United Airlines Says 50% of the Next 5,000 Pilots They Train Will be Black Women or People of Color

Do you think a Airline pilot should be hired because of his or her skill level or because of their color or gender?

Would you be comfortable flying with a pilot hired because of affirmative action?
Most pilots are trained by the military. They just train them on the particular commercial planes.
Do you think a Airline pilot should be hired because of his or her skill level or because of their color or gender?

Would you be comfortable flying with a pilot hired because of affirmative action?

You have been comfortable flying with some who were hired because of the Good Ole Boy Network.
blacks are only 13% of the population AND graduate high school less = less qualified for college AND graduate college less = VERY few QUALIFIED for pilots/any high level positions/etc
..AND they have a high percentage of criminals = making that 13% even LESS qualified

That was the same thing they said when the Tuskegee airmen were formed. The results say that the Blacks provided significantly better protection for the bombers over other white pilots. Of course racists didn’t learn. Instead they decided those Blacks were somehow different. And the results that showed them superior to their white counterparts. Well those were oddities. Blacks just aren’t as good.

Just because a person looks better on paper does not mean they are a superior choice. Remember the case of Justina Peltier. A 14 year old girl who was tortured for a year until the Doctors could no longer pretend it was psychological. Harvard educated doctors were wrong.

On paper. The White Harvard Educated Doctors were the better choice. In practice. Justina would have received better care from a graduate of the Grenada School of Medicine and VooDoo.
And the truth is that the Tuskegee Airmen were more qualified, not less or as qualified as their white counterparts for the exactly the reasons below:

Airman Coleman Young, later the first African-American mayor of Detroit, told journalist Studs Terkel about the process:​
They made the standards so high, we actually became an elite group. We were screened and super-screened. We were unquestionably the brightest and most physically fit young blacks in the country. We were super-better because of the irrational laws of Jim Crow. You can't bring that many intelligent young people together and train 'em as fighting men and expect them to supinely roll over when you try to fuck over 'em, right? (Laughs.)[12]

I read a report a few years ago by an Army Air Corp veteran that said they actually were shitty pilots but the Libtards in the filthy government (like Slick Willy) put out the narrative that they were outstanding. Another Liberal lie.

So it was just propaganda that they lost fewer bombers than other escort groups? The gun camera footage was photoshopped to show them shooting down two ME 262 jet airplanes.
1. they started in North Africa 1943-when most of the fighting there was OVER
2. when they got to Europe, in 1944, a lot of the good German pilots were gone
3. they didn't have as many escort missions--and many of those were not into the heart of Germany
I am not comfortable with any pilot.

I am far comfortable with a pilot who is a pilot based on ability instead of affirmative action color or sex........
Most of the time I never noticed who the pilot was I just got on and bitched about the seats getting smaller or people were getting much fatter..
Yeah. Think about what you just said.

You never had to worry about who the pilot was.

Because you knew that the person behind the yoke was competent.

Now you'll have to start worrying if you're going to need that flight insurance or not.
Look, Mooney's idea of world travel is from Arkansas to SW Missouri. The guy has never been on a plane.
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?
Do you think a Airline pilot should be hired because of his or her skill level or because of their color or gender?

Would you be comfortable flying with a pilot hired because of affirmative action?

You have been comfortable flying with some who were hired because of the Good Ole Boy Network.
blacks are only 13% of the population AND graduate high school less = less qualified for college AND graduate college less = VERY few QUALIFIED for pilots/any high level positions/etc
..AND they have a high percentage of criminals = making that 13% even LESS qualified

That was the same thing they said when the Tuskegee airmen were formed. The results say that the Blacks provided significantly better protection for the bombers over other white pilots. Of course racists didn’t learn. Instead they decided those Blacks were somehow different. And the results that showed them superior to their white counterparts. Well those were oddities. Blacks just aren’t as good.

Just because a person looks better on paper does not mean they are a superior choice. Remember the case of Justina Peltier. A 14 year old girl who was tortured for a year until the Doctors could no longer pretend it was psychological. Harvard educated doctors were wrong.

On paper. The White Harvard Educated Doctors were the better choice. In practice. Justina would have received better care from a graduate of the Grenada School of Medicine and VooDoo.
And the truth is that the Tuskegee Airmen were more qualified, not less or as qualified as their white counterparts for the exactly the reasons below:

Airman Coleman Young, later the first African-American mayor of Detroit, told journalist Studs Terkel about the process:​
They made the standards so high, we actually became an elite group. We were screened and super-screened. We were unquestionably the brightest and most physically fit young blacks in the country. We were super-better because of the irrational laws of Jim Crow. You can't bring that many intelligent young people together and train 'em as fighting men and expect them to supinely roll over when you try to fuck over 'em, right? (Laughs.)[12]

I read a report a few years ago by an Army Air Corp veteran that said they actually were shitty pilots but the Libtards in the filthy government (like Slick Willy) put out the narrative that they were outstanding. Another Liberal lie.

