Unemployment falls to 8.3%

The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.

As I said a couple times, the right will stay in denial of the recovery as long as they can, and then, when denial becomes impossible,

they'll start to try taking credit for it.

Right :doubt:

So - Ben Bernanke is in denial? :confused:
The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.

As I said a couple times, the right will stay in denial of the recovery as long as they can, and then, when denial becomes impossible,

they'll start to try taking credit for it.

Right :doubt:

So - Ben Bernanke is in denial? :confused:
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.
As I said a couple times, the right will stay in denial of the recovery as long as they can, and then, when denial becomes impossible,

they'll start to try taking credit for it.

Right :doubt:

So - Ben Bernanke is in denial? :confused:
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?

I am also throwing that question out to everyone in this forum
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Anyway if you can answer yes you know people who aren't working imagine how many they know who aren't working. The numbers the government has given does not match the reality of the situation
Right :doubt:

So - Ben Bernanke is in denial? :confused:
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?
until last week, yes. But note that "can't find" implies actually looking for work. Of course some not trying to work won't find a job. That's why they're not classified as unemployed.
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?
until last week, yes. But note that "can't find" implies actually looking for work. Of course some not trying to work won't find a job. That's why they're not classified as unemployed.
You answer implies you are trying to deflect the issue.
1. Did they lose their Job?
2. Or did they quite
3. to imply or question are they looking for a job is a deflection.
4. which leads us back are they no longer working because they lost a job?
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Data is not the plural of anecdote.
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Data is not the plural of anecdote.

It's a simple question why can't you answer it?
The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.


When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.

When the law is on your side argue the law.

When you have neither, bang on the table.

All the Republican have left is banging on the table.
Right :doubt:

So - Ben Bernanke is in denial? :confused:
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?

I am also throwing that question out to everyone in this forum
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Anyway if you can answer yes you know people who aren't working imagine how many they know who aren't working. The numbers the government has given does not match the reality of the situation

U-6 counts those people and U-6 is at a 36 month LOW.
The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.

That number comes straight from the same report you are so proud of jackass.
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?

I am also throwing that question out to everyone in this forum
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Anyway if you can answer yes you know people who aren't working imagine how many they know who aren't working. The numbers the government has given does not match the reality of the situation

U-6 counts those people and U-6 is at a 36 month LOW.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the 8.3 percent rate of unemployment in January understates weakness in the U.S. labor market. “It is very important to look not just at the unemployment rate, which reflects only people who are actively seeking work,” Bernanke said today in response to questions at a hearing before the Senate Budget Committee in Washington. “There are also a lot of people who are either out of the labor force because they don’t think they can find work” or in part- time jobs. “The 8.3 percent no doubt understates the weakness of the labor market in some broad sense”
Nope, he's correct that it's important to look at the full picture, but he's NOT saying anything disparaging about the official rate. Nobody claims it gives a complete picture of the entire situation...it's not supposed to...it measures what it measures. There's a reason BLS publishes a whole host of data. Bernake is not repeating the lies of zerohedge and others.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?

I am also throwing that question out to everyone in this forum
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Anyway if you can answer yes you know people who aren't working imagine how many they know who aren't working. The numbers the government has given does not match the reality of the situation

U-6 counts those people and U-6 is at a 36 month LOW.

Deflection and you statement has already been debunked.
Do you know of anyone who has lost their job?
That's what I have been trying to point out.

Yes, but your reasoning was flawed. The BLS dropped 1.2 million people from the count.

You people simply don't understand, and apparently don't want to understand, what they did. You immediately latched onto the rightwing propaganda machine's spin of this as if it were true.

PLEASE READ THIS, this is directly from the BLS site:

Effective with data for January 2012, updated population estimates
which reflect the results of Census 2010 have been used in the
household survey. Population estimates for the household survey are
developed by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Each year, the Census Bureau
updates the estimates to reflect new information and assumptions about
the growth of the population during the decade. The change in
population reflected in the new estimates results from the
introduction of the Census 2010 count as the new population base,
adjustments for net international migration, updated vital statistics and
other information, and some methodological changes in the estimation
process. The vast majority of the population change, however, is due
to the change in base population from Census 2000 to Census 2010.

In accordance with usual practice, BLS will not revise the official
household survey estimates for December 2011 and earlier months. To
show the impact of the population adjustment, however, differences in
selected December 2011 labor force series based on the old and new
population estimates are shown in table B.

The adjustment increased the estimated size of the civilian
noninstitutional population in December by 1,510,000, the civilian
labor force by 258,000, employment by 216,000, unemployment by 42,000,
and persons not in the labor force by 1,252,000. Although the total
unemployment rate was unaffected
, the labor force participation rate
and the employment-population ratio were each reduced by 0.3
percentage point. This was because the population increase was
primarily among persons 55 and older and, to a lesser degree, persons
16 to 24 years of age. Both these age groups have lower levels of
labor force participation than the general population.

Employment Situation Summary

No, you don't understand. The number of people in the labor pool went up 0.3% AND 0.3% dropped out of the count. A total of 0.6% change, which takes us from 8.9% to 8.3%. Never mind it acknowledges more people out of work (1.2 million).
Last edited:
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Do you know of anyone who has lost their job and is not working now because they can't find a job?

I am also throwing that question out to everyone in this forum
Do you know anyone who has lost their job and have not been able to find another?
On the road I live on 20 people have lost their jobs and this is from different career industries. Their was one more but he moved to another state looking for work. I don't know if he found a job.

Anyway if you can answer yes you know people who aren't working imagine how many they know who aren't working. The numbers the government has given does not match the reality of the situation

U-6 counts those people and U-6 is at a 36 month LOW.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the 8.3 percent rate of unemployment in January understates weakness in the U.S. labor market. “It is very important to look not just at the unemployment rate, which reflects only people who are actively seeking work,” Bernanke said today in response to questions at a hearing before the Senate Budget Committee in Washington. “There are also a lot of people who are either out of the labor force because they don’t think they can find work” or in part- time jobs. “The 8.3 percent no doubt understates the weakness of the labor market in some broad sense”

U-3 ALWAYS understates how many people are not working. So what?

The propaganda here, aka the lie, is that somehow this is unique or peculiar to the Obama presidency, or that the number is being fudged.

You can't win this argument.
Chris, I'm not suggesting Obama had anything to do with the Census data or survey, just questioning the results. The lower number seems wrong to me, and apparently Mr. Bernake.
The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

Or this could be said about the obama machine when it's numbers do not match with reality.

Liar, liar, pants on fire....

"Online advertised vacancies rose 438,000 in January to 4,273,000 according to The Conference Board Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Data Series released today. With the January increase, labor demand has risen 1.44 million since the series low point in April 2009 (see chart). This increase now offsets approximately 80% of the 1.76 million drop in ad volume during the 2-year downturn period from April 2007 through April 2009."

The Republican spin machine is heating up, shaking uncontrollably, and smoking.

It may come apart at any minute.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.

The parallels are remarkable, right down to the fact that the GOP is doomed to challenge Obama with a crap candidate.

The big difference is, Obama's foreign policy record, if anything, is better than Reagan's.
U-6 counts those people and U-6 is at a 36 month LOW.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the 8.3 percent rate of unemployment in January understates weakness in the U.S. labor market. “It is very important to look not just at the unemployment rate, which reflects only people who are actively seeking work,” Bernanke said today in response to questions at a hearing before the Senate Budget Committee in Washington. “There are also a lot of people who are either out of the labor force because they don’t think they can find work” or in part- time jobs. “The 8.3 percent no doubt understates the weakness of the labor market in some broad sense”

U-3 ALWAYS understates how many people are not working. So what?

The propaganda here, aka the lie, is that somehow this is unique or peculiar to the Obama presidency, or that the number is being fudged.

You can't win this argument.

I get it, when it serves your side Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke is a propagandist.

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