Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Realistically, I don't see how anyone could put a single concern at less than a 60% probability. The term double dip recession comes to mind.
It's going to be very funny when the unemployment rate goes up again this year.

Who will libs blame for this "change?"

It will go up again now that the holiday hired help is back to the line. Those sitting at home that gave up going back out looking for a job over the so-called good news, but finding out it was all bullshit. Throw in the military being cut from the ranks in the next 1-3 years adding to the unemployment line....
It's going to be very funny when the unemployment rate goes up again this year.

Who will libs blame for this "change?"

It will go up again now that the holiday hired help is back to the line. Those sitting at home that gave up going back out looking for a job over the so-called good news, but finding out it was all bullshit. Throw in the military being cut from the ranks in the next 1-3 years adding to the unemployment line....

I don't find it funny Bezerk, it is a serious problem which has not and is not being addressed properly.
It's going to be very funny when the unemployment rate goes up again this year.

Who will libs blame for this "change?"

It will go up again now that the holiday hired help is back to the line. Those sitting at home that gave up going back out looking for a job over the so-called good news, but finding out it was all bullshit. Throw in the military being cut from the ranks in the next 1-3 years adding to the unemployment line....
...unable to secure work...hey? I know? Blame Bush!
The "reported" rate was smoke and mirrors, so the people without jobs pretty much is the same when the number goes back up percentage again....it's a numbers game.

The reality is the rate will go up or stay the same high number with Obamination going after companies for health insurance, union wages, and carbon taxes....so we are just spinning our wheels.

It will be funny watching the media and libs try to tap dance around the REAL numbers popping up again, but I'm sure they'll be threatening people at the Dept of Labor to cook the books.

It's going to be very funny when the unemployment rate goes up again this year.

Who will libs blame for this "change?"

It will go up again now that the holiday hired help is back to the line. Those sitting at home that gave up going back out looking for a job over the so-called good news, but finding out it was all bullshit. Throw in the military being cut from the ranks in the next 1-3 years adding to the unemployment line....

I don't find it funny Bezerk, it is a serious problem which has not and is not being addressed properly.
It's going to be very funny when the unemployment rate goes up again this year.

Who will libs blame for this "change?"

It will go up again now that the holiday hired help is back to the line. Those sitting at home that gave up going back out looking for a job over the so-called good news, but finding out it was all bullshit. Throw in the military being cut from the ranks in the next 1-3 years adding to the unemployment line....
...unable to secure work...hey? I know? Blame Bush!
that's how Obama got his job. I'll have to try it.
The "reported" rate was smoke and mirrors, so the people without jobs pretty much is the same when the number goes back up percentage again....it's a numbers game.

The reality is the rate will go up or stay the same high number with Obamination going after companies for health insurance, union wages, and carbon taxes....so we are just spinning our wheels.

It will be funny watching the media and libs try to tap dance around the REAL numbers popping up again, but I'm sure they'll be threatening people at the Dept of Labor to cook the books.

It's going to be very funny when the unemployment rate goes up again this year.

Who will libs blame for this "change?"

It will go up again now that the holiday hired help is back to the line. Those sitting at home that gave up going back out looking for a job over the so-called good news, but finding out it was all bullshit. Throw in the military being cut from the ranks in the next 1-3 years adding to the unemployment line....

I don't find it funny Bezerk, it is a serious problem which has not and is not being addressed properly.
The real numbers are teetering around 20% unemployment.

Isn't is grand when your own government uses different standards, figure sets to use depending on the mood of the country, and refuse to be honest with those they are supposed to serve?
The "reported" rate was smoke and mirrors, so the people without jobs pretty much is the same when the number goes back up percentage again....it's a numbers game.

The reality is the rate will go up or stay the same high number with Obamination going after companies for health insurance, union wages, and carbon taxes....so we are just spinning our wheels.

It will be funny watching the media and libs try to tap dance around the REAL numbers popping up again, but I'm sure they'll be threatening people at the Dept of Labor to cook the books.

I don't find it funny Bezerk, it is a serious problem which has not and is not being addressed properly.
The real numbers are teetering around 20% unemployment.
I'd love to see you try and supper that number. Even adding in everyone who says they want a job, regardless of ability to accept one, or not bothering to try to get a job in years doesn't even get close to 20%.

