University of Colorado allows students to carry guns

It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

I have brought this up before, and the conservatives always say that there is more deaths in the US because there are more people, and it has nothing to do with guns.

But it does. It has everything to do with guns.

But not guns owned by Law Abiding citizens.
certainly you are not suggesting that poverty causes homicide are you?

I think poverty is one of the biggest causes of crime - if not the biggest.

Add to that poverty the things which tend to come with it - drug abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, hopelessness and depression - and you have a cocktail guaranteed to produce violent crime in one form or another.

poverty does not cause violent crime.

correlation does not equal causation
Noomi -

It most definitely has to do with guns.

Guns is the ONLY variable which explains why a country with so many guns experiences so many homicides relative to countries with fewer guns. Factors lke poverty, immigration and drug abuse all play a part in crime rates, but to my mind it is really a no brainer that guns are the biggest factor in those stats.

The figures are per capita, in rates per 100,000 citizens, so population is not a factor here.

why don't you two cut to the chase and get a room
It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

I have brought this up before, and the conservatives always say that there is more deaths in the US because there are more people, and it has nothing to do with guns.

But it does. It has everything to do with guns.

Have you two ever noticed that a large portion of gun deaths happen in areas that were very restrictive to guns or they were gun free zones?
It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

I have brought this up before, and the conservatives always say that there is more deaths in the US because there are more people, and it has nothing to do with guns.

But it does. It has everything to do with guns.

But not guns owned by Law Abiding citizens.

Guns used in mass shootings were owned by law abiding citizen, until they chose to break the law.
I have brought this up before, and the conservatives always say that there is more deaths in the US because there are more people, and it has nothing to do with guns.

But it does. It has everything to do with guns.

But not guns owned by Law Abiding citizens.

Guns used in mass shootings were owned by law abiding citizen, until they chose to break the law.

The guns are usually obtained illegally, so the are breaking gun laws, which throws out your conclusion.
Had the majority of people in this country STAYED armed, the criminals would not be as powerful as they are today.

Given that countries with high rates of gun ownership have universally high homicide rates, why do you say this?

Given countries with more effective gun laws have as much as 80% less homicides - why not learn from them how to reduce crime?

Homicide is not the ONLY crime...
I have never said I didn't think guns should be used inside the home. But outside, carry some mace or a knife or something.

If "some mace or a knife or something" are good enough outside of the home, then they should be perfect inside the home as well.

Do you not understand that a knife requires physical contact, and that a woman wil be over powered in that situation? With each post you make, you either contradict yourself or sound more foolish than the last time.

People who are unarmed are victims waiting to happen.
It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

It's truly astounding how you can't comprhened the basic, simple truth.

Drugs are outlawed in America. Yet every day, millions of people do drugs supplied by the black market

Prostitution is outlawed in America. Yet every day, hundreds of thousands of prostitutes are patronized in the black market.

Rape is outlawed in America. Yet every day, thousands of women are raped.

But most of all, murder is outlawed in America. So if people will commit murder with guns, what makes you think these lawless animals will abide by laws that ban guns??? Do you see how STUPID you anti-gun people are?!?! You make ZERO sense. You're ideolgues that can't accept reality.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns...
Have you two ever noticed that a large portion of gun deaths happen in areas that were very restrictive to guns or they were gun free zones?

I keep pointing out that 100% of the mass shooting occurred in buildings where guns were banned. But they won't comment on that because it proves they are WRONG.

I love how they think outlawing guns will somehow stop people from getting guns, when murder is currently outlawed and it doesn't stop people from murdering. It's why the idiot liberal dumbocrat is so stupid. They live in a dream world of utopia instead of the actual world we all live in.
certainly you are not suggesting that poverty causes homicide are you?

I think poverty is one of the biggest causes of crime - if not the biggest.

Add to that poverty the things which tend to come with it - drug abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, hopelessness and depression - and you have a cocktail guaranteed to produce violent crime in one form or another.

poverty does not cause violent crime.

correlation does not equal causation

Correlation does not equal causation, but I am puzzled you would claim that poverty does not cause violent crime.

It certainly is not the only cause, but in most countries if we look at where violence crime is committed and who commits it, we can see a strong link between poor people and poor neighbourhoods and crime

Why do you feel this is not true?
It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

It's truly astounding how you can't comprhened the basic, simple truth.

Drugs are outlawed in America. Yet every day, millions of people do drugs supplied by the black market

Prostitution is outlawed in America. Yet every day, hundreds of thousands of prostitutes are patronized in the black market.

Rape is outlawed in America. Yet every day, thousands of women are raped.

But most of all, murder is outlawed in America. So if people will commit murder with guns, what makes you think these lawless animals will abide by laws that ban guns??? Do you see how STUPID you anti-gun people are?!?! You make ZERO sense. You're ideolgues that can't accept reality.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns...

Rottweiler -

I think you need to give this matter some more thought. Just spraying abuse around doesn't strike me as being particularly convincing. It just makes you look a little desperate.

I am sure you can understand this -

Passing laws to limit the amount of guns in society does not, in itself, reduce the amount of crime. As you say, murder is outlawed, and people stil murder.

However, in countries with effective gun laws, what they have done is to make it a little harder for certain risk categories of people to acquire guns.

for instance:

- compulsory psychological checks

- mandatory gun safety training

- gun license tests similar to a drivers license test

all make it harder to risk groups to get their hands on a weapon in the first place.

Also, ensuring each weapon bought is licensed to a particular owner makes it harder for people to trade guns out of sight of the authorities. Combine that with stricter enforcement of gun licensing 8.i.e checking those licenses and guns, just as car license and registartion are checked), and you have a solution which balances the rights of all.

You said yourself that ideology is less important than lives.

These measures can and will save lives.
Or, you can put it this way: University of Colorado is allowing it's students to enjoy the same 2nd Amendment rights as every other citizen. If they are licensed to carry a handgun they can carry it on campus within certain restrictions.
The guns are usually obtained illegally, so the are breaking gun laws, which throws out your conclusion.


Columbine? Virginia Tech?

Exceptional point Saigon! What do Columbine and Virginia Tech have in common? Both banned guns from their campus! How did that work out? (Hint: it ended in a blood bath).

Perhaps you need to reasses your "ideas" for solving the problem when your policies end in a blood bath...
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Rottweiler -

Again, I think you need to give this a little more thought.

Most countries with effective gun laws have never had a workplace or school shooting.

Why do you think that is?

Here is the US record:

1992–1993 (44 Homicides and 55 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1993–1994 (42 Homicides and 51 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1994–1995 (17 Homicides and 20 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1995–1996 (29 Homicides and 35 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1996–1997 (23 Homicides and 25 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1997–1998 (35 Homicides and 40 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1998–1999 (25 Homicides from school shootings in the U.S.)
1999–2000 (25 Homicides from school shootings in the U.S.)

2000–2001 (19 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2001–2002 (4 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2002–2003 (14 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2003–2004 (29 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2004–2005 (20 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2005–2006 (5 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2006–2007 (38 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2007–2008 (3 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2008–2009 (10 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)

School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Full -auto -

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, nor what Pol Pak might be. If you want to post something coherent and on-topic, I'll be happy to reply to it.
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Rottweiler -

Perhaps you need to reasses your "ideas" for solving the problem when your policies end in a blood bath...

School shootings:

Total victims:

France: 4 (1 event)
Canada 38 (11 events)
UK: 18 ( 1 event)
Italy: 1 (1 event)
Australia: 3 (2 events)

USA: 200 approx (60 approx events)

School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rottweiler -

Which country would you say has been most effective in preventing school shootings?
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it's interesting that only 20% of australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the us 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the us has three times as may homicides as australia. In the us, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

i have brought this up before, and the conservatives always say that there is more deaths in the us because there are more people, and it has nothing to do with guns.

But it does. It has everything to do with guns.

have you two ever noticed that a large portion of gun deaths happen in areas that were very restrictive to guns or they were gun free zones?


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