UNREAL=> ISIS Murders 34 in Brussels – Obama Goes to Baseball Game With Raul Castro

The embarrassment never ends. This is a slap in the face to White Europeans under siege by Islam. He is truly what the founders warned us about and why they installed the Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen clause in the Constitution.


UNREAL=> ISIS Murders 34 in Brussels - Obama Goes to Baseball Game - The Gateway Pundit
ok fuckstick what was he supposed to do?
He should act like a Republican, lash out and cower in fear.
So have the libtards started blaming US policy and George W Bush yet?

Before Bush and Cheney, no ISIS, You do the math, fuckhead...

Math shows that ISIS started after Barry got in the office.

ISIS came out the Iraq insurgency caused by GW Bush.

Four years later?

No dude, it came after Barry encouraged uprising in Muslim countries.

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