Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

I know that, and you know that, but a lot of people, especially the young (who think that they are immortal) do not know that, until they have a pre-existing condition, at which point, it is too late. Universal Health insurance on the Medicare model bypasses all that. everyone pays their fair share and everyone is covered. In the meantime, employers no longer have to bear the burden of paying for it, which makes Ford more competitive with Hyundai.
Auto insurance is Mandatory for the young too. So should health insurance be.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
Just make the mandate cheaper. $50 a month and only covers catastrophic events.
Since greedy insurance companies can no longer turn you down just because you have heart failure, how is that a "problem"?

Maybe for the greedy insurance billionaire, but certainly not for the people.

You mean that they can not turn you down because of ACA? Well, now, Trump has been dismantling that for years. As for "greedy insurance companies", how do you characterize people who never pay for insurance until they have a half million dollar claim, and then demand that the insurer pays for it?

The real problem is that the ACA makes people (or made, since the Individual Mandate was determined to be illegal and unconstitutional), people buy policy riders for things they don't need.

I'm satisfied with my gender, I don't need coverage for sex changes. If I ever change my mind on that, I have no problem with paying the quack myself. Ditto with pregnancy and child birth. Even if I did have a sex change, I couldn't give birth because I am a man- this is coverage I would not need and should not pay for. On the same point, my mother is 88 and doesn't have any teeth. Why would anyone ask her to buy coverage for pediatric dentistry or prostrate surgery?

I would have no problem with you having no insurance at all, if it wasn't for the fact that by law, a hospital ER must treat you for free if you don't have the money, and then cost shift it to my insurer, who will then raise my rates.

and the dif betwixt paying the insurance cabal, and a gub'mit run by it is what....?

As good as the government regulation is. And the government is not running this, it is only regulating it and setting up competition. But there is nowhere near enough regulation on costs yet. Thanks to you stupid dupes. LOL
/---/ "But there is nowhere near enough regulation on costs yet. Thanks to you stupid dupes. LOL"
You actually think we have anything to do with regulations? Seriously?
It happens all the time. I see it here on the board regularly. Pick any one of the following.

1. The employer only pays for employee coverage. The employee does not elect to cover his wife because she is healthy (until the heart attack)
2. Same thing, but the employee does not cover the wife because she had her own coverage with her employer (until she had her heart attack, and lost her job)
3. The employee just married the wife, and for reasons on his own, did not enroll her during the "open enrollment period" during which 30 day period, she would have been guaranteed issue.
4. The wife was employed and had coverage, but with a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000, so she felt that she did not need secondary coverage, but found out that a heart transplant runs around $1,500,000, or even $3,000,000 if it is a heart, lung transplant.

I could list other reasons. The real issue is that at annual renewal, I am going to raise the premium for the company to a level that they can not afford, so that Mel will cancel our coverage, if wife transplant patient is still eligible. At this point, Mel and all of his employees and dependents are SOL, because small employers are required to have health statements for all applicants. There is a company named Medical Information Bureau that collects health information on anyone in the US. Every time you fill out a health questionnaire, you agree to the fine print that all information may be shared with M.I.B. Insures use this information to see if applicants lied on their health statements. If they did, the insurer rescinds coverage and returns premiums. This is health care in America.
I agree the system is broken but insurance is a critical component. You would not drive without car insurance why would you live without health insurance? Doesn’t make sense.

I know that, and you know that, but a lot of people, especially the young (who think that they are immortal) do not know that, until they have a pre-existing condition, at which point, it is too late. Universal Health insurance on the Medicare model bypasses all that. everyone pays their fair share and everyone is covered. In the meantime, employers no longer have to bear the burden of paying for it, which makes Ford more competitive with Hyundai.
Auto insurance is Mandatory for the young too. So should health insurance be.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
/---/ Thanks, but I'll pass on substandard healthcare run like the DMV.
Auto insurance is Mandatory for the young too. So should health insurance be.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
Just make the mandate cheaper. $50 a month and only covers catastrophic events.
75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. It all depends on your income. With the subsidies. Obama Care is mainly catastrophic Health Care already. That was the way it was going anyway. We have to go after Hospital costs and insurer costs.it will be tinkered with forever. It is ridiculous that we haven't fixed it Yeah. Although repealing the mandate was a good idea. The magic negro always wanted that, no mandate.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
Just make the mandate cheaper. $50 a month and only covers catastrophic events.
75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. It all depends on your income. With the subsidies. Obama Care is mainly catastrophic Health Care already. That was the way it was going anyway. We have to go after Hospital costs and insurer costs.it will be tinkered with forever. It is ridiculous that we haven't fixed it Yeah. Although repealing the mandate was a good idea. The magic negro always wanted that, no mandate.
The system is a F@cking disaster. We need to ban lobbyists.
I agree the system is broken but insurance is a critical component. You would not drive without car insurance why would you live without health insurance? Doesn’t make sense.

I know that, and you know that, but a lot of people, especially the young (who think that they are immortal) do not know that, until they have a pre-existing condition, at which point, it is too late. Universal Health insurance on the Medicare model bypasses all that. everyone pays their fair share and everyone is covered. In the meantime, employers no longer have to bear the burden of paying for it, which makes Ford more competitive with Hyundai.
Auto insurance is Mandatory for the young too. So should health insurance be.
What the hell are we arguing about? LOL
if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?

That's my thought as well - we need a public OPTION to be available, not a public ONLY mandate. I think everyone should be able to have affordable insurance. That would be the goal.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

Did other countries have ingrained private health plans? No. I don't see it happening until education costs go down significantly.
Yes the insurance industry loves to rob us, Our system is not good, something will change and repubs offer nothing.
/——/ How about Tort Reform?

