Union: Obama threw workers 'under the bus' in Keystone decision

This is how stupid union people are. Dumbsses!

LIUNA Endorses President Obama for Second Term as President

LIUNA Endorses President Obama for Second Term as President

Washington, D.C. (March 8, 2012) – The General Executive Board of LIUNA – the Laborers International Union of North America – has endorsed Barack Obama for a second term as President. The endorsement comes after a unanimous vote of the union’s board on Wednesday.

“President Obama has earned a second term as President,” said Terry O’Sullivan, LIUNA General President. “Despite unprecedented and unrelenting hostility from extremist Republicans determined to see him fail, President Obama has achieved many laudable goals. We think America needs a leader who will fight to create jobs and build a bigger middle class. It's a no- brainer – Barack Obama is the only choice to lead this country for four more years.”

Did you notice that the dumb ass didn't mention one accomplishment of Obama's? This is what I am saying about unions they don't know no better. They have given up on being a union and they are now just a dues collecting corporation.
Only a jackass idiot like Obama would prevent Americans from building a pipeline to carry energy. Like a world class jackass in the back pocket of the Environmental Wackos.

We need to get this jackass out of office and replace him with somebody that understand economics and not somebody that thinks this AGW scam is the most important issue in the world.

I believe his idea is to wean people off of oil. Not a bad idea but for now it is only for the rich. The rich will be able to afford high gasoline prices, the poor not so much. So his agenda, as everything with democrats, hurt the poor the most. But then again if the poor are to only stay in the cities, democrat concentration camps, then they don't need to drive, except to the polls to vote for their masters.
So now the Idiot that's lucky he's not serving a term in Leavenworth for thinking a security clearance means you can hand out classified information like candy on Halloween knows all about pipelines...


Yeah, guy, you don't send people to Leavenworth for what they "think".

Okay, the thing is, the Oil Companies wanted this, that's a good enough reason to deep six it.
Do you mean the "f...K up" of getting a congress run by democrats in 2006? We all can see where that got us in 2008 and then with a 10 trillion dollar debt. Yeah that was a real f..k up.

Uh, guy, it was only a 5 Trillion dollar debt when Bush took office, before he gave a huge tax cut to the rich and put a war on a credit card.

All the things that were fucked up were not because thepeople put a stop to Bush's craziness by putting Democrats in Congress.
Why shouldn't Obama throw union workers under the bus? It's not like he needs their campaign donations and votes for re-election...he's done with that. So under the bus for them while Obama self-promotes his future with Global GreeNazis.

I think you are a little confused. Trans-Canada already announced its intention to cancel the pipeline project before Obama rejected it.
Why shouldn't Obama throw union workers under the bus? It's not like he needs their campaign donations and votes for re-election...he's done with that. So under the bus for them while Obama self-promotes his future with Global GreeNazis.

I think you are a little confused. Trans-Canada already announced its intention to cancel the pipeline project before Obama rejected it.

You sad little woo woo. You are apparently quite unacquainted with recent history. Obama dragged his heals on "a decision" for seven years in a cynical ploy to dupe his union supporters. His recent announcement is just the formal notice that he no longer needs them.

I believe his idea is to wean people off of oil. Not a bad idea but for now it is only for the rich. The rich will be able to afford high gasoline prices, the poor not so much. So his agenda, as everything with democrats, hurt the poor the most. But then again if the poor are to only stay in the cities, democrat concentration camps, then they don't need to drive, except to the polls to vote for their masters.

I think is is a question of who is buying Obama off.

Is it that environmental wacko Tom Steyer? Steyer owns the Democrat Party nowadays.

However, it could be Warren Buffet. Buffet has considerable stock in the railroads that carry the oil out of the Bakken oil field.

Maybe it is a combination of both of them. Who really knows the kind of corruption Obama is capable of doing?

We do know one thing. He is working against the interest of the American people.
Do you mean the "f...K up" of getting a congress run by democrats in 2006? We all can see where that got us in 2008 and then with a 10 trillion dollar debt. Yeah that was a real f..k up.

Uh, guy, it was only a 5 Trillion dollar debt when Bush took office, before he gave a huge tax cut to the rich and put a war on a credit card.

All the things that were fucked up were not because thepeople put a stop to Bush's craziness by putting Democrats in Congress.

Obama doubled the debt.

The democrat congress caused the recession whose recovery was made the longest and weakest in history.

War in Syria, Libya and Iraq.

Bombing in our ally countries.

Yeah, Obama sure made things better. BTW the Iraq war was over when Obama took office.
So now the Idiot that's lucky he's not serving a term in Leavenworth for thinking a security clearance means you can hand out classified information like candy on Halloween knows all about pipelines...


Yeah, guy, you don't send people to Leavenworth for what they "think".

