Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?
For the sake of this discussion only lets say they haven't...do you realize that still means that the left is the only ones to intern American citizens and use nuclear weapons on their fellow man?
Very true

And the left realizes it was wrong.
It is the right who still demonize immigrants and fight against nuclear disarmament

Japanese Americans were not just immigrants, they were citizens.

When exactly Democrats apologized to them for internment camps?
I believe that was done about 30 years ago
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Very true

And the left realizes it was wrong.
Yeah they do, ya can tell by the way they try and share the blame

It is the right who still demonize immigrants and fight against nuclear disarmament
You're putting me in the awkward position of sounding like I am defending the GOP, my argument is with white liberals and their guilt while pointing fingers at others who have not committed these offenses , as you have done here...as for immigrants being demonized, this is just another dodge, it is illegals, not immigrants... and their [the right I guess] stance on nukes has made sure no one else has been able to use nukes, disarmament would do nothing more than put the U.S. behind the 8 ball, a symptom/result of what I am accusing white liberals of.
I wouldn't call him "progressive". Truman was an idiot, a pathetic incurious little man out to please his father who was easily led around by the nose. An empty suit.
If he had hated his father the above would have made him the white liberal prototype, that may explain why you didn't know the left was responsible for using nuclear weapons against their fellow man.

Once AGAIN ---- "the left" did not use nuclear weapons; "the right" did not use nuclear weapons; "the middle" did not use nuclear weapons. Ideologies and philosophies do not fight wars. Militaries do that. THAT'S WHAT GOVERNMENTS HAVE THEM FOR.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Nope. That's the DEFLECTION of this thread that you're desperately trying to start up like a 1934 Hudson on a freezing winter day. Nobody's buying it.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I didn't even mention "white people". YOU've been doing that. You even admitted the holiday (which is what the thread is REALLY about) is a white people holiday.

Seems to me that's singling out a race for marginalization based on race, wouldn't you say.

Sure, you've never mentioned them. You've just insulted them, and maligned them, and supported tearing down culturally important statues of theirs.

Your actions, demonstrate your position, as I pointed out, above.


LOL!!! What kind of silly troll boy game you playing? THIS THREAD you drooling moron.

Every other group can celebrate any heroes or events, and you don't go over their heroes or events and hold them up to today's moral standards and judge them and then hold the modern people responsible for the full monty of their heroes or events.

you pick and choose who to do that to. And your different standards seems to be RACE based.

WHITES, get harsher standards then any else.

That makes you a racist.

Definitions here, Wanker:

"Racism" means the belief that one race is superior to another.

"Linky-link" means you need to show evidence of your ass-sertion.


I know, stop the presses right. Quelle surprise.
Southern culture is NOT a 4 year period where slave owners started a war they couldn't win. And yet, that's what you want the sum total to be....and you want to "celebrate" it.

"slave owners" = Democrats.

I fixed it for you.
Southern Conservatives

They did not called themselves Southern Conservatives back then, did they?

They called themselves Democrats.

That's 'conservatives" with a small c. The adjective. But yes, if the characterization question came up they would have called themselves Southern conservatives. Maybe you remember how George Wallace and Lester Maddox and that crowd were always whining about "liberals".

"Democrat" is a political party. "Conservative" (the adjective) is a political philosophy. The two have nothing to do with each other. They may or may not coincide. IOW, a philosophy is where you're going, a party is which car you drive to get there.
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Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.

Only revisionists here are you lefties. History is already written, and we were all at peace with it for 5 generations, until you lefties realize that your whole history is not something you could be proud with, so you're trying to change it.

History teaches us that Democrats are party of slavery, party of Jim Crow law, party of KKK, party of segregation, party of lynching laws, party that opposed 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, party that opposed civil rights. You CAN'T erase that. You own it.

That's interesting since I've already taught you that that's bullshit.

Slavery went on, strictly limited to transAtlantic slavery and strictly limited to North America, for three hundred years before the Democratic Party existed. NOBOBDY, as in NOT A SINGLE PERSON, ever needed ANY political party to own or trade slaves, EVER. The KKK I've already schooled your ass on and have never been refuted because I know my shit and you don't. Not sure where you're going with "lynching laws" but it oughta be interesting. And finally, what I "OWN" is history books. And you do not get to rewrite them, I don't give a flying fuck how much you wish you could. You can't.

You thought me something?

No, Democrats did not invented slavery. They accepted it with open arms, and they fought for it, and tried to preserve it. When they lost, they used legislature and force (KKK) to keep their supremacy in the south, and yes, majority of them were - Democrats.

Nobody needed political party to own the slave, that's true. Except, when slave owners affiliate themselves with one party, and those who oppose slavery join the party that wants to abolish slavery, the picture is clear. Democrats supported slavery, Republicans opposed it since the establishment of the party.

You think you're only who "own" history books? Did you, at least, read any of them? List some of the titles you use to present your "knowledge".

Again, see yesterday's post (which you may not have caught up to yet), condensed version:

POTUSes from the South: three Democratic-Republicans, two Whigs (not counting VP successors), two with no party, and one Democrat. All slaveholders. I don't see a "dominant" party there.

