University of Colorado allows students to carry guns

We didn't fight, because at the time, we had experienced the worst mass shooting by a single gunman, and we wanted to do anything to prevent it from happening again.

And if these fine citizens were as ignorant as you, they would be dead right now. Instead, they are alive and well today. This is why we will NEVER disarm, no matter how much you moan & complain about our guns....

"Police said six men with ties to California's vicious Sureno gang drove to a rural area intent on committing burglaries. Maybe they thought there wouldn't be as strong a police presence outside fo the city - but they forgot an important detail: many rural homes contain firearms and folks who know how to use them. The gang members burst inside a home and were immediately greeeted by gunfire. One suspect was killed, a second was shot several times, and the remaining four fled back to the city" - (American Rifleman, March 2011)

Botched home invasion in Stanislaus County leaves 1 man dead |
Option 3: A bunch of students try to stop a mass shooting, but only shoot and kill innocent bystanders in their eagerness to play hero.

The facts are in direct opposition to your extremely ignorant opinions. You need to stop giving your uneducated opinions, and start learning facts about firearms...

Jackson, Miss., police spokeswoman Colendula Green said she's seen an increase in the number of armed citizens protecting their homes and businesses. "They're going to protect themselves. That's why the Castle [Doctrine] Law is in effect," Green said, noting several incidents in recent months during which Jackson homeowners have shot would-be burglars. In the latest such incident, four suspects allegedly kicked down the door to a home and ordered the family inside to lie on the floor. The homeowner quickly retrieved his gun and opened fire, shooting three of the suspects. The wounded suspects were arrested at the hospital. The fourth is still being sought. (The Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, MS, 12/12/10)

NRA Mobile
Once again, we see a prime example of guns SAVING lives. Then again, with the idiot liberal dumbocrat war on women, I'm sure they would much rather have seen the aunt choked to death and the neice subsequently raped & murdered....

When a domestic dispute broke out at home between a man and his girlfriend, the woman's 17-year-old neice—also a resident of the home—grabbed a handgun and demanded that the man stop choking her aunt. When the man advanced on her, she shot him twice in the chest, killing him and saving her aunt's life. Officials have said they will not press charges on the girl. (Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UT, 12/18/10)

NRA Mobile
And here we see an elderly couple, completely incapable of fighting back physically, saving themselves from a horrific ordeal because they were armed. If ignorant Noomi had it her way, these people would be statistics today...

While returning to their car after visiting a cemetery, an 82-year-old man and his 76-year-old wife were accosted by a man wearing a mask. The suspect drew an illegally possessed gun and ordered the couple to the ground. But his elderly targets were no easy victims. The husband, who has a concealed-carry permit, drew a .22-cal. revolver from his pocket. The suspect took cover behind a pine tree and both men opened fire. The husband's shots forced the suspect to retreat from the area. Police arrested the suspect and an alleged accomplice, aided by a witness who described the getaway car as white with an "abnormally loud muffler." (Chronicle Independent, Camden, SC, 12/17/10)

***THE ARMED CITIZEN*** An Every Friday Feature -
Once again we see a woman saved from a horrific incident. But then again, since the idiot liberal dumbocrats are waging war on women, they would rather see women raped & murdered than see law abiding citizens armed. Try not to let the actual 9/11 call in the link bother you too much or affect your belief that people should be unarmed victims.

"Gwinnett (Minnesota) Police have released a recording of the 911 call made by a Duluth woman after she shot the knife-wielding intruder who attacked her at home this past May. Her assailant died a short time later from the gunshot wounds.

According to a Gwinnett Police spokesman Cpl. Edwin Ritter, the incident occurred at about 6:30 a.m. when the assailant entered the home as the resident was coming out of the shower. “She was exiting the shower when the man wielding a kitchen knife entered her bathroom.”

The woman tried to fight off the man with the shower rod after she had fallen into the bathtub. Her attacker then forced her into the bedroom. He apparently was going to sexually assault her. She was able to retrieve a pistol and shot him multiple times, according to Ritter. The assailant then left the house through the rear door and collapsed in the backyard."

Police Release 911 Tape Reporting Duluth Shooting - Peachtree Corners, GA Patch
We didn't fight, because at the time, we had experienced the worst mass shooting by a single gunman, and we wanted to do anything to prevent it from happening again.

And if these fine citizens were as ignorant as you, they would be dead right now. Instead, they are alive and well today. This is why we will NEVER disarm, no matter how much you moan & complain about our guns....

"Police said six men with ties to California's vicious Sureno gang drove to a rural area intent on committing burglaries. Maybe they thought there wouldn't be as strong a police presence outside fo the city - but they forgot an important detail: many rural homes contain firearms and folks who know how to use them. The gang members burst inside a home and were immediately greeeted by gunfire. One suspect was killed, a second was shot several times, and the remaining four fled back to the city" - (American Rifleman, March 2011)

Botched home invasion in Stanislaus County leaves 1 man dead |

Ya wanna bet they don't try that again too soon? The shame is, city-dwellers will now become primary targets.
Once again we see a woman saved from a horrific incident. But then again, since the idiot liberal dumbocrats are waging war on women, they would rather see women raped & murdered than see law abiding citizens armed. Try not to let the actual 9/11 call in the link bother you too much or affect your belief that people should be unarmed victims.

