Unequal distribution of wealth

Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.

Isn't Shintao Chinese for He who is Full of Shit.
Yikes! I coulda sworn that GWB was prez in Decembr 2007 when the recession started! That darn Obama killed the jobs as as Junior Senator from Illinois, man that guy had influence

Really? STILL blaming GWB? I mean, in 2007, Dems held House and Senate. Dems pushed the Fannie/Freddie housing meltdown scheme the last 2 decades. Just sayin....lets put blame where it's due. .

Yeah, the poster was blaming Bush where it is due.

New Prosperity Initiative
April 11, 2000

“I propose a New Prosperity Initiative…A plan to
help remove obstacles on the road to the middle class…
Instead of helping people cope with their need, we will
help them to move beyond it. With the same energy and
activism that others have brought to expanding government,
we must expand opportunity.” George W. Bush

4-11-2000. Wasn't Clinton president then?

And Bush's plans kinda got sidetracked with that pesky "Man made disaster" on 9-11-2001. As much as you guys hate it, folks on the right actually fight back against violence, so we got a bit busy for a while there.
Yikes! I coulda sworn that GWB was prez in Decembr 2007 when the recession started! That darn Obama killed the jobs as as Junior Senator from Illinois, man that guy had influence

Really? STILL blaming GWB? I mean, in 2007, Dems held House and Senate. Dems pushed the Fannie/Freddie housing meltdown scheme the last 2 decades. Just sayin....lets put blame where it's due. .

Yeah, the poster was blaming Bush where it is due.

New Prosperity Initiative
April 11, 2000

“I propose a New Prosperity Initiative…A plan to
help remove obstacles on the road to the middle class…
Instead of helping people cope with their need, we will
help them to move beyond it. With the same energy and
activism that others have brought to expanding government,
we must expand opportunity.” George W. Bush

The difference being that when GW said it he meant it.

When a Dem says it.....well let's just say they're feeling guilty about doing the opposite. :oops:
Clean Air and Water regulations, made it too expensive to produce competitively and comply. Even if they did manage it, Unions did the rest to the industry.

Oh, so you really don't know what happened, your just bullshitting. Got it!!!

As for a particular company, I've no idea the individual componants. Could be they fucked up as a business. But generally, these were the main horrors of an industry.
Means I haven't done a detailed analysis of each individual steel company. Take your Alinsky perfection tactic and cram it up your ass.

So your fuck up should be mine? Fuck your in the face hoggy, and STFU.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.

Isn't Shintao Chinese for He who is Full of Shit.

Shintao doesn't live in the Untied States either.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

It should be Government's Mission to ensure equal oppritunity...NOT ensure Equal Outcome...And this is what the Progressives are doing for their own self-agrandisement...and power using such a false premise.

It defies human nature and causes the problems we see before us.

I dont even agree with that.
It is government's mission to ensure equal access to the law. Every case gets heard on its own merits.
Liberals hate this. That poor sympathetic old lady ought to win against that big nasty oil company. So what if she has no case and is a deadbeat to boot?
Oh, so you really don't know what happened, your just bullshitting. Got it!!!
Means I haven't done a detailed analysis of each individual steel company. Take your Alinsky perfection tactic and cram it up your ass.

So your fuck up should be mine? Fuck your in the face hoggy, and STFU.

So you are proposing isolationism? Where no one person's actions will affect any other individual?
The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

It should be Government's Mission to ensure equal oppritunity...NOT ensure Equal Outcome...And this is what the Progressives are doing for their own self-agrandisement...and power using such a false premise.

It defies human nature and causes the problems we see before us.

I dont even agree with that.
It is government's mission to ensure equal access to the law. Every case gets heard on its own merits.
Liberals hate this. That poor sympathetic old lady ought to win against that big nasty oil company. So what if she has no case and is a deadbeat to boot?

And that goes to Equal oppritunity, does it not?

Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.

Isn't Shintao Chinese for He who is Full of Shit.

Isn't "Mudwhistle" Homo for "I SUCK COCK?"
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.

Well, if you must ask, I coach football at a small college. Not a Florida St, Georgia, Notre Dame size. Not even a mid-major like App St or Montana. Nope, a small, private college.

But I make an ok living. 40K a year w/ good benefits. Played football in college, studied the game hard, really wanted to do this for a living, sacrificed a lot, but now earn my money coaching and praying my 19-20 year old kids perform!