And again, the Republican Party never existed in the South before the Civil War.
The South was so hateful to Blacks, that all the Blacks left and moved to the North and were welcomed with open arms. :21:
No one but you is claiming that last part.
Haven't you noticed that most of the Blacks stayed in the South and didnt hardly even leave the plantation.

That makes these six million people kind of hard to explain, donut?

>> In every U.S. Census prior to 1910, more than 90% of the African-American population lived in the American South.[4] In 1900, only one-fifth of African Americans living in the South were living in urban areas.[5] By the end of the Great Migration, just over 50% of the African-American population remained in the South, while a little less than 50% lived in the North and West,[6] and the African-American population had become highly urbanized. By 1960, of those African Americans still living in the South, half now lived in urban areas,[5] and by 1970, more than 80% of African Americans nationwide lived in cities.[7] In 1991, Nicholas Lemann wrote that:

The Great Migration was one of the largest and most rapid mass internal movements in history—perhaps the greatest not caused by the immediate threat of execution or starvation. In sheer numbers, it outranks the migration of any other ethnic group—Italians or Irish or Jews or Poles—to [the United States]. For blacks, the migration meant leaving what had always been their economic and social base in America and finding a new one.[8] <<​
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?
For the sake of this discussion only lets say they haven't...do you realize that still means that the left is the only ones to intern American citizens and use nuclear weapons on their fellow man?
Very true

And the left realizes it was wrong.
It is the right who still demonize immigrants and fight against nuclear disarmament

Japanese Americans were not just immigrants, they were citizens.

When exactly Democrats apologized to them for internment camps?

When they were given reparations.
Once AGAIN ---- "the left" did not use nuclear weapons; "the right" did not use nuclear weapons; "the middle" did not use nuclear weapons.

2/3, not bad, ya just upped your losing percentage...but if you think that allows you to blame all of America for the evils perpetrated by the left [especially your annihilation of your fellow man with nukes] you couldn't be more wrong...we do have common ground though in that it was not the "right" and the "middle", so how about some kudos for them.

Ideologies and philosophies do not fight wars.
they create them

And left wing governments have even used them to annihilate their fellow man with nukes.
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Just because celebrating Confederate holidays is ending does not mean an end to Southern heritage.

Southerners can continue to....

1. Marry their cousins
2. Eat road kill
3. Have sex with farm animals
And the left has fought hard for those civil liberties, btw, FDR married his cousin...now there's a new deal for ya...don't know if ya ever saw a picture of her, but she was enough to give a normal man pause for considering options 2 and 3 on your list.
Just because celebrating Confederate holidays is ending does not mean an end to Southern heritage.

Southerners can continue to....

1. Marry their cousins
2. Eat road kill
3. Have sex with farm animals
And the left has fought hard for those civil liberties, btw, FDR married his cousin...now there's a new deal for ya...don't know if ya ever saw a picture of her, but she was enough to give a normal man pause for considering options 2 and 3 on your list.
Eleanor was a distant cousin and our finest First Lady ever

Both Roosevelt’s detested road kill
Eleanor was a distant cousin
So its not southerners but finger pointing white liberals who think it is ok

and our finest First Lady ever
hhhm..how bad do ya have to hate America to call an incestuous woman our finest first lady?

Both Roosevelt’s detested road kill
And teddy detested "sex with farm animals" as well.
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Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.

Only revisionists here are you lefties. History is already written, and we were all at peace with it for 5 generations, until you lefties realize that your whole history is not something you could be proud with, so you're trying to change it.

History teaches us that Democrats are party of slavery, party of Jim Crow law, party of KKK, party of segregation, party of lynching laws, party that opposed 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, party that opposed civil rights. You CAN'T erase that. You own it.

That's interesting since I've already taught you that that's bullshit.

Slavery went on, strictly limited to transAtlantic slavery and strictly limited to North America, for three hundred years before the Democratic Party existed. NOBOBDY, as in NOT A SINGLE PERSON, ever needed ANY political party to own or trade slaves, EVER. The KKK I've already schooled your ass on and have never been refuted because I know my shit and you don't. Not sure where you're going with "lynching laws" but it oughta be interesting. And finally, what I "OWN" is history books. And you do not get to rewrite them, I don't give a flying fuck how much you wish you could. You can't.

Which is utterly irrelevant to anything.

Once the Union formed, the democrat party was the party of slavery from the start. Chaffing over the Missouri compromise was a democrat thing. Y'all went to war because we wouldn't let you establish more slave states to perpetrate your crime against humanity. Fact.
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?
And what time period are you referring to?

Dunno, pick any period... let's name few of them.

Post Civil War
Segregation period
Jim Crow period
Lynching period

Isn't it interesting, all those periods in US history have one thing in common - Democratic party.

Wrong again Bucko. The Democratic Party wasn't a thing until the 1830s. Slavery started (here) in 1526. And that's just here -- many more, FAR more, were brought to the West Indies, Central America and Brazil, and ZERO of them ever had a Democratic party.

