Union: Obama threw workers 'under the bus' in Keystone decision

Nobody has any problem with the funding of minimal government services like defense, police, courts etc.

What drives up the debt and the astronomical cost of government is the filthy ass welfare state, subsidies, bailouts and entitlements, That includes foreign welfare. The transfer of money from the people that earn it to the lowlifes that didn't earn it.

Well, a few problems with this screaming rant. "The Welfare State", as you call it, would mean not nice Middle Class Entitlements like Social Security and Medicare and Unemployment Insurance that white people enjoy, but bad old Welfare programs like Food Stamps.

Except those programs that you would call "Welfare" are only 212 billion dollars a year out of total government spending of 4 Trillion. Most of the rest is in fact "Minimal services" and "Middle Class Entitlements". Oh, yeah, and paying interest on the debt because we don't make the rich pay their fair share.

No, we don’t spend $1 trillion on welfare each year

The greatest economic growth our country had since the end of WWII has been when the cost of government is half of what it is now.

I think your history is a little confused. In the Post-WWII economy, the government spent more than it does now as a percentage of GDP. Up until WWII, we pretty much socialized the whole economy to fight the war. after the War, we spent billions on public works projects like the Interstate highway system, the TVA, Rural Electrification and other things to create the infrastructure to make us a modern state. Oh, yeah, and the rich paid a top tax rate of 93%.

Stop being an envious greedy Moon Bat. The rich in this country pays 80% of that trillion dollar a year in income tax while 50% of Americans pay nothing. When is enough going to be enough for you greedy Moon Bats?

I think- again, you are a little confused. First and foremost, Income Taxes only make 46% of the revenue that comes into the Federal government. The rest comes from other taxes, most of which fall on the middle class. this doesn't even count state and local taxes, almost all of which fall on the middle class.


Again, if you go back to what we had before Reagan, the rich were paying their fair share.
That is greedy socialist garbage you Moon Bat.

Every American "needs" a tax cut. The combined (Federal, State and Local) cost of government in this country is almost 40% of the GDP and that cost is killing our economy and sending jobs overseas. High taxes stifling our economy one of the main reasons we have 93 Million Americans not working, the lowest workforce participation in several decades. There are simply not enough jobs to go around because the government is taking so much money out of the productive economy.

Uh, guy, 40% of those services need to be performed, they are a key part of the economy.

And if you think that we are going to ever compete with a guy in a third world country making $1.00 a day by reducing taxes on rich people or slashing government services, then you are truly a delusional retard.

93 Million Americans aren't working because a lot of them are Children and Retired people, but, please, please, please don't let that stop your rant.

The only thing the government really needs to do is provide for defense, police, courts and a few other things like that. The government is not an essential part of the economy in the sense that what they do is productive. Unless the money has been borrowed every cent the government expenditures came out of the productive economy.

Those 93 million Americans includes millions that would work if there were jobs available, which there aren't. The cost of government is a tremendous drain on our economy because it doesn't produce anything, it takes from what has already been produced and spends the money in a corrupt and inefficient manner. I could give you many examples if you are confused about that.

The US could compete with anybody if the government would get off our back. Of course if that happen all the welfare queens would be in deep do-do.
The only thing the government really needs to do is provide for defense, police, courts and a few other things like that. The government is not an essential part of the economy in the sense that what they do is productive. Unless the money has been borrowed every cent the government expenditures came out of the productive economy.

You see, this is where you are confused. the reason why government provides these services is because the free market you worship doesn't. There's no profit in providing an education to poor people, but clearly, it is something we need to do as a society.

Those 93 million Americans includes millions that would work if there were jobs available, which there aren't. The cost of government is a tremendous drain on our economy because it doesn't produce anything, it takes from what has already been produced and spends the money in a corrupt and inefficient manner. I could give you many examples if you are confused about that.

You see, again, this is where you are confused. The PRivate Market has no interest in creating jobs. If they can work the one employee they have harder, they aren't going to hire a second employee. If they can replace that employee with a machine, that's even better!

The US could compete with anybody if the government would get off our back. Of course if that happen all the welfare queens would be in deep do-do.

Guy, your argument would be valid if we were getting our butts kicked by Free Market Libertarian Countries like- well, actually, no country has ever instituted Libertarianism, becuase it doesn't work.

But, no, guy, we are getting our asses kicked by the Europeans and Japan and China, all of whom have bigger and more involved governments than we do.
That is greedy socialist garbage you Moon Bat.

Every American "needs" a tax cut. The combined (Federal, State and Local) cost of government in this country is almost 40% of the GDP and that cost is killing our economy and sending jobs overseas. High taxes stifling our economy one of the main reasons we have 93 Million Americans not working, the lowest workforce participation in several decades. There are simply not enough jobs to go around because the government is taking so much money out of the productive economy.

Uh, guy, 40% of those services need to be performed, they are a key part of the economy.

And if you think that we are going to ever compete with a guy in a third world country making $1.00 a day by reducing taxes on rich people or slashing government services, then you are truly a delusional retard.

93 Million Americans aren't working because a lot of them are Children and Retired people, but, please, please, please don't let that stop your rant.

The only thing the government really needs to do is provide for defense, police, courts and a few other things like that. The government is not an essential part of the economy in the sense that what they do is productive. Unless the money has been borrowed every cent the government expenditures came out of the productive economy.

Those 93 million Americans includes millions that would work if there were jobs available, which there aren't. The cost of government is a tremendous drain on our economy because it doesn't produce anything, it takes from what has already been produced and spends the money in a corrupt and inefficient manner. I could give you many examples if you are confused about that.