Torte reform won't do jack shit for health care costs. The problem is a "for profit" health care model. Healthy people aren't profitable.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
Just make the mandate cheaper. $50 a month and only covers catastrophic events.
75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. It all depends on your income. With the subsidies. Obama Care is mainly catastrophic Health Care already. That was the way it was going anyway. We have to go after Hospital costs and insurer costs.it will be tinkered with forever. It is ridiculous that we haven't fixed it Yeah. Although repealing the mandate was a good idea. The magic negro always wanted that, no mandate.
The system is a F@cking disaster. We need to ban lobbyists.
Then vote democratic. The GOP is the swamp.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

Did other countries have ingrained private health plans? No. I don't see it happening until education costs go down significantly.
Yes the insurance industry loves to rob us, Our system is not good, something will change and repubs offer nothing.
/——/ How about Tort Reform?

Torte reform won't do jack shit for health care costs. The problem is a "for profit" health care model. Healthy people aren't profitable.
Of course they are. You mean sick people aren’t profitable for insurance companies.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

Did other countries have ingrained private health plans? No. I don't see it happening until education costs go down significantly.
Yes the insurance industry loves to rob us, Our system is not good, something will change and repubs offer nothing.
/——/ How about Tort Reform?

Torte reform won't do jack shit for health care costs. The problem is a "for profit" health care model. Healthy people aren't profitable.
Of course they are. You mean sick people aren’t profitable for insurance com
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
Just make the mandate cheaper. $50 a month and only covers catastrophic events.
75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month. It all depends on your income. With the subsidies. Obama Care is mainly catastrophic Health Care already. That was the way it was going anyway. We have to go after Hospital costs and insurer costs.it will be tinkered with forever. It is ridiculous that we haven't fixed it Yeah. Although repealing the mandate was a good idea. The magic negro always wanted that, no mandate.
The system is a F@cking disaster. We need to ban lobbyists.
Then vote democratic. The GOP is the swamp.
Sure. Run a viable candidate like Tulsi Gabbard.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.

Yes, yes, yes

I forgot the parasitic war cry

The producers, the taxpayers owe us a living .


  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.
What did you call me?
Torte reform won't do jack shit for health care costs. The problem is a "for profit" health care model. Healthy people aren't profitable.

Is your contention that American doctors perform operations and other expensive medical treatments because of the money and not whether the people need it?

That's what B. Hussein O says, you know.

Obama Missteps on Foot Amputation Pay to Surgeons | HealthLeaders Media

It is my contention that the American medical establishment has little to no interest in preventative medicine. They make much more money off seriously ill people than they do on preventative medicine.

Big Pharma deliberately sold millions of opiod drugs, knowing how addictive they were. The rehab industry developed 28 day rehab programs, not because that's the most effective term for rehab, but because that's how long American insurance pays for. They have a overdose antidote, which they can manufacture for $40 per dose. They packaged it up in a fancy Epipen style delivery system and sell it for $4000 a dose.

Speaking of EpiPens, we pay $70 for one of these in Canada. Americans pay $400.

The USA, which is the only free market medical system in the first world, has the highest costs per patient in the world. In part, that's because American doctors sell their services to anyone in the world, at any price those patients are prepared to pay. Americans are quick to point out how people come from all over the world to the USA for treatment. Change that to "rich people".

Doctors in other countries, whose education was paid for and/or subsidized by the government of their home countries, are not allowed to treat people from outside their own country, because there are waiting lists for patients in every country. Our tax dollars built our hospitals, and as long as any Canadian is waiting for treatment, hospitals cannot advertise or sell their services to non-residents. Although, if we issue you a visa to come to Canada, you'll get our government funded health care until you leave, and you won't be billed for it. Some of my American friends who studied in Canada, said the hardest thing about going back home was having to turn in their OHIP cards.

The USA is only first world nation where life expectancy has declined for the past three years running. You have the highest rate of maternal dealth rate in the first world, and the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world. If your health care system was all that and a bag of peanuts, women and children would be getting better care.
Big Pharma deliberately sold millions of opiod drugs, knowing how addictive they were.

I'm 63 years old, and knew that opioid drugs were addictive 50 years ago. When I was a young adult, I saw people abusing Rx pills 40 years ago, popping pills in bars.

It wasn't a carefully guarded trade secret that opioid drugs were habit forming. If I knew it as a teenager, medical doctors and pharmacists certainly knew it as well.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.
What did you call me?
What I call all GOP voters, brain-washed functional morons.everything you know is garbage propaganda, total misinformation phony scandals and conspiracies.... The most important story of the last 30 years in US politics.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

The solution is there but must be accepted by the socialists, fascists and government supremacists

The Wonders of Free Market Health Care

socialists are in favor of universal Health Care, the only people in the modern world who are not is the GOP, brainwashed functional moron. Ditto global warming ditto taxing the rich more than other people,ditto living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and vacations. Wake up and smell the coffee you name it they suck. Every other modern country has that stuff including Australia New Zealand.
What did you call me?
What I call all GOP voters, brain-washed functional morons.everything you know is garbage propaganda, total misinformation phony scandals and conspiracies.... The most important story of the last 30 years in US politics.

Yes, we all know.

Projection is your middle name.

Fuck off.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

Did other countries have ingrained private health plans? No. I don't see it happening until education costs go down significantly.
Yes the insurance industry loves to rob us, Our system is not good, something will change and repubs offer nothing.
/——/ How about Tort Reform?

Torte reform won't do jack shit for health care costs. The problem is a "for profit" health care model. Healthy people aren't profitable.
/———/ “Healthy people aren't profitable.”
They aren’t for hospitals but they are for insurance companies.

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