So it was just propaganda that they lost fewer bombers than other escort groups? The gun camera footage was photoshopped to show them shooting down two ME 262 jet airplanes.
liberal bullshit like the other issues of today
BLACKS saved the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

hahhahahah--the R word again- we laugh every time you use it because it's bullshit--more liberal bullshit
YOU are the racist
ajahahhahahah --you FKD up!!!!!
undeniable --whites graduate at higher levels
YES, Asians graduate at higher levels
I am not AFRAID-or stupid enough to not ACCEPT those FACTS
..in my opinion, Asians have the better culture and are ''smarter'''- generally speaking
---I will say it!!!!!!! ASIANS are better than whites
hahahah--you see???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
..I think German culture is better than American culture .....
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

hahhahahah--the R word again- we laugh every time you use it because it's bullshit--more liberal bullshit
YOU are the racist
ajahahhahahah --you FKD up!!!!!
undeniable --whites graduate at higher levels
YES, Asians graduate at higher levels
I am not AFRAID-or stupid enough to not ACCEPT those FACTS
..in my opinion, Asians have the better culture and are ''smarter'''- generally speaking
---I will say it!!!!!!! ASIANS are better than whites
hahahah--you see???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
..I think German culture is better than American culture .....

So when are you moving to join those cultures?
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

it is POSSIBLE that some races are better than others--that's a HUGE liberal myth that they can't.....it's NOT wrong to say that..it doesn't mean you are racist
..I've said it on many other forums, that I think Asians are '''better''' than whites [ and I'm white !!! ] hahahahahah
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

hahhahahah--the R word again- we laugh every time you use it because it's bullshit--more liberal bullshit
YOU are the racist
ajahahhahahah --you FKD up!!!!!
undeniable --whites graduate at higher levels
YES, Asians graduate at higher levels
I am not AFRAID-or stupid enough to not ACCEPT those FACTS
..in my opinion, Asians have the better culture and are ''smarter'''- generally speaking
---I will say it!!!!!!! ASIANS are better than whites
hahahah--you see???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
..I think German culture is better than American culture .....

So when are you moving to join those cultures?

you fkd up-- because of your brainwashing and HATRED ..yes YES.....
...just one example:
..we had one Asian on our soccer team..this was about 25 years ago...and he was calm-smart....that's when I started thinking about it ....
etc etc
..we have many Asians at my work....and many blacks...and THERE is a difference in the cultures---it's NOT wrong to say that
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

hahhahahah--the R word again- we laugh every time you use it because it's bullshit--more liberal bullshit
YOU are the racist
ajahahhahahah --you FKD up!!!!!
undeniable --whites graduate at higher levels
YES, Asians graduate at higher levels
I am not AFRAID-or stupid enough to not ACCEPT those FACTS
..in my opinion, Asians have the better culture and are ''smarter'''- generally speaking
---I will say it!!!!!!! ASIANS are better than whites
hahahah--you see???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
..I think German culture is better than American culture .....

So when are you moving to join those cultures?

..I'll say it again, I think Asian cultures are better than white cultures--generally speaking
Do you think a Airline pilot should be hired because of his or her skill level or because of their color or gender?

Would you be comfortable flying with a pilot hired because of affirmative action?

You have been comfortable flying with some who were hired because of the Good Ole Boy Network.
blacks are only 13% of the population AND graduate high school less = less qualified for college AND graduate college less = VERY few QUALIFIED for pilots/any high level positions/etc
..AND they have a high percentage of criminals = making that 13% even LESS qualified

That was the same thing they said when the Tuskegee airmen were formed. The results say that the Blacks provided significantly better protection for the bombers over other white pilots. Of course racists didn’t learn. Instead they decided those Blacks were somehow different. And the results that showed them superior to their white counterparts. Well those were oddities. Blacks just aren’t as good.

Just because a person looks better on paper does not mean they are a superior choice. Remember the case of Justina Peltier. A 14 year old girl who was tortured for a year until the Doctors could no longer pretend it was psychological. Harvard educated doctors were wrong.

On paper. The White Harvard Educated Doctors were the better choice. In practice. Justina would have received better care from a graduate of the Grenada School of Medicine and VooDoo.
And the truth is that the Tuskegee Airmen were more qualified, not less or as qualified as their white counterparts for the exactly the reasons below:

Airman Coleman Young, later the first African-American mayor of Detroit, told journalist Studs Terkel about the process:​
They made the standards so high, we actually became an elite group. We were screened and super-screened. We were unquestionably the brightest and most physically fit young blacks in the country. We were super-better because of the irrational laws of Jim Crow. You can't bring that many intelligent young people together and train 'em as fighting men and expect them to supinely roll over when you try to fuck over 'em, right? (Laughs.)[12]

I read a report a few years ago by an Army Air Corp veteran that said they actually were shitty pilots but the Libtards in the filthy government (like Slick Willy) put out the narrative that they were outstanding. Another Liberal lie.

