Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.

So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
Of course not s*** head, but they should have more low-income housing instead of giving the money to the Rich like the GOP do. Life is tough with this ridiculous inequality you Jokers have given us. Soak the rich, even most of the rich agree LOL, Super Dupe..

So you don't really men a "living" wage. You are quite the hypocrite. As an aside where in SF would they build low income housing?
A living wage is $12 or above idiot. Oakland or wherever stupid question.
$12 or above for flipping burgers or stocking shelves? I don’t think so some jobs are worth more than other jobs can’t you understand that?
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with ...

What makes you think you can just redefine words willy nilly? I mean, obviously you can, but why should anyone take you seriously when you do? If you're just making up your own definitions you might as well be typing gibberish.
Ask any one in the modern world outside your bubble of ignorance and brainwash and they will tell you. Do you think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are communists Oh, for dictatorship that owns all business and industry? Then you are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history and I know the three stages of socialism as defined by everyone in the world -one Marxism proven wrong -two Communism proven wrong and not socialism by the way because socialism is supposed to be Democratic. The Soviets committees were not Democratic it turned out LOL. You will never get the straight answer on GOP propaganda. Ever it appears. They are still stuck on Cold War propaganda.
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.

So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
Of course not s*** head, but they should have more low-income housing instead of giving the money to the Rich like the GOP do. Life is tough with this ridiculous inequality you Jokers have given us. Soak the rich, even most of the rich agree LOL, Super Dupe..

So you don't really men a "living" wage. You are quite the hypocrite. As an aside where in SF would they build low income housing?
A living wage is $12 or above idiot. Oakland or wherever stupid question.
$12 or above for flipping burgers or stocking shelves? I don’t think so some jobs are worth more than other jobs can’t you understand that?
The minimum wage in 1968 would be almost $12 now. Of course I understand that dingbat. LOL
The would also lose their paycheck. Hence low unemployment is great as people get paid and receive healthcare. See how that works? If you’re too sick to work then you go on disability and are still covered. I have A logical answer you just don’t have a logical brain to comprehend it, it’s too busy trying to figure out how to blame the Jews for all the worlds problems.

Disability only covers you if qualify. My late sister went blind in the last few years of her life. It took her YEARS to get on disability, because the logic was that even though she couldn't do the work she was trained for, she could do other things.
And then it's utterly insufficient anyway and screws your eligibility for decent SS. Makes the lawyers happy. That's about it.
And that people is the default GOP position. What we've been stuck with for quite a while. Worst inequality upward mobility and perks of any modern country by far.
I don't like having to work to pay somebody else's heath care bills.

You pay your bills and I will pay mine. That is fair.

Nobody should be entitled to have the government make somebody else work to pay their bills simply because they are alive.

Using the government to steal is despicable.
Socialism always expects someone else to pick up the bill
So the Burger flipper in in San Francisco should be paid enough to rent a 2500 dollar month apt, given "free" Insurance, buy a car etc? You're a bright one aren't you?
Of course not s*** head, but they should have more low-income housing instead of giving the money to the Rich like the GOP do. Life is tough with this ridiculous inequality you Jokers have given us. Soak the rich, even most of the rich agree LOL, Super Dupe..

So you don't really men a "living" wage. You are quite the hypocrite. As an aside where in SF would they build low income housing?
A living wage is $12 or above idiot. Oakland or wherever stupid question.
$12 or above for flipping burgers or stocking shelves? I don’t think so some jobs are worth more than other jobs can’t you understand that?
The minimum wage in 1968 would be almost $12 now. Of course I understand that dingbat. LOL
You do realize there are such a thing as starter/beginner jobs that were never meant to be careers?
Some jobs only worth so much, political correctness can never determine the value of anything. It has no credibility
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with ...

What makes you think you can just redefine words willy nilly? I mean, obviously you can, but why should anyone take you seriously when you do? If you're just making up your own definitions you might as well be typing gibberish.
Ask any one in the modern world outside your bubble of ignorance and brainwash and they will tell you. Do you think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are communists Oh, for dictatorship that owns all business and industry? Then you are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history and I know the three stages of socialism as defined by everyone in the world -one Marxism proven wrong -two Communism proven wrong and not socialism by the way because socialism is supposed to be Democratic. The Soviets committees were not Democratic it turned out LOL. You will never get the straight answer on GOP propaganda. Ever it appears. They are still stuck on Cold War propaganda.
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist… Socialism is the perfect incubator for dictatorship
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with ...

