Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

They'll just do what they always do when confronted by information they dont like. They'll just slap a label on it that says "liberal" no matter the facts and then point at it and go "Ewww, can you believe those those....LIBERALS"

They wont address the topic. They'll go into full on Accuse mode: Why do you hate America / Capitalism / Business owners?

What topic? An anonymous retard spewing unsupported idiocy on a hate blog is just fodder.

Forbes is an Anonymous blogger now and for some reason being Anonymous or a blog breeds suspicion. Cant say how or why but darnit it sure sounds good tho
yep Forbes is a communist!!!!

Forbes is an American business magazine owned by Forbes, Inc. Published bi-weekly, it features original articles on finance, industry, investing, and marketing topics.Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, and law. Its headquarters is located in Jersey City, New Jersey. Primary competitors in the national business magazine category include Fortune and Bloomberg Businessweek. The magazine is well known for its lists and rankings, including its lists of the richest Americans (the Forbes 400) and rankings of world's top companies (the Forbes Global 2000).

Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

Indeed. The truth just destroys your little racist victim card.

He's using a Multitask Accuse...that high level. Accuse of hating money and races. Go for the Trifecta!

Yes and in reality, you should not respond here at all since you own no business and are not part of the capitalist society.

TRIFECTA ACHIEVED! I hate money, races and dont have a business says the old diaper wearing fool who tinkles when he coughs

EXACTLY!! You're just an all around LOSER.

4 way!
Greece grinds to a halt in general strike over pension reforms
Opposition to pension reform has cut across wide swath of occupational groups
The Associated Press
First published: February 04, 2016 at 2:42 AM

Protesters from the Communist-affiliated trade union PAME march during a 24-hour general strike against planned pension reforms in central Athens, Greece on Thursday. (Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters)



Services across Greece ground to a halt Thursday as workers joined in a massive general strike that cancelled flights, ferries and public transport, shut down schools, courts and pharmacies, and left public hospitals with emergency staff.

Well over 20,000 supporters of a Communist party-backed union were marching through central Athens, while around 10,000 more people — including about 1,000 lawyers in suits and ties — were gathering for a separate demonstration. A heavy police presence was deployed in the capital, as previous protests have often degenerated into riots.
Yup. Let 'em eat cake....governments get what they deserve.
Forbes is an Anonymous blogger now and for some reason being Anonymous or a blog breeds suspicion. Cant say how or why but darnit it sure sounds good tho

No retard, Forbes is HOSTING a blog called (ironically) "The Intellectualist" where a drooling fucktard posted "we all gunna die cuz de running dog capitalists."

The fucking moron offered zero support for his insanely moronic claim, and was too much of a coward to even attach his name to it.

Reason is something you really don't fucking grasp. But you should grasp by now that ANYTHING posted by Batshit is stupid and false.

Do you want to claim the world will starve by 2050? Go for it, offer some sort of compelling argument that explains why this would be.

Show the falling food production numbers and how clean water is less available, show how farm yields have dramatically fallen and the food scarcity that is the result.

Seriously, you want to make fucktarded predictions? Then offer SOMETHING that makes them more than a lunatic screaming at lamposts, because at this point the lunatic has more credibility than you.
Forbes is not a liberal outfit

Forbes: Corporate capitalism is committed to the relentless pursuit of growth, even if it ravages the planet and threatens human health.

Forbes: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050 - The Intellectualist
Interesting. Forbes may not be a liberal outfit but they sure sound like one. Their opening line, "corporate capitalism is committed to the relentless pursuit of growth, even if it ravages the planet and threatens human health" is the epitome of overwrought liberal claptrap.

Will humanity indeed be starved by 2050 by Capitalism? Can't tell from this post.

The "article" commences with sentences like, " Since 2000, 6 million hectares of primary forest have been lost each year. That’s 14,826,322 acres, or just less than the entire state of West Virginia." There is no further information nor development of that statement by the writer. The reader is offered a link to a report from the UN. The rest of the "article" is equally illuminating, scary statements of doom with links to government reports and the Center for Global whatnot at Harvard. hmmm We can say with a straight face that Harvard IS a liberal outfit.
No retard, Forbes is HOSTING a blog called (ironically) "The Intellectualist" where a drooling fucktard posted "we all gunna die cuz de running dog capitalists."

