Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

They have all done it so far.
That is not true. Essential every Obama presidential record was in digital format stored at the NARA so there was hardly anything for NARA to move except recent documents that had not been achieved. The Obama Foundation requested that the NARA transfer all his presidential records to digital format suitable for Internet Access including cross reference. This was about 5 years ago and so far NARA has not complete the task. The foundation is paying for the work. Obama said he wants his entire presidential library online so both the general public and historians will have easy access.

Trump's presidential library is pretty questionable with so many missing, damaged, and destroy records. However, he said he's going build a museum in Florida to honor his achievements.
Trump made a claim the FBI may have planted evidence. But since Trump had no idea what was in the boxes, how can he claim something being planted?
Look you fucking asshole....Trump was set up again by the same motherfuckers that set him up with Russian Collusion.
They never were held accountable for their criminal activity and they're still trying to fuck him over.
Trump screwed himself. He took TS/SCI documents out of the SCIF, and took them home.
That is not true. Essential every Obama presidential record was in digital format stored at the NARA so there was hardly anything for NARA to move except recent documents that had not been achieved. The Obama Foundation requested that the NARA transfer all his presidential records to digital format suitable for Internet Access including cross reference. This was about 5 years ago and so far NARA has not complete the task. The foundation is paying for the work. Obama said he wants his entire presidential library online so both the general public and historians will have easy access.

Trump's presidential library is pretty questionable with so many missing, damaged, and destroy records. However, he said he's going build a museum in Florida to honor his achievements.
The. FBI really went to town destroying whatever they could.
Trump screwed himself. He took TS/SCI documents out of the SCIF, and took them home.

Which is perfectly legal.
Once he was shown to as president, he can look at them any time he wants.
There is absolutely no violation over classified documents violating security.
The only possible violation is if he was destroying or preventing NARA in violation of FOIA.
Which is perfectly legal.
Once he was shown to as president, he can look at them any time he wants.
There is absolutely no violation over classified documents violating security.
The only possible violation is if he was destroying or preventing NARA in violation of FOIA.
100% totally wrong. Cannot take them home. The statute is crystal clear about that.
Who knows who actually packed them but ultimately, Trump is responsible for seeing that personal records, presidential records, classified material are not intermixed. The 30 boxes sent to NARA last January contained top secret documents mixed in notes and scribbling by the president, meeting agendas, presidential calendars, etc. It seems like Trump told his staff to throw everything in boxes and send it Mar A Lago and we'll figure it out latter.
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Probably! But, in the mean time, he's throwing everything except the kitchen sink at the wall, in hopes something will stick. Problem is, he contradicts a story by replacing it with another. He's made himself into an idiot.
Trump quotes; "He declassified documents, they were planted, and he said they were mine." These are Trump claims. How are you going to square all three?

Trump's defense...

I don't have any classified documents; but if I do, I declassified them when I was president; but if I didn't, I still have Executive Privilege; but if I don't, the raid of Mar-a-Lago was illegal because they took my passports; but if it wasn't, this is just a hoax, perpetrating a witch hunt by the deep state; but if it's not, the FBI, led by a man I appointed, planted the classified documents; but even if they didn't, the classified documents were just souvenirs anyway; but even if they're not, I was cooperating fully with the government; but even if I wasn't, Barack Hussein Obama did worse; but even if he didn't, I gave a standing order that all classified documents are declassified when they leave the Oval Office; but even if I didn't, I'm still the rightful president anyway because Democrats stole the 2020 election from me; but even if they didn't, I was just trolling the left; so there, neener, neener, neener! It doesn't matter because I still won't lose any support from the right

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