University of Colorado allows students to carry guns

Huh? Are you serious? All this will do is make it more likely there will be another mass shooting!

This is the same ignorant battle cry from the left everytime, despite the FACT that mass shootings ONLY happen where guns are banned.

Since when? How about you post some proof of that?

You haven't been paying much attention or you would know better. Hell, there was a twit carrying a gun at the Tucson shooting but he hid out in the Walgreen's until it was all over. It was unarmed men and women who put the shooter on the ground and disarmed him.

Didja see this?

Irony: stockpiling guns to protect yourself from the government that is Constitutionally obligated to let you have guns.
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Rottweiler -

Again, I think you need to give this a little more thought.

No, you need to give this more thought. Every place you cite as a "reason" to ban guns (Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc.) is a place were guns literally were banned. How did that work out?

Show me a mass shooting (most recently New York and Aurora, Co.) - I'll show you a place where guns are BANNED. OUTLAWED. FORBIDDEN.

It's not working. Period. Close your eyes and pretend all you want. It doesn't change the reality.
Rottweiler -

Again, I think you need to give this a little more thought.

No, you need to give this more thought. Every place you cite as a "reason" to ban guns (Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc.) is a place were guns literally were banned. How did that work out?

Show me a mass shooting (most recently New York and Aurora, Co.) - I'll show you a place where guns are BANNED. OUTLAWED. FORBIDDEN.

It's not working. Period. Close your eyes and pretend all you want. It doesn't change the reality.

Dam this rep system
Rottweiler -

Again, I think you need to give this a little more thought.

No, you need to give this more thought. Every place you cite as a "reason" to ban guns (Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc.) is a place were guns literally were banned. How did that work out?

Show me a mass shooting (most recently New York and Aurora, Co.) - I'll show you a place where guns are BANNED. OUTLAWED. FORBIDDEN.

It's not working. Period. Close your eyes and pretend all you want. It doesn't change the reality.

Dam this rep system


All you rw's need to do is just type "ditto" over and over and over and over and .................. So handy because you don't even have to THINK.
No, you need to give this more thought. Every place you cite as a "reason" to ban guns (Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc.) is a place were guns literally were banned. How did that work out?

Show me a mass shooting (most recently New York and Aurora, Co.) - I'll show you a place where guns are BANNED. OUTLAWED. FORBIDDEN.

It's not working. Period. Close your eyes and pretend all you want. It doesn't change the reality.

Dam this rep system


All you rw's need to do is just type "ditto" over and over and over and over and .................. So handy because you don't even have to THINK.

I'll post any god damn way I so choose.

All you rw's need to do is just type "ditto" over and over and over and over and .................. So handy because you don't even have to THINK.

That's comical - coming from the person who regurgitates radical left-wing propaganda. The next time you post something accurate, will be the first time you ever posted something accurate.

Meanwhile, what I just posted, cannot be disputed (which is exactly why you didn't even attempt to).
Rottweiler -

Again, I think you need to give this a little more thought.

Most countries with effective gun laws have never had a workplace or school shooting.

Why do you think that is?

Here is the US record:

1992–1993 (44 Homicides and 55 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1993–1994 (42 Homicides and 51 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1994–1995 (17 Homicides and 20 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1995–1996 (29 Homicides and 35 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1996–1997 (23 Homicides and 25 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1997–1998 (35 Homicides and 40 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
1998–1999 (25 Homicides from school shootings in the U.S.)
1999–2000 (25 Homicides from school shootings in the U.S.)

2000–2001 (19 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2001–2002 (4 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2002–2003 (14 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2003–2004 (29 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2004–2005 (20 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2005–2006 (5 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2006–2007 (38 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2007–2008 (3 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)
2008–2009 (10 Deaths resulting from school shootings in the U.S.)

School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Full -auto -

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, nor what Pol Pak might be. If you want to post something coherent and on-topic, I'll be happy to reply to it.

