Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

'cept there has to be at least ONE witness to that there de-classification.

'cept - the fuck there does.

Already ruled on by the SCOTUS

Already tested when butt-boi Barry gave classified intel to Putin to help him invade Ukraine.

has anyone .... ANYONE stated that they were there?

no? no you say? well then it isn't working.


not at all.




What you Nazi pigs are doing is attacking the court.

You'll be reprogrammed to claim the court is illegitimate and needs to be "expanded" after this gets tossed -it's why your filthy Reich is doing it to begin with.
The FBI went there looking for any an all presidential records and anything marked classified. This is what is specified in the warrant and that is what they came away with in 12 boxes. This include over both classified documents plus more presidential documents. There could be a lot more. They did spend several hours searching but Mar A Lago is about 63,000 sq. ft with 126 rooms. To search every inch of that place plus out building would take days. They were probably limited by information provide by an informant.

Don't forget Melania's panties! The FBI got those so the Oberfuhrer could sniff them.
In warrants it is not uncommon to describe a particular item(s) that is of high interest to DOJ to assist the searchers and also list a general category that contains that item and associated items.

For example: in a search warrant for illegal drugs it might list under items to be seized:
1. Metal 50 gallon drum contain Heroin
2. Substances identified under schedule I, II, III, IV, or V in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act ( 21 U.S.C. 812(c) )
Item 1 helps identify the high interest item and item 2 allows searchers to seize all controlled substances.

Except of course that we SAW the warrant. It's a little late to start putting out fiction now. The reason Garland fought so hard against revealing the warrant was so bullshit like the above could be spread by the Reich press.

The warrant was vague, broad, and imprecise.

One of the reasons Oberfuhrer Garland had to judge shop this down to a Magistrate to get anyone to sign it.

This was what it was - a political hatchet job on the probable GOP presidential candidate for 2024.

Except of course that we SAW the warrant. It's a little late to start putting out fiction now. The reason Garland fought so hard against revealing the warrant was so bullshit like the above could be spread by the Reich press.
That's your first lie. The DOJ did not "fight" the request to unseal the Search Warrant, and the Manifest of seized items. The DOJ requested, and was granted, that certain materials in the warrant and manifest be redacted to protect the identity of witnesses, ongoing investigations, and grand jury testimony.
The warrant was vague, broad, and imprecise.

The warrant limited the areas that could be searched to those that Trump controlled and in which boxes could be stored. It specifically excluded any guest quarters or areas.

And what is so amazing is how the warrant was looking for classified documents that Trumps lawyer claimed Trump didn't have. And they FOUND a lot of the classified documents that the National Archives indicated were still missing, and presumed at mar-a-lago.
That's your first lie. The DOJ did not "fight" the request to unseal the Search Warrant,


Rights - he was going to ask for it to be unsealed - someday - after the leak campaign.

BUT that damned Trump released it before the smear campaign even got started. That's okay, Flopper will write the slander that would have been in the Reich press and pretend it's relevant - even though the actual warrant refutes it.

and the Manifest of seized items. The DOJ requested, and was granted, that certain materials in the warrant and manifest be redacted to protect the identity of witnesses, ongoing investigations, and grand jury testimony.

A manifest is after the fact. Biden's Gestapo went fishing in hopes of stopping the probable GOP candidate for 2024. You Nazis have expanded what you'll do to rig elections in America.

Trump made a claim the FBI may have planted evidence. But since Trump had no idea what was in the boxes, how can he claim something being planted?

Joe Biden's Gestapo assaulted the home of a former president and presumed GOP candidate for 2024 for the purpose of tampering with and altering the 2024 election.

Them planting evidence is no more outrageous than what they already did.

The manifest listed how the documents were marked.

If a manifest lists 1 gold Rolex watch, you don't have to see the watch, to know it was a gold Rolex.
A manifest is a receipt - it lists what Biden's goons took.

You keep pretending that the KGB listed what they were going to take - which is a flat out lie,


That's it - that was their "specific" demand as Flopper put it.

Again - once Trump kicked you in the balls by releasing the warrant - it's a little late to start with the absurd lies.

Rights - he was going to ask for it to be unsealed - someday - after the leak campaign.

Remember. Garland gave Trump the full unredacted copy of the search warrant. Trump could have released it at any time, but he didn't, because he knew what was in it, he had a copy of it.

And the request to unseal it, didn't come from Trump, it came from the media. And when they held a hearing on unsealing the warrant and manifest, Trumps lawyer didn't even join the request, or participate in the hearing. Ms Bobb just stood around observing.

The Nazis know. And they know Egan is precedent - it was tested when Obama gave classified documents to Vladimir Putin in 2012.

What the democrat vermin want is a Constitutional crisis - which they already have created - and to be slapped down by the supreme court - SO they can claim the SCOTUS isn't legitimate and try again to pack the court.

That's what this whole thing is about.
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A manifest is after the fact. Biden's Gestapo went fishing in hopes of stopping the probable GOP candidate for 2024. You Nazis have expanded what you'll do to rig elections in America.

You sound like someone trying to defend a drug lord, who accused the FBI of illegally searching his place, when they just so happen to find the kilos of coke, meth and fentanyl they were looking for.
Remember. Garland gave Trump the full unredacted copy of the search warrant.
:rofl: After Trump got a court order forcing the Gestapo to obey at least that law.

Trump could have released it at any time, but he didn't, because he knew what was in it, he had a copy of it.

Trump sent it to Breitbart News so that it could be seen by the public.

And the request to unseal it, didn't come from Trump, it came from the media. And when they held a hearing on unsealing the warrant and manifest, Trumps lawyer didn't even join the request, or participate in the hearing. Ms Bobb just stood around observing.

Again, Oberfuhrer Garland did NOT release the warrant. It was technically leaked - but we all know it was Trump - shutting down the slanderous leaks by Biden's criminal thugs.

The Department of Injustice has ONE objective - derail the 2024 election.
You sound like someone trying to defend a drug lord, who accused the FBI of illegally searching his place, when they just so happen to find the kilos of coke, meth and fentanyl they were looking for.

You lie, get caught, pivot, lie again, get caught, pivot, lie again, get caught, pivot, lie again, get caught, pivot, lie again

Are you in the FBI?
A manifest is a receipt - it lists what Biden's goons took.

You keep pretending that the KGB listed what they were going to take - which is a flat out lie,

View attachment 688738

That's it - that was their "specific" demand as Flopper put it.

It looks pretty specific to me.
It's looking for classified documents (that's pretty specific) especially when there shouldn't be ANY in his possession.

Presidential records (again pretty specific) since there again, shouldn't be ANY in his possession.
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The Nazis know. And they know Egan is precedent - it was tested when Obama gave classified documents to Vladimir Putin in 2012.
The difference is Obama didn't declassify documents he didn't even know he was declassifying, like Trump did.

Trump declassified everything on his desk, before he even read them.

That's a danger to national security.
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