Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

declared Trump had 'National Security- threatening nuclear secrets', so there is no reason to redact them NOW...

...UNLESS Trump NEVER HAD uclear secrets and the FBI & DOJ made tbat shit up when they started catching hell for tbe proven extremely political partisan, unprecedