Unisex Bathrooms

If you're talking about in their homes, yep, probably don't care that they see each other. In a public place where there are single rooms only. Impractical for when 50,000 people are at an event or school or airport.

It would be more efficient.

One inclusive bathroom as opposed to two would probably take up less space and be easier to maintain.

It won't happen, the women are the ones that require the say only because it is their bodies most at risk. Wow,

Women do not need your protection, and rapists do not care about bathroom signs.

Instead of instituting population control in the form of bathrooms, try promoting further concealed carry of blades and sidearms.
If you're talking about in their homes, yep, probably don't care that they see each other. In a public place where there are single rooms only. Impractical for when 50,000 people are at an event or school or airport.

It would be more efficient.

One inclusive bathroom as opposed to two would probably take up less space and be easier to maintain.

It won't happen, the women are the ones that require the say only because it is their bodies most at risk. Wow,

Women do not need your protection, and rapists do not care about bathroom signs.

Instead of instituting population control in the form of bathrooms, try promoting further concealed carry of blades and sidearms.
that's ok, no need to change, thanks for playing.
yeah, I know. so how do you know 30 million women don't mind a man pissing right next to them?

I already stated that I do not care about them. These fallacious arguments are tiring.

If they are really so uncomfortable and insecure about their bodies, they are no better than the transvestites that try and abandon ship on their gender.

To top matters off, nobody is really looking at each others business when you go into a restroom anyways.

Oh, oh, and then you have to find out how many men care that some other man is pissing next to his lady or kid?

Irrelevant, and not sure why you believe taking a piss is such a big deal.

The only argument worth considering involves potential physical aggression like rape. All other arguments are worthless.
yeah, I know. so how do you know 30 million women don't mind a man pissing right next to them?

I already stated that I do not care about them. These fallacious arguments are tiring.

If they are really so uncomfortable and insecure about their bodies, they are no better than the transvestites that try and abandon ship on their gender.

To top matters off, nobody is really looking at each others business when you go into a restroom anyways.

Oh, oh, and then you have to find out how many men care that some other man is pissing next to his lady or kid?

Irrelevant, and not sure why you believe taking a piss is such a big deal.

The only argument worth considering involves potential physical aggression like rape. All other arguments are worthless.
and I already stated it doesn't matter what you think.
yeah, I know. so how do you know 30 million women don't mind a man pissing right next to them?

I already stated that I do not care about them. These fallacious arguments are tiring.

If they are really so uncomfortable and insecure about their bodies, they are no better than the transvestites that try and abandon ship on their gender.

To top matters off, nobody is really looking at each others business when you go into a restroom anyways....

1. The USSC will be discussing more than just restrooms with the sign 'women' on the door. Showers, locker rooms, dorms, sports teams...just because you don't understand legal precedent, doesn't mean they don't (well OK, except their blunder on Obergefell: said chickens coming home to roost *checks watch* any day now that the Brown polygamy family is asking for marriage rights to the USSC)

2. Your not caring about women is touching. Will that be your lawyers' argument when this case comes before SCOTUS? Gonna make that argument to Ginsburg are you? :lmao:
Women do not need your protection, and rapists do not care about bathroom signs.

Instead of instituting population control in the form of bathrooms, try promoting further concealed carry of blades and sidearms.

Pop's point has been that if a man waltzes into a woman's room now, she can call 911 or properly mace him in the eyes. But with your cult's 'deranged men allowed in women's hygiene areas' campaign, a woman would in that same scenario fear calling 911 because of potentially being sued. So you just took away a woman's right to privacy and to protect her privacy from men, in even the most vulnerable situations (when she is naked or disrobing).

It ain't gonna fly. It just ain't. It's time to pack it up and go home.. :itsok:
Pop's point has been that if a man waltzes into a woman's room now, she can call 911 or properly mace him in the eyes. But with your cult's 'deranged men allowed in women's hygiene areas' campaign, a woman would in that same scenario fear calling 911 because of potentially being sued. So you just took away a woman's right to privacy and to protect her privacy from men, in even the most vulnerable situations (when she is naked or disrobing).

First off, you have the choice of using a public unisex bathroom or not. It is the choice of the private business to build them, as has already been detailed.

Second, this proposal is not letting men into the women's bathroom. It is reconstructing new bathrooms to be for both sexes, because there really is no sane reason why we are still taking pisses in different bathrooms.

So far, not a single argument has stayed on topic and not consisted of argumentum ad populum.,
You could only know that if you were really looking.

We all have peripheral vision.

Unless you are standing really close to the urinal, like those people with bathroom anxiety do.

Also like I pointed out, it is not a big deal if it happens. It is rude and immodest, but if someone looks at my cock I am not going to be mentally scarred. Neither should anyone else.
You could only know that if you were really looking.

We all have peripheral vision.

Unless you are standing really close to the urinal, like those people with bathroom anxiety do.

Also like I pointed out, it is not a big deal if it happens. It is rude and immodest, but if someone looks at my cock I am not going to be mentally scarred. Neither should anyone else.
So you admit it does happen. Your theory needs work.
So you admit it does happen. Your theory needs work.

I have never once seen it happen with my own eyes, and I have went to the bathroom thousands of times.

If it did happen, it would be insignificant and non-harmful, and any sane person would just disregard it. If you are that anxious about somebody taking a quick peek at your cock, simply cover it with your hand while you piss and seek some serious mental help.

How does my theory need work exactly? Better yet, what theory did I suggest? I made a proposal, and not a theory. Do you understand the difference between a theory and a proposal?
So you admit it does happen. Your theory needs work.

I have never once seen it happen with my own eyes, and I have went to the bathroom thousands of times.

If it did happen, it would be insignificant and non-harmful, and any sane person would just disregard it. If you are that anxious about somebody taking a quick peek at your cock, simply cover it with your hand while you piss and seek some serious mental help.

How does my theory need work exactly? Better yet, what theory did I suggest? I made a proposal, and not a theory. Do you understand the difference between a theory and a proposal?
You are contradicting yourself. Your attempt to make it my problem is weak.
You are contradicting yourself. Your attempt to make it my problem is weak.

I am not sure what you are talking about. Where exactly did I contradict myself?

Sounds like you are meandering and not debating the OP. Could you kindly take your intellectual dishonesty elsewhere?
You are contradicting yourself. Your attempt to make it my problem is weak.

I am not sure what you are talking about. Where exactly did I contradict myself?

Sounds like you are meandering and not debating the OP. Could you kindly take your intellectual dishonesty elsewhere?
I already explained it to you. You're full of shit, contradict yourself and don't understand nobody cares about your "proposal".
You are contradicting yourself. Your attempt to make it my problem is weak.

I am not sure what you are talking about. Where exactly did I contradict myself?

Sounds like you are meandering and not debating the OP. Could you kindly take your intellectual dishonesty elsewhere?
I already explained it to you. You're full of shit, contradict yourself and don't understand nobody cares about your "proposal".
There are 17 million women rape victims in the US. They have rights to privacy away from males without experiencing PTSD every time they want to go swimming at the public pool. Their rights will prevail. Fabricated attention-getting delusions of males will not prevail.

Caso cerrado.

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