Univ. of California, Davis Professor Who Wanted Cops To Be Killed Still Somehow Employed


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Univ. of California, Davis Professor Who Wanted Cops To Be Killed Still Somehow Employed

Professor who wanted cops to be killed still somehow employed
By Jazz Shaw ~~ If you haven’t heard of Joshua Clover before now, allow me to introduce him. Clover is a tenured professor at the University of California, Davis, and the author of nearly a dozen books. He’s also a big fan of social media, or at least he used to be. Before taking his Twitter account private, it seems that the professor really enjoyed mixing it up with other users, including a number of charming tweets where he wished that more police officers would be murdered. Even in California, that was a bridge too far for some, but Clover remains on the faculty to this day. (CBS Sacramento, emphasis added)
UC Davis is condemning a professor’s inflammatory statements where he said cops “need to be killed.” English professor Joshua Clover reportedly wrote several tweets and made comments in a 2015 interview with SF Weekly where he referenced violence against law enforcement officers.
“People think that cops need to be reformed. They need to be killed,” Clover said in response to the question “What’s wrong with society today?”
Several old tweets from Clover’s followed the same criticism of law enforcement.
“I am thankful that every living cop will one day be dead, some by their own hand, some by others, too many of old age #letsnotmakemore,” Clover reportedly tweeted on Nov. 27, 2014.​
I can think of any number of other professors with more conservative points of view who weren’t accorded nearly this level of First Amendment protection. Granted, none of Clover’s statements uncovered thus far would technically amount to a direct call for people to murder police officers. He’s just “thankful” that it’s going on. But still… C’mon, man. If you can’t show this guy the door, it says more about your school than it does about one sociopathic Marxist.

Indeed, The despicable UC hired domestic terrorist Angela Davis. No surprise.
Clover is no different than the other Progressive Marxist Socialist Commie scumbag racist bigot idiots. Remember this is UC-Davis we're discussing along with Clover. If some environmental lunatic on their faculty were to suggest that the solution to the overpopulation problem is the genocide of 50% of the world's population, no one there would bat an eye.
Marxist Socialist Communism is a common thread running through the Left nowadays, to wit: AOC, Bernie, Talib, DeBlasio, Antifa, et.al. All want cops dead or unemployed, criminals released and no national border. They are the Suicide Squad of the U.S.

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