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The entire physical universe is an example of the creative mind that is God. The god you speak of, is made in your image, not the reverse. You know a lot about your god; unfortunately you are totally unaware approved created " him ". < Strong hint, anthropomorphic gods can best be known by the simple fact they are sexed.
Typo, ( unaware of who created " him " )
The entire physical universe is an example of the creative mind that is God. The god you speak of, is made in your image, not the reverse. You know a lot about your god; unfortunately you are totally unaware approved created " him ". < Strong hint, anthropomorphic gods can best be known by the simple fact they are sexed.
Sorry you are wrong. You speak with the tongue of Satan, and it is with Him that you will spend eternity with.

God was never created. Your god, Satan is a created being though, so in that context, your god being Satan, you are correct.

But The Creator had no creator. He is The Self Existent One.

God said He made us in His image and I believe Him.

You don't, as you don't believe in The Word of God, nor The Son of God.

God will have no part of you because of that.
That would make God less than perfect, and anything less than prefect is not worthy of worship
Regret is not an imperfection. Regret of what man became, vs. what God offered him that He could be if man had listened and resisted temptation is a reality, not an imperfection.

I don't expect a child of perdition, like you and Stann to understand God nor do anything but try to undermine the reality of God.

You are cursed and damned unless the miracle of repentance visits your black heart, and you would love to drag as many souls with you to Hell in your anger against God.

Like Stann, you speak with the tongue of Satan. I imagine Satan whispers these very things in your ear, trying to deceive others to waiver in their faith, and lose belief in God's word, just like he did to Eve in The Garden of Eden.

Satan loves to sow doubt and reap a harvest of sin.

And you are nothing but Satan's little farm hand.
That would make God less than perfect, and anything less than prefect is not worthy of worship
Human emotions make us less than perfect, you imply that your God has human emotions therefore he cannot be perfect.
Human emotions make us less than perfect, you imply that your God has human emotions therefore he cannot be perfect.
You make laughable arguments. If someone has love, does that mean they are imperfect, fork tongued one?

God loved you so much that He sacrificed Himself on The Cross to save your wicked soul, even knowing today how you would do Satan's work, and sow doubt and lies in the minds of people who need saved.

If God Loved You And Paid for Your Sins so that you could accept that payment through Christ and enter Heaven, you call that love Imperfection?

That makes you a liar and a moron, and a cursed soul doing Satan's bidding.

Jesus paid The Price, yet you hate Him for it.

Yes it is, because regret implies an mistake, and a mistake is imperfection
God regrets that you will not come to repentance, and He still loves you.

Your imperfect mind cannot comprehend that, so that malfunction is with you, not God.

Your hatred of God is stopping you from seeing God's love. And your limited intelligence and finite mind cannot understand unlimited intelligence and an infinite mind.

At some point, God will wash His hands of you and turn you over to your perverse lusts, wicked thoughts and corrupt logic.

It appears to me it has already happened.

Continue on Satan.
God regrets that you will not come to repentance, and He still loves you.

Your imperfect mind cannot comprehend that, so that malfunction is with you, not God.

Your hatred of God is stopping you from seeing God's love. And your limited intelligence and finite mind cannot understand unlimited intelligence and an infinite mind.

At some point, God will wash His hands of you and turn you over to your perverse lusts, wicked thoughts and corrupt logic.

It appears to me it has already happened.

Continue on Satan.
Why would a perfect God create Satan; If there ever was a Satan in the first place ?
not only that, but HOW could a perfect God create Satan? How can the imperfect come out of the perfect?
Here is what you God Haters do not understand. God does not force you to love Him or obey Him. He does however have to separate you for eternity from those who do love Him and obey Him to preserve peace in Heaven and on Earth.

God did not create Satan. Satan created himself, like you create your own Hell that you will be sent to. God created Lucifer, and Lucifer was transformed in to Satan by Satan's own will and cast out of Heaven.

You have Free Will.

Lucifer had free will. Lucifer most likely was offered a way out through repentance. It would be like God to do that, but this is not covered in the writings of Moses and The Holy Scriptures. The Bible was not written to explain all the mysteries of The Universe. It was written as a guide to Man to show Him a path back to The Father.

God offers you a way out. But there is also a point in time where God closes the door on you because your heart has hardened. At that point, when the final judgments come, the wicked goats will be separated from the faithful sheep.

And you sir are a wicked goat, so is your friend Stann
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Here is what you God Haters do not understand. God does not force you to love Him or obey Him. He does however have to separate you for eternity from those who do love Him and obey Him to preserve peace in Heaven and on Earth.

God did not create Satan. Satan created himself, like you create your own Hell that you will be sent to. You have Free Will.

Lucifer had free will. Lucifer most likely was offered a way out through repentance. It would be like God to do that. The Bible was nor written though to explain all the mysteries of The Universe. It was written as a guide to Man to show Him a path back to The Father.

God offers you a way out. But there is also a point in time where God closes the door on you because your heart has hardened. At that point, when the final judgments come, the wicked goats will be separated from the faithful sheep.

And you sir are a wicked goat, so is your friend Stann
I love God, I have a good understanding of the entity. Sorry to hear it's so far beyond your comprehension.
I love God, I have a good understanding of the entity. Sorry to hear it's so far beyond your comprehension.
You lie. You spent all day trying to discredit God, and The Word of God, and then you say you love God.

You are the Spirit of AntiChrist-Satan.

If you loved God, you would love Jesus.

It's Satan who denies Christ, and you deny Christ, so you are a Child of Satan.

1 John 2:22-23

…22 Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father, but whoever confesses the Son has the Father
as well.
You do the work of Satan, and so does your doppelganger. You are like your father Satan, so it is not improper to call you by your father's name, Satan.
My father's name was Louis. I don't know anyone named Satan other than an imaginary evil being. I have to go to work. I'll leave you with a joke maybe that will help bring your spirits up. What do you get when you cross an owl with a rooster ? A cock that stays up all night. Try to have a good day, I plan on it. May your life choices never be written in stone; that doesn't allow for growth.
God did not create all that there is?
And like any liar, and servant of Satan, you try to parse my words, and even The Word of God proving that you are a Child of Hell, and unfortunately will get your just rewards on Judgment Day.

Satan, you know that God created Lucifer, and that your god Satan created himself through his pride, arrogance, greed, and disobedience, even being in the presence of God, being the most honored powerful and beautiful of all The Angels, he gave in to pride, greed and envy, and instead of turning from such, he embraced them and became something other than God created, just like you, son of perdition.
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