"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem

They also report that there is no factual evidence to support it. Add to that the fact that your little violent asshole hero DIDN'T SEE FIT TO MENTION IT, and it is clear that it was a lie. A lie which you choose to perpetuate because you're a scumbag.
They said no one reported it, bitch-face! A witness who was there is "factual evidence". And you've provided nothing that contradicts what that witness said.

Why would a father, having dinner with his kids, lie about something like this? There's no reason to. But because of pieces of shit like you, he started receiving death threats. Only pussies make death threats.
Prove it.

White supremacists and other far-right groups committed the majority of extremist-related murders in the United States last year, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.

...statistics show that radical leftists have been dramatically less likely to kill people than their counterparts on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Over the past decade, extremists of every stripe have killed 372 Americans. 74 percent of those killings were committed by right wing extremists. Only 2 percent of those deaths were at the hands of left wing extremists.

The Resurgent Threat of White-Supremacist Violence
A new report finds that white supremacists committed the largest share of domestic-extremist related killings last year—highlighting the danger of racist rhetoric and hateful ideas.

Now we are talking. We all saw how the masked pipe wielding Antifa supporter got his lights knocked out. Now the justice system will get involved



Following a spate of violent attacks by masked members of Antifa, four GOP members of Congress are taking matters into their own hands.

A measure introduced last month in the House would punish anyone wearing a mask who "injures, oppresses, threatens or intimidates" a person "in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege" with a fine and up to 15 years in prison.

Introduced to the House Judiciary Committee by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) and co-sponsored by Peter King (R-NY), Ted Budd (R-NC) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ). H.R. 6054, the "Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018" states:

Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both.

The bill also includes 2 years of jail time for "Destroying buildings or property" while wearing a mask or disguise.

One of the more notable incidents of Antifa violence was an assault on a Trump supporter by Bay Area professor and anarchist, Eric Clanton, who was "unmasked" by users of popular internet forums and arrested and charged with four counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Clanton remains free on bail, while his trial has been postponed several times.

Meanwhile, a large skirmish broke out at a Portland conservative rally between masked members of Antifa and conservatives - which led to a viral video of a Proud Boy known as "Rufio" knocking out an Antifa member. (Knockout at 7:35)

With the new House Resolution, looks like these guys are out of luck:

Predictably, the left has called the bill dystopian, while those on the right are urging people to call their representatives in congress.

"Unmasking Antifa" Act Introduced In Congress: 15 Year Sentence For Masked Mayhem
The KKK better watch out.
They also report that there is no factual evidence to support it. Add to that the fact that your little violent asshole hero DIDN'T SEE FIT TO MENTION IT, and it is clear that it was a lie. A lie which you choose to perpetuate because you're a scumbag.
They said no one reported it, bitch-face! A witness who was there is "factual evidence". And you've provided nothing that contradicts what that witness said.

Why would a father, having dinner with his kids, lie about something like this? There's no reason to. But because of pieces of shit like you, he started receiving death threats. Only pussies make death threats.

A "witness" that no one else saw, and that no one else recorded, and that the asshole didn't bother to mention when he was arrested. In other words, a ghost. Or, a LIE, you silly, silly boy.
Prove it.

White supremacists and other far-right groups committed the majority of extremist-related murders in the United States last year, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League.

...statistics show that radical leftists have been dramatically less likely to kill people than their counterparts on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Over the past decade, extremists of every stripe have killed 372 Americans. 74 percent of those killings were committed by right wing extremists. Only 2 percent of those deaths were at the hands of left wing extremists.

The Resurgent Threat of White-Supremacist Violence
A new report finds that white supremacists committed the largest share of domestic-extremist related killings last year—highlighting the danger of racist rhetoric and hateful ideas.

Didn't read the link did you. They claim that the asshole who murdered all of those gay folks in florida, omar mateen, a self proclaimed ISIS scumbag, is a white supremacist. That little bit of horse shit removes the adl from anything resembling credibility.

But you ignore their idiocy because it suits your political bias.
A "witness" that no one else saw, and that no one else recorded, and that the asshole didn't bother to mention when he was arrested. In other words, a ghost. Or, a LIE, you silly, silly boy.
It doesn't matter that someone else saw him, he was there before the altercation began and heard those little racist pieces of shit saying it should be legal to kill minorities on Independence Day. You don't have any evidence to back up your nonsense, yet you continue to push this bullshit! Pony up the evidence where someone said he wasn't there, or shut your fucking mouth!
A "witness" that no one else saw, and that no one else recorded, and that the asshole didn't bother to mention when he was arrested. In other words, a ghost. Or, a LIE, you silly, silly boy.
It doesn't matter that someone else saw him, he was there before the altercation began and heard those little racist pieces of shit saying it should be legal to kill minorities on Independence Day. You don't have any evidence to back up your nonsense, yet you continue to push this bullshit! Pony up the evidence where someone said he wasn't there, or shut your fucking mouth!
Words are protected. Assault, not so much.
Didn't read the link did you. They claim that the asshole who murdered all of those gay folks in florida, omar mateen, a self proclaimed ISIS scumbag, is a white supremacist.
No they didn't, you stupid asshole! This is exactly what they said...

An absence of large shooting sprees explains last year’s lower extremist-linked murder tally, according to the ADL. In 2016, Omar Mateen killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. In 2015, white supremacists and Islamic extremists engaged in three significant shooting sprees that left 28 dead.

...no where do they say Omar is a white supremacist. You shouldn't be so cavalier with your comprehension skills.

That little bit of horse shit removes the adl from anything resembling credibility.
Except it wasn't horseshit on their part, it was horseshit on yours.

But you ignore their idiocy because it suits your political bias.
I don't ignore your idiocy, or your racism.
You exist to push partisan bullshit silly boy. That's all you do. It has been pointed out to you that the "eyewitness" account you bleat on about in the hat thief thread was a lie, the law enforcement agency's ALL say that the report is a lie, yet you keep pushing it.
Where is your evidence it is a lie? And law enforcement sides with the white Nazi movement.

Why is that billo? The simple truth that the asshole you support, is just that, a flaming asshole?
I just posted what the witness said. So you, as typical for the psycho-right, start creating this whole scenario about the incident. You're just making shit up.

antifart is the same. A group of violent assholes who don't give a shit about people, they just want to attack and hurt people, usually the weak and the infirm, because they are fucking cowards.
They aren't the ones planning these rally's. White nationalists are. They just show up at these rally's with the attitude, "Don't start a fight, but always finish one!" You're just all butt hurt they're not intimidated by your racist surf Nazis.

This law affects ANYONE, or group that uses masks to help hide their identity while committing a crime. You should be happy with the law as it affects the kkk too, but no, you double down on stupid.
This is a law cops have no intention of enforcing on skin heads.

Here's the deal, eventually your hero's in antifart are going to attack the wrong dude, and when they do, there are going to be a lot of very sad parents.
What if they attack the right dude?

I posted the link in the hat thread. Go look. The SAPD reported that the supposed "eyewitness" claim was horse shit. Skin heads don't cover their faces idiot. Thus, if they break the law they can be prosecuted.

The right dude for your coward antifart buddies, is anyone who can't defend themselves. Eventually they are going to make a mistake and attack someone who can.

Yep...this asshole found out the hard way.

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