So it was just propaganda that they lost fewer bombers than other escort groups? The gun camera footage was photoshopped to show them shooting down two ME 262 jet airplanes.

No telling what kind of bullshit was created to kiss Black asses. Pussy White guilt is a terrible thing that will produce all kinds of disonesty.
I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

hahhahahah--the R word again- we laugh every time you use it because it's bullshit--more liberal bullshit
YOU are the racist
ajahahhahahah --you FKD up!!!!!
undeniable --whites graduate at higher levels
YES, Asians graduate at higher levels
I am not AFRAID-or stupid enough to not ACCEPT those FACTS
..in my opinion, Asians have the better culture and are ''smarter'''- generally speaking
---I will say it!!!!!!! ASIANS are better than whites
hahahah--you see???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
..I think German culture is better than American culture .....

So when are you moving to join those cultures?

Mr Trump and white people HAVE to be wrong and racist---RIGHT???
..I've seen your ''''''I'm Perfect'''' bullshit in your anti-cop threads
I know I have succumbed to a racial- and/or gender-based stereotype, but if this is true, I will NEVER feel comfortable flying again.

I'll never fly with a carrier that picks their pilots based on sex or color. I'll stick with Southwest, until they fuck up.

OK. Who are you going to fly with now?

The NTSB found significant pilot error and poor training from the airline on the aircraft type. Poor training. Poor training policy and practice at Southwest. I guess that is how they keep prices low. They don’t bother giving the pilots mandatory training.

Now the pilot was named Bruce R. Southerland. I admit I don’t know if he is black or white or green. I honestly don’t care.
1. your reply does nothing to refute/etc the post --YOU would fly with an airline that picks people based on SKIN color???????!!!!!!!!
2. most crashes are pilot error/etc--NOT airline training ....they are caused by a problem/error that grows into a web of errors ..I've looked at MANY air crashes --it's not bad training from the AIRLINE--duh
..the 737 Max crashes are a perfect example
...the BIGGEST air crash in history was because one of France's BEST pilots was:
in hurry,
radio, weather, SMALL airport problems
and initiated by terrorists
--look at that list of problems I just posted
..same with the Potomac crash
etc etc etc etc
DON'T try to argue this with me--like on your HATE police threads, I will destroy you

First. I never said that pilot error was not the cause of most accidents. Idiot.

Second. I love you Racists. You never go all the way with your asinine excuses for your idealism. So help me out. If Whites have higher IQ’s generally speaking than blacks that proves whites are better. But Asians have higher IQ’s than whites so does that mean Asians are better than whites? So if anyone flies feeling safe because their pilot is white instead of black, doesn’t that mean they are flying with a second tier pilot? Wouldn’t they be better off with an Asian?

Instead of opposing China shouldn’t we be signing on? I mean the Asians are smarter aren’t they?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You stupid Moon Bats love to kiss Black asses and never seem to understand how destructive Black culture has become.

Libtards creating the welfare state has essentially made sorry shitheads out of Blacks in this country.

They commit crimes way out of proportion to their demographics. They are on welfare way out of proportion to their demographics. They don't take care of the children or families. It is damn hard to find a Black kid with a live at home father, isn't it? They have been taught to hate White people and we all saw how destructive they were with six months of rioting, looting, burning and murdering, didn't we?

I sure as hell don't one that was given a job by pathetic White Guild Liberals because of his race to be flying an airplane my family was on, would you? If you do then you are an idiot.
All the airlines too woke for me. Just concentrate on safely and efficiently transporting passengers. I’m hoping for Trump Airlines.
With such a track record of failure and incompetence those planes would likely explode just before taking off.
All the airlines too woke for me. Just concentrate on safely and efficiently transporting passengers. I’m hoping for Trump Airlines.
With such a track record of failure and incompetence those planes would likely explode just before taking off.
He says as all the great things accomplished by Trump are demolished by Biden. You fly Affirmative Action Airlines and I'll fly Trump Airlines.
I don't want a Democrat piloting an airplane with me or my loved ones onboard. I've had too many harrowing experiences. Do people fly with their kids or is alcohol served onboard the aircraft to cater to an adult-only lifestyle of vice instead of family vacations?
I don't want a Democrat piloting an airplane with me or my loved ones onboard. I've had too many harrowing experiences. Do people fly with their kids or is alcohol served onboard the aircraft to cater to an adult-only lifestyle of vice instead of family vacations?
Stay home then, that's what they always tell us.

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