All the scared liberals who dont want to take responsiblity for their own lives are found in a few places:

- The welfare line, again, for the 10th year in a row
- The internet, demanding to know what the gov't is "gonna do for us"
- College campuses, like mine, whining about the job their are entitled to by merely existing and breathing
- On the streets of San Fran smoking pot instead of working or school
- Being 32 years old still trying to make it as a rapper by handing out CD's for free in the Best Buy parking lot, then whining that Bush didn't help them get a job

I can go on and on. But one cannot deny the generation of lefties who think they are entitled to everyone elses labor fruit.

Yep...just because they are citizens. Why lift a finger if Gubmint is just gonna give it to you robbed under Lawful thievery...?
So if you make bigger campaign contributions you get more? I grew up out West, where did you grow up?

Yep, ask the unions about that bit about campaign contributions and what you get for it.

Oh yeah, good point! So I guess you never made a decent wage because you didn't give campaign contributions?:lol:

I don't pay the unions, and i don't pay campaign contributions. :lol:

And i do just fine all on my own.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

yeah, Soros, the Kennedy's a few Rockerfellers, Bill Gates' dad, other very wealthy Americans, the Kerry's, all want the rich to give them something...wait!

you're missing something.


They are the ones who will be robbed to give to the poor. Not the other way round.
Steel, smelting, heavy manufacturing, a lot of mining (I remember the insanity over the Crandon Mine), Power generation (I'm talking REAL power generation, not bullshit 'green' fucking around), smelting...

and that's just a short list.

What exactly did the EPA do to Kaiser steel?
Clean Air and Water regulations, made it too expensive to produce competitively and comply. .
Yes, we must be more competitive...
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.

Well, if you must ask, I coach football at a small college. Not a Florida St, Georgia, Notre Dame size. Not even a mid-major like App St or Montana. Nope, a small, private college.

But I make an ok living. 40K a year w/ good benefits. Played football in college, studied the game hard, really wanted to do this for a living, sacrificed a lot, but now earn my money coaching and praying my 19-20 year old kids perform!

All the scared liberals who dont want to take responsiblity for their own lives are found in a few places:

- The welfare line, again, for the 10th year in a row
- The internet, demanding to know what the gov't is "gonna do for us"
- College campuses, like mine, whining about the job their are entitled to by merely existing and breathing
- On the streets of San Fran smoking pot instead of working or school
- Being 32 years old still trying to make it as a rapper by handing out CD's for free in the Best Buy parking lot, then whining that Bush didn't help them get a job

I can go on and on. But one cannot deny the generation of lefties who think they are entitled to everyone elses labor fruit.

I owe you reps for this one. :)
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

unequal ? try history. what happens to societies without a middle class?
WTF are you talking about. The US has the largest and strongest middle class in the world.
You are free to consider yourself a victim in perpetuity. Leave the rest of us out of your misery.
We're not interested in your failure focus.
speaking of distribution of wealth....

as more and more jobs disappear because of automation, computers and robotics, I can see a time at which MOST people become unemployed.....

we even have the military working on robot-troops to replace people....

i imagine that at that point ONLY the very best, brightest, strongest, most useful will have "jobs"/"positions"

maybe...10% of the population? 15%?

my q; since we all know that it would be completely unfair for the 10% of the population who have ALL THE WEALTH to have to pay any money at all just to support lazy good for nothing freeloaders, what should be done with/to the unemployed?

cultivated for spare parts for the wealthy?
set loose in the wilds and hunted for sport?

In 1890 about 90% of the US population worked in agriculture. Since then mechanization has taken most of those jobs so now less than 10% work in agriculture.
What happened to the people with all those ag jobs? Were they set loose to be hunted? Cultivated for spare parts?
Liberals see people as liabilities. Conservatives see them as assets.


You are welcome to defend conservatism, but I have yet to meet anyone that can do it without diminishing others or requiring some group of human beings to evaporate. It is a negative form of thought that is incompatible with a free and open society. It is anti-democratic in nature and builds nothing, it can only tear things down. The last 30 years are a shining example of conservatism.

Conservatism throughout human history has always created a aristocracy, plutocracy, or some form of oppressive society where there is a ruling class or hierarchy. Today's aristocrats and hierarchy are the CEO's, corporations, captains of industry, and the business elite. Conservatives will defend to the death McDonald's right to slowly poison our children, but they never defend our children's health and well being.

