United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
And without a Whimper from those once FREE people who died to try and get away from this kind of TYRANNY. if you do speak out You are accused of being Hysterical, by you own fellow men and women....
You should be hanging your heads in shame. Enjoy being a slave to the government

We've pretty much reached the end of the road, comrades, although I suspect the ObamaGov has some upcoming intensely disturbing and debilitating-to-us-all surprises up its sleeves.

The Supreme Court of the USA has now become the latest branch of the ObamaGov to legislate illegally. We no longer have 3 co-equal branches of government. As the Republicans have shown for—at least—the past several months, the people of the former USA no longer have any voice in government.

Despite constituents “burning up the phone lines” to their Republican Congress members and Senators telling them to vote NO on TPA—which gives Obama virtually unlimited and unchecked power to do anything he wants with this treaty and likely those to come—they voted YES in a large majority. Like their Marxist Democrat brothers and sisters, the RINOs have chosen to ignore their constituencies and do that which benefits them—not us.

With its two major decisions on Thursday 25 June 2015 and Friday 26 June 2015, SCOTUS has now shown us that CJ Roberts decision to rewrite ObamaCare in his first anti-Constitutional decision—and now the decision to uphold this monstrous piece of legislation announced Thursday—was not a fluke. With this decision—supported by the RINOs—the American people were told again that they no longer have any choice in their healthcare and that the government will force them to buy it—irrespective as to whether or not they can afford it—and they will pay for it…or else. So, they had better get used to it as their masters have spoken.

The USA has become a Socialist form of government. As a Note, Roberts also rewrote this one to say that the word “State” could mean one of the 50 States or the massive federal government State! It depends what your definition of “is”...is.

With Friday’s decision to remove States’ rights from the actual 50 States and give the federal government the right to determine who can marry and whom or what they can marry, the Communist Goals set out for the USA are virtually complete.

The ruling minority has won over the majority in the USA, because they placed their operatives in virtually all strategic positions necessary to rule over a population however they want…because the rest of us were actually working to better ourselves and our country. Will the 50 States rise up against this oppression and usurpation of their authority under the now-nearly dead US Constitution? Or will they be part in parcel in digging its grave?

all of it here:

United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country
OMG OMG FRIKKEN FRIKKEN Sozilizm hicken-dicken!!! Wheeeeeeeee!!!


The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

Your link is from the Canada Free Press, Staph Infection.

How ironic.


Now that's irony - Is Hillary actually a gay man?
the OP is clueless to the fact that we have been one since 1913 when the federal reserve was created.:cuckoo:
Go look up "socialism".

Followed the link to the article and then to the author. It's a right wing blog. Shocking, hmmm?

I've lived and worked in three socialist countries, visited many more and Staph nor Sher Zieve know WTF they are talking about.

I guess we could counter with a Paul Krugman piece. At least he has an excellent academic background rather than some cub reporter for the Sacramento Bee.

Staphie, stick to your guns, sugar. And when you turn 65 be true to yourself and refuse SS and Medicare, OK?
Hillary's chances have never looked better (and she was already leading in almost every poll).

Statistikhengst predicted 400+ electoral votes at one time for Ms. Clinton. I discounted that. I may have been wrong.
Many socialist countries like France and the Scandinavian countries, England, etc. have universal health care, the citizens DON'T pay insurance companies. Paying for insurance is a very, very capitalist business model.

So do you support Obamacare or not? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)
OMG OMG FRIKKEN FRIKKEN Sozilizm hicken-dicken!!! Wheeeeeeeee!!!


The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

Your link is from the Canada Free Press, Staph Infection.

How ironic.

Yes, try taking away their health care program. From their cold, dead hands....

I was talking to a Canadian just the other day and we lit on our respective health care systems. He said he heard that we had long waits for emergency procedures. I told him that was not true. I told him I heard they had really good prices for Rx. He confirmed. All Rx made in America, no less.
Go look up "socialism".

They have settled on this feeble response to the increasing chorus of people who realize that the Democratic Party is rapidly turning into the Socialist Party.

They will send us yahoos to the dictionary!

It is the consummate chicken shit deflection, to which I say:

Fuck You.

Socialist have been tweaking Marx for decades...just enough to delude themselves into believing they are not Socialists. They really must not be Socialists, you see, with the collapse of the great Socialist Republic in Russia....a so huge and recent example of the constant failure of this bankrupt bullshit.

But, asses that they are...they have Won.

