

Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Lost in the story being reported by the Left Wing Media regarding Ex-Trump Lawyer cutting a plea deal with Mueller is how Mueller, a man who has a record of intentionally manufacturing and covering up evidence to send people he knew were innocent to jail and now is being exposed for successfully setting 'Perjury Traps' to indict innocent people, unethically / frighteningly completely ignored / by-passed the law protecting 'Attorney-Client' privilege, found a 'loop-hole' / 'way to unethically maneuver around it in order to raid all of Cohen's offices and living spaces to seize every document, note, etc... between Cohen and the President without 'technically' breaking the law to do so.

(Had the FBI actually raided Hillary's living locations and offices and without any notice seized EVERYTHNIG - electronics files, papers, and electronic devices - like they did with Manafort and Cohen - Hillary, Democrats, and snowflakes would have been foaming at the mouth and screaming about how evil / criminal / unfair that would have been. Instead the co-conspirators asked Hillary to please turn over everything on their subpoena list when she got around to it, giving her time to delete files, Bleach Bit the server, and destroy devices and remove sim cards.)

Just pointing out the hypocrisy and differential treatment for Hillary than the Witch Hunters gave / are giving to others, which the US IG noted and put in their report.

Trump's ex-lawyer admits lies about Russian real estate deal

I hope Mueller finds out that Trump had no "intent" to do anything illegal just like Comey declared for Hillary.
I still don't understand how Mueller was able to Violate Attorney Client Privilege. He did the same to Manafort when he took Manafort's Attorney's Documents. They were even marked "Attorney Client Privilege"
If mueller does anything but close the case with no recommendations for any further action it will be time for US to have a country wide month long riot and burn all dimshit establishments and throw concrete, Molotov cocktails at dnc offices burn dimshit homes, their cars and anything we can get to. Let them find out what real civility is. Since they treat us so civily. And if one dimshit leader tries to stop it where he let his party get away with it burn the whole place to the ground.
I still don't understand how Mueller was able to Violate Attorney Client Privilege. He did the same to Manafort when he took Manafort's Attorney's Documents. They were even marked "Attorney Client Privilege"

Taking them is one thing to help connect the dots. But a judge may not allow their use in court...or any evidence found from that "fruit of the poisonous tree"...
WIKI: Fruit of the poisonous tree is a legal metaphor in the United States used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally. The logic of the terminology is that if the source (the "tree") of the evidence or evidence itself is tainted, then anything gained (the "fruit") from it is tainted as well.

Dershowitz: Targeting Trump's lawyer should worry us all

Giuliani: We warned Cohen that he violated attorney-client privilege
I still don't understand how Mueller was able to Violate Attorney Client Privilege. He did the same to Manafort when he took Manafort's Attorney's Documents. They were even marked "Attorney Client Privilege"

Taking them is one thing to help connect the dots. But a judge may not allow their use in court...or any evidence found from that "fruit of the poisonous tree"...
WIKI: Fruit of the poisonous tree is a legal metaphor in the United States used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally. The logic of the terminology is that if the source (the "tree") of the evidence or evidence itself is tainted, then anything gained (the "fruit") from it is tainted as well.

Dershowitz: Targeting Trump's lawyer should worry us all

Giuliani: We warned Cohen that he violated attorney-client privilege
Here is the problem with that. If you install a crooked leftist activist judge on The Bench, THE ACTUAL LAW doesn't matter.

Only what THE JUDGE decides should be done matters, at which point, if it violates your rights, you have to keep appealing it until someone who is a Constitutionalist rules on it.

This is why The Courts are so important for Liberals and why they are willing to destroy certain people to keep them off the bench.

Once the Rule of Law breaks down, we are in Nazi Germany or The Soviet Union where THE LAW is what those in power says it is.
I still don't understand how Mueller was able to Violate Attorney Client Privilege. He did the same to Manafort when he took Manafort's Attorney's Documents. They were even marked "Attorney Client Privilege"

Attorney Client Privelege is respected by the Judicial Branch of government. Congress is the venue, and they can make up the rules as they see fit.
Mueller was supposed to look for "Russian collusion". But somehow he charges the former Trump's people for whatever crimes but anything connected to Trump/Russia connection (which of course, was a Deep State myth). Does it make sense?

BTW, Manafort was working in Ukraine before he was hired by Trump, may be Mueller recognizes Ukraine as a part of Russia now?
I still don't understand how Mueller was able to Violate Attorney Client Privilege. He did the same to Manafort when he took Manafort's Attorney's Documents. They were even marked "Attorney Client Privilege"

Taking them is one thing to help connect the dots. But a judge may not allow their use in court...or any evidence found from that "fruit of the poisonous tree"...
WIKI: Fruit of the poisonous tree is a legal metaphor in the United States used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally. The logic of the terminology is that if the source (the "tree") of the evidence or evidence itself is tainted, then anything gained (the "fruit") from it is tainted as well.

Dershowitz: Targeting Trump's lawyer should worry us all

Giuliani: We warned Cohen that he violated attorney-client privilege
The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege

In addition: it was waived by Trump's team.
If mueller does anything but close the case with no recommendations for any further action it will be time for US to have a country wide month long riot and burn all dimshit establishments and throw concrete, Molotov cocktails at dnc offices burn dimshit homes, their cars and anything we can get to. Let them find out what real civility is. Since they treat us so civily. And if one dimshit leader tries to stop it where he let his party get away with it burn the whole place to the ground.

You might not get the riot you are hoping for, with burning buildings and thrown rocks, but if it makes you feel better, I'll be happy to come shit on your front porch. Would that make you happy?
If mueller does anything but close the case with no recommendations for any further action it will be time for US to have a country wide month long riot and burn all dimshit establishments and throw concrete, Molotov cocktails at dnc offices burn dimshit homes, their cars and anything we can get to. Let them find out what real civility is. Since they treat us so civily. And if one dimshit leader tries to stop it where he let his party get away with it burn the whole place to the ground.
Need an emote for WTF or STUPID
If mueller does anything but close the case with no recommendations for any further action it will be time for US to have a country wide month long riot and burn all dimshit establishments and throw concrete, Molotov cocktails at dnc offices burn dimshit homes, their cars and anything we can get to. Let them find out what real civility is. Since they treat us so civily. And if one dimshit leader tries to stop it where he let his party get away with it burn the whole place to the ground.

Such bluster.

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