What makes you think you can just redefine words willy nilly? I mean, obviously you can, but why should anyone take you seriously when you do? If you're just making up your own definitions you might as well be typing gibberish.
Ask any one in the modern world outside your bubble of ignorance and brainwash and they will tell you. Do you think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are communists Oh, for dictatorship that owns all business and industry? Then you are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history and I know the three stages of socialism as defined by everyone in the world -one Marxism proven wrong -two Communism proven wrong and not socialism by the way because socialism is supposed to be Democratic. The Soviets committees were not Democratic it turned out LOL. You will never get the straight answer on GOP propaganda. Ever it appears. They are still stuck on Cold War propaganda.

Naaa, that's exactly what you/they are.

You want to FORCE others to abide by whatever YOU think is "right"
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

Have just seen this.

My daughter is pm-ing me from the emergency room (A&E in England) of an NHS hospital. And describing how ghastly it is.

Been to UK A&E a few times... Was great... They have no concept of charging people, you can't give them money if you wanted too..

Been to ones in France, Spain, Germany and Ireland...

You've had a lot of emergencies then?

Bar room brawls? Saturday nights in UK are legendary.
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with ...

What makes you think you can just redefine words willy nilly? I mean, obviously you can, but why should anyone take you seriously when you do? If you're just making up your own definitions you might as well be typing gibberish.
Ask any one in the modern world outside your bubble of ignorance and brainwash and they will tell you. Do you think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are communists Oh, for dictatorship that owns all business and industry? Then you are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history and I know the three stages of socialism as defined by everyone in the world -one Marxism proven wrong -two Communism proven wrong and not socialism by the way because socialism is supposed to be Democratic. The Soviets committees were not Democratic it turned out LOL. You will never get the straight answer on GOP propaganda. Ever it appears. They are still stuck on Cold War propaganda.
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist… Socialism is the perfect incubator for dictatorship
Don't like it? Best move to your Neo-Anarcho-Uber-Capitalist-Libertardian Paradise quick then.
I don't like having to work to pay somebody else's heath care bills.

You pay your bills and I will pay mine. That is fair.

Nobody should be entitled to have the government make somebody else work to pay their bills simply because they are alive.

Using the government to steal is despicable.
Socialism always expects someone else to pick up the bill

Socialism is state sponsored thievery.

The greedy little pathetic excuses for a human beings love it. They get free shit and somebody else had to work to provide it to them.

Not only does socialism destroy economies but it also destroys the human soul.
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with ...

What makes you think you can just redefine words willy nilly? I mean, obviously you can, but why should anyone take you seriously when you do? If you're just making up your own definitions you might as well be typing gibberish.
Ask any one in the modern world outside your bubble of ignorance and brainwash and they will tell you. Do you think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are communists Oh, for dictatorship that owns all business and industry? Then you are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history and I know the three stages of socialism as defined by everyone in the world -one Marxism proven wrong -two Communism proven wrong and not socialism by the way because socialism is supposed to be Democratic. The Soviets committees were not Democratic it turned out LOL. You will never get the straight answer on GOP propaganda. Ever it appears. They are still stuck on Cold War propaganda.
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist… Socialism is the perfect incubator for dictatorship
Don't like it? Best move to your Neo-Anarcho-Uber-Capitalist-Libertardian Paradise quick then.
We have no real freedom in this country, presidents likeAbraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, FDR... Etc. Make sure of that.
Oh, boo hoo hoo! We've got the Senate, the Court, the WH,.. but, but,.. we still can't stop balling our eyes out!
You want to FORCE others to abide by whatever YOU think is "right"
As opposed to your Hippy Dippy Tolerant of Everyone approach? LOL

You poor kid, live your life as you see fit. Obey the law as I do and leave me alone. Like I said you want to force everyone into your little box. I won't drive what you decide I should. I won't eat what you think I should. I'll run my AC and Heater anyway I choose.

I don't to force anything on you. You go ahead and try to force to do anything.

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