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.7 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

please link to Obama policies that directly affected those items.

The stimulus, the bail out of GM and Chrysler, the decision to expand the drone zone in Pakistan and go after Bin Laden, and the decision to support the rebels and go after Gaddafi.

Obama has done a great job, but the Republicans don't have the balls to admit it.

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