"Gwinnett (Minnesota) Police have released a recording of the 911 call made by a Duluth woman after she shot the knife-wielding intruder who attacked her at home this past May. Her assailant died a short time later from the gunshot wounds.

According to a Gwinnett Police spokesman Cpl. Edwin Ritter, the incident occurred at about 6:30 a.m. when the assailant entered the home as the resident was coming out of the shower. “She was exiting the shower when the man wielding a kitchen knife entered her bathroom.”

The woman tried to fight off the man with the shower rod after she had fallen into the bathtub. Her attacker then forced her into the bedroom. He apparently was going to sexually assault her. She was able to retrieve a pistol and shot him multiple times, according to Ritter. The assailant then left the house through the rear door and collapsed in the backyard."

Police Release 911 Tape Reporting Duluth Shooting - Peachtree Corners, GA Patch

The only mistake I can see she made was having too little firepower. A 9mm or .357 with hollow points would have made a more...immediate impression. As it was, the perp apparently made it to the hospital before succumbing to his criminal stupidity.
We didn't fight, because at the time, we had experienced the worst mass shooting by a single gunman, and we wanted to do anything to prevent it from happening again.

And if these fine citizens were as ignorant as you, they would be dead right now. Instead, they are alive and well today. This is why we will NEVER disarm, no matter how much you moan & complain about our guns....

"Police said six men with ties to California's vicious Sureno gang drove to a rural area intent on committing burglaries. Maybe they thought there wouldn't be as strong a police presence outside fo the city - but they forgot an important detail: many rural homes contain firearms and folks who know how to use them. The gang members burst inside a home and were immediately greeeted by gunfire. One suspect was killed, a second was shot several times, and the remaining four fled back to the city" - (American Rifleman, March 2011)

Botched home invasion in Stanislaus County leaves 1 man dead |

We are alive and well over here, without our guns. Surprised? You should be.
Once again we see a woman saved from a horrific incident. But then again, since the idiot liberal dumbocrats are waging war on women, they would rather see women raped & murdered than see law abiding citizens armed. Try not to let the actual 9/11 call in the link bother you too much or affect your belief that people should be unarmed victims.

"Gwinnett (Minnesota) Police have released a recording of the 911 call made by a Duluth woman after she shot the knife-wielding intruder who attacked her at home this past May. Her assailant died a short time later from the gunshot wounds.

According to a Gwinnett Police spokesman Cpl. Edwin Ritter, the incident occurred at about 6:30 a.m. when the assailant entered the home as the resident was coming out of the shower. “She was exiting the shower when the man wielding a kitchen knife entered her bathroom.”

The woman tried to fight off the man with the shower rod after she had fallen into the bathtub. Her attacker then forced her into the bedroom. He apparently was going to sexually assault her. She was able to retrieve a pistol and shot him multiple times, according to Ritter. The assailant then left the house through the rear door and collapsed in the backyard."

Police Release 911 Tape Reporting Duluth Shooting - Peachtree Corners, GA Patch

I fully support the right of a person to use a gun in self defense in their own home. I have no issue at all with what this woman did.

What do I have an issue with, is people shooting someone and then claiming it was self defense under 'Stand Your Ground'.
Rottweiler -

You said earlier that ideology should not be more important than saving lives.

Given that the US has 5 times the homicide rate of similar societies, and has far more guns, can you explain why you do not support safer laws?

btw, Be aware that studies have proven a direct correlation between the number of guns in a sociey, and higher homicide rates.
Most people don't need to carry a gun to protect themselves from dogs, and we wouldn't tread in places where there were bears...we respect animals territory, you understand.

I am not an idiot. Call my entire country idiotic if you like, but while we go on living, you lot go on dying from gunshots.

That's funny - how am I posting here if I'm dying from gun shots? And I carry a gun with me EVERYWHERE I go. And I own a dozen guns. Odd how I'm still here if guns are so dangerous. Just shows how incompetent you are...

Do you carry a gun because you want to, or because you want to protect yourself, or do you carry a gun because the constitution says you can?

D. All of the above.
That's funny - how am I posting here if I'm dying from gun shots? And I carry a gun with me EVERYWHERE I go. And I own a dozen guns. Odd how I'm still here if guns are so dangerous. Just shows how incompetent you are...

Do you carry a gun because you want to, or because you want to protect yourself, or do you carry a gun because the constitution says you can?

D. All of the above.

Wrong answer. Just because the law says you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
Do you carry a gun because you want to, or because you want to protect yourself, or do you carry a gun because the constitution says you can?

