Unifier Biden Rejects Legitimate Opposition, Calls Half the Country Who Voted for Trump "Semi-Fascist" But Will Still Take Their Taxes

BS. RINO’s are sellouts to dem fascism.
Trump is about free markets and American exceptionalism. American exceptionalism is rooted in freedom. The opposite of fascism.
Trump was was for protectionist trade policies. That is not free markets.
The Italians didn’t root their exceptionalism in freedom.
The Italians rooted their exceptionalism in an exaggerated mythology of the glory of days long gone.

Which is exactly what Trump did.

Mussolini could have used the slogan “make Italy great again”.
The Italians rooted their exceptionalism in an exaggerated mythology of the glory of days long gone.

Which is exactly what Trump did.

Mussolini could have used the slogan “make Italy great again”.
You consider freedom as long gone glory days? You must be a demmunist.
that’s not free trade, with foreign companies….he was all about it, but wanted fair deals and used tariffs to get better deals
That is no different than what the Dems want with protectionist policies. It isn’t free trade
The Italians rooted their exceptionalism in an exaggerated mythology of the glory of days long gone.

Which is exactly what Trump did.

Mussolini could have used the slogan “make Italy great again”.
they didn’t root it in freedom…Benito was a old school life long left wing socialist that wanted to build socialism back better and came up with this third way…fascism.

trump wanted to make america great again, after 8 years of weakness
Democrat unbearables.cannot tolerate any thought of America being great or ever having been great. That's the root of their MAGA hatred.
“What we’re seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something, it’s like Semi-Fascism,” Biden said on Friday at a DNC fundraiser.

Semi fascist? I don't think the democrats are willing to give up the title of FULL BLOWN FASCISTS!
Anyone been arrested yet for threatening SCOTUS justices.


“What we’re seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something, it’s like Semi-Fascism,” Biden said on Friday at a DNC fundraiser.

Hillary called them "deplorables."

The guy from Delaware calls them "Semi-Fascists."

Dang! What will President Harris call them in 2025?

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