United HALTS vaccine mandates

My father's name was Louis. I don't know anyone named Satan other than an imaginary evil being. I have to go to work. I'll leave you with a joke maybe that will help bring your spirits up. What do you get when you cross an owl with a rooster ? A cock that stays up all night. Try to have a good day, I plan on it. May your life choices never be written in stone; that doesn't allow for growth.
No, your father is Satan because you speak Satan's native tongue.
People are put on Vents as a last resort when nothing else will save their lives.

It is not some fucking grand conspiracy.

what the fuck is wrong with you people
No conspiracy, just facts that the vent with it's method's of attempting to save one's life is possibly an overall failure. I know many that refused to go to a hospital no matter how bad they thought that they were getting, and they all pulled through. Various method's were explained, and various remedies are told about, but the main thing is that they survived.

Now if your last resort is the hospital, then yes go, but it best to fight every step of the way. The medical industry needs to be proactive more, and not depend on one method or just a few method's in this fight. All options should be available, and the only thing the government or medical industry should be doing is placing warning labels on some options, but don't stand in the way for political reason's like the left was doing during the Trump administration. That's what gets people dead.
No conspiracy, just facts that the vent with it's method's of attempting to save one's life is possibly an overall failure. I know many that refused to go to a hospital no matter how bad they thought that they were getting, and they all pulled through. Various method's were explained, and various remedies are told about, but the main thing is that they survived.

Now if your last resort is the hospital, then yes go, but it best to fight every step of the way. The medical industry needs to be proactive more, and not depend on one method or just a few method's in this fight. All options should be available, and the only thing the government or medical industry should be doing is placing warning labels on some options, but don't stand in the way for political reason's like the left was doing during the Trump administration. That's what gets people dead.
A very sad state of affairs… patients dying from tube placement when their lungs need to be aspirated not temporarily paralyzed. There was an article about a woman who said she refused to be intubated and was able to survive when they were going to forcefully do so. I’ll have to find that source. This is another time when humans messed up, hopefully a sharp learning curve following disaster. I’m not sure about the level of staff training involved to distinguish between no other option than respirator (meaning patient would ^90% die without it), and jumping to the conclusion it’s necessary when it is not when a person can be helped in other ways to survive.
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This I believe was the whole point behind the Biden mandate for private businesses. I am pretty sure it will get shot down in court but in the meantime lots of people will have gotten the vaccine.

I do not agree with this sort of action from the Govt, it goes well beyond what the Constitution allows
Biden is playing dictator big time, and yet they accused Trump of being the dictator. Everything they accuse another of, they are doing themselves. People had better take heed to the fact.
That would make God less than perfect, and anything less than prefect is not worthy of worship
You are playing with fire aren't you ??

God is perfect, and thank God for it, but within heaven his creation (his angel Lucifer) rebelled while in heaven, and the gone rogue angel attempted to overthrow God....He found out however, that "that" was a huge mistake when he attempted to do such a thing as that In which he had attempted.

Your mother gave birth to you for example, and did so in a most perfect way, and yet at some point you rebelled against her. Why ?? Would you blame her for giving birth to you ??

Doesn't mean that her having you wasn't perfect, and therefore wasn't just in the universe, but that you later rebelled is when it all goes bad for you, not for her.

She only has pity and sorrow for you, and for your benefit she probably regretted the day that she gave birth to you in this world, because you took a miracle, and a truth, and turned it into something bad. That's on you, not on her, even though she is heavily hearted for you because of such a terrible and foolish thing that you have done.

Free will was granted unto the creation by God himself, because God isn't a communist controlling entity who wants slaves within his creation who are without a voice, and therefore are without a purpose also, so he granted us the freedom to please him, and to be everything he wants us to be in pursuit of our own happiness, just as we live out our lives happily before him, and therefore it pleases him when we follow his guide to do just that, but if we choose sin and evil over such things, then that is on us not on him.

