Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

The president doesn't pass a law. He only signs bills which makes it into a law. Passing anything requires a vote in the legislature.

Congratulations. Took you long enough, but you're almost there. Figure out who holds the veto power, and you'll get a gold star.
2 things am I going to say.
1. Obamacare can go by the wayside, when Trump becomes president, as Congress can pass a law to repeal it, the Senate can then pass the repeal, and Trump can sign the repeal, and Obummercrap can go away.
2. Why is it that the Guy who wanted the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America, has the most amount of GUN murders in America? Could it be when the country is transformed, "The chickens have come home to roost". Yes elections have consequences and when a liberal gets in power, the SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN. Bunch of morons who voted for Obama, not once but twice, and you know who you are.

Have to admit I've never seen anyone blame gun deaths on liberals before.

I'd recommend you say your prayers for the realization of your first item.

Liberals will be working to stop the NRA from bullying medical professionals.

Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
And this is why you are "STUPID". If you fucktards can blame us for a liberal shooting a liberal, we can blame liberals whenever there is a shooting. Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and Pursuit of Happiness". Liberals hate humans, and what they do to the Earth so go out of their way to remove innocent humans from the EARTH. You are still a dumbass.

The stupid part is where you swallow Cruz's swill about "all violent criminals are liberals." It clouds your judgment. Then again, you're predicting a Trump presidency and everyone in Congress kowtowing to his demands so he won't fire them, so your "judgment" is moot.
The president doesn't pass a law. He only signs bills which makes it into a law. Passing anything requires a vote in the legislature.

Congratulations. Took you long enough, but you're almost there. Figure out who holds the veto power, and you'll get a gold star.
2 things am I going to say.
1. Obamacare can go by the wayside, when Trump becomes president, as Congress can pass a law to repeal it, the Senate can then pass the repeal, and Trump can sign the repeal, and Obummercrap can go away.
2. Why is it that the Guy who wanted the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America, has the most amount of GUN murders in America? Could it be when the country is transformed, "The chickens have come home to roost". Yes elections have consequences and when a liberal gets in power, the SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN. Bunch of morons who voted for Obama, not once but twice, and you know who you are.

Have to admit I've never seen anyone blame gun deaths on liberals before.

I'd recommend you say your prayers for the realization of your first item.

Liberals will be working to stop the NRA from bullying medical professionals.

Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
And this is why you are "STUPID". If you fucktards can blame us for a liberal shooting a liberal, we can blame liberals whenever there is a shooting. Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and Pursuit of Happiness". Liberals hate humans, and what they do to the Earth so go out of their way to remove innocent humans from the EARTH. You are still a dumbass.

The stupid part is where you swallow Cruz's swill about "all violent criminals are liberals." It clouds your judgment. Then again, you're predicting a Trump presidency and everyone in Congress kowtowing to his demands so he won't fire them, so your "judgment" is moot.

I don't have to have some koolaid to think for myself. While you libtards, drink the rainbow juice that comes out of the homosexual president abode. Once again, Liberals (R) and (D) don't give a rats ass about the people and could care less if they die or not. That is liberalism in a nutshell. Now conservatives believe in (please note) "LIFE, LIBERTY, and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS". Shame you are too stupid to know this, but if you did, then you wouldn't be a liberal. Now drink more koolaid, goosestep to Der Fuhrer, be a mindnumbed useful idiot and continue to vote for those same people who want to enslave you. DUMBASS.
Congratulations. Took you long enough, but you're almost there. Figure out who holds the veto power, and you'll get a gold star.
2 things am I going to say.
1. Obamacare can go by the wayside, when Trump becomes president, as Congress can pass a law to repeal it, the Senate can then pass the repeal, and Trump can sign the repeal, and Obummercrap can go away.
2. Why is it that the Guy who wanted the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America, has the most amount of GUN murders in America? Could it be when the country is transformed, "The chickens have come home to roost". Yes elections have consequences and when a liberal gets in power, the SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN. Bunch of morons who voted for Obama, not once but twice, and you know who you are.

