Unemployment falls to 8.3%

The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012
This thread shows without any doubt, that Democrats are Lemmings. The morons celebrate an unemployment rate over 8 percent. Question Libtards when was the last time a President won re-election with an unemployment rate over 7.2%? This is the first time since the Great Depression that the unemployment rate has been over 8% for 36 straight months.

Now think back to what the Messiah said in 2009?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ7QCzeUCYo]Obama Admits He is an Un-Electable Economic Failure - YouTube[/ame]
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Unemployment was never supposed to rise above 8% after the so called Stimulus.

Now, we are cheering becuase it has DROPPED to 8.3%..and it really hasn't dropped that far at all.

I wonder if the idiot who started this thread realizes just how pathetic it looks.
It was already over 8% before the stimulus passed, thank you GOP.
The data says about 1.5 million were added due to the Census changes. Also, 1.2 million were now considered out of the unemplyed count. Same reason.
You keep jumping around, are you still comparing the 8.9% Oct 2011 UE rate to the Jan 2012 8.3% UE rate that you said had the same numbers? If so, the employed people increased by 1.3 million for that period.

You do realize that the economy needs to gain 125,000 jobs per month to keep up with the growth of the working age public correct?
You do realize that over 200,000 Boomers are retiring every month opening jobs for those new workers? Remember how we were told that SS needed to be privatized because there would be less and less workers for each new Boomer retiree?
You keep jumping around, are you still comparing the 8.9% Oct 2011 UE rate to the Jan 2012 8.3% UE rate that you said had the same numbers? If so, the employed people increased by 1.3 million for that period.

You do realize that the economy needs to gain 125,000 jobs per month to keep up with the growth of the working age public correct?
You do realize that over 200,000 Boomers are retiring every month opening jobs for those new workers? Remember how we were told that SS needed to be privatized because there would be less and less workers for each new Boomer retiree?

If thats true then the unemployment rate should really be lower. A net of 75,000 jobs opening up for the unemployed yet we remain above 8 percent.
Unemployment was never supposed to rise above 8% after the so called Stimulus.

Now, we are cheering becuase it has DROPPED to 8.3%..and it really hasn't dropped that far at all.

I wonder if the idiot who started this thread realizes just how pathetic it looks.
It was already over 8% before the stimulus passed, thank you GOP.

Trillions of dollars later and with probably just as many promises from the Obama administration that the economy is turning the corner. We are at a slightly higher unemployment rate.

Thanks Obama
You do realize that the economy needs to gain 125,000 jobs per month to keep up with the growth of the working age public correct?
You do realize that over 200,000 Boomers are retiring every month opening jobs for those new workers? Remember how we were told that SS needed to be privatized because there would be less and less workers for each new Boomer retiree?

If thats true then the unemployment rate should really be lower. A net of 75,000 jobs opening up for the unemployed yet we remain above 8 percent.
Down from the 10.2% UE gift from Bush and the GOP.
Bush I, Term I created the first burst of unemployment post-Reagan. The Reagan Trajectory set in motion the 1996 Default of the U. S. Federal Government. The Clintons prevented that.

Bush II, Terms I & II, created the second burst of unemploment post-Reagan. That Reagan Trajectory set in motion the 2011 Default of the U. S. Federal Government. Even S&P contended that so. The Bush Tax Cuts set in motion the Downgrade, which the Tea Party/Boehner, rudderless GOP firmed up.

Obama extended the New Deal into Health Care security. That was already not precisely a lagging industry, when Obama came into office. The Great Lubrication of Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid--Mostly of the Ivy League and the Economics Educated--By-Passed any need of a tax base, and heavily funded the bureucrats and teachers who had caused the downturn instead.

The Reagan Trajectory had butressed the fortunes of the Defense-Industry educated. Obama-Biden butressed the fortunes of the rest of the educated, middle and upper income rich. Instead of Ignoring the poor, The Make-Work-Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit sent in money to shore up the lagging market. The Cantor/GOP opposed Stimulus, subsequent the Great Lubrication, actually put shovels to work in the economy.

State and Local Government employment is now a lagging industry, subsequent their own folly and high-minded myopia.

Unemployment rates were high a long time, after Hoover. Unemployment rates were high for a long time, After Bush II, Terms I & II.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Colorado Rocky Mountains High for a long-time, after Romney-Gingrich! "Forgetting To Know Them, Clearly Forgetting All About, Them!")
Bush I, Term I created the first burst of unemployment post-Reagan. The Reagan Trajectory set in motion the 1996 Default of the U. S. Federal Government. The Clintons prevented that.

Bush II, Terms I & II, created the second burst of unemploment post-Reagan. That Reagan Trajectory set in motion the 2011 Default of the U. S. Federal Government. Even S&P contended that so. The Bush Tax Cuts set in motion the Downgrade, which the Tea Party/Boehner, rudderless GOP firmed up.