What I noticed from the info you posted is that in the 2000's deaths from school shootings dropped by over 40% even though gun ownership in that time has INCREASED.

Care to explain that?
By Noomi's "logic" :)lol:), we should immediately outlaw tire irons. Here this woman was being beaten to death by a tire iron, and a GUN stopped it. That's right, a gun SAVED A LIFE. Don't let the facts get in your way though Noomi...

I have had a LaserMax on my Glock 27 for about a year now. I have trained with it at the range, and practiced its activation until it became muscle memory. A week ago, about 2 am, I was returning from the hospital following a friend’s death from cancer. I realized I was almost out of gas, and needed to stop to refuel, despite the hour. As I began to fuel, I heard a lot of screaming, both male and female, from the other side of the station.

I ran to see what was the matter, and as I turned the corner, saw a woman on the ground bleeding from the head, and a man standing above her with a tire-iron. I immediately deployed my Glock, hitting the laser as I cleared the holster, and placed the dot on his chest from about 15 yards. I yelled, “Drop it or you’re dead.” The man looked up at me, saw the blinking light coming from my weapon, then looked down at his chest. He dropped the tire-iron and raised his hands in one motion. I ordered him to his belly, arms out.

The worker at the station had called the police, and poked his head out of the locked door to tell me they were coming. The woman was beginning to stumble to her feet, and I told the attendant to let her into the station with him and lock the door behind them. When the police got there, they saw the flashing coming from my weapon. Instead of the anticipated “drop your gun, get on the ground” they simply said “Good job. Holster your weapon, and we’ll take it from here.”

I think the LaserMax saved this woman’s life as she didn’t get hit a single time after I arrived. It certainly saved the man’s life, as I would have shot him dead had he appeared to begin another blow. And it helped the police see exactly what I was pointing at, and potentially saved my life.
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And even if you had a "magic wand" that could make guns permanently disappear from America forever, the people doing these mass murders would just plant a bomb.

So countries which do not have many guns have a lot of bombings, do they?

Again - can we see some evidence of this, as I don't recall the last bombing in the UK or Germany....

apparently, you never heard of the IRA or the Red Army Faction. Terrorist groups who used bombings in the countries you mentioned. But back on point, I have yet to see any gun come out of its cabinet, load itself, come up to someone & then shoot that person. The person behind the trigger is the issue, not the blunt instrument.....
And even if you had a "magic wand" that could make guns permanently disappear from America forever, the people doing these mass murders would just plant a bomb.

So countries which do not have many guns have a lot of bombings, do they?

Again - can we see some evidence of this, as I don't recall the last bombing in the UK or Germany....

apparently, you never heard of the IRA or the Red Army Faction. Terrorist groups who used bombings in the countries you mentioned. But back on point, I have yet to see any gun come out of its cabinet, load itself, come up to someone & then shoot that person. The person behind the trigger is the issue, not the blunt instrument.....

Terrorism is not the same thing as homocide. Which you know, obviously.

Guy -

I don't see a link to back up your claim. Produce one, and I'll be sure and take a look at it and respond.
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Rottweiler -

You said that ideology is less important than human life.

Please stop dodging the statistics on total homocides and school shootings and address those points.
Rottweiler -

You said that ideology is less important than human life.

Please stop dodging the statistics on total homocides and school shootings and address those points.

Saigon, I am! You're the one dodging the facts. I've posted a bunch of articles here where lives were saved because of guns. You guys can only post a small handful of "mass shootings", and in 100% of those cases, guns were banned!

Sorry, but if you're not willing to accept reality, then the blood is on your hands. If guns are a problem, why are our police officers armed? Why are our ATF agents armed? Why are our FBI agents armed? Why are our US Marshalls armed? Why are our ICE agents armed? Why is our military armed?

Because GUNS keep all of those people safe. And they do the same thing for lawful citizens, as I've pointed out in dozens of links.
Rottweiler -

You claimed that ideology is less important than human lives.