Have to admit I've never seen anyone blame gun deaths on liberals before.

I'd recommend you say your prayers for the realization of your first item.

Liberals will be working to stop the NRA from bullying medical professionals.

Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
And this is why you are "STUPID". If you fucktards can blame us for a liberal shooting a liberal, we can blame liberals whenever there is a shooting. Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and Pursuit of Happiness". Liberals hate humans, and what they do to the Earth so go out of their way to remove innocent humans from the EARTH. You are still a dumbass.

The stupid part is where you swallow Cruz's swill about "all violent criminals are liberals." It clouds your judgment. Then again, you're predicting a Trump presidency and everyone in Congress kowtowing to his demands so he won't fire them, so your "judgment" is moot.

I don't have to have some koolaid to think for myself. While you libtards, drink the rainbow juice that comes out of the homosexual president abode. Once again, Liberals (R) and (D) don't give a rats ass about the people and could care less if they die or not. That is liberalism in a nutshell. Now conservatives believe in (please note) "LIFE, LIBERTY, and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS". Shame you are too stupid to know this, but if you did, then you wouldn't be a liberal. Now drink more koolaid, goosestep to Der Fuhrer, be a mindnumbed useful idiot and continue to vote for those same people who want to enslave you. DUMBASS.

So is that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" only for some Americans or for all of us?
2 things am I going to say.
1. Obamacare can go by the wayside, when Trump becomes president, as Congress can pass a law to repeal it, the Senate can then pass the repeal, and Trump can sign the repeal, and Obummercrap can go away.
2. Why is it that the Guy who wanted the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION of America, has the most amount of GUN murders in America? Could it be when the country is transformed, "The chickens have come home to roost". Yes elections have consequences and when a liberal gets in power, the SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN. Bunch of morons who voted for Obama, not once but twice, and you know who you are.

Have to admit I've never seen anyone blame gun deaths on liberals before.

I'd recommend you say your prayers for the realization of your first item.

Liberals will be working to stop the NRA from bullying medical professionals.

Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
Arizona Congresswoman shot, liberals target Palin, Tea Party
And this is why you are "STUPID". If you fucktards can blame us for a liberal shooting a liberal, we can blame liberals whenever there is a shooting. Conservatives believe in "LIFE, LIBERTY, and Pursuit of Happiness". Liberals hate humans, and what they do to the Earth so go out of their way to remove innocent humans from the EARTH. You are still a dumbass.

The stupid part is where you swallow Cruz's swill about "all violent criminals are liberals." It clouds your judgment. Then again, you're predicting a Trump presidency and everyone in Congress kowtowing to his demands so he won't fire them, so your "judgment" is moot.

I don't have to have some koolaid to think for myself. While you libtards, drink the rainbow juice that comes out of the homosexual president abode. Once again, Liberals (R) and (D) don't give a rats ass about the people and could care less if they die or not. That is liberalism in a nutshell. Now conservatives believe in (please note) "LIFE, LIBERTY, and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS". Shame you are too stupid to know this, but if you did, then you wouldn't be a liberal. Now drink more koolaid, goosestep to Der Fuhrer, be a mindnumbed useful idiot and continue to vote for those same people who want to enslave you. DUMBASS.

So is that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" only for some Americans or for all of us?

As long as you fucktards aren't imposing your bullshit agenda on the rest of US, like Obamacare, then yes, but as typical of any fucking liberal, you guys HAVE TO FORCE all your immorality on US and then we have to deal with it. So no, you do not get to screw US over. You are still a dumbass and mentally deranged.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
Conservatives are the Adults in this Country and don't like having to support lazy asses like you. You need to grow up and start being an adult like the rest of US.
As long as you fucktards aren't imposing your bullshit agenda on the rest of US, like Obamacare, then yes...

