Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

if we're going to have mandatory health insurance, we might as well go Medicare for all and cut the costs....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Taxation without representation makes no sense… I thought we figured that out a couple hundred years ago… LOL
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist…

Sure they can. That's the case now, in the US. But they exist in opposition. Socialism negates freedom, and freedom defies socialism.
People in Australia New Zealand Germany etc etc are just as free as we are. We are the richest country in the world and you believe that garbage.... And that is what everybody outside your bubble of ignorance knows is called socialism.....
So you want to push 150mil people off their plans that they like? How about people may keep their plan and those who want to may go to the public option?
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Jealous much?
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist…

Sure they can. That's the case now, in the US. But they exist in opposition. Socialism negates freedom, and freedom defies socialism.
People in Australia New Zealand Germany etc etc are just as free as we are. We are the richest country in the world and you believe that garbage.... And that is what everybody outside your bubble of ignorance knows is called socialism.....
Well, except for 70-80 percent of their income going to the state.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Taxation without representation makes no sense… I thought we figured that out a couple hundred years ago… LOL
We all have representation dingbat. sorry you got outvoted about a million to one LOL.
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist…

Sure they can. That's the case now, in the US. But they exist in opposition. Socialism negates freedom, and freedom defies socialism.
People in Australia New Zealand Germany etc etc are just as free as we are. We are the richest country in the world and you believe that garbage.... And that is what everybody outside your bubble of ignorance knows is called socialism.....
Well, except for 70-80 percent of their income going to the state.
Bologna. The difference is about how much they get taxed for free healthcare, good infrastructure cheap college and training paid parental leave free daycare and 6 week vacations LOL wake up and smell the coffee the difference is about how much we should be taxing the rich and giant corporations.
I have said that many times in the last couple of days, mandates lose elections and make things unpopular. I also said Obama was not for a mandate originally and was for a public option. That would have worked. As usual Congress screwed it up LOL but not as bad as the Republican Congresses do! Even as passed it was a great start, and then we had seven and a half years pure GOP obstruction. It can easily be fixed. I and Obama do not mind the mandate being repealed. People just hate that LOL.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Jealous much?
I enjoy fairness and justice for all Americans, not just the greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed you.
That is communism super duper. Socialism is simply Fair capitalism with ...

What makes you think you can just redefine words willy nilly? I mean, obviously you can, but why should anyone take you seriously when you do? If you're just making up your own definitions you might as well be typing gibberish.
Ask any one in the modern world outside your bubble of ignorance and brainwash and they will tell you. Do you think Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are communists Oh, for dictatorship that owns all business and industry? Then you are a brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history and I know the three stages of socialism as defined by everyone in the world -one Marxism proven wrong -two Communism proven wrong and not socialism by the way because socialism is supposed to be Democratic. The Soviets committees were not Democratic it turned out LOL. You will never get the straight answer on GOP propaganda. Ever it appears. They are still stuck on Cold War propaganda.
Any form of socialism and freedom cannot coexist… Socialism is the perfect incubator for dictatorship
Don't like it? Best move to your Neo-Anarcho-Uber-Capitalist-Libertardian Paradise quick then.
We have no real freedom in this country, presidents likeAbraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, FDR... Etc. Make sure of that.
So you want a working tank or what LOL? any lack of freedom I see is caused by the GOP. Everything should be a choice.
But yet you still want to force everyone into your fucked up socialist entitlement programs… You’re a fucking hypocrite
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Jealous much?
I enjoy fairness and justice for all Americans, not just the greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed you.
Even for Christian Conservatives? I digress.
Then switch jobs. The job also pays for housing, food and entertainment. Your argument is ridiculous.

No, ridiculous is letting employers have that kind of control over our lives.

And if you dig into the national healthcare countries....you find that their systems are collapsing......they can't afford them, they can't get quality Doctors and Nurses, and the care level is declining at a faster and faster rate....

Yeah, DickTiny... I think you have nightmares about Europe "No Guns! Scary Muslims! Free health Care! The horror...the horror...."
The waiting period has always been two tears dope. Stop whining about everything.

Okay, you are missing the conversation.

AzogtheWhiner said that it was okay if you got too sick to work for health insurance because you could apply for disability.

Not that I trust your expertise, but let's say you are right... that you can go on disability after two years...

Um, that's a two year gap where you aren't getting coverage.

Now my sister was lucky, because she was still covered under her late husband's insurance program from his union. Yes, the good old days when we had unions... and a middle class.
How many times do I have to say it I am not for a man date for healthcare. Obama was not for a Mandates and he also wanted a public option. He was right. As always LOL I don't know what other programs you are referring to, but if anything went wrong you be damn glad they are there. It's called civilization oh, and we need more of it. Like living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training. Everything the GOP blocks to save the rich from paying their fair share. Which you don't know about being a dupe.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Jealous much?
I enjoy fairness and justice for all Americans, not just the greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed you.
Even for Christian Conservatives? I digress.
Certainly but I'm not crazy about fundamentalists in any religion....
My insurance is included in my taxes. I pay NOTHING out of pocket, except an annual copay of $100 for drugs. If I'm poor, I can even apply to have that waived.

Yep, life is wonderful in Canada...dumbass.
'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth
I'm not seeing any Canadians begging to have our system...

A lot of Canadians come here to America for medical treatment. Canadian Alex Trebec is quite ill now with pancreatic cancer- but he's being treated here in America. Much better treatment.

Sure its more expensive, but quality always costs more. Bentleys are more expensive than Yugos.

Try again, Trebec is a naturalized US citizen.

Alex Trebek - Wikipedia
Try spelling his last name correctly. One percentage? LOL 99% dumbass.

Polishprice wrote that, not me. I set the record straight. Alex Trebek - Wikipedia
Auto insurance works well. I pay less because I am a safe driver who lives in a safe area. Why should I pay the same as some fat loser who eats chips all day? Like JoeB for example.

Living in a safe area is certainly a factor in determining medical insurance premiums.

If you live in the Ghetto, the odds that you will be hit by a bullet is a lot higher. Even a single round can cause big medical bills depending on where you are hit.

WRONG! I have employees in fifteen States and the cost for coverage is the same apples to apples.
Who pays for all that shit? If socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves you silly little fuckers
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Jealous much?
I enjoy fairness and justice for all Americans, not just the greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed you.
Even for Christian Conservatives? I digress.
Certainly but I'm not crazy about fundamentalists in any religion....

All religion is a $1.2T bilk.
The waiting period has always been two tears dope. Stop whining about everything.

Okay, you are missing the conversation.

AzogtheWhiner said that it was okay if you got too sick to work for health insurance because you could apply for disability.

Not that I trust your expertise, but let's say you are right... that you can go on disability after two years...

Um, that's a two year gap where you aren't getting coverage.

Now my sister was lucky, because she was still covered under her late husband's insurance program from his union. Yes, the good old days when we had unions... and a middle class.
Every state has Medicaid 4 the indigent. Only a few scumbag red states don't have expanded medicaid with Obamacare for those who make less than about $1,400 a month.
Auto insurance works well. I pay less because I am a safe driver who lives in a safe area. Why should I pay the same as some fat loser who eats chips all day? Like JoeB for example.

Living in a safe area is certainly a factor in determining medical insurance premiums.

If you live in the Ghetto, the odds that you will be hit by a bullet is a lot higher. Even a single round can cause big medical bills depending on where you are hit.

WRONG! I have employees in fifteen States and the cost for coverage is the same apples to apples.
GOP voters know less than nothing....
at this point the rich and the giant corporations who are paying crap for taxes. A lot of it is just regulation.
Jealous much?
I enjoy fairness and justice for all Americans, not just the greedy idiot GOP rich who have brainwashed you.
Even for Christian Conservatives? I digress.
Certainly but I'm not crazy about fundamentalists in any religion....

All religion is a $1.2T bilk.
The separation of church and state in every respect is very important. Fundamentalists are dangerous. Irrational so often.

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