Unhinged Tammy Duckworth: I will not be lectured on the military by a 5 time draft dodger like Trump

Trump should lecture her on twitter!

She should have checked a dictionary before making such an ignorant statement. Someone who uses legal draft exemptions is not a "draft dodger." A draft dodger is someone who illegally avoids military service, such as the scumbags who fled to Canada during the Vietnam War to avoid serving their country.
Trump should lecture her on twitter!

She should have checked a dictionary before making such an ignorant statement. Someone who uses legal draft exemptions is not a "draft dodger." A draft dodger is someone who illegally avoids military service, such as the scumbags who fled to Canada during the Vietnam War to avoid serving their country.

Depends on what dictionary you use...

Draft dodging

(Military) US someone who evades compulsory military service
This is a broken watch moment. She is right on this occasion. Trump clearly did not want to serve so he avoided serving. Again I wonder how many defending Trump criticized Clinton for his avoidance of serving.
Trump should lecture her on twitter!

Obnoxious, obnoxious...

A fat woman whining about Trump not being in military. You know it's not like he didn't have anything else going on like building great cities. He had reasons, this ugly woman only has her privilege.

I bet she puts the pussy hat on come evening time.
This is a broken watch moment. She is right on this occasion. Trump clearly did not want to serve so he avoided serving. Again I wonder how many defending Trump criticized Clinton for his avoidance of serving.
I criticis Trump for dodging....but atleast he supports the military and doesn't spit on them, or speaks against the military like the left do.......He was a pussy to dodge, but it's ok, he's a not a rat fuck like Kerry, who won fake purple hearts and then turned on the military with made up bullshit....
Duckworth is a dumb liberal crackpot who is screwing over veterans and active duty soldiers for illegal aliens who broke our immigration laws. Send money to whoever opposes her in the next election.
This is a broken watch moment. She is right on this occasion. Trump clearly did not want to serve so he avoided serving. Again I wonder how many defending Trump criticized Clinton for his avoidance of serving.
I criticis Trump for dodging....but atleast he supports the military and doesn't spit on them, or speaks against the military like the left do.......He was a pussy to dodge, but it's ok, he's a not a rat fuck like Kerry, who won fake purple hearts and then turned on the military with made up bullshit....

Of course. Because criticizing gold star families, telling generals he knows more about ISIS, insulting POWs, and dodging the draft are the trademarks of someone who supports the military.

Or maybe don't assume that just because someone has an "R" next to their name that they support the military.
Duckworth is a dumb liberal crackpot who is screwing over veterans and active duty soldiers for illegal aliens who broke our immigration laws. Send money to whoever opposes her in the next election.

Duckworth is a war hero. Trump is a criminal, a liar, and a coward.

But there's another war hero he needs to concern himself with.

The one that is currently conducting an investigation on him.

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