Okay, the thing is, the Oil Companies wanted this, that's a good enough reason to deep six it.
No, but the military definitely has a way of convincing misfits to find another line of work, don't they???

Uh, guy, it was only a 5 Trillion dollar debt when Bush took office, before he gave a huge tax cut to the rich and put a war on a credit card.

All the things that were fucked up were not because thepeople put a stop to Bush's craziness by putting Democrats in Congress.

The tax cut was actually across the board for all Americans and removed millions of Moon Bats from having to pay any income tax.

The thing that Moon Bats hate the most is an across the board tax hike where everybody is given a prorated decrease in the relative to the amount they pay in.

However, the most debt that was accrued during Bush's administration was the last years when that filthy ass Democrat Congress voted for the deficit budgets in 2007 and 2008.

Not only did Obama ring up trillions of debt of his own but he as a Senator voted for significant debt during the Bush Administration.

Oh, just so you won't be confused anymore, Obama and the Democrat Congress extended the Bush tax cuts so if you want to blame somebody you need to hold them accountable.
What about the union jobs in transport ? Wouldn't the pipeline destroy those jobs?
Using that logic why don't we just transport it with buckets and mules? just think how many "jobs" that would "create", of course then we'd have the PETA people freakin' out about the low wages the mules were getting. :)

I'm not talking about creating jobs , I'm talking about not destroying them.

The implication of this thread is that we are throwing jobs away . But are we really ? Once the pipeline is built those construction jobs are gone and the transport jobs are also gone .

Net loss of jobs ??

Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?
What about the union jobs in transport ? Wouldn't the pipeline destroy those jobs?
Using that logic why don't we just transport it with buckets and mules? just think how many "jobs" that would "create", of course then we'd have the PETA people freakin' out about the low wages the mules were getting. :)

I'm not talking about creating jobs , I'm talking about not destroying them.

The implication of this thread is that we are throwing jobs away . But are we really ? Once the pipeline is built those construction jobs are gone and the transport jobs are also gone .

Net loss of jobs ??

Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Canada most certainly refines her own oil. But you do not produce enough on your own yet so consequently Canada is still your number one supplier of oil.

Here's some stats for you Timmy.

"The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world and uses 15 million barrels of crude oil every single day. The latest data shows that about half of that is imported. Even with growing U.S. production and increasing fuel efficiency standards, the International Energy Agency and the U.S.'s own Energy Information Administration forecast the need for between four to six million barrels of imported crude oil a day until 2040."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas
Another whining ass Union surprised that they are getting it up the butt by a democrat. What is wrong with them? The democrats have promised them so much yet given them so little, except legislation that actually takes away Union power. They supported Obamacare until they realized how it hurt their union. But I will just bet they don't blame Obama or cut a deal with him.

But with this, like with Clinton's "free" trade deals the Unions will do NOTHING but whine. I can't imagine what would have happened with Unions if all they did was whine at Homestead. Of course what the Union is saying is right, but what will they really do about it? Support Mrs. Clinton? Of course they will.

You want to know why the demise of Unions? This is why, they do it to themselves.

The main union for construction workers is accusing President Obama of throwing them “under the bus” by rejecting the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Union: Obama threw workers 'under the bus' in Keystone decision

The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) is one of the few labor unions that broke with the majority of Democrats and supported the project, which Obama rejected Friday after a seven-year review.

“We are dismayed and disgusted that the President has once again thrown the members of LIUNA, and other hard-working, blue-collar workers under the bus of his vaunted ‘legacy,’ while doing little or nothing to make a real difference in global climate change,” Terry O’Sullivan, the union’s general president, said in a statement. “His actions are shameful.”
The group’s statement cited a State Department report that Keystone could reduce greenhouse gas emissions when compared with oil transportation by rail.

“But facts apparently mean as little to the president as the construction jobs he repeatedly derided as insignificant because they are ‘temporary,’ ” O’Sullivan said. “Ironically, the very temporary nature of the president’s own job seems to be fueling a legacy of doing permanent harm to middle- and working class families.”

Considering how few jobs it would have created, it must have been a very small bus.
Using that logic why don't we just transport it with buckets and mules? just think how many "jobs" that would "create", of course then we'd have the PETA people freakin' out about the low wages the mules were getting. :)

I'm not talking about creating jobs , I'm talking about not destroying them.

The implication of this thread is that we are throwing jobs away . But are we really ? Once the pipeline is built those construction jobs are gone and the transport jobs are also gone .

Net loss of jobs ??

Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Canada most certainly refines her own oil. But you do not produce enough on your own yet so consequently Canada is still your number one supplier of oil.

Here's some stats for you Timmy.

