Unequal distribution of wealth

All countries have mixed economies. The USA has had a mixture of capitalism and socialism since it first became great with a strong middle class. FDR's programs lifted American's out of poverty. Our parents and grand parents have done well because of programs conservatives fought against.

The GOP solution? Throw momma off the train

World war two lifted America up not what FDR did.

yeah, social security did nothing. the other FDR programs were all irrelevant.

okie dokie

if war is so great, we should be skipping along roads paved with gold after the last two wars. Oh yeah, the economy for big corporations is doing well.

Profits do not translate into a healthy middle class.

yeah, the silence is deafening

Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.
Which industries were run out of the country by the EPA?
Steel, smelting, heavy manufacturing, a lot of mining (I remember the insanity over the Crandon Mine), Power generation (I'm talking REAL power generation, not bullshit 'green' fucking around), smelting...

and that's just a short list.

What exactly did the EPA do to Kaiser steel?
Clean Air and Water regulations, made it too expensive to produce competitively and comply. Even if they did manage it, Unions did the rest to the industry.

As for a particular company, I've no idea the individual componants. Could be they fucked up as a business. But generally, these were the main horrors of an industry.
You get what you pay for? Where did you grow up, that you don't know that?

So if you make bigger campaign contributions you get more? I grew up out West, where did you grow up?

Yep, ask the unions about that bit about campaign contributions and what you get for it.

Oh yeah, good point! So I guess you never made a decent wage because you didn't give campaign contributions?:lol:
Steel, smelting, heavy manufacturing, a lot of mining (I remember the insanity over the Crandon Mine), Power generation (I'm talking REAL power generation, not bullshit 'green' fucking around), smelting...

and that's just a short list.

What exactly did the EPA do to Kaiser steel?
Clean Air and Water regulations, made it too expensive to produce competitively and comply. Even if they did manage it, Unions did the rest to the industry.

Oh, so you really don't know what happened, your just bullshitting. Got it!!!

As for a particular company, I've no idea the individual componants. Could be they fucked up as a business. But generally, these were the main horrors of an industry.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

Would Obama have to create debt to try and grow jobs if he didn't kill the ones already out there?

Yikes! I coulda sworn that GWB was prez in Decembr 2007 when the recession started! That darn Obama killed the jobs as as Junior Senator from Illinois, man that guy had influence

What was the last Republican Congress' budget deficit?

Which budgets in 2007 and 2008 did Obama vote against?
Would Obama have to create debt to try and grow jobs if he didn't kill the ones already out there?

Yikes! I coulda sworn that GWB was prez in Decembr 2007 when the recession started! That darn Obama killed the jobs as as Junior Senator from Illinois, man that guy had influence

Really? STILL blaming GWB? I mean, in 2007, Dems held House and Senate. Dems pushed the Fannie/Freddie housing meltdown scheme the last 2 decades. Just sayin....lets put blame where it's due. Cries of racism towards any bank who wouldn't loan Shaniquisha and her 12 kids money for a home is what caused this meltdown.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

It should be Government's Mission to ensure equal oppritunity...NOT ensure Equal Outcome...And this is what the Progressives are doing for their own self-agrandisement...and power using such a false premise.

It defies human nature and causes the problems we see before us.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

yeah, Soros, the Kennedy's a few Rockerfellers, Bill Gates' dad, other very wealthy Americans, the Kerry's, all want the rich to give them something...wait!

you're missing something.

Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

personal responsibility is NOT a strong suit for the GOP or conservative America





this one's a keeper
Would Obama have to create debt to try and grow jobs if he didn't kill the ones already out there?

Yikes! I coulda sworn that GWB was prez in Decembr 2007 when the recession started! That darn Obama killed the jobs as as Junior Senator from Illinois, man that guy had influence

Really? STILL blaming GWB? I mean, in 2007, Dems held House and Senate. Dems pushed the Fannie/Freddie housing meltdown scheme the last 2 decades. Just sayin....lets put blame where it's due. .

Yeah, the poster was blaming Bush where it is due.

New Prosperity Initiative
April 11, 2000

“I propose a New Prosperity Initiative…A plan to
help remove obstacles on the road to the middle class…
Instead of helping people cope with their need, we will
help them to move beyond it. With the same energy and
activism that others have brought to expanding government,
we must expand opportunity.” George W. Bush
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

The problem comes when they WANT to have EVERYTHING equaled out for THEM.

They want the "rich" to give them more.
They think the "rich" dont deserve what they have.
They think that the "rich" are so rich that they can afford to give more then they do.

yeah, Soros, the Kennedy's a few Rockerfellers, Bill Gates' dad, other very wealthy Americans, the Kerry's, all want the rich to give them something...wait!

you're missing something.


So says the Class Warfare warrior. You want to reach their status? WORK BOY. Take risk...instead of disparaging the risk these people did.

Grow some fuckin' NADS, BOY.
What exactly did the EPA do to Kaiser steel?
Clean Air and Water regulations, made it too expensive to produce competitively and comply. Even if they did manage it, Unions did the rest to the industry.

Oh, so you really don't know what happened, your just bullshitting. Got it!!!

As for a particular company, I've no idea the individual componants. Could be they fucked up as a business. But generally, these were the main horrors of an industry.
Means I haven't done a detailed analysis of each individual steel company. Take your Alinsky perfection tactic and cram it up your ass.
Liberals run in fear when the concepts of personal responsibility start showing up.

The idea that the individual is solely responsible for making himself, his skill and his service a demandable product to earn a living scares them.

Hmm, what do you do for a living? And where are these scared Liberals? You are another bullshitter aren't you? You smelled Returds shit and decided to drop in for a snack. STFU, you obviously don't know what you are whining about.

Well, if you must ask, I coach football at a small college. Not a Florida St, Georgia, Notre Dame size. Not even a mid-major like App St or Montana. Nope, a small, private college.

But I make an ok living. 40K a year w/ good benefits. Played football in college, studied the game hard, really wanted to do this for a living, sacrificed a lot, but now earn my money coaching and praying my 19-20 year old kids perform!

All the scared liberals who dont want to take responsiblity for their own lives are found in a few places:

- The welfare line, again, for the 10th year in a row
- The internet, demanding to know what the gov't is "gonna do for us"
- College campuses, like mine, whining about the job their are entitled to by merely existing and breathing
- On the streets of San Fran smoking pot instead of working or school
- Being 32 years old still trying to make it as a rapper by handing out CD's for free in the Best Buy parking lot, then whining that Bush didn't help them get a job

I can go on and on. But one cannot deny the generation of lefties who think they are entitled to everyone elses labor fruit.

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