University of Colorado allows students to carry guns

Awesome.Maybe we can avoid another Va Tech. Bout time people came to their senses.

Would the Va Tech shooting have happened in the shooter had not had access to guns?

Bout time people came to their senses, alright!

2nd amendment pal. I know your kind would love to throw the constitution out the window but won't happen. It wouldn't have happened if he knew there were going to be people shooting back...he figured he had enough time to kill quite a few people before the cops showed up and they couldn't fire back.

His/her kind claims to live in Finland. Hence, it really has not vested interest in this issue other than to troll.
All those countries also have outrageous taxation and their economies are swirling the bowl, even as you so sagely inform us how wunnerful they are.

Um....what the hell are you talking about?

Did you maybe post this on the wrong thread by mistake, or something?

What has taxation got to do with gun posession or homocide rates?

Where do you see people saying any of the countries listed are "wunnerful"?
All those countries also have outrageous taxation and their economies are swirling the bowl, even as you so sagely inform us how wunnerful they are.

Um....what the hell are you talking about?

Did you maybe post this on the wrong thread by mistake, or something?

What has taxation got to do with gun posession or homocide rates?

Where do you see people saying any of the countries listed are "wunnerful"?

Oh, my, have you failed to understand my point? Gee, and here I was under the impression you were brilliant....NOT!
I don't think I'll waste much time explaining anything to you, you haven't got the gray matter...
Gallant -

Your points here have been hugely off-topic, irrelevant and poorly presented.

Have you thought about changing your handle to Incoherent Warrior?
ideology is not more important than human life.

I agree totally.

And yet the US has 246 times more gun-related homicides than the UK.

So you would agree that the US must change its ideology, no?

Freedom is risky. The only way to limit that risk, is to curtail freedom. One has to ask themselves whether they value freedom more than they value personal safety.

Honest people with guns are no more dangerous than honest people without guns. Dishonest people are dangerous with or without guns.
Erand -

My feeling is that the UK has a similar or perhaps marginally higher degree of freedom than the US overall.

If you are going to link guns with freedom you also need to consider the freedoms of those who choose not to have guns.

It's one thing to tak about the rights of gun holders, but what about the rights of the victims and potential victims of gun crime?
So, which do you think is more likely to happen first, because of this:

1. A drunk student accidentally shoots himself, or someone else.


2. A student with a gun prevents a mass shooting.
So, which do you think is more likely to happen first, because of this:

1. A drunk student accidentally shoots himself, or someone else.


2. A student with a gun prevents a mass shooting.

That is very much my way of thinking.

It is one thing to have mature, trained and professional police or guards carrying guns, another entirely to put them into the hands of an unstable eighteen-year-old jock who spent most of the past week snorting tequila shots off his girlfriends butt.
Erand -

My feeling is that the UK has a similar or perhaps marginally higher degree of freedom than the US overall.

If you are going to link guns with freedom you also need to consider the freedoms of those who choose not to have guns.

It's one thing to tak about the rights of gun holders, but what about the rights of the victims and potential victims of gun crime?

I have no knowledge of any American who is required to have a gun.

A gun is a tool, nothing less and nothing more. It is the person who holds the gun that creates the damage with the gun. As to victims and potential victims, they have the right to live somewhere else. They do not have the right to insist that others give up their rights, because guns make them nervous.

Far more people are killed or injured by automobiles than ever get shot by themselves or by another person.
So, which do you think is more likely to happen first, because of this:

1. A drunk student accidentally shoots himself, or someone else.


2. A student with a gun prevents a mass shooting.

Option 3: A bunch of students try to stop a mass shooting, but only shoot and kill innocent bystanders in their eagerness to play hero.
Also option 4:

A depressed student uses his handgun to commit sucide.

Research conducted by Harvard concluded that the risk of suicide increases in homes where firearms are kept, because firearms are more 'successful' than those using other methods.
Also option 4:

A depressed student uses his handgun to commit sucide.

Research conducted by Harvard concluded that the risk of suicide increases in homes where firearms are kept, because firearms are more 'successful' than those using other methods.

Yep. But you know what they will say about that...
Full-Auto -

I haven't seen anyone suggest that guns are the only problem in society which needs addressing in order to reduce homicide rates.

Obviously guns, poverty etc are problems as well.

But this thread is about guns.

certainly you are not suggesting that poverty causes homicide are you?
And even if you had a "magic wand" that could make guns permanently disappear from America forever, the people doing these mass murders would just plant a bomb.

So countries which do not have many guns have a lot of bombings, do they?

Again - can we see some evidence of this, as I don't recall the last bombing in the UK or Germany....

Really? Right off the top of my head, I instantly recall TWO bombings on the same day in the UK. One was in the subway and another was on one of those triple-decker busses. Oops - looks like someone was just exposed for being a moron!

From this post, you are the one exposed as a moron.
So, which do you think is more likely to happen first, because of this:

1. A drunk student accidentally shoots himself, or someone else.


2. A student with a gun prevents a mass shooting.

Option 3: A bunch of students try to stop a mass shooting, but only shoot and kill innocent bystanders in their eagerness to play hero.

and that has happened how often?

Allow students to carry guns, and that is what will happen if there is a mass shooting.
Option 3: A bunch of students try to stop a mass shooting, but only shoot and kill innocent bystanders in their eagerness to play hero.

and that has happened how often?

Allow students to carry guns, and that is what will happen if there is a mass shooting.

how do you know?


This is the same ignorant battle cry from the left everytime, despite the FACT that mass shootings ONLY happen where guns are banned.

Can we see some evidence to back that up please?

Also, can you tell us how many mass shootings there have been in countries with far less guns that the US, such as France, Germany and the UK?

Can we see some evidence to back that up please?

How can you show links of some thing that doesn't happen?

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