University Students Protest Professor for Saying Islamic Immigration Is a Threat to Gay Rights


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The dumbing down of millennials is complete.

Students at Wake Forest University are protesting a professor’s column arguing that Muslim immigration to the United States should be restricted in the name of gay rights.

Shannon Gilreath, a professor of law and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies wrote the op-ed, “Europe’s Islam problem and U.S. immigration Policy”, for The Washington Blade on January 19, arguing in it that Islam fundamentally clashes with gay rights.

“I come from the American Left. I am a feminist. I am a gay rights activist,” he begins. “Consequently, the argument I am about to make for tighter U.S. controls on immigration of Muslims may surprise some readers. It shouldn’t.”

Gilreath goes on to claim that “Islam is endemically antithetical to the well-being of gay people,” contending that “If anything approaching this kind of destruction had been unleashed under the banner of any political organization, the Nazis or Klan for examples, the Left would be quick to condemn and short on tolerance for adherents who ask us to believe that they only subscribe to the ideology’s nonlethal tenets,” but that “because this mayhem is perpetrated in the name of religion…the gloves stay on.”

“American liberals don’t want to hear this argument,” he explains, “because they share, ironically, with American conservatives a rather unreflective commitment to the defense of religion at all costs.”

The article spawned a demonstration on campus by students who claimed that his article was “offensive and overgeneralizing,” according to the Old Gold & Black, though Gilreath told Campus Reform that he was only informed of the student-led protest on the quad when some of his students told him of the “effort to respond to this article” organized with the hashtag “#banshan.”

“I must say that I’m mercifully unaware of most things except when sympathetic students or colleagues send things to me,” Gilreath explained. “I wrote the article in The Blade, which I considered most temperate. That touched off a firestorm. Students organized a protest of me; certainly faculty have brought pressure for a formal statement disavowing me as inconsistent with principles of inclusion.”

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Well since Muslims have been known to throw gays off of roofs I would tend to agree with him.

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