D. All of the above.

Wrong answer. Just because the law says you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

Wrong answer. Who are you - an Australian - to tell a law abiding American what they "should" or "shouldn't" do.
Do you carry a gun because you want to, or because you want to protect yourself, or do you carry a gun because the constitution says you can?

D. All of the above.

Wrong answer. Just because the law says you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

You're entitled to your opinion, as ignorant as it may be. Had the majority of people in this country STAYED armed, the criminals would not be as powerful as they are today.

You should Google the Dalton Gang, sooner or later the law-abiding citizens will take care of the 'problem', and the police can do what they do best, write reports.
Had the majority of people in this country STAYED armed, the criminals would not be as powerful as they are today.

Given that countries with high rates of gun ownership have universally high homicide rates, why do you say this?

Given countries with more effective gun laws have as much as 80% less homicides - why not learn from them how to reduce crime?
Once again we see a woman saved from a horrific incident. But then again, since the idiot liberal dumbocrats are waging war on women, they would rather see women raped & murdered than see law abiding citizens armed. Try not to let the actual 9/11 call in the link bother you too much or affect your belief that people should be unarmed victims.

"Gwinnett (Minnesota) Police have released a recording of the 911 call made by a Duluth woman after she shot the knife-wielding intruder who attacked her at home this past May. Her assailant died a short time later from the gunshot wounds.

According to a Gwinnett Police spokesman Cpl. Edwin Ritter, the incident occurred at about 6:30 a.m. when the assailant entered the home as the resident was coming out of the shower. “She was exiting the shower when the man wielding a kitchen knife entered her bathroom.”

The woman tried to fight off the man with the shower rod after she had fallen into the bathtub. Her attacker then forced her into the bedroom. He apparently was going to sexually assault her. She was able to retrieve a pistol and shot him multiple times, according to Ritter. The assailant then left the house through the rear door and collapsed in the backyard."

Police Release 911 Tape Reporting Duluth Shooting - Peachtree Corners, GA Patch

I fully support the right of a person to use a gun in self defense in their own home. I have no issue at all with what this woman did.

What do I have an issue with, is people shooting someone and then claiming it was self defense under 'Stand Your Ground'.

You keep changing your story (which is a clear inipdication you are WRONG). First it was "Guns are outlawed in Australia and we live a utopian life free of all crime". Then I share just a few REAL stories and suddenly you support "guns in their own home" - as if women don't get attacked like this outside of the home. Do you have any idea how ignorant you sound?
Last edited:
Once again we see a woman saved from a horrific incident. But then again, since the idiot liberal dumbocrats are waging war on women, they would rather see women raped & murdered than see law abiding citizens armed. Try not to let the actual 9/11 call in the link bother you too much or affect your belief that people should be unarmed victims.

"Gwinnett (Minnesota) Police have released a recording of the 911 call made by a Duluth woman after she shot the knife-wielding intruder who attacked her at home this past May. Her assailant died a short time later from the gunshot wounds.

According to a Gwinnett Police spokesman Cpl. Edwin Ritter, the incident occurred at about 6:30 a.m. when the assailant entered the home as the resident was coming out of the shower. “She was exiting the shower when the man wielding a kitchen knife entered her bathroom.”

The woman tried to fight off the man with the shower rod after she had fallen into the bathtub. Her attacker then forced her into the bedroom. He apparently was going to sexually assault her. She was able to retrieve a pistol and shot him multiple times, according to Ritter. The assailant then left the house through the rear door and collapsed in the backyard."

Police Release 911 Tape Reporting Duluth Shooting - Peachtree Corners, GA Patch

I fully support the right of a person to use a gun in self defense in their own home. I have no issue at all with what this woman did.

What do I have an issue with, is people shooting someone and then claiming it was self defense under 'Stand Your Ground'.

You keep changing your story (which is a clear inipdication you are WRONG). First it was "Guns are outlawed in Australia and we live a utopian life free of all crime". Then I share just a few REAL stories and suddenly you support "guns in their own home" - as if women don't get attacked like this outside of the home. Do you have any idea bow ignorant you sound?

I have never said I didn't think guns should be used inside the home. But outside, carry some mace or a knife or something.
It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?
It's interesting that only 20% of Australian homocides involve a firearm.

Australia has a homicide rate of 1.57 per 100,000 people.

In the US 60% of homicides involve a firearm, and the homicide rate is 4.55.

In other words - the US has three times as may homicides as Australia. In the US, three times as may homicides involve firearms.

If ideology is less important than numan lives, which country has more effective laws?

I have brought this up before, and the conservatives always say that there is more deaths in the US because there are more people, and it has nothing to do with guns.

But it does. It has everything to do with guns.
Noomi -

It most definitely has to do with guns.

Guns is the ONLY variable which explains why a country with so many guns experiences so many homicides relative to countries with fewer guns. Factors lke poverty, immigration and drug abuse all play a part in crime rates, but to my mind it is really a no brainer that guns are the biggest factor in those stats.

The figures are per capita, in rates per 100,000 citizens, so population is not a factor here.

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