Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

IT doesn't say FORCED TO.

The only one using the term "forced" is you.
Lets see what happens when you don't purchase health insurance or pay the penalty.
Executive Order 6102 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States". The effect of the order, in conjunction with the statute under which it was issued, was to criminalize the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.
You guys sure do love your FASCIST presidents. Obama and FDR have a lot in common, even if it kills you.

He offered my health insurance to me...

That's good. It would be mad of him to offer your insurance to someone else.

Are you the only employee in your company who gets health insurance?
Well, I am done with you, I have to go get surgery next week and use up my health insurance that I have paid into for the past 20 years and my co pay, and my balance after that. Just let me show you one more thing that is going on. When Harry Reid did this, you liberals rejoiced, now with Mitch doing it, are you going to feel the same?

WASHINGTON — The Senate approved legislation on Thursday night that would repeal President Obama’s landmark health care law, a goal of Republicans since the law was adopted in March 2010.

The measure, which would also halt federal financing for Planned Parenthood, will now be sent to the House, which adopted a different version last month. The bill is ultimately expected to pass both chambers, but faces certain veto by Mr. Obama.

“President Obama will have a choice,” said the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky. “He can defend a status quo that’s failed the middle class by vetoing the bill, or he can work toward a new beginning and better care by signing it.”
If Stinky(B.O.) veto's this, you can bet Trump will be the next president. Cant wait till stinky blames republicans for his next action.
I have to go get surgery next week and use up my health insurance that I have paid into for the past 20 years and my co pay, and my balance after that.

You don't "use up" health insurance.

What you're probably referring to is a health savings account, and what you're describing tells me several things: (A) your employer-provided insurance must have had a huge deductible if you're required to spend all of a 20-year HSA and still have overages and (B) at least you're aware of the high costs of surgical procedures, which should help you see the value of good, affordable health insurance.

Anyway, good luck with your surgery!
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043

Retarded thread.

How does requiring an individual to purchase a medical insurance policy from a private insurer equate to either free healthcare or diminished reimbursements to a provider?

Are you attempting to show a needfor healthcare reform or a consequence of healthcare reform? Your link never mentions reform as either a cause or effect.
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...when not enough people can pay into the hospitals...

Isn't that when your side talks about "lazy people who don't work and expect free stuff"?

...someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients.

And now there are more insured patients, which spreads the risk. (Hint: That's a good thing.)

yes a good thing so that nobody has to worry about paying for themselves and everybody becomes a leech, and then you have a soviet level failure!

And Spock has a beard and everyone carries an agonizer.

...govt pays so nobody pays!!

Who runs the government on your planet - Borg or Cylons?

Because on Earth, insurance functions on the Pareto principle.

in a capitalist system people shop with their own money and providers compete on basis of price and quality. Liberals made interstate competition in America illegal ! Why? They lack the IQ to understand how capitalism works!!

Liberals made interstate competition in America illegal !

When and how was interstate competition ever in effect and when was it removed?
...govt pays so nobody pays!!

Who runs the government on your planet - Borg or Cylons?

Because on Earth, insurance functions on the Pareto principle.

in a capitalist system people shop with their own money and providers compete on basis of price and quality. Liberals made interstate competition in America illegal ! Why? They lack the IQ to understand how capitalism works!!

Liberals made interstate competition in America illegal !

When and how was interstate competition ever in effect and when was it removed?
too 100% stupid!! We have international competition for most goods and services. In health care lib soviet fools eliminated even interstate competition in 1946 with McCarran Ferguson. What planet have you been on?
Where is there not a free market under the ACA?

total idiot liberal! In a free market prices would be 20% of current. People would shop with their own money, prices would be posted, providers would compete on basis of price and quality. Do you have the IQ to understand?
In a free market prices would be 20% of current.

Prove it. Not by repeating your condescending little speech over and over and over and over again, but with facts.

Dear, we know how expensive things were/are in the USSR, Red China, Cuba etc etc
Now do you understand?

So Same Speech, Different Day.

Post it again.
dear, if you disagree please say why or admit you lack the IQ to be here
In a free market prices would be 20% of current.

Prove it. Not by repeating your condescending little speech over and over and over and over again, but with facts.

Dear, we know how expensive things were/are in the USSR, Red China, Cuba etc etc
Now do you understand?

So Same Speech, Different Day.

Post it again.
dear, if you disagree please say why or admit you lack the IQ to be here

Post it again.
In a free market prices would be 20% of current.

Prove it. Not by repeating your condescending little speech over and over and over and over again, but with facts.

Dear, we know how expensive things were/are in the USSR, Red China, Cuba etc etc
Now do you understand?

So Same Speech, Different Day.

Post it again.
dear, if you disagree please say why or admit you lack the IQ to be here

Post it again.

translation: I'm too stupid and liberal to say why i disagree
total idiot liberal! In a free market prices would be 20% of current. People would shop with their own money, prices would be posted, providers would compete on basis of price and quality. Do you have the IQ to understand?

Special Ed seems to think that MDs would be willing to see patients for forty bucks.

What fantasy world does he live in?

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