Unemployment for Americans 16-24 years old hits 52 year low


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Youth Unemployment Hits 52-Year Low

The unemployment rate among young Americans fell to its lowest level in more than 50 years this summer, though the share of young people looking for work remained well below its peak in 1989.

Of Americans between 16 and 24 years old actively looking for work this summer, 9.2% were unemployed in July, the Labor Department, lowest since 1966.
Where is the economic collapse that so many lefty “experts”predicted if Trump won?

This statistic is because of Obama, we know, we know...

However, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016.

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years — the Times announced that "President Trump's target for economic growth just got a little more distant."

That same month, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecast growth this year would be just 1.9%.

There were other signs of stagnation as well. Stocks had flatlined in 2016, with major indexes down slightly. Real median household income dropped that year, according to Sentier Research.

Growth had been so worrisomely slow throughout Obama's two terms in office that journalists started warning about "secular stagnation." They said the country was in a period of long, sustained, slow growth resulting from slow population and productivity growth.

In August 2016, the Times declared that "the underlying reality of low growth will haunt whoever wins the White House."

But now, amazingly, th geood economy is all because of Obama!!!

Don’t believe your lying eyes, America....Obama is the reason you have a job in August of 2018.
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Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.

This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.

I didn’t say they would vote for Trump, I am saying that Trump’s policies (tax cuts and eliminating some awful Obama regulations) has helped to grow the economy.

I am also saying that those people who predicted an economic collapse if Trump won were either stupid or lying and I am saying that the economic conditions in August of 2018 are not because of Obama.

You know damn well that if the economy was cratering, you would blame Trump.

Good Economy = Obama’s credit, Trump did not do shit.
Bad Economy = Trumps fault, he ruined Obama’s utopia of 1.6% growth.

You are happy that more Americans who want to work are working.

I know it’s all about power to Dems, but for me, it’s about America prospering regardless of who is in the White House, but I am not an ideologue. I just want government to leave me the fuck alone and take as little of my money as needed.

More people working means more taxes that can be collected, too.

Now we need to cut the Federal budget by about 40% and we will be getting somewhere!
Anyone who is pissed off that more Americans who want to work are able to find a job is pretty fucked in the head.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.

This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.

1. That was not the point of the op.

2. They don't like him as their lives improve. So, they will vote to fight against their lives improving...If they win, their lives will return to decay and despair. I agree.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.
This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
1. That was not the point of the op.
2. They don't like him as their lives improve. So, they will vote to fight against their lives improving...If they win, their lives will return to decay and despair. I agree.
Well, as I said, different people have different priorities.
Anyone who is pissed off that more Americans who want to work are able to find a job is pretty fucked in the head.
Such is the nature of partisan politics. That's just where we are right now, sadly.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Celebrate the good news, don't immediately try to rain on it.
Okay, my apologies, and to ColonelAngus , you're right. I extrapolated and should not have.

Good news is always good news, but it unfortunately gets warped by politics.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.
This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
1. That was not the point of the op.
2. They don't like him as their lives improve. So, they will vote to fight against their lives improving...If they win, their lives will return to decay and despair. I agree.
Well, as I said, different people have different priorities.

I find it hard to believe that jobs and improved social economic status is not important to young people.

I think what the continued low numbers show, is the power of Propaganda.

The Media, and Hollywood, are the Enemy of the People.
Anyone who is pissed off that more Americans who want to work are able to find a job is pretty fucked in the head.
Such is the nature of partisan politics. That's just where we are right now, sadly.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Celebrate the good news, don't immediately try to rain on it.
Okay, my apologies, and to ColonelAngus , you're right. I extrapolated and should not have.

Good news is always good news, but it unfortunately gets warped by politics.

Thank you.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.
This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
1. That was not the point of the op.
2. They don't like him as their lives improve. So, they will vote to fight against their lives improving...If they win, their lives will return to decay and despair. I agree.
Well, as I said, different people have different priorities.

I find it hard to believe that jobs and improved social economic status is not important to young people.

I think what the continued low numbers show, is the power of Propaganda.

The Media, and Hollywood, are the Enemy of the People.
I'm not saying they're not important. I'm saying they may not be the top priority for many.

