Universal Healthcare Is For All Until It’s Not


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Because not letting those who need access the most to machines they should be able to have...otherwise what good is health care for all, is a hallmark of socialized medicine.

We'll take your money, says the Big Nanny State, so that kids and teens can get stitches or bones mended, x-rays and pills or whatever.
If you are of a certain advanced age however with serious health problems.... don't bother waiting for the NHS, or similar agencies, to come to your aid.
"Universal" care does not extend to you. Kindly die quietly in an unobtrusive manner.
Israeli Doctor in Italy Says They No Longer Allow Those Over 60 Access to Respiratory Machines

Median age in Italy is 47, so many are being told to just crawl to the gutter and please die. Those fictional death panels keep cropping up in reality.

We already ration healthcare in the US but it is done by big, insurance companies. I'm sure they really, really care about us.
Because not letting those who need access the most to machines they should be able to have...otherwise what good is health care for all, is a hallmark of socialized medicine.

We'll take your money, says the Big Nanny State, so that kids and teens can get stitches or bones mended, x-rays and pills or whatever.
If you are of a certain advanced age however with serious health problems.... don't bother waiting for the NHS, or similar agencies, to come to your aid.
"Universal" care does not extend to you. Kindly die quietly in an unobtrusive manner.

As opposed to what? The system we have now where we spend hundreds of billions extending the lives of people who are going to die anyway (so long as they have coverage) while poor people can't get access to basic treatment? This by you is better?
"Death panels are ok because some people might have shitty insurance somewhere"
Lol wow
Because not letting those who need access the most to machines they should be able to have...otherwise what good is health care for all, is a hallmark of socialized medicine.

We'll take your money, says the Big Nanny State, so that kids and teens can get stitches or bones mended, x-rays and pills or whatever.
If you are of a certain advanced age however with serious health problems.... don't bother waiting for the NHS, or similar agencies, to come to your aid.
"Universal" care does not extend to you. Kindly die quietly in an unobtrusive manner.

As opposed to what? The system we have now where we spend hundreds of billions extending the lives of people who are going to die anyway (so long as they have coverage) while poor people can't get access to basic treatment? This by you is better?
Poor people in the States have access to medical care, quit lying.
This is has nothing to do with universal healthcare. This has everything to do with limited ventilators.
If Trump keeps it up we’ll have it worse than China. We will also have a ventilator shortage.

If you think decisions like these won’t be made in US hospitals , you’re mistaken.
Poor people in the States have access to medical care, quit lying.

No, they really don't. Going to an emergency room to rack up more debt than you earn in a year is not access.

"Death panels are ok because some people might have shitty insurance somewhere"
Lol wow

You don't think the insurance companies don't have death panels? I give you Nataline Sarkisyan, who didn't get a liver transplant because an insurance company, Cigna, determined it only had a 50% chance of extending her life.

Why do you think we have Hospices and Pallative care centers? Because at a certain point, insurance decides they just want you to die comfortably.
Poor people in the States have access to medical care, quit lying.

No, they really don't. Going to an emergency room to rack up more debt than you earn in a year is not access.

"Death panels are ok because some people might have shitty insurance somewhere"
Lol wow

You don't think the insurance companies don't have death panels? I give you Nataline Sarkisyan, who didn't get a liver transplant because an insurance company, Cigna, determined it only had a 50% chance of extending her life.

Why do you think we have Hospices and Pallative care centers? Because at a certain point, insurance decides they just want you to die comfortably.
Cigna also reversed its decision. It was just too late. And that isnt a government death panel.
Nice try though.
Cigna also reversed its decision. It was just too late. And that isnt a government death panel.
Nice try though.

Cigna only reversed its decision after massive public outcry... And, no, it's worse than a government death panel.

The government has to make a hard decision about whether the expenditure is worth the resources.

All Cigna cares about is profits and Ed Hanaway getting his Nine-Figure severance package.

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