Obama extended the New Deal into Health Care security. That was already not precisely a lagging industry, when Obama came into office. The Great Lubrication of Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid--Mostly of the Ivy League and the Economics Educated--By-Passed any need of a tax base, and heavily funded the bureucrats and teachers who had caused the downturn instead.

The Reagan Trajectory had butressed the fortunes of the Defense-Industry educated. Obama-Biden butressed the fortunes of the rest of the educated, middle and upper income rich. Instead of Ignoring the poor, The Make-Work-Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit sent in money to shore up the lagging market. The Cantor/GOP opposed Stimulus, subsequent the Great Lubrication, actually put shovels to work in the economy.

State and Local Government employment is now a lagging industry, subsequent their own folly and high-minded myopia.

Unemployment rates were high a long time, after Hoover. Unemployment rates were high for a long time, After Bush II, Terms I & II.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Colorado Rocky Mountains High for a long-time, after Romney-Gingrich! "Forgetting To Know Them, Clearly Forgetting All About, Them!")

Surely you don't think people will take your word for Bush being over 8 percent unemployment for 36 consecutive months right?

Nevermind let me help you hack job....

UnemploymentThe seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.3% in January 2001, peaking at 6.3% in June 2003 and reaching a trough of 4.4% in March 2007. After an economic slowdown, the rate rose again to 6.1% in August 2008 and up to 7.2% in December 2008.[56] From December 2007 when the recession started to December 2008, an additional 3.6 million people became unemployed.[57] And, as of January 1, 2009, his last month in office, the nation lost 655,000 jobs, raising the unemployment rate to 7.8%, the highest level in more than 15 years.[58]

If Obama was to get the unemployment rate down to 7.8% the heavens would open up and you would kiss his ass.....
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You do realize that over 200,000 Boomers are retiring every month opening jobs for those new workers? Remember how we were told that SS needed to be privatized because there would be less and less workers for each new Boomer retiree?

If thats true then the unemployment rate should really be lower. A net of 75,000 jobs opening up for the unemployed yet we remain above 8 percent.
Down from the 10.2% UE gift from Bush and the GOP.

Gift or no gift, Obama is responsible for the economy now. He has lost more jobs than Bush did during his presidency. And now he wants another four years....LMAO

He said he would be a one term president if he wasn't able to turn it around in three years, its time to collect on that promise.
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If thats true then the unemployment rate should really be lower. A net of 75,000 jobs opening up for the unemployed yet we remain above 8 percent.
Down from the 10.2% UE gift from Bush and the GOP.

Gift or no gift, Obama is responsible for the economy now. He has lost more jobs than Bush did during his presidency. And now he wants another four years....LMAO

He said he would be a one term president if he wasn't able to turn it around in three years, its time to collect on that promise.
Bush's policies that caused the unemployment didn't end the day Obama took office. Let me remind you that CON$ have been claiming that Reagan's economic policies effected job creation well unto Clinton's first term. That's 5 years after St Ronnie was out of office!!!
So Bush actually kept on-goin' and-a-goin' and-a-goin'! Finally someone put up a billboard, "Do You Miss Me Yet!" That was even during a hunting season!

The S&P downgrade was based on that nature of Bush Administration, uneven to even bail after, "Mission Accomplished!"

The Republicans likely all just kept all the money: Celebrating murders of Americans in Iraq, and celebrating the foreclsoure crisis disaster. Anyone can ask of them, even now, if any have stopped supporting the law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mostly, White Eyes gifted at renouncing law--of marks on paper with promises from Great White Father in Washington. . .Where He Shows His Teeth, Pearly White!)
Down from the 10.2% UE gift from Bush and the GOP.

Gift or no gift, Obama is responsible for the economy now. He has lost more jobs than Bush did during his presidency. And now he wants another four years....LMAO

He said he would be a one term president if he wasn't able to turn it around in three years, its time to collect on that promise.
Bush's policies that caused the unemployment didn't end the day Obama took office. Let me remind you that CON$ have been claiming that Reagan's economic policies effected job creation well unto Clinton's first term. That's 5 years after St Ronnie was out of office!!!

Obama is personally responsible for spending trillions of dollars to revive the economy. Shovel ready this shovel ready that, cash for clunkers, Jobs bill that....

What do we have to show for it?

An unemployment rate greater than what it was when he took office.

An unprecedant 36 month unemployment rate above 8%.
So Bush actually kept on-goin' and-a-goin' and-a-goin'! Finally someone put up a billboard, "Do You Miss Me Yet!" That was even during a hunting season!

The S&P downgrade was based on that nature of Bush Administration, uneven to even bail after, "Mission Accomplished!"