I've lived to see the total failure of two revolutions of extreme ideology. The Bolshevik revolution and the Reagan revolution. Unfettered communism and unfettered capitalism creates the same end...failure.

Conservatism has no investment in human capital. It believes everyone is basically evil, so it treats people accordingly and it always creates a fear of 'others', some group of people that must be excluded or ostracized. Liberalism is faith in human beings and a trust that the human spirit can solve all man-made problems. Liberalism is a belief that everyone has good inside them, all they need a fair opportunity to succeed.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

That is pure unadulterated bullshit.
A look at all marxist socialist nations shows they are and have always been failures.
In each case all wealth is controlled either by an elite ruling class or the central government.
In all cases the people are provided mere substienece. They live in high rise flats of 500 square feet, have no real property nor the opportunity to own it.
They are kept in large cities while the elite are the only people allowed to escape the pollution noise and crime of the inner cities.
Fairness? Fairness is simply a liberal buzzword for "gimme".
In each case....Such as the Mc Donalds issue, people have the choice to est fast food or not. You nanny state assholes want that choice and just about all others removed by political fiat.
You know nothing of conservatism. What you accuse conservatism is precisely what defines liberalism.
Liberalism abhors achievement, success and individualism.
Liberals are students of collectivism, "the greater good"...
Liberals look to government to maintain control. Liberals fear the dark. Liberals do not take risks. They have no leadership and operate by consensus. Liberalism is absent of common sense and reason. Liberals do not think. They emote. Liberals question everything while standing for nothing.
If you are so interested in saving the world, write a check. Stay the fuck out of my wallet.
You libs are very good at inventing crises, deciding what the solution for the crises is, then reaching into the pockets of others to attempt( fail every time) to solve them.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

unequal ? try history. what happens to societies without a middle class?
WTF are you talking about. The US has the largest and strongest middle class in the world.
You are free to consider yourself a victim in perpetuity. Leave the rest of us out of your misery.
We're not interested in your failure focus.

Dantoid has yet to learn that Wealth envy is unbecoming...and destructive.

it used to be that if you wanted the wealth you went and did whatever it took to get there yourself short of begging Government to do it for you because you're a coward and too damned lazy to do it for yourself.
I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.
Unequal distribution of wealth is not a bad thing, as the enlisted military example will show. The E-1 pay grade is somewhat less than the E-2 and the E-2 is substantially less than the E-8, and so on up through the officer ranks. This example represents a practical, well-planned, equitably reasoned scale of expediently unequal distribution.

Another acceptable example of unequal distribution was the typical ratio of salary disparity between the corporate CEO and the lowest paid employee during the most productive and economically stable period in our history. At that time the typical ratio was the CEO earned around forty times more than the lowest paid employee. But that level of acceptably unequal distribution began to change when Ronald Reagan became President.

Today the typical ratio is a corporate CEO earns at least four hundred times more than the lowest paid employee. And at a time when wages have remained stagnant since 1980, at a time when more and more corporate employees are losing their retirement benefits, at a time when American jobs are being "outsourced" and American workers are being forced to compete with virtual slaves in foreign countries, at a time when some corporate CEOs are going home with $300,000,000 bonuses, at a time when bankers and Wall Street speculators are driving hard-working people from the homes they were scammed into putting their savings into, it is time to acknowledge that we are not talking about unequal distribution but wholly unacceptable and excessively unequal distribution of our Nation's resources (wealth).

Unequal is acceptable. Excessively unequal is not. America needs to get back to the time when the economy was operating smoothly and everyone was making a living. And if it takes going back to the progressive tax rate with a 91% cap, so be it. It is us against them and while they won't like it they will still be rich.
Ok...suppose you get your way( thank God this will never happen) and the government decides it is entitled to confiscate all but 9% of the highest earners wealth, then what?
Are you assuming that money will be passed along to you?
Yours is typical class envy. Getting even. yiu view taxation as punishment to those who you view as "having more than their fair share"...
Look dummy, there is no "share". There is no pie from which we all eat.
The notion that if one makes more therefore another MUST make less is FALSE....
Wealth is created. it does not exist in imaginary pot off in some faraway land..
Stop bitching about what others have and what you don't have. Go earn it yourself.

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