"The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world and uses 15 million barrels of crude oil every single day. The latest data shows that about half of that is imported. Even with growing U.S. production and increasing fuel efficiency standards, the International Energy Agency and the U.S.'s own Energy Information Administration forecast the need for between four to six million barrels of imported crude oil a day until 2040."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

So is that why they are capping all those new wells and waiting for the price to go back up before they use any of that new found oil?
What about the union jobs in transport ? Wouldn't the pipeline destroy those jobs?
Using that logic why don't we just transport it with buckets and mules? just think how many "jobs" that would "create", of course then we'd have the PETA people freakin' out about the low wages the mules were getting. :)

I'm not talking about creating jobs , I'm talking about not destroying them.

The implication of this thread is that we are throwing jobs away . But are we really ? Once the pipeline is built those construction jobs are gone and the transport jobs are also gone .

Net loss of jobs ??

Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Now that's a timmy question

Using that logic why don't we just transport it with buckets and mules? just think how many "jobs" that would "create", of course then we'd have the PETA people freakin' out about the low wages the mules were getting. :)

I'm not talking about creating jobs , I'm talking about not destroying them.

The implication of this thread is that we are throwing jobs away . But are we really ? Once the pipeline is built those construction jobs are gone and the transport jobs are also gone .

Net loss of jobs ??

Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Canada most certainly refines her own oil. But you do not produce enough on your own yet so consequently Canada is still your number one supplier of oil.

Here's some stats for you Timmy.

"The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world and uses 15 million barrels of crude oil every single day. The latest data shows that about half of that is imported. Even with growing U.S. production and increasing fuel efficiency standards, the International Energy Agency and the U.S.'s own Energy Information Administration forecast the need for between four to six million barrels of imported crude oil a day until 2040."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

Yes, I work now in the energy services for a company that works extensively in Canada. I work now in their Netherlands branch, but what you say is right, Canada is the #1 exporter to the US. Most people don't realize that.

You know we're on the path to energy independence though unless the Democrats stop us...
I'm not talking about creating jobs , I'm talking about not destroying them.

The implication of this thread is that we are throwing jobs away . But are we really ? Once the pipeline is built those construction jobs are gone and the transport jobs are also gone .

Net loss of jobs ??

Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Canada most certainly refines her own oil. But you do not produce enough on your own yet so consequently Canada is still your number one supplier of oil.

Here's some stats for you Timmy.

"The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world and uses 15 million barrels of crude oil every single day. The latest data shows that about half of that is imported. Even with growing U.S. production and increasing fuel efficiency standards, the International Energy Agency and the U.S.'s own Energy Information Administration forecast the need for between four to six million barrels of imported crude oil a day until 2040."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

So is that why they are capping all those new wells and waiting for the price to go back up before they use any of that new found oil?

Non sequitur
Well construction jobs are by their very nature temporary. And my issue with both rail and transport is that the crude is travelling thru very populated areas.

This was an epic disaster. Lac Megantic. 47 people died.

Lac-Mégantic rail disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Canada most certainly refines her own oil. But you do not produce enough on your own yet so consequently Canada is still your number one supplier of oil.

Here's some stats for you Timmy.

"The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world and uses 15 million barrels of crude oil every single day. The latest data shows that about half of that is imported. Even with growing U.S. production and increasing fuel efficiency standards, the International Energy Agency and the U.S.'s own Energy Information Administration forecast the need for between four to six million barrels of imported crude oil a day until 2040."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

So is that why they are capping all those new wells and waiting for the price to go back up before they use any of that new found oil?

Non sequitur

Not at all. The claim that we NEED to import oil is proven false by the number of existing wells that are closed in.
Timmy is ignoring the jobs created by processing the oil

Is there some shortage of oil ? Those refineries are working fine wh us oil.

Why doesn't Canada fefine it's own shit?

Canada most certainly refines her own oil. But you do not produce enough on your own yet so consequently Canada is still your number one supplier of oil.

Here's some stats for you Timmy.

"The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world and uses 15 million barrels of crude oil every single day. The latest data shows that about half of that is imported. Even with growing U.S. production and increasing fuel efficiency standards, the International Energy Agency and the U.S.'s own Energy Information Administration forecast the need for between four to six million barrels of imported crude oil a day until 2040."

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

So is that why they are capping all those new wells and waiting for the price to go back up before they use any of that new found oil?

Non sequitur

Not at all. The claim that we NEED to import oil is proven false by the number of existing wells that are closed in.

Non sequitur
Obama doubled the debt.

No, Bush's wars and tax cuts for the rich doubled the debt. Tripled it, actually. That Obama took too long to end them was the problem.

The democrat congress caused the recession whose recovery was made the longest and weakest in history.

Really? What did Congress do that caused the Recession. Specifically.

I know what Bush did. He didn't enforce the laws that required banks to not write bad loans. He let them sell those bad loans as investments.

War in Syria, Libya and Iraq.

Bombing in our ally countries.

Yeah, Obama sure made things better. BTW the Iraq war was over when Obama took office.

uh, no, it wasn't. It isn't over now.

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