University of Florida’s $500K Security Cost for Trump’s Nazi Friend’s Speech


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Countless United States troops were killed, wounded, and maimed fighting the Nazis and their fascist allies during WWII.

Seventy-two years later, conservatives and their leader, the Big Orange Idiot, now condemn anyone who opposes the Nazi movement that is now infecting the United States.

Conservatives embrace the Nazi alliance today, the same enemy fought by the Greatest Generation from December 7, 1941, through VE Day and VJ Day 1945. Conservatives consider anyone who opposes their Nazis to be the “evil" anti-fa, which means they view the U.S. military of WWII as the “evil" anti-fa as well.

“Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Monday declared a state of emergency in advance of a speech white nationalist (Nazi) Richard Spencer is scheduled to give at the University of Florida.” Additionally, “The governor is also activating the Florida National Guard to help with security if it is needed. Scott said he declared the emergency after discussing Spencer's speech with Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell.”

The conservative Scott issued his executive order so as to permit local law-enforcement groups to join with with state and other law-enforcement agencies to protect the members of various Nazi organizations at the hate-filled gathering.

Speakers will use the university setting as a platform to incite their skin-heads to commit violence, inspired by the hate-speech which is typical at these events. “The university has already said it expects to spend $500,000 on security.”

Conservatives are doing the Greatest Generation a great disservice welcoming the Nazi movement into the United States, while condemning all who protest conservatives' unconscionable policies, past and present.

History proves it was the conservatives’ policies that favored secession in the states that formed the Confederacy. Those conservative policies established the Confederate military. It was the singular goal of that armed force to protect the rights of one percent of the population in those states, who possessed the wealth necessary to afford owning black people. The singular goal to protect the upper classes’ right to oppress black people. The ONE PERCENT. (It’s no different today, conservatives are still suckers protecting the wealth of the one percent, and receiving nothing in return.)

Conservatives have always fought to protect the wealth and property of the one percent, and their right to oppress. Conservatives were traitors then, and they are traitors today for their support of the American Nazis. The Nazis were the enemy of democracy during WWII, just as they are now.

This is not an issue of free speech, this is an issue of treason. Just like it was during WWII. One must wonder, how many conservatives here in the U.S. were Nazi sympathizers that helped undermine democracy in the 1930s and 40s? How many of their children and grandchildren are conservatives today, carrying on the family tradition of helping the Nazis. Helping them invade the United States in the 21st century with their hatred of all that is not white male and “Christian”?

Nazi loving conservative white male “Christians” will surely find this OP "funny". And, there are plenty of conservative moderators for these message boards who share your deep affection for the Nazis. So, one of them will certainly censor this OP.




Historians will have much to say about the first decades of the twenty-first century. That is, if we survive this administration.

Countless United States troops were killed, wounded, and maimed fighting the Nazis and their fascist allies during WWII.

Seventy-two years later, conservatives and their leader, the Big Orange Idiot, now condemn anyone who opposes the Nazi movement that is now infecting the United States.

Conservatives embrace the Nazi alliance today, the same enemy fought by the Greatest Generation from December 7, 1941, through VE Day and VJ Day 1945. Conservatives consider anyone who opposes their Nazis to be the “evil" anti-fa, which means they view the U.S. military of WWII as the “evil" anti-fa as well.

“Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Monday declared a state of emergency in advance of a speech white nationalist (Nazi) Richard Spencer is scheduled to give at the University of Florida.” Additionally, “The governor is also activating the Florida National Guard to help with security if it is needed. Scott said he declared the emergency after discussing Spencer's speech with Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell.”

The conservative Scott issued his executive order so as to permit local law-enforcement groups to join with with state and other law-enforcement agencies to protect the members of various Nazi organizations at the hate-filled gathering.

Speakers will use the university setting as a platform to incite their skin-heads to commit violence, inspired by the hate-speech which is typical at these events. “The university has already said it expects to spend $500,000 on security.”

Conservatives are doing the Greatest Generation a great disservice welcoming the Nazi movement into the United States, while condemning all who protest conservatives' unconscionable policies, past and present.

History proves it was the conservatives’ policies that favored secession in the states that formed the Confederacy. Those conservative policies established the Confederate military. It was the singular goal of that armed force to protect the rights of one percent of the population in those states, who possessed the wealth necessary to afford owning black people. The singular goal to protect the upper classes’ right to oppress black people. The ONE PERCENT. (It’s no different today, conservatives are still suckers protecting the wealth of the one percent, and receiving nothing in return.)

Conservatives have always fought to protect the wealth and property of the one percent, and their right to oppress. Conservatives were traitors then, and they are traitors today for their support of the American Nazis. The Nazis were the enemy of democracy during WWII, just as they are now.

This is not an issue of free speech, this is an issue of treason. Just like it was during WWII. One must wonder, how many conservatives here in the U.S. were Nazi sympathizers that helped undermine democracy in the 1930s and 40s? How many of their children and grandchildren are conservatives today, carrying on the family tradition of helping the Nazis. Helping them invade the United States in the 21st century with their hatred of all that is not white male and “Christian”?