And that itself is enough of a distinction to say they are not true Socialists...true old fashioned Socialists believed violent upheaval was necessary, but these modern assholes have run One in on us as a Democrat...and taken over the country, without firing a shot.

It has taken years...years to burn through 20 Trillion of our children's money to buy off large blocks of voters.

You have got to give the Loons and Pinheads credit, they have used our children's money to to buy free stuff...to bribe...to put together a coalition of Blacks, Mexicans, Homosexuals, Public Employee Union Members, Muslims and the otherwise Mentally Ill to where: If Hillary can just pick off a few extra of the very lowest of low-esteem women...the ones desperate enough not to care if she is a liar and a fraud...They are home!!...Socialism will be institutionalized.

And then the maybe Socialists can come out of the closet and stop pretending they are something they are not....like the Homosexuals have done with such eclat.
And without a Whimper from those once FREE people who died to try and get away from this kind of TYRANNY. if you do speak out You are accused of being Hysterical, by you own fellow men and women....
You should be hanging your heads in shame. Enjoy being a slave to the government

We've pretty much reached the end of the road, comrades, although I suspect the ObamaGov has some upcoming intensely disturbing and debilitating-to-us-all surprises up its sleeves.

The Supreme Court of the USA has now become the latest branch of the ObamaGov to legislate illegally. We no longer have 3 co-equal branches of government. As the Republicans have shown for—at least—the past several months, the people of the former USA no longer have any voice in government.

Despite constituents “burning up the phone lines” to their Republican Congress members and Senators telling them to vote NO on TPA—which gives Obama virtually unlimited and unchecked power to do anything he wants with this treaty and likely those to come—they voted YES in a large majority. Like their Marxist Democrat brothers and sisters, the RINOs have chosen to ignore their constituencies and do that which benefits them—not us.

With its two major decisions on Thursday 25 June 2015 and Friday 26 June 2015, SCOTUS has now shown us that CJ Roberts decision to rewrite ObamaCare in his first anti-Constitutional decision—and now the decision to uphold this monstrous piece of legislation announced Thursday—was not a fluke. With this decision—supported by the RINOs—the American people were told again that they no longer have any choice in their healthcare and that the government will force them to buy it—irrespective as to whether or not they can afford it—and they will pay for it…or else. So, they had better get used to it as their masters have spoken.

The USA has become a Socialist form of government. As a Note, Roberts also rewrote this one to say that the word “State” could mean one of the 50 States or the massive federal government State! It depends what your definition of “is”...is.

With Friday’s decision to remove States’ rights from the actual 50 States and give the federal government the right to determine who can marry and whom or what they can marry, the Communist Goals set out for the USA are virtually complete.

The ruling minority has won over the majority in the USA, because they placed their operatives in virtually all strategic positions necessary to rule over a population however they want…because the rest of us were actually working to better ourselves and our country. Will the 50 States rise up against this oppression and usurpation of their authority under the now-nearly dead US Constitution? Or will they be part in parcel in digging its grave?

all of it here:

United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country
Calling for ANOTHER American spring?
Many socialist countries like France and the Scandinavian countries, England, etc. have universal health care, the citizens DON'T pay insurance companies. Paying for insurance is a very, very capitalist business model.

So do you support Obamacare or not? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)

Have you ever received medical care in a country besides the U.S.? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)

I have: Canada, Mexico and France. Better than the U.S.? Yes.

Did I wish we could have gotten universal health care? Yes. Did we get it? No. Why? Because of the whores in Congress who have gotten wealthy from the insurance lobby.
Many socialist countries like France and the Scandinavian countries, England, etc. have universal health care, the citizens DON'T pay insurance companies. Paying for insurance is a very, very capitalist business model.

So do you support Obamacare or not? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)

Have you ever received medical care in a country besides the U.S.? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)

I have: Canada, Mexico and France. Better than the U.S.? Yes.

Did I wish we could have gotten universal health care? Yes. Did we get it? No. Why? Because of the whores in Congress who have gotten wealthy from the insurance lobby.

Ask the op if she get medicaid or other government benefits
Many socialist countries like France and the Scandinavian countries, England, etc. have universal health care, the citizens DON'T pay insurance companies. Paying for insurance is a very, very capitalist business model.

So do you support Obamacare or not? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)

Have you ever received medical care in a country besides the U.S.? (Hint: This is a YES or NO question.)

NO. Now it's YOUR turn to answer MY question.

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