We are to stand in judgement if not saved by the blood of Christ, just as Satan and his angel's will be standing in judgement also. It's not going to be good if we choose or had chosen evil to follow on our path in this life, and did so without waver, otherwise for which all due to evil and sin life has a time stamp on it now, otherwise a time stamp has been placed on it by God himself. It is his plan to not allow evil to flourish unabated in the world without cease against his human creation any longer.

You could create the most perfect picture, and someone could come along and mess it up. That's on them, and not on you.

Do you want to be a robot or a human being that was granted a free will ??? So is it that you blame the gun while hunting if you accidentally shoot yourself or do you blame you for being careless when using the gun ???? An arrogant proud man blames the gun everytime.

We are to take what has been granted onto us, and we are to appreciate it, respect it, and love it. We are to take what is unGodly, and give it to him who is on high, and is most Holy... This is so he can wash it away for us. Praise God for our salvation and our deliverance from evil. Amen.
We agree with Gator. It is really lucid of an entity that would watch, with his son, this shit go on and not lift a finger, already knowing the outcome? God is promiscuous whore.
You are playing with fire aren't you ??

God is perfect

Just trying to understand the words of the poster.

Regret indicates there was a mistake, perfect beings do not make mistakes.
The title of the thread is a bit misleading, to put it mildly. They have not stopped the vaccine mandate, they are just giving people a chance to state their case for an exemption.

People on this forum are very dishonest.

Vaccine mandates are already required in school districts, and the military. Covid will be added to the list. Many employers are also now requiring it, and the anti vaxxers will be the ones that lose in the end.
The only reason why they have put a halt to the mandate. it is because they will be out of business if their employees walk off the jobs. And they will not find anyone to replace them in time enough before the holiday seasons. Because those are their money making seasons. And airlines don't pay well, especially after the minimum wage hike. The pilots only make a few dollars more than the stewardess and the concession stand employees. And then they have lost profit from the shutdown. That they are way beneath the red. And that is the same with the postal workers. Will be unable to find replacements that are knowledgeable on how to run the equipment.

I hope they enjoy serving fries at Wendy's.
I hope you enjoy getting your medical treatment from a janitor. Hope you enjoy the fact that the stewardess might now be flying the plane. Assholes like you deserve whatever you get as a result of your dictator tendencies. Of course your disgust for people who actually work is well known.
Hate to tell you limp dick, but The For Profit Healthcare Industry is about to go belly up over this, and you won't be able to get your viagra and penis pump to get it up for your hairy boyfriend any more.

It's your choice to punish frontline nurses who worked a year and a half without a vaccine and fire them when they don't want the vaccine.
Funny how the left now demonizes these front line workers as so evil and mean. After seeing the support those same people got during the early days. The left doesn’t care about people. Those nurses and doctors leaving should enter private practice and deny employment to anybody who supported the mandates.
Thanks, but I live it daily as my wife is a critical care nurse who spent most of her shifts since last March treating COVID patients. She comes home some nights so physically and mentally exhausted she can barely talk

The shortage is not new, and yes COVID has made it worse. ObamaCare decimated nurses as hospitals were looking for ways to cut expenses and nurses were an easy target. Their patient to nurse ratios have been going up for a decade and nobody gave a fuck till now that it is about vaccines that you do not agree with. Nobody gave a fuck what nurses said when they were begging people to take precautions against COVID to give them a break from the onslaught.

Sorry but this sudden concern about nurses just rings a bit hollow to me
So you didn’t pay attention early on. No surprise. The right always had concern. You morons took your support away when they stood up to you and said NO. So take your lying, hypocritical ass out of here.
sure, just like telling you what you can and cannot wear to work is extortion and telling you waht time to be at work is extortion and all the other rules that employers have...do them or do not have a job.
How would you know anything about having a job?
How would you know anything about having a job?

I am 56 years old, I have had a job for all but 4 months since I was 15.

You might try getting one and seeing what they are like, maybe you will enjoy it
I am 56 years old, I have had a job for all but 4 months since I was 15.

You might try getting one and seeing what they are like, maybe you will enjoy it
Hahahah! Hey asshole, your projection is pathetic. I’ve worked from everything I’ve gotten. Slapping you with facts and making you look dumb is just a hobby.

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