Nazi loving conservative white male “Christians” will surely find this OP "funny". And, there are plenty of conservative moderators for these message boards who share your deep affection for the Nazis. So, one of them will certainly censor this OP.


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View attachment 154791

Historians will have much to say about the first decades of the twenty-first century. That is, if we survive this administration.


Lol. Another hysterical, triggered libtard. Thanks for the laugh!
I'd rather have someone like Spencer right out in the open with his views. I think it's safer to let extremists stay in the sunlight than force them to crawl into shadows where they can't be monitored.
I'd rather have someone like Spencer right out in the open with his views. I think it's safer to let extremists stay in the sunlight than force them to crawl into shadows where they can't be monitored.

Not to mention we can all use a good laugh!
Pa kennedy routed for the Nazis as they bombed England, but you blindly supported that family.

and you use utter bs to claim anyone not a leftist kook is a Nazi and-or racist.

how tolerant of you
Security costs used to be small when people of all views could speak them without the threat of violence. Then Liberals turned into Black masked mobs hurling chairs and pepper spraying innocent people if anyone other than a Liberal speaks. As a result security costs have skyrocketed. Liberals blame the speakers.
That ends today's lesson on Liberal retardation.
Pa kennedy routed for the Nazis as they bombed England, but you blindly supported that family.

and you use utter bs to claim anyone not a leftist kook is a Nazi and-or racist.

how tolerant of you

When I found out about the Silver Shirts it blew my mind. Whoa geeze! The fact that there were that many prominent Americans that were preparing for Hitler to come to America and rule from here is just unreal.

Heil Hollywood: The Los Angeles bunker from which Hitler planned to run Nazi empire after the war

Read more: Hitler's Los Angeles bunker from which he planned to run Nazi empire after the war | Daily Mail Online
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Translating liberal code:

"Nazi" = "Anyone to the right of Stalin"

Nazi's anyone that wants to kill and genocide people for being different. You know damn well that the white nationalist would deport you...So you better reconsider.

Liberals are already trying to boycott Asians from colleges, government representation, Hollywood, and the media, so you can take your marxist propaganda and shove it up your ass. :)
.Speakers will use the university setting as a platform to incite their skin-heads to commit violence, inspired by the hate-speech which is typical at these events. “The university has already said it expects to spend $500,000 on security.”
This is a monumental endictment on the left and how they’ve embraced fascism (leveraging violence to prevent dialogue). If the left wasn’t so violent and oppressive, it would cost the University of Florida $0.00 for security.
When I found out about the Silver Shirts it blew my mind. Whoa geeze! The fact that there were that many prominent Americans that were preparing for Hitler to come to America and rule from here is just unreal.

Heil Hollywood: The Los Angeles bunker from which Hitler planned to run Nazi empire after the war

Read more: Hitler's Los Angeles bunker from which he planned to run Nazi empire after the war | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
No surprise. The left has always been about fascism.
A half a million just so that lowest of scumbag traitors can speak. And people say they are so worried about government spending.
Let the cowardly little traitor "speak," otherwise known as insulting other Americans, not offering policy suggestions that are healthy for all Americans, and then make life miserable for him wherever he goes. No one has to harm this turncoat, just point at him and scream at him for what he is the second that he steps out in public.
.Speakers will use the university setting as a platform to incite their skin-heads to commit violence, inspired by the hate-speech which is typical at these events. “The university has already said it expects to spend $500,000 on security.”
This is a monumental endictment on the left and how they’ve embraced fascism (leveraging violence to prevent dialogue). If the left wasn’t so violent and oppressive, it was cost the University of Florida $0.00 for security.
How does one have "dialogue" with someone whose enter public offerings consist of nothing more than attacking his fellow Americans?
A half a million just so that lowest of scumbag traitors can speak. And people say they are so worried about government spending.
Let the cowardly little traitor "speak," otherwise known as insulting other Americans, not offering policy suggestions that are healthy for all Americans, and then make life miserable for him wherever he goes. No one has to harm this turncoat, just point at him and scream at him for what he is the second that he steps out in public.

I ignore that racist as I do racists on this forum. If the left would do the same, security costs would be minimal and destruction and violence likely would not occur.
.Speakers will use the university setting as a platform to incite their skin-heads to commit violence, inspired by the hate-speech which is typical at these events. “The university has already said it expects to spend $500,000 on security.”
This is a monumental endictment on the left and how they’ve embraced fascism (leveraging violence to prevent dialogue). If the left wasn’t so violent and oppressive, it was cost the University of Florida $0.00 for security.
How does one have "dialogue" with someone whose enter public offerings consist of nothing more than attacking his fellow Americans?

Why engage them in dialogue at all? They're a fringe group but the left wants to pretend they're relevant for political purposes.

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