Isn't is grand when your own government uses Jdifferent standards, figure sets to use depending on the mood of the country, and refuse to be honest with those they are supposed to serve?
And your evidence for this is what?
The "reported" rate was smoke and mirrors, so the people without jobs pretty much is the same when the number goes back up percentage again....it's a numbers game.

The reality is the rate will go up or stay the same high number with Obamination going after companies for health insurance, union wages, and carbon taxes....so we are just spinning our wheels.

It will be funny watching the media and libs try to tap dance around the REAL numbers popping up again, but I'm sure they'll be threatening people at the Dept of Labor to cook the books.
The real numbers are teetering around 20% unemployment.
I'd love to see you try and supper that number. Even adding in everyone who says they want a job, regardless of ability to accept one, or not bothering to try to get a job in years doesn't even get close to 20%.

Isn't is grand when your own government uses Jdifferent standards, figure sets to use depending on the mood of the country, and refuse to be honest with those they are supposed to serve?
And your evidence for this is what?

The real numbers are teetering around 20% unemployment.
I'd love to see you try and supper that number. Even adding in everyone who says they want a job, regardless of ability to accept one, or not bothering to try to get a job in years doesn't even get close to 20%.

Isn't is grand when your own government uses Jdifferent standards, figure sets to use depending on the mood of the country, and refuse to be honest with those they are supposed to serve?
And your evidence for this is what?


15% is not "teetering around 20%". But I do love when Conservatarians start telling us that people who aren't even looking for work should be called unemployed for political purposes.
The real numbers are teetering around 20% unemployment.
I'd love to see you try and supper that number. Even adding in everyone who says they want a job, regardless of ability to accept one, or not bothering to try to get a job in years doesn't even get close to 20%.

Isn't is grand when your own government uses Jdifferent standards, figure sets to use depending on the mood of the country, and refuse to be honest with those they are supposed to serve?
And your evidence for this is what?

And that doesn't support either your 20% claim or your claim of changing standards.

Note, too, that the U-6 isn't strictly a measure of unemployment as it includes people who have jobs. If you have a job, you're not unemployed in any sense of the word, which is why BLS calls it "labor underutilization."

So again... Try an support your 20% claim and the claim of changing standards.
As long as the discouraged worker is still part of the survey, the lower rate could draw them back to look for work. This can lead to an increase in unemployment.

The Great Depression was at what? 25% at its peak. How long did that last? 15% is not a good number.
Good work, Neo. And we can see where the responsiblity will be for avoiding it. From your article from"The Hill."

Gross federal debt would rise from $14.8 trillion at the end of 2011 to $21.7 trillion under CBO's projections.

The CBO uses a “current policy” baseline that assumes the Bush-era tax rates will not be extended after 2013, however.

The deficit will be much higher if Congress takes several actions that many expect.

If the Bush tax rates are extended, for example, the deficit would rise.

It would rise if Congress patches the Alternative Minimum Tax, which lawmakers have routinely done to prevent higher taxes from being imposed on middle class taxpayers.

It would also rise if Congress continues to pass the “doc fix” that prevents a cut to Medicare payments to doctors, something that Congress has done on a near-annual basis.

Finally, if Congress does not follow through on cuts mandated by the failure of the supercommittee, the deficit will grow. Lawmakers are already talking about canceling scheduled cuts to the Pentagon’s budget.

In the “alternative fiscal scenario” where these things happen the gross federal debt rises to $29.4 trillion by 2022.

The House and the Senate better get off their collective ass and get to work, or the President is going to point at a "do nothing" Congress.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We are shelling out a lot more dough in unemployment benefit extentions than the tax break costs us.

However those extension benefits, according to Obama, is better for the overall economy in creating more jobs than actually supporting an initive like the Keystone pipeline. This administration has been very polarizing when it comes to the economy. They are on the side of placing ideology first, over actually looking for ways to see jobs created in the private sector. They would rather increase our dependancy on foreign oil on one hand, while trying to FORCE the consumer market to accept the Chevy Volt through Federal Government subsidies on the other. Then increase the Volt's production funding for 2012, even while the Chevy Volt was only able to reach a THIRD of their overall production goals during its previous year. Obama throws away taxpayer dollars towards Green projects that aren't showing any growth, or funds corporations like Solyndra that soon reveal the company has financial problems.

