Unisex Bathrooms

it's a discussion point once you have rid the world of perverts.


Everyone is a pervert. We all have sexually deviant thoughts.

Time for the general public to get over them, instead of enforcing outdated institutions which exemplify them.
and there's your answer, thanks for playing.
and there's your answer, thanks for playing.

Yes, and that answer affirms my position.

Your grand contention is that humans are sexually minded, and your solution is to promote greater ostracization between the sexes?

Sounds incredibly hypocritical.
Yes, and that answer affirms my position.

Your grand contention is that humans are sexually minded, and your solution is to promote greater ostracization between the sexes?

Sounds incredibly hypocritical.

So, rape doesn't exist in your point of view then?
and there's your answer, thanks for playing.

Yes, and that answer affirms my position.

Your grand contention is that humans are sexually minded, and your solution is to promote greater ostracization between the sexes?

Sounds incredibly hypocritical.
sounds like there's nothing broken so no need to fix anything.
sounds like there's nothing broken so no need to fix anything.

It is broken. The level of ostracization has produced bigotry of men against women, and bigotry of women against men.

For future reference, if something can be made superior, that implies an inherent flaw with the status quo.
sounds like there's nothing broken so no need to fix anything.

It is broken. The level of ostracization has produced bigotry of men against women, and bigotry of women against men.

For future reference, if something can be made superior, that implies an inherent flaw with the status quo.
where is it broken? name somewhere.
sounds like there's nothing broken so no need to fix anything.

It is broken. The level of ostracization has produced bigotry of men against women, and bigotry of women against men.

For future reference, if something can be made superior, that implies an inherent flaw with the status quo.
Common sense has also produced "bigotry" of nursery owners against "bigotry" of dingo-farm owners situated in intimate proximity.

At some point the courts will have to choose between the oft-misused term "bigotry" vs common sense. Ginsburg has already spoken on the concept and long story short Onyx...you're fucked.
Common sense has also produced "bigotry" of nursery owners against "bigotry" of dingo-farm owners situated in intimate proximity.


At some point the courts will have to choose between the oft-misused term "bigotry" vs common sense.

My position comes from a place of common sense as well.
As does single sex athletic teams.

Perhaps, but there is a better argument there than "Women would not like it."

Physical performance for example, which is not necessary when taking a piss.

You are going to piss off a lot of females.

First off, still irrelevant.

Also pretty curious why everything revolves around females with you guys. Stop being a subservient beta male. You have a cock and not a vagina, right?
As does single sex athletic teams.

Perhaps, but there is a better argument there than "Women would not like it."

Physical performance for example, which is not necessary when taking a piss.

You are going to piss off a lot of females.

First off, still irrelevant.

Also pretty curious why everything revolves around females with you guys. Stop being a subservient beta male. You have a cock and not a vagina, right?

Correct, and is with a cock, as well as a pair of balls, protect those that don't.

Both physically, as well as their right to privacy.
Have you removed the doors to the bathrooms in your home yet?

I bet you'll have far fewer house guests.

Being that there is a single toilet in most home bathroom facilities, that is rather irrelevant.

I am not advocating that single occupancy bathrooms are bad anyways. In my home I want greater privacy, but when I am at a public place, I do not mind using a public bathroom.

So, a troll needs more privacy at home where you can control who is in the home, then in public where you have no control?

You are either trolling or a complete idiot, or both.

I vote both.
I believe that society would be better if private businesses converted their restrooms into public unisex bathrooms

Just how would "society" be "better?"

1. More transparency between the sexes

2. Less social stigmatization of the other sex overtime

3. Increased efficiency and cost effectiveness

4. Upholds the ideals of an equal society in which both sexes are neither favored nor "protected" in a paternalist sense of the word.

Thanks for digging, Jwoodie.

I had already determined i had won the debate, considering the best argument my opposition could come up with were irrelevant rants on transgenders and argumentum ad populum fallacies. Maybe there is still life in it yet.

You seem to confuse "topic" with "proposition" just as you confuse discussion with "debate." Thus your "arguments" and claims of "winning" are nothing more than meaningless braggadocio.

IF you wanted a REAL debate, you would have stated a clear proposition, such as "same-sex bathrooms should be eliminated," and then backed it up with arguments containing facts and logic (rather than reciting vague generalizations about "transparency" and "stigmatization."

The closest you have come to making a legitimate argument is "increased efficiency and cost effectiveness." However, you have been unable to provide facts or logic to substantiate that assertion.

Grade: C-
The closest you have come to making a legitimate argument is "increased efficiency and cost effectiveness." However, you have been unable to provide facts or logic to substantiate that assertion.


More deflection and no arguing. You still suck.

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