No, its on their website: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

Are you retarded or something?

The fucking moron offered zero support for his insanely moronic claim, and was too much of a coward to even attach his name to it.

You;re asking for support? LMAO...You dismissed this as being a blog just because it was a blog. LOL. Wrong again, its linked to Forbes and his name and picture is right there. Are you retarded or something

Reason is something you really don't fucking grasp. But you should grasp by now that ANYTHING posted by Batshit is stupid and false.

What you did there was the exact opposite of reason. You're wrong 3 times so far
Do you want to claim the world will starve by 2050? Go for it, offer some sort of compelling argument that explains why this would be.

They did but you so far dismissed all of them for the following reasons

1. Its a blog
2. You didnt see the guys name
3. The person who posted it
Quote where it says anything about potable water or food declines. When you cant remember you said this:

Stupid fuck, the claim is humanity will starve - that is food shortage you mouth breathing retard.

Good god no wonder you voted for Obama twice, you're stupid as a fucking turnip.

So where did you get that potable water bullshit from since it wasnt mentioned at all? Wait a min....You didnt read the article at all did you? :badgrin:
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No, its on their website: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

Are you retarded or something?

What your intellectual mentor Batshit linked was;

Forbes: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050 - The Intellectualist

A blog.

You;re asking for support? LMAO...You dismissed this as being a blog just because it was a blog. LOL. Wrong again, its linked to Forbes and his name and picture is right there. Are you retarded or something

That's how it works fucktard, IF you make a claim, support it. Mindless slogans are what dolt like you live on, but rational folk have a preference for facts and reason.

What you did there was the exact opposite of reason. You're wrong 3 times so far

So, we are all going to stave by 2050 is your claim, what do you base this one?
They did but you so far dismissed all of them for the following reasons

1. Its a blog
2. You didnt see the guys name
3. The person who posted it

False, as is most of what you post.

What Batshit linked in the OP is three paragraphs;

Forbes: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050 - The Intellectualist

The is no rational support for the claims.

Now in the expanded post, the author childishly whines;

{How do we expect to feed that many people while we exhaust the resources that remain?}

Well, since it is a fact that food production has over doubled in the last decade, it is unlikely to be a problem.

Human activities are behind the extinction crisis.

What extinction crisis?

And here we go, a religious nut spewing cult idiocy.

Why does he and you offer zero facts? Because he is preaching to the stupid, not arguing to the educated.
Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

Go to the link and see how wrong Uncensored is

The fucking moron offered zero support for his insanely moronic claim, and was too much of a coward to even attach his name to it.

Is that the link for the OP?

How do we expect to feed that many people while we exhaust the resources that remain?

Forbes: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050 - The Intellectualist

So, you're not just retarded, you're dishonest to boot.

You're just the whole leftist package.. :thup:
Forbes is not a liberal outfit

Forbes: Corporate capitalism is committed to the relentless pursuit of growth, even if it ravages the planet and threatens human health.

Forbes: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050 - The Intellectualist

Forbes didn't write the article, you stupid douche.

Drew Hansen
I started my career as a management consultant at Bain & Company and co-founded Action First, a political consulting firm based in Washington D.C. You can reach me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or via email at drewh (at) qualtrics (dot) com.

Written by a liberal who used to work for Bain. Reminds me of Romney. Durr.
Forbes is not a liberal outfit

Forbes: Corporate capitalism is committed to the relentless pursuit of growth, even if it ravages the planet and threatens human health.

Forbes: Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050 - The Intellectualist

Is that in the same vein as the predictions that called for the Human population to be over 20 billion or so by 2000, peak oil to hit by the 90's, and the oceans to be washing over the 3rd floor buildings in manhattan by the 2010's?
We were SUPPOSED to starve to death in the 1970's.

"Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years." — Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich (Earth Day, 1970)

"Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions…. By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine." — North Texas State University professor Peter Gunter

"The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age." — Kenneth Watt

Just more unsupported and unscientific idiocy from the mindless left.

I think that on his own, ClosedCaption has an IQ of around 60, but when it is combined with the IQ of Guano, it drops to 25 or so.
The blog is linked to Forbes but its too many steps for Uncensored to take before he starts to make bullshit claims. Bullshit claims is much easier to make than sense

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