You want to reduce the deficit? Then stop wasting taxpayer dollars trying to revive russian roulette GREEN programs that have proven to be failing in the private sector market. It's this administrations spending on programs (including their policies of creating all kinds of bailout programs - credit card, home foreclosure, etc), not simply generating enough revenue, that has resulted in this massive increase in debt. President Obama has spent more in 4 years than President George W. Bush has spent in his two terms in office.

If Obam was true to his word on focusing on true job creation over ideological "politics", then the American people would be working and paying their OWN bills instead of looking to the federal Government for unemployment extensions or costly taxpayer foreclosure bailouts.
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As long as the discouraged worker is still part of the survey, the lower rate could draw them back to look for work. This can lead to an increase in unemployment.

The Great Depression was at what? 25% at its peak. How long did that last? 15% is not a good number.
It's unacceptable. But Obama and the Statists pile on more regulations and taxation to seal our doom and it is applauded.
I wish Obama and the dems and Boehner and the pubs were true to their words about job creation instead of politics.


According to CBO: Jan 2012

Participation in the Labor Force. The unemployment rate would be even higher than it is now had participation in the labor force not declined as much as it has over the past few years. The rate of participation in the labor force fell from 66 percent in 2007 to an average of 64 percent in the second half of 2011, an unusually large decline over so short a time. About a third of that decline reflects factors other than the downturn, such as the aging of the baby-boom generation. But even with those factors removed, the estimated decline in that rate during the past four years is larger than has been typical of past downturns, even after accounting for the greater severity of this downturn. Had that portion of the decline in the labor force participation rate since 2007 that is attributable to neither the aging of the baby boomers nor the downturn in the business cycle (on the basis of the experience in previous downturns) not occurred, the unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2011 would have been about 1¼ percentage points higher than the actual rate of 8.7 percent. By CBO’s estimates, the rate of labor force participation will fall to slightly above 63 percent by 2017. The dampening effects of the increase in tax rates in 2013 scheduled under current law and additional retirements by baby boomers are projected to more than offset the strengthening effects of growing demand for labor as the economy recovers further.

You really need better sources than those
radical leftist ones

Wow, so baby boomers are retiring.

What a surprise!

So there is going to be a labor shortage.

How do you explain away then, 34.2% of people between the age of 16 and 19 are actually still IN the workforce earning a living. Many have simply given up looking with only a small few choosing to persue an added educational degree instead?

71.7% of those between 20 and 24 are currently employed

Jobless rate has fallen because of dropouts - Washington Times
As long as the discouraged worker is still part of the survey, the lower rate could draw them back to look for work. This can lead to an increase in unemployment.
Pretty much.

The Great Depression was at what? 25% at its peak. How long did that last? 15% is not a good number.
The U-6 is nothing like the measures used for the Depression. You need to use either the U-3 rate of 8.3% or the U-4 rate of 8.9%.
The real numbers are teetering around 20% unemployment.
I'd love to see you try and supper that number. Even adding in everyone who says they want a job, regardless of ability to accept one, or not bothering to try to get a job in years doesn't even get close to 20%.

Isn't is grand when your own government uses Jdifferent standards, figure sets to use depending on the mood of the country, and refuse to be honest with those they are supposed to serve?
And your evidence for this is what?

UNDERemployment rate as of Feb 6 2012, is 18.70%. That's when people are forced to look to part-time work, or look to jobs where they are earning significantly less. Check the graph over the past year below, you will find it far above the 8.3% figure the media likes to simply throw around:

US Underemployment Rate Chart and Data - YCharts

You need to dig a little deeper if you want to discover the overall picture of what this economy REALLY looks like.
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One must not forget

Papa Obama's lowest unemployment numbers are still from the day
he took office

The Left is trying to turn a D performance into a A

No one is buying their bag of goods

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