Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

Forbes: Corporate capitalism is committed to the relentless pursuit of growth, even if it ravages the planet and threatens human health.

actually capitalism is committed to serving its customers since that is the only way capitalists can survive. If customers want low pollution electric cars and sustainable lumber, for example, capitalists must comply just to survive.

A simple concept but nevertheless one a liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
You wanted an intellectual response to your accusations of rolling in shit and fucktard name calling? Naaah, you didnt want that. You just wanted to pound your chest and show your teeth

No one will get an intellectual response from you. You are a hack who supports any idiocy spewed by even the most vile creatures, provided they are leftists.

The OP is some stupid shit, you know this but lack the integrity to be honest, party above all.

So go roll in the shit some more.
You wanted an intellectual response to your accusations of rolling in shit and fucktard name calling? Naaah, you didnt want that. You just wanted to pound your chest and show your teeth

No one will get an intellectual response from you.

We're not talking about anyone. We're talking about you wanting a deep convo on shit rolling.

You are a hack who supports any idiocy spewed by even the most vile creatures, provided they are leftists.

The OP is some stupid shit, you know this but lack the integrity to be honest, party above all.

So go roll in the shit some more.

Great more teeth showing. You happy now or you gonna grab your tiny dick in a show of defiance?
You wanted an intellectual response to your accusations of rolling in shit and fucktard name calling? Naaah, you didnt want that. You just wanted to pound your chest and show your teeth

No one will get an intellectual response from you.

We're not talking about anyone. We're talking about you wanting a deep convo on shit rolling.

You are a hack who supports any idiocy spewed by even the most vile creatures, provided they are leftis
The OP is some stupid shit, you know this but lack the integrity to be honest, party above all.

So go roll in the shit some more.

Great more teeth showing. You happy now or you gonna grab your tiny dick in a show of defiance?

Jesus H. Any clue out there anywhere???? Arguing capitalism vs communism????
Get a grip. Communism never had a chance. Pure capitalism, as in libertarianism, has an equal chance. As in, none at all. Both fail due to inability to deal with the desires of the population. Which is why, of course, there is and never has been a libertarian economy. Or a WORKING communist economy. Just mixed economies, where the fight is between the wealthy trying to move toward libertarianism, and the rest trying to improve their lot.
Here, we see the paid cons pushing for a more libertarian economy. Because, the road toward libertarianism makes the wealthy more wealthy, and the poor more poor. And the libertarians have the bucks to get the trolls to push for their desires.
Get a grip.
Jesus H. Any clue out there anywhere???? Arguing capitalism vs communism????
Get a grip. Communism never had a chance. Pure capitalism, as in libertarianism, has an equal chance. As in, none at all. Both fail due to inability to deal with the desires of the population. Which is why, of course, there is and never has been a libertarian economy. Or a WORKING communist economy. Just mixed economies, where the fight is between the wealthy trying to move toward libertarianism, and the rest trying to improve their lot.
Here, we see the paid cons pushing for a more libertarian economy. Because, the road toward libertarianism makes the wealthy more wealthy, and the poor more poor. And the libertarians have the bucks to get the trolls to push for their desires.
Get a grip.

Quite the opposite of the truth.

What the well connected do is get government (through bribes) to pass laws that bar entry into commerce. This ensures that the entrenched and well connected will be protected from entrepreneurs and small business who would compete and take customers.

Capitalism removes the laws that stop those lower in the food chain from creating and running businesses. The left create laws to crush the smaller players in order to protect the established and well connected.

The other day I saw the police talking to a Mexican pushing a cart selling Mexican pop-sickles. I overheard enough to know that they were asking for a business license. I have no idea the outcome, but the license to sell pop-sickles is a barrier to commerce erected by the left to ensure that only the established players can sell their wares. It is the left putting their jack-booted foot on the neck of those who would climb the ladder of success.

Free trade allows all to prosper, capitalism provides a path up to those at the lowest levels of society, which is why the left objects.

Socialism and leftism seek a world where those born into poverty, die in poverty and exist on hand-outs.
the road toward libertarianism makes the wealthy more wealthy,.

actually there were no wealthy in China under communism, under libertarian capitalism there are millions of wealthy and millions more about to be wealthy! Now do you understand?
the road toward libertarianism makes the wealthy more wealthy,.

actually there were no wealthy in China under communism, under libertarian capitalism there are millions of wealthy and millions more about to be wealthy! Now do you understand?
the road toward libertarianism makes the wealthy more wealthy,.

actually there were no wealthy in China under communism, under libertarian capitalism there are millions of wealthy and millions more about to be wealthy! Now do you understand?

And here, on cue, is our con tool, ed. Great post, me con tool, but totally bs, as usual. Talk to your bosses, see if they are interested in you posting a bit of truth amongst your normal drivel.
No one, me poor ignorant troll, suggests that china ever had a great economy. Just a failing quasi communist economy, as I suggested. Dipshit.
But today, they have a quasi communist economy or what they call a Socialist Market Economy, with a few very rich. Look it up, me troll. a true command economy, which they continue to say is a Socialist economy. Which, they say, is NOT controlled by capitalists. Look it up, dipshit, ir you are capable.
About those millions of millionaires, dipshit? Over 67% of their population makes less than $5 per day. Under 12% make less than $1.25 per day.
Let's see, me poor ignorant con tool, How many days do you have to work at those rates to become a millionaire????????
And while you are looking, if you are near a 3 story or higher building, look out for falling bodies. Check out their suicide info, should you care.
So, this is what the con tools, and their bosses, want the us labor force to become, so they can make a very few bosses VERY rich. The true Libertarian dream.
Sorry, I know this is beyond you, me poor ignorant con tool. I know you are a paid tool, Sure hope they don't pay you much.
Poverty in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, they have a quasi communist economy or what they call a Socialist Market Economy, with a few very rich

100% stupid of course. 60 million slowly starved to death under communism and none bought cars. Today, when state owned companies are sold off, none starve to death and 20 million buy cars a year; thats more than we buy here.

Notice how your paragraphs are crushed in 2 sentences!

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