Unexpectedly MSM Discovers There Is a Real Unemployment Rate that Is Much Higher


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher
“Does the President believe that this jobs report was accurate and a fair way to measure the economy?”

“I talked to the President prior to this, and he said to quote him very clearly,” Spicer said. “They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now.”
How convenient of the corrupt MSM. A Republican is President now. They weren't much interested in reporting the truth when their 'Hopey Changey Messiah' was in there. I've been saying Unemployment stats were fraudulent for years.
They are real now that Trump is President. Who says , he did, they were as high as 25 , 37, and 49% when Obama's came out last quarter. Who said, Trump.

From now on whatever Trump says is the way it is, you Trumpettes have put your faith in him, and you will wear sackcloth and ashes wishing Obama was still the President.
I am not aware of one MSM story on the U-6 rate in the entire 8 years of the Obama Error.
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

Laughing....um, dip? They just 'suddenly' discovered the U-6 after Trump became president?

The Labor Department says unemployment is at 4.9% — but here's the bigger picture

Nick Wells at cnbc has been talking about the U-6 since at least June of last year:

The 5 percent unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole story about jobs

Which of course you knew. But really hoped we didn't.
Once again, another bullshit conservative argument relies desperately on the ignorance of their audience.

Oh, and for a giggle......what does the Trump administration say the actual unemployment rate is?
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

Laughing....um, dip? They just 'suddenly' discovered the U-6 after Trump became president?

The Labor Department says unemployment is at 4.9% — but here's the bigger picture

Nick Wells at cnbc has been talking about the U-6 since at least June of last year:

The 5 percent unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole story about jobs

Which of course you knew. But really hoped we didn't.
Once again, another bullshit conservative argument relies desperately on the ignorance of their audience.

Oh, and for a giggle......what does the Trump administration say the actual unemployment rate is?
Friday, 4 Nov 2016
Thanks, dufus.
Oh, and for a giggle......what does the Trump administration say the actual unemployment rate is?
94,190,000 divided by 160,056,000

"Tonight, as I outline the next steps we must take as a country, we must honestly acknowledge the circumstances we inherited. Ninety-four million Americans are out of the labor force,"
Donald J Trump
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

Laughing....um, dip? They just 'suddenly' discovered the U-6 after Trump became president?

The Labor Department says unemployment is at 4.9% — but here's the bigger picture

Nick Wells at cnbc has been talking about the U-6 since at least June of last year:

The 5 percent unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole story about jobs

Which of course you knew. But really hoped we didn't.
Once again, another bullshit conservative argument relies desperately on the ignorance of their audience.

Oh, and for a giggle......what does the Trump administration say the actual unemployment rate is?
Friday, 4 Nov 2016
Thanks, dufus.

The 5 percent unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole story about jobs

May, 2016.

So much for 'suddenly', dip. You keep tossing up bullshit arguments that require the ignorance of your audience. I'll keep knocking them down with the facts.


Oh, and you never did tell us.....what does the Trump Administration claim the actual unemployment rate is?

Now you're claiming ignorance because you intentionally ignored your own source?

I have Nick Wells on CNBC, your own source, offering an article on the topic in May of 2016. He has charts and articles on the topic going back to 2015.

What's the real unemployment rate?

This is your own source!

But because you refuse to look at it, it doesn't exist?

You must be a Trump supporter.
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

I guess you missed Trump's flip flop on this. Not surprisingly.
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

I guess you missed Trump's flip flop on this. Not surprisingly.

Laughing.....so the same unemployment numbers, calculated by the same people using the same process are 'phony' before Trump is elected.....but real after?

Trumpcare is 'insurance for everybody, even if they can't pay' before the election. With Paul Ryan admitting that fewer people will be covered under Trumpcare than under Obamacare after.

Are the Trumpies starting to figure out that they've been conned, yet?
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

I guess you missed Trump's flip flop on this. Not surprisingly.

Laughing.....so the same unemployment numbers, calculated by the same people using the same process are 'phony' before Trump is elected.....but real after?

According to Trump they are.
They are real now that Trump is President. Who says , he did, they were as high as 25 , 37, and 49% when Obama's came out last quarter. Who said, Trump.

From now on whatever Trump says is the way it is, you Trumpettes have put your faith in him, and you will wear sackcloth and ashes wishing Obama was still the President.

Listen, you commie klunt.......there is NO feasible scenario where I would ever want that queer, commie mulatto POS and his tranny wife back...........get it?
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

Liberals are such hypocrites! This was pointed out consistently during the Obama regime and they ignored it calling dissenters bigots.

Now with Trump is at the helm. The unemployment calculation matters!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
They are real now that Trump is President. Who says , he did, they were as high as 25 , 37, and 49% when Obama's came out last quarter. Who said, Trump.

From now on whatever Trump says is the way it is, you Trumpettes have put your faith in him, and you will wear sackcloth and ashes wishing Obama was still the President.

Listen, you commie klunt.......there is NO feasible scenario where I would ever want that queer, commie mulatto POS and his tranny wife back...........get it?

You will. Also he is not a commie and his wife is not a tranny. What you have now is a plain dirty old man, who abuses women, yes grabbing pussy is abusing women.

Now we have a corporate socialist and elitist socialist in office, expect even more of your tax dollars to go to the corps and elites, they need support.

What is it about Texans, move to Mexico and take your congressmen with you.
The "official" unemployment rate is what it is. It is neither completely valid nor bogus. The fact is that the recession of 2009 created such a major upheaval in the American employment picture that the "official" unemployment rate no longer reflects the reality of the market. Considering a 5% (or better) unemployment rate as "full employment" is nothing more than a cruel joke to those who (a) are involuntarily retired, (b) are working skut jobs because they could not find anything acceptable in their area of expertise, (c) have given up looking for work because their household has learned to live on one income rather than two, (d) are working multiple part-time jobs in an effort to earn a single tolerable income, and so forth.

The fundamental problem is that through a combination of greater efficiencies and outsourcing to the third and developing worlds, we can produce or obtain everything we need as a society - goods and services - with only about half the working population gainfully and acceptably employed. That leaves a shitload of other people who are either "unemployed," non-working, or doing stupid shit at poverty wages, just to keep some money coming in. And there are not a whole lot of things that the new President can do to counter-act those realities. Spend (waste) a lot of money on infrastructure projects? Try to bring back some of the manufacturing jobs that have gone overseas? Lower taxes to spur business investment? We'll see how it goes.

Nevertheless, when the official unemployment rate goes down, it is generally a good thing.
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher
Kellyanne Conway stated on the Today Show this morning that unemployment was under 5%. Is she not getting Trump's memos?
For 8 years the left harped they were just enjoying early retirement and funemployment.

Each month on "Jobs Friday," the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts out a trove of economic data, each of which provides its own perspective on the labor market and the employment situation. Economists look past the official unemployment rate — that 4.7 percent figure, also known as the "U-3" — to other metrics that give their own view of jobs in the country.

One of those figures is called the U-6 rate, which has a broader definition of unemployment than does the U-3. In February, that number fell two-tenths of a percent to 9.2 percent.

Unemployment fell in February, but a more realistic rate remains much higher

Of course its higher than 4.7 anyone with a working brain cell knows the U6 is what you need to look at.

Of course the Obama administration keep touting that 4.7 and dummies like RWer bought it.

9.2 is probably the right UE number.
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