After that it's simple linear time where Democrats and Republicans both exist.

DO essplain to the class how "existing" during something makes one responsible for it. Oughta be fun.

Wait a minute, are you saying their were African slaves in the British colonies of North America in 1526?



You may be a fucking liar, but GAWDAMN you're stupid... :thup:
Southern culture is NOT a 4 year period where slave owners started a war they couldn't win. And yet, that's what you want the sum total to be....and you want to "celebrate" it.

"slave owners" = Democrats.

I fixed it for you.
Southern Conservatives

They did not called themselves Southern Conservatives back then, did they?

They called themselves Democrats.
Then Dixiecrats...to set themselves apart. But they were con-servatives.

Dixicrats... you know where name came from. Dixie (southerners) and (demo) crats. They were not Republicans, otherwise the name would be rather Dixie-cans.
Let me get this straight, I am against honoring men who enslaved, maimed, raped, brutalized, lynched and murdered black folks and it is hate.

You on the other hand you want to honor these men and you are doing it out of love.


I'm surprised that I even considering to reply to intellectual midget such as yourself, so let me get this straight.

To Democrats, removing Confederate statues is about racism. At least, that is the assumption, because what monument means to you, doesn't mean to everyone else. Democrats demand that negative periods of our history should be erased, and that losing side in Civil War should not have right to mourn its dead. What they actually demanding is that negative periods of THEIR history is erased.

Democrats don't want anyone to remember what THEY did in their past, and in their attempts to change the history and erase THEIR past they're becoming hysterical, they tuned into angry mob that they are. They act the same way ISIS did, or Talibans, they destroy anything they don't like, they rewrite history to exclude all the pieces they don't like.

Why do we remind ourselves about great battles every year, like Gettysburg, Shiloh, Chickamauga, Bull Run... are we going to stop doing that too? You lefties keep praising FDR (who was IMO one of the greatest failure), but let's see what he said about commemorating past: "They are brought here by the memories of old divided loyalties, but they meet here in united loyalty to a united cause which the unfolding years have made it easier to see. All of them we honor, not asking under which flag they fought then—thankful that they stand together under one flag now."

Or Eisenhower, who retired to a farm in Gettysburg: "That war was America’s most tragic experience. But like most truly great tragedies, it carries with it an enduring lesson and a profound inspiration. It was a demonstration of heroism and sacrifice by men and women of both sides who valued principle above life itself and whose devotion to duty is a part of our nation’s noblest tradition."

All you lefties have is HATE, for everything and everyone who stands in your way. Nobody, including those who have no connection to South, had a problem with monuments for over 150 years, and just now... leftists have this urge to invoke their racial agenda, to provoke the reaction from all those who were at peace with the past.

What a crock of shit.

The truth hits hard and it hurts. But sooner you acknowledge it, easier will be. Until then, keep voting for Democrats, party of slavery, KKK, segregation, lynching, Jim Crow... keep the streak alive.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.

Only revisionists here are you lefties. History is already written, and we were all at peace with it for 5 generations, until you lefties realize that your whole history is not something you could be proud with, so you're trying to change it.

History teaches us that Democrats are party of slavery, party of Jim Crow law, party of KKK, party of segregation, party of lynching laws, party that opposed 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, party that opposed civil rights. You CAN'T erase that. You own it.

That's interesting since I've already taught you that that's bullshit.

Slavery went on, strictly limited to transAtlantic slavery and strictly limited to North America, for three hundred years before the Democratic Party existed. NOBOBDY, as in NOT A SINGLE PERSON, ever needed ANY political party to own or trade slaves, EVER. The KKK I've already schooled your ass on and have never been refuted because I know my shit and you don't. Not sure where you're going with "lynching laws" but it oughta be interesting. And finally, what I "OWN" is history books. And you do not get to rewrite them, I don't give a flying fuck how much you wish you could. You can't.

You thought me something?

No, Democrats did not invented slavery. They accepted it with open arms, and they fought for it, and tried to preserve it. When they lost, they used legislature and force (KKK) to keep their supremacy in the south, and yes, majority of them were - Democrats.

Nobody needed political party to own the slave, that's true. Except, when slave owners affiliate themselves with one party, and those who oppose slavery join the party that wants to abolish slavery, the picture is clear. Democrats supported slavery, Republicans opposed it since the establishment of the party.

You think you're only who "own" history books? Did you, at least, read any of them? List some of the titles you use to present your "knowledge".
If slavery is tied to the Democrats...why were there slave holding Whigs IN THE SOUTH. Why were there non-slave holding Democrats IN THE NORTH? (btw, my capitalized words are a clue)

I'm surprised you even ask that question... Have you heard of Mason-Dixon line and Missouri Compromise?

Just because there was no slavery in North, it doesn't means that Northern Democrats were against slavery. Pogo said it earlier, it was long post that needed more time to address, which I didn't have at the time, something like "popular sovereignty does not mean being pro slavery", and that is not entirely true. Letting new states to decide if they're going to have slavery or not, means that you're accepting whatever their decision is. If you're OK with new states having slavery, you're not exactly against slavery, correct?

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