Look at how visceral politics has become, across the spectrum. We don't like someone, we don't vote for them, in many cases.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.
This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
1. That was not the point of the op.
2. They don't like him as their lives improve. So, they will vote to fight against their lives improving...If they win, their lives will return to decay and despair. I agree.
Well, as I said, different people have different priorities.

I find it hard to believe that jobs and improved social economic status is not important to young people.

I think what the continued low numbers show, is the power of Propaganda.

The Media, and Hollywood, are the Enemy of the People.
I'm not saying they're not important. I'm saying they may not be the top priority for many.

Look at how visceral politics has become, across the spectrum. We don't like someone, we don't vote for them, in many cases.

Poverty kills. Economic stress destroys families.

If people are so bombarded by propaganda that they would rather vote based on race baiting lies, than real improvements in their lives,

that is a problem.

I don't see our democratic system surviving in such an environment, not for long.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.
This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
1. That was not the point of the op.
2. They don't like him as their lives improve. So, they will vote to fight against their lives improving...If they win, their lives will return to decay and despair. I agree.
Well, as I said, different people have different priorities.

I find it hard to believe that jobs and improved social economic status is not important to young people.

I think what the continued low numbers show, is the power of Propaganda.

The Media, and Hollywood, are the Enemy of the People.
I'm not saying they're not important. I'm saying they may not be the top priority for many.

Look at how visceral politics has become, across the spectrum. We don't like someone, we don't vote for them, in many cases.

Poverty kills. Economic stress destroys families.

If people are so bombarded by propaganda that they would rather vote based on race baiting lies, than real improvements in their lives,

that is a problem.

I don't see our democratic system surviving in such an environment, not for long.
Well, it's a fucking mess.

Intellectual honesty is now such a low priority that all we often have to go by is impulse.

This is a self-inflicted wound. We're not holding each other accountable. This is what happens.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.

This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
/——/ If they are old enough to remember when there were no jobs for teens because adults took those jobs to pay the bills, they may give Trump credit. But someone just turning 16 will have no clue as to how bad Obozo made things and think it’s the way it’s always been.
Most of the young people who have those jobs still don't like Trump and still won't vote for him.

This isn't linear. Different people have different priorities.
/——/ If they are old enough to remember when there were no jobs for teens because adults took those jobs to pay the bills, they may give Trump credit. But someone just turning 16 will have no clue as to how bad Obozo made things and think it’s the way it’s always been.
It's the nature of young people to have different priorities, because they just don't have enough life experience yet. At the same time, though, that can be a good thing. I think it's good to understand how someone with a clean slate views the world.
Anyone who is pissed off that more Americans who want to work are able to find a job is pretty fucked in the head.

The reason is simple , there are less 16-24 year old, and many of them are in college and do not work or are looking or work, you know the upper middle class ones.

Also the no. of baby boomers retired are increased, and what kind of jobs are these??
Anyone who is pissed off that more Americans who want to work are able to find a job is pretty fucked in the head.

The reason is simple , there are less 16-24 year old, and many of them are in college and do not work or are looking or work, you know the upper middle class ones.

Also the no. of baby boomers retired are increased, and what kind of jobs are these??
/——/ So are you’re still giving Obozo credit for the low UE rate for teens?
Youth Unemployment Hits 52-Year Low

The unemployment rate among young Americans fell to its lowest level in more than 50 years this summer, though the share of young people looking for work remained well below its peak in 1989.

Of Americans between 16 and 24 years old actively looking for work this summer, 9.2% were unemployed in July, the Labor Department, lowest since 1966.
Where is the economic collapse that so many lefty “experts”predicted if Trump won?

This statistic is because of Obama, we know, we know...

However, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016.

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years — the Times announced that "President Trump's target for economic growth just got a little more distant."

That same month, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office forecast growth this year would be just 1.9%.

There were other signs of stagnation as well. Stocks had flatlined in 2016, with major indexes down slightly. Real median household income dropped that year, according to Sentier Research.

Growth had been so worrisomely slow throughout Obama's two terms in office that journalists started warning about "secular stagnation." They said the country was in a period of long, sustained, slow growth resulting from slow population and productivity growth.

In August 2016, the Times declared that "the underlying reality of low growth will haunt whoever wins the White House."

But now, amazingly, th geood economy is all because of Obama!!!

Don’t believe your lying eyes, America....Obama is the reason you have a job in August of 2018.

The continuation of a trend that started in 2010...


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