So that would be "Yes, but only if you meet certain criteria." Got it.
Your rights end when they infringe upon mine. Like a moron that you are, you don't understand that aspect of the law. Now go play in a busy intersection.
Your rights end when they infringe upon mine.

As do yours vis-a-vis mine. That you assume you're the only one who understands that is the comical part.

For example, your right to cruise around without health insurance, end up in the ER after an accident, and skip out on the bill so that it gets passed on to other patients ended in January 2014.

If you say "I'd never skip out on a bill," you don't understand hospital costs.

If you say "I'm not responsible for anyone else," you don't understand the Pareto principle.

Where would you like to start?
Your rights end when they infringe upon mine.

As do yours vis-a-vis mine. That you assume you're the only one who understands that is the comical part.

For example, your right to cruise around without health insurance, end up in the ER after an accident, and skip out on the bill so that it gets passed on to other patients ended in January 2014.

If you say "I'd never skip out on a bill," you don't understand hospital costs.

If you say "I'm not responsible for anyone else," you don't understand the Pareto principle.

Where would you like to start?
But once again that is where you are the stupid one. I as a conservative wont jilt out someone who has done me a service or provided a service all with a shake of the hands, while you libtards go out of your way to cheat out paying, just look at the Vagina for president and her last trip to Chipotle. After a while though, even other libtards start to deny YOU service because they don't LIKE YOU( or the vagina). Shame you cant grasp this traditional idea that once made this country great. Today though with all of your liberal bullshit, you have to have a contract 100 pages long, just to get some bubble gum.
I as a conservative wont jilt out someone who has done me a service or provided a service all with a shake of the hands...

Good for you. Though the fact that you believe this is inherent to only one political leaning is somewhat limiting.

One may assume, then, that either you have excellent (employer-provided?) insurance or that you've never needed emergent care. You're fortunate.
I as a conservative wont jilt out someone who has done me a service or provided a service all with a shake of the hands...

Good for you. Though the fact that you believe this is inherent to only one political leaning is somewhat limiting.

One may assume, then, that either you have excellent (employer-provided?) insurance or that you've never needed emergent care. You're fortunate.
I guess you didn't know that employer-provided insurance was a perk to get the best applicants to come work for that company? At one time before the liberals started taxing everyone to poverty, that people would keep almost 90% of their wealth and use it for needs like food, fuel or emergency care? But for liberals it is never enough taxes, so they kept increasing it to the point that people were offered health insurance for work along with wages. But of course THAT ISNT FAIR, to those shlobs who sit on their asses and want FREE stuff, so Obama , Dirty Harry Reid, and Nancy(Blinkie) Pelosi, made it fair behind closed doors and FORCED every to pay for other peoples healthcare, whether they wanted it or not. Yes conservatives are for FREEDOM, LOW TAXES, LIMITED GOVERNMENT and FREE CHOICE. The morons aren't. You are one of those morons.
I guess you didn't know that employer-provided insurance was a perk to get the best applicants to come work for that company?

Actually, it's because of the Stabilization Act of 1942.
Ah yes, more rules and regulations to take more from those producing and giving it to those that don't work. See Detroit City lately? You can only stabilize so far before everyone leaves, and then everyone loses. Yep , you lose, I lose, everyone loses, that is the liberal way to equality.

I guess you didn't know that employer-provided insurance was a perk to get the best applicants to come work for that company?

Actually, it's because of the Stabilization Act of 1942.
Ah yes, more rules and regulations to take more from those producing and giving it to those that don't work.

You have no idea what the Stabilization Act of 1942 was, do you? In fact, until I mentioned it, you didn't know it existed. You'll just keep on ranting no matter what.

At least you're finally ranting about health insurance. :D
I guess you didn't know that employer-provided insurance was a perk to get the best applicants to come work for that company?

Actually, it's because of the Stabilization Act of 1942.
Ah yes, more rules and regulations to take more from those producing and giving it to those that don't work.

You have no idea what the Stabilization Act of 1942 was, do you? In fact, until I mentioned it, you didn't know it existed. You'll just keep on ranting no matter what.