The US could compete with anybody if the government would get off our back. Of course if that happen all the welfare queens would be in deep do-do.
We tried that "get government off our backs" along with tax cuts during the Bush administration. It led to an economic collapse and massive debt.
So now the Idiot that's lucky he's not serving a term in Leavenworth for thinking a security clearance means you can hand out classified information like candy on Halloween knows all about pipelines...


Yeah, guy, you don't send people to Leavenworth for what they "think".

Okay, the thing is, the Oil Companies wanted this, that's a good enough reason to deep six it.
No, but the military definitely has a way of convincing misfits to find another line of work, don't they???

You mean like the Section 8 they handed Joey?

We tried that "get government off our backs" along with tax cuts during the Bush administration. It led to an economic collapse and massive debt.

What screwed up the economy was the 2006 elected Democrat Congress. When Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and that idiot Harry Reid took over Congress the economy went to hell in a hand basket and hasn't recovered yet.

The Democrats came up with this stupid Libtard idea of using the government to force lenders to give credit (for social justice reasons) to people that neither had the means or the inclination to ever pay it back and then the Libtards seem surprised when it almost destroyed the economy. Duh!

Bush's rinky dink tax cut is what saved the economy after the trillion dollar hit because of 911. The Democrats agreed because they extended the tax cuts when they controlled Congress and the White House.

Prosperity is not created through higher taxation when you take money from the people that earned and give to the corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups. That is a concept that stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats like yourself always have a difficult time understanding. Mostly because you are confused and delusional.
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Again, if you go back to what we had before Reagan, the rich were paying their fair share.

When the friggin combined government takes almost 40% of the GDP to pay for the filthy cost of government and almost 50% of the people don't have to pay any of the trillion a year collected in income tax then their is absolutely no fairness.

During the post WWII time when this country had the most economic growth the combined cost of government was close to 20% of the GDP instead of the despicable 40% now.

It is always humorous to see the greed of you Moon Bats. Most of you welfare queens don't have to pay any income tax while the top 1% of earners pays 50% of the trillion a year and the top 20% of earners pays 80% of that trillion. When is enough going to be enough for you greedy little bastards?

This country is not going to prosper with you greedy little assholes stealing money from others to pay your bills. It is only going to prosper when you greedy little shits get off your fat asses, put down your bongs and take responsibility for your own well being instead of using the filthy government to steal the money from other people that earned it.

We spend far too munch money on entitlements, waste, cronyism and the welfare state..

Ron Paul came up with a great plan in 2012 to cut the Federal budget a trillion a year while modestly growing defense, maintaining Social Security and preserving Medicare, He did it by cutting out all the bullshit that the Federal government doesn't need to be doing.

That budget was the only sane proposal I have ever seen.

The Democratic party's cash cow is now public employee unions, they really don't give a shit about the private unions anymore. They know the private unions won't vote for Republicans so they can shit on them like this and still get their votes.
Obama's in bed with the Global Warming zealots and Saudis. This decision pleases both. But this really shouldn't be surprising to anyone. He is an Anti-American Communist/Muslim. We should all know by now where his loyalties lie.

We tried that "get government off our backs" along with tax cuts during the Bush administration. It led to an economic collapse and massive debt.

What screwed up the economy was the 2006 elected Democrat Congress. When Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski and that idiot Harry Reid took over Congress the economy went to hell in a hand basket and hasn't recovered yet.

The Democrats came up with this stupid Libtard idea of using the government to force lenders to give credit (for social justice reasons) to people that neither had the means or the inclination to ever pay it back and then the Libtards seem surprised when it almost destroyed the economy. Duh!

Bush's rinky dink tax cut is what saved the economy after the trillion dollar hit because of 911. The Democrats agreed because they extended the tax cuts when they controlled Congress and the White House.

Prosperity is not created through higher taxation when you take money from the people that earned and give to the corrupt politicians elected by greedy special interest groups. That is a concept that stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats like yourself always have a difficult time understanding. Mostly because you are confused and delusional.
More rightwing scapegoating......blame the queer who only had control for six months
When the friggin combined government takes almost 40% of the GDP to pay for the filthy cost of government and almost 50% of the people don't have to pay any of the trillion a year collected in income tax then their is absolutely no fairness.

I agree. When 50% of the population controls less than 1% of the wealth, then guess what, it's totally not fair that they don't have any income to actually tax. And when the top 20% control 87% of the wealth, they really should be paying most of the taxes.

During the post WWII time when this country had the most economic growth the combined cost of government was close to 20% of the GDP instead of the despicable 40% now.

again, I think you are a little confused. After WWII, the Rich paid 93% top marginal rate, and we were spending HUGE amounts of money on military and infrastructure projects.

for instance, look at this graph of military spending as percent of GDP.


In the 1950's, we were spending 15% of our GDP on military stuff. Compared to less than 5% today.

Now, you are right in that we are spending more on things like Social Security and Medicare, both because our population is getting older. (people in 1950 rarely lived to see 65). But since Old people vote and won't vote to cut off their promised entitlements, your hope of shrinking government are pretty much screwed.

It is always humorous to see the greed of you Moon Bats. Most of you welfare queens don't have to pay any income tax while the top 1% of earners pays 50% of the trillion a year and the top 20% of earners pays 80% of that trillion. When is enough going to be enough for you greedy little bastards?

This country is not going to prosper with you greedy little assholes stealing money from others to pay your bills. It is only going to prosper when you greedy little shits get off your fat asses, put down your bongs and take responsibility for your own well being instead of using the filthy government to steal the money from other people that earned it.

You see, funny you should say that. What do the Koch Brother do to personally earn the billions they make? They don't. People working for them earn it. The Koch Brothers produce not a fucking thing.

Conservatism- it's like Stockholm syndrome.

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