Unrestrained Capitalism Would Cause........

In a more capitalistic economy then the richer will get richer and the poorer will also get richer.

Some of them will. Some of them will fail, and lose their wealth. For example, with 'unrestrained capitalism', the banks behind the subprime mortgage clusterfuck would all be out of business.

The banks in the US worked fine for many decades doing reasonable loans for people that had the means and inclination to pay the money back until the government created the CRA that used government pressure to gives loans to minorities and others that otherwise couldn't qualify. You know, for "social justice": reasons because they had been disenfranchised from the American dream because they couldn't get credit like everybody else. How did that work out?

Whenever there is an economic problem the culprit is usually government interference in capitalism.
In a more capitalistic economy then the richer will get richer and the poorer will also get richer.

Some of them will. Some of them will fail, and lose their wealth. For example, with 'unrestrained capitalism', the banks behind the subprime mortgage clusterfuck would all be out of business.

The banks in the US worked fine for many decades doing reasonable loans for people that had the means and inclination to pay the money back until the government created the CRA that used government pressure to gives loans to minorities and others that otherwise couldn't qualify. You know, for "social justice": reasons because they had been disenfranchised from the American dream because they couldn't get credit like everybody else. How did that work out?

Whenever there is an economic problem the culprit is usually government interference in capitalism.

That sounds right, but I want to reiterate, efficiency and economic performance aren't the reasons I favor a free market. If someone were to come along and prove, beyond all doubt, that putting government in charge of our economic decisions would make us happier, healthier and wealthier as a nation, and I would still oppose it. I favor a free market because I favor freedom.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Of course it's true the goofy liberal would've been able to say why or how it enables slavery and why he agrees or disagrees with the OP.
What are your thoughts regarding the structural economic environment and the outcomes it yielded as a result of the interaction of the levers of production in pre-1920s America?
Pre 1920's ??? Can you be more specific??
very carefully because they go bankrupt if they are wrong!!
Yes of course, this was the point I was making. Banks choose which projects to fund now in a capitalist system. Why should it be different in a socialist system?
Not so under communism.
The banks crashed the system in '08 and they got bailed out. Have you already forgotten?
In a socialist system you don't have banks that live and die based on whether their investments succeed or fail. Any communist would know this
very carefully because they go bankrupt if they are wrong!!
Yes of course, this was the point I was making. Banks choose which projects to fund now in a capitalist system. Why should it be different in a socialist system?
Not so under communism.
The banks crashed the system in '08 and they got bailed out. Have you already forgotten?
Obviously the banks didn't crash the system the federal government's massive involvement in the housing industry crashed the system. Now do you understand
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In a more capitalistic economy then the richer will get richer and the poorer will also get richer.

Some of them will. Some of them will fail, and lose their wealth. For example, with 'unrestrained capitalism', the banks behind the subprime mortgage clusterfuck would all be out of business.
Wrong of course if we had allowed all the banks to fail and the entire financial system to collapse we would have Anarchy and depression and not capitalism
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.
Actually the 1920s called the roaring 20s. Can you re-thing and try to tell us what your point is
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.
The Roaring Economy of the 1920s. The 1920s have been called the Roaring '20s and for good reason. Not only was American culture 'roaring' in terms of style and social trends, but the economy was 'roaring' as well. The decade was a time of tremendous prosperity.
very carefully because they go bankrupt if they are wrong!!
Yes of course, this was the point I was making. Banks choose which projects to fund now in a capitalist system. Why should it be different in a socialist system?
Not so under communism.
The banks crashed the system in '08 and they got bailed out. Have you already forgotten?
In a socialist system you don't have banks that live and die based on whether their investments succeed or fail. Any communist would know this
We have a Central Bank, isn't that enough socialism?
our companies to fight to the death in order to survive by raising our standard of living at the fastest possible rate!!! Lets do it!!!

One picture is worth more than all words written by the kook above:


Picture of the Cuyahoga River on fire from pollutants dumped in the river by a failure to regulate capitalism.
our companies to fight to the death in order to survive by raising our standard of living at the fastest possible rate!!! Lets do it!!!

One picture is worth more than all words written by the kook above:


Picture of the Cuyahoga River on fire from pollutants dumped in the river by a failure to regulate capitalism.
So does that mean that all the rivers that were not on fire at that time are a tribute to capitalisms natural ability to regulate itself?
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.
Actually the 1920s called the roaring 20s. Can you re-thing and try to tell us what your point is

My last sentence was sarcastic
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.
Actually the 1920s called the roaring 20s. Can you re-thing and try to tell us what your point is

My last sentence was sarcastic
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.
Actually the 1920s called the roaring 20s. Can you re-thing and try to tell us what your point is

My last sentence was sarcastic
Oh I see you were using the 1920s as an example of how unrestrained capitalism produces economic prosperity to the tune of 2.7% GDP per year not a bad example but of course the Liberals will say look how it ended on the assumption that it ended because of unrestrained capitalism rather than unrestrained government control of the money supply
In a more capitalistic economy then the richer will get richer and the poorer will also get richer.

Some of them will. Some of them will fail, and lose their wealth. For example, with 'unrestrained capitalism', the banks behind the subprime mortgage clusterfuck would all be out of business.
Wrong of course if we had allowed all the banks to fail and the entire financial system to collapse we would have Anarchy and depression and not capitalism

The better thing would have been for the filthy ass government to never have put pressure on the banks with the CRA to give credit to people that never had the means or inclination to pay back the money.

Typical stupid Liberal idea. Sounds great on paper but never works out in real life.

That sounds right, but I want to reiterate, efficiency and economic performance aren't the reasons I favor a free market. If someone were to come along and prove, beyond all doubt, that putting government in charge of our economic decisions would make us happier, healthier and wealthier as a nation, and I would still oppose it. I favor a free market because I favor freedom.

Just think of all these pathetic Liberals that are afraid of liberty. They are afraid to be held accountable to be productive and to be held accountable for their actions and want the government to make all the decisions for them, without any consequences.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.

And what happened in the 1920s when we were experiencing the worst recession ever that by every metric should have been worst than the Great Depression, and we drastically cut taxes and opened up the markets? What happened to wages, standard of living, unemployment rates? Yea I guess that was real bad for people.

The rest of the world got over the cyclical economic downturn of the late 1920s pretty quickly. However, the US government (led by a Democrat) made it The Great Depression by interfering with the free market.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate
In a more capitalistic economy then the richer will get richer and the poorer will also get richer.

Some of them will. Some of them will fail, and lose their wealth. For example, with 'unrestrained capitalism', the banks behind the subprime mortgage clusterfuck would all be out of business.
Wrong of course if we had allowed all the banks to fail and the entire financial system to collapse we would have Anarchy and depression and not capitalism

The better thing would have been for the filthy ass government to never have put pressure on the banks with the CRA to give credit to people that never had the means or inclination to pay back the money.

Typical stupid Liberal idea. Sounds great on paper but never works out in real life.
Not only CRA but also Fannie Freddie who at the time of the collapse owned or guaranteed 75% of the Alt A and subprime mortgages in the country. And this is not to mention the Fed which flooded the market with money in an insane liberal effort to stimulate the economy
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Of course it's true the goofy liberal would've been able to say why or how it enables slavery and why he agrees or disagrees with the OP.
What are your thoughts regarding the structural economic environment and the outcomes it yielded as a result of the interaction of the levers of production in pre-1920s America?
Pre 1920's ??? Can you be more specific??
1607 - 1919.

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