At least you're finally ranting about health insurance. :D
Stabilization Act of 1942 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Act also extended the expiration date of the Emergency Price Control Act by a year, to June 30, 1944.[3][7]

As a penalty for violating the Act, the Act provided for a fine of $1000, imprisonment for up to a year, or both.[8]

On October 3, 1942, the day after the statute's enactment, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order no. 9250, fixing wages and salaries in accordance with the Act, and establishing the Office of Economic Stabilization.[9]

One consequence of the wage stabilization under the Act was that employers, unable to provide higher salaries to attract or retain employees, began to offer insurance plans, including health care packages, as a fringe benefit, thereby beginning the practice of employer-sponsored health insurance.[10][11]
Yes FDR pissed off a lot of Americans by taking away their rights towards a more socialist country. First president I know of who threw people in jail for owning gold. I have bought gold, and find it humorous that if Obama tried what FDR did, there would be a bunch of dead people at my doorstep.

Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You guys hate everything in the Constitution as it prevents you from taking from the rest of US what we have earned. All I can say is , I know what FDR did, and if it was tried today, there would be a different outcome. As you can see with this election year coming up.
I guess you didn't know that employer-provided insurance was a perk to get the best applicants to come work for that company?

Actually, it's because of the Stabilization Act of 1942.
Ah yes, more rules and regulations to take more from those producing and giving it to those that don't work.

You have no idea what the Stabilization Act of 1942 was, do you? In fact, until I mentioned it, you didn't know it existed. You'll just keep on ranting no matter what.

At least you're finally ranting about health insurance. :D
One other thing I find troubling about you, is that once I showed you how liberalism will ruin all of us, for equality, you then go off on the Stab act of 1942 , insult me as usual of a liberal, but not debate about how Detroit is a perfect example of liberal failure.

There you go. So your boss doesn't give you health insurance because you're the bestest employee evah, but because of a law enacted during wartime 73 years ago that employers have exploited ever since. Now we're getting somewhere.

Next up: Group health plans, the Pareto principle, and economies of scale.

Stop me if I'm going too fast for you.
One consequence of the wage stabilization under the Act was that employers, unable to provide higher salaries to attract or retain employees, began to offer insurance plans, including health care packages, as a fringe benefit, thereby beginning the practice of employer-sponsored health insurance.[10][11]
You are a derange individual. What part of "OFFER" don't you understand. IT doesn't say FORCED TO. I must revert back to calling you a moron again.
One other thing I find troubling about you, is that once I showed you how liberalism will ruin all of us, for equality, you then go off on the Stab act of 1942...

Because you were laboring under the misconception that your boss gave you health insurance because you work harder than anyone else. That level of delusion needs to be addressed, IMO.

And if the Stability Act of 1942 signaled the destruction of America by liberalism, what do you suppose is taking so long?
One other thing I find troubling about you, is that once I showed you how liberalism will ruin all of us, for equality, you then go off on the Stab act of 1942...

Because you were laboring under the misconception that your boss gave you health insurance because you work harder than anyone else. That level of delusion needs to be addressed, IMO.

And if the Stability Act of 1942 signaled the destruction of America by liberalism, what do you suppose is taking so long?
He offered my health insurance to me, not some burger flipper at McD's. You are as stupid as they come.
Example - A. Do I go to work at McD's because they offer minimum wage and no healthcare?
B. Do I go work for company B, because they offer minimum wage and healthcare?
C. Since my skills are above minimum wage, they offer me skilled wages and healthcare?
D. Do I sit in my parents basement get foodstamps, and FREE healthcare from my parents plan up to 26, bitch and moan because I am a liberal and suck at anything I do, because I went to public edumacation and go a diploma, but cant count past 2?

Which do you fall under?
Once again, lets talk about Detroit and how well liberalism did for its healthcare system? Think those who cant pay and cant move, are suffering because those that left, took their money to some other state?

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