The Republicans likely all just kept all the money: Celebrating murders of Americans in Iraq, and celebrating the foreclsoure crisis disaster. Anyone can ask of them, even now, if any have stopped supporting the law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Mostly, White Eyes gifted at renouncing law--of marks on paper with promises from Great White Father in Washington. . .Where He Shows His Teeth, Pearly White!)

Bush had a net gain of jobs during his presidency.

Obama has a huge loss of jobs during his presidency.

Thats the jobs record of both presidencies
Ya'll might find this page worth a visit.

It offers us the stats for the SIX DIFFERENT WAYS we can measure unemployment.

For those of you who might actually be interested in the FACTS rather than you own goofy SPINS on these metrics?

Below is the overview of these six measures.
  • U1:This is the proportion of the civilian labor force that has been unemployed for 15 weeks or longer. This unemployment rate measures workers who are chronically unemployed. During business-cycle expansions, this rate captures structural unemployment. However, during lengthy business-cycle contractions, this rate is also likely to include a significant amount of cyclical unemployment. U1 tends to be relatively small, in the range of 1-2 percent.
  • U2:This is the proportion of the civilian labor force that is classified as job losers (workers who have been involuntarily fired or laid off from their jobs) and people who have completed temporary jobs. During business-cycle expansions, this rate is likely to capture some degree of frictional unemployment. However, during business-cycle contractions, this rate is most likely to consist of cyclical unemployment. U2 is larger than U1, but still remains substantially less than the official unemployment rate (U3).
  • U3:This is the official unemployment rate, which is the proportion of the civilian labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment.
  • U4:This is the official unemployment rate that is adjusted for discouraged workers. In other words, discouraged workers are treated just like other workers who are officially classified as unemployed, being included in both the ranks of the unemployed and the labor force. It is technically specified as the proportion of the civilian labor force (plus discouraged workers) that is either unemployed but actively seeking employment or discouraged workers. The addition of discouraged workers generally adds a few tenths of a percentage point to the official unemployment rate.
  • U5:This augments U4 by including marginally-attached workers to the unemployment rate calculation. Marginally attached workers are potential workers who have given up seeking employment for various reasons. One of these reasons is that the workers believe such effort would be futile, which places them in the discouraged worker category. Those who have other reasons for not seeking employment are placed in the broader marginally-attached workers category. The addition of marginally-attached workers adds a few more tenths of a percentage point to the official unemployment rate.
  • U6:This augments U5 by including part-time workers to the unemployment rate calculation. The addition of part-time workers adds a full 2-3 percentage points to the official unemployment rate. This measure of unemployment is perhaps the most comprehensive measure of labor resource unemployment available.

Who is counted as unemployed?

Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:
  • Contacting:
    • An employer directly or having a job interview
    • A public or private employment agency
    • Friends or relatives
    • A school or university employment center
  • Sending out resumes or filling out applications
  • Placing or answering advertisements
  • Checking union or professional registers
  • Some other means of active job search

Who is not in the labor force?

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over. Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces. The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force.
Source : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them, one of which came in a bit ago. Note the unbalanced observation and conclusion: "Fuck you and your lie. and no one but you and a few liberals and shit for brains cuntservative have called me a liar. So eat shit cum sucker."

This is why the party is turning each day to Romney. These far right wacks and hacks, with their sick little brains and sick hate for anything they do not like, are losing their grip in the party. Long ago these wacks were told their path would lead them here to their exclusion as important voices in American politics.

bigreb and his buds, like daveman and Dr. House, are neither conservatives nor pro-American. They want power at the expense of the great majority of their fellow citizens. Not going to happen.
bigreb cannot receive PMs but he can send them

That is a lie I never sent you a PM I sent you a vistor message dumb ass. which is not a private message.

yet you once pitched a fit when I posted a visitor message you left me, calling it a PM and whining I was not allowed to post it :rofl: @ you
Employment was down. That headline was only seasonally adjusted BS. Gold shot up $40 yesterday off the morning lows after Bernanke spoke.

Ben Bernanke says the job market isn't as strong as the steadily declining unemployment rate might suggest. He noted that the unemployment rate doesn't capture the plight of millions of people who have stopped looking for work or part-timers who can't find full-time jobs.

Bernanke agreed that an unemployment rate of 8.3 percent is understating the jobs problem. "It's very important to look not just at the unemployment rate, which reflects only people who are actively seeking work."..."There are also a lot of people who are either out of the labor force because they don't think they can find work."..."There are also a lot of people who are working part-time, and they'd like to be working full-time but they can't find full-time work."
Ya'll might find this page worth a visit.

It offers us the stats for the SIX DIFFERENT WAYS we can measure unemployment.

For those of you who might actually be interested in the FACTS rather than you own goofy SPINS on these metrics?

Below is the overview of these six measures.
  • U1:This is the proportion of the civilian labor force that has been unemployed for 15 weeks or longer. This unemployment rate measures workers who are chronically unemployed. During business-cycle expansions, this rate captures structural unemployment. However, during lengthy business-cycle contractions, this rate is also likely to include a significant amount of cyclical unemployment. U1 tends to be relatively small, in the range of 1-2 percent.
  • U2:This is the proportion of the civilian labor force that is classified as job losers (workers who have been involuntarily fired or laid off from their jobs) and people who have completed temporary jobs. During business-cycle expansions, this rate is likely to capture some degree of frictional unemployment. However, during business-cycle contractions, this rate is most likely to consist of cyclical unemployment. U2 is larger than U1, but still remains substantially less than the official unemployment rate (U3).
  • U3:This is the official unemployment rate, which is the proportion of the civilian labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment.
  • U4:This is the official unemployment rate that is adjusted for discouraged workers. In other words, discouraged workers are treated just like other workers who are officially classified as unemployed, being included in both the ranks of the unemployed and the labor force. It is technically specified as the proportion of the civilian labor force (plus discouraged workers) that is either unemployed but actively seeking employment or discouraged workers. The addition of discouraged workers generally adds a few tenths of a percentage point to the official unemployment rate.
  • U5:This augments U4 by including marginally-attached workers to the unemployment rate calculation. Marginally attached workers are potential workers who have given up seeking employment for various reasons. One of these reasons is that the workers believe such effort would be futile, which places them in the discouraged worker category. Those who have other reasons for not seeking employment are placed in the broader marginally-attached workers category. The addition of marginally-attached workers adds a few more tenths of a percentage point to the official unemployment rate.
  • U6:This augments U5 by including part-time workers to the unemployment rate calculation. The addition of part-time workers adds a full 2-3 percentage points to the official unemployment rate. This measure of unemployment is perhaps the most comprehensive measure of labor resource unemployment available.

Who is counted as unemployed?

Persons are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, are collecting unemployment insurnace and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:
  • Contacting:
    • An employer directly or having a job interview
    • A public or private employment agency
    • Friends or relatives
    • A school or university employment center
  • Sending out resumes or filling out applications
  • Placing or answering advertisements
  • Checking union or professional registers
  • Some other means of active job search

Who is not in the labor force?

Labor force measures are based on the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years old and over who are either working or collecting unemployment insurance. Excluded are persons under 16 years of age, all persons confined to institutions such as nursing homes and prisons, and persons on active duty in the Armed Forces. The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed. The remainder—those who have no job and are not looking for one—are counted as "not in the labor force." Many who are not in the labor force are going to school or are retired. Family responsibilities keep others out of the labor force.
Source : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
There, I fixed your link to make it Bigreb approved:lol:

How many months in a row do we have to have a dozen-page conversation with people who are clearly not interested in facts?
That's what I have been trying to point out.

Yes, but your reasoning was flawed. The BLS dropped 1.2 million people from the count.

You people simply don't understand, and apparently don't want to understand, what they did. You immediately latched onto the rightwing propaganda machine's spin of this as if it were true.

PLEASE READ THIS, this is directly from the BLS site:

Effective with data for January 2012, updated population estimates
which reflect the results of Census 2010 have been used in the
household survey. Population estimates for the household survey are
developed by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Each year, the Census Bureau
updates the estimates to reflect new information and assumptions about
the growth of the population during the decade. The change in
population reflected in the new estimates results from the
introduction of the Census 2010 count as the new population base,
adjustments for net international migration, updated vital statistics and
other information, and some methodological changes in the estimation
process. The vast majority of the population change, however, is due
to the change in base population from Census 2000 to Census 2010.

In accordance with usual practice, BLS will not revise the official
household survey estimates for December 2011 and earlier months. To
show the impact of the population adjustment, however, differences in
selected December 2011 labor force series based on the old and new
population estimates are shown in table B.

The adjustment increased the estimated size of the civilian
noninstitutional population in December by 1,510,000, the civilian
labor force by 258,000, employment by 216,000, unemployment by 42,000,
and persons not in the labor force by 1,252,000. Although the total
unemployment rate was unaffected
, the labor force participation rate
and the employment-population ratio were each reduced by 0.3
percentage point. This was because the population increase was
primarily among persons 55 and older and, to a lesser degree, persons
16 to 24 years of age. Both these age groups have lower levels of
labor force participation than the general population.

Employment Situation Summary
The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.
The meme about 1.2M people dropping out of the labor force is hilarious. No amount of evidence to the contrary will stop Rush, Tyler Durden, The far right loonies(but I repeat myself) or some jackass on CNBC from repeating it.

Sadly, some of the aforementioned people are smart enough to know better. They are simply pimping a lie because to do otherwise would be to admit that the jobs report was good news. We all know that good news for America is bad news for the far right.

As I said a couple times, the right will stay in denial of the recovery as long as they can, and then, when denial becomes impossible,

they'll start to try taking credit for it.

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