Let's go through some of the key points you have thus far avoided addressing.

1) Can you explain why the US tolerates a homocide rates 5 times that of Germany, and a gun-related homocide rate 246 times that of the UK?

2) Can you explain why guns feature in 60% of US homocides, but less than 20% in other countries?

3) The US has had more than 60 mass school shootings at a cost of more than 200 lives. The UK has only ever had one school shooting, as had France and Italy.

4) You have claimed that gun control does not work, but when we compare the US to France, Germany, the UK and Australia we see that all of those countries have far, far lower homocide rates than the US, and far tighter laws.

Should the US not then adopt those same laws?

Rottweiler -

You claimed that ideology is less important than human lives.

Let's go through some of the key points you have thus far avoided addressing.

1) Can you explain why the US tolerates a homocide rates 5 times that of Germany, and a gun-related homocide rate 246 times that of the UK?

You mean other than the fact that we're 20x's the size of Germany and 37.92x's the size of England?

2) Can you explain why guns feature in 60% of US homocides, but less than 20% in other countries?

Can you explain why guns save lives more than 3,000x's more than other nations?

3) The US has had more than 60 mass school shootings at a cost of more than 200 lives. The UK has only ever had one school shooting, as had France and Italy.

And all 60 of those school shootings occured at schools that ban guns. That's a 100% rate. Draw your own conclusions there (hint: it's a no brainer).

4) You have claimed that gun control does not work, but when we compare the US to France, Germany, the UK and Australia we see that all of those countries have far, far lower homocide rates than the US, and far tighter laws.

And they are all far, far, far smaller than the US.
Rottweiler -

You claimed that ideology is less important than human lives.

Let's go through some of the key points you have thus far avoided addressing

I answered your questions, now extend me the same courtesy...

  • Why do you insist on comparing the US to other nations where there is zero correlation? We're much bigger than the nations you list. We have an exponentially different mind set (France surrenders if a a little china man walks up with a squirt gun because they are the biggest pussies among pussies... America has never surrendered to anyone). And, unlike other nations, we have tons of criminals sneaking into our nation under the cover of darkness. Who the fuck is sneaking into Australia in the middle of the night? Yeah - exactly. Nobody.

  • Why do you ignore the facts that gun crimes only occur where guns are banned?

  • Why do you ignore the endless news stories where lives were saved because a citizen had a firearm on them?

  • Why the irrational attack on guns, when there are endless tools of death out there? Guns were banned in NY city - yet the NY Times reported in 2008 that murders with knives was up 50% (so much for banning guns, uh?).

  • Why can't you grasp the irrational "logic" of your argument? You point out the MURDERS by guns, and claim we should outlaw guns. Well MURDER is already outlawed, did that stop any of the murders?!?!?

What makes a criminal a criminal, is that they don't follow the law. So explain to me how making a law against guns will help anything? You can't, and that is evident by the other things outlawed that still go on (murder, rape, drugs, prostitution, assualt, theft, driving while intoxicated, jay walking, identity theft... want me to stop now?). Outlawing something only affects law abiding citizens. The dumbest thing you can do is disarm law abiding citizens, and that is PROVEN by the very mass shootings you keep pointing to!
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So countries which do not have many guns have a lot of bombings, do they?

Again - can we see some evidence of this, as I don't recall the last bombing in the UK or Germany....

apparently, you never heard of the IRA or the Red Army Faction. Terrorist groups who used bombings in the countries you mentioned. But back on point, I have yet to see any gun come out of its cabinet, load itself, come up to someone & then shoot that person. The person behind the trigger is the issue, not the blunt instrument.....

Terrorism is not the same thing as homocide. Which you know, obviously.

Guy -

I don't see a link to back up your claim. Produce one, and I'll be sure and take a look at it and respond.

You have a hard time with links even when it's from the authority FBI
By Noomi's "logic" :)lol:), we should immediately outlaw tire irons. Here this woman was being beaten to death by a tire iron, and a GUN stopped it. That's right, a gun SAVED A LIFE. Don't let the facts get in your way though Noomi...

I have had a LaserMax on my Glock 27 for about a year now. I have trained with it at the range, and practiced its activation until it became muscle memory. A week ago, about 2 am, I was returning from the hospital following a friend’s death from cancer. I realized I was almost out of gas, and needed to stop to refuel, despite the hour. As I began to fuel, I heard a lot of screaming, both male and female, from the other side of the station.

I ran to see what was the matter, and as I turned the corner, saw a woman on the ground bleeding from the head, and a man standing above her with a tire-iron. I immediately deployed my Glock, hitting the laser as I cleared the holster, and placed the dot on his chest from about 15 yards. I yelled, “Drop it or you’re dead.” The man looked up at me, saw the blinking light coming from my weapon, then looked down at his chest. He dropped the tire-iron and raised his hands in one motion. I ordered him to his belly, arms out.

The worker at the station had called the police, and poked his head out of the locked door to tell me they were coming. The woman was beginning to stumble to her feet, and I told the attendant to let her into the station with him and lock the door behind them. When the police got there, they saw the flashing coming from my weapon. Instead of the anticipated “drop your gun, get on the ground” they simply said “Good job. Holster your weapon, and we’ll take it from here.”

I think the LaserMax saved this woman’s life as she didn’t get hit a single time after I arrived. It certainly saved the man’s life, as I would have shot him dead had he appeared to begin another blow. And it helped the police see exactly what I was pointing at, and potentially saved my life.

I am surprised he didn't pull the trigger anyway and claim 'Stand Your Ground'.
Rottweiler -

You claimed that ideology is less important than human lives.

Let's go through some of the key points you have thus far avoided addressing.

1) Can you explain why the US tolerates a homocide rates 5 times that of Germany, and a gun-related homocide rate 246 times that of the UK?

2) Can you explain why guns feature in 60% of US homocides, but less than 20% in other countries?

3) The US has had more than 60 mass school shootings at a cost of more than 200 lives. The UK has only ever had one school shooting, as had France and Italy.

4) You have claimed that gun control does not work, but when we compare the US to France, Germany, the UK and Australia we see that all of those countries have far, far lower homocide rates than the US, and far tighter laws.

Should the US not then adopt those same laws?


Please, allow me... Because Europeans are cattle that have already accepted the yoke of socialist government, a government that has emasculated their citizens and rendered them complacent and ignorant of true freedom.
Rottweiler -

You claimed that ideology is less important than human lives.

Let's go through some of the key points you have thus far avoided addressing.

1) Can you explain why the US tolerates a homocide rates 5 times that of Germany, and a gun-related homocide rate 246 times that of the UK?

2) Can you explain why guns feature in 60% of US homocides, but less than 20% in other countries?

3) The US has had more than 60 mass school shootings at a cost of more than 200 lives. The UK has only ever had one school shooting, as had France and Italy.

4) You have claimed that gun control does not work, but when we compare the US to France, Germany, the UK and Australia we see that all of those countries have far, far lower homocide rates than the US, and far tighter laws.

Should the US not then adopt those same laws?


Gun control doesn't work.
So countries which do not have many guns have a lot of bombings, do they?

Again - can we see some evidence of this, as I don't recall the last bombing in the UK or Germany....

apparently, you never heard of the IRA or the Red Army Faction. Terrorist groups who used bombings in the countries you mentioned. But back on point, I have yet to see any gun come out of its cabinet, load itself, come up to someone & then shoot that person. The person behind the trigger is the issue, not the blunt instrument.....

Terrorism is not the same thing as homocide. Which you know, obviously.

according to whom exactly? Is not the end result the same? Terrorists are merely criminals who use murder to achieve a result. Whether that terrorist shots up a movie theater or blows up a building, there is no difference. Pirates were considered the terrorists of the 18th & 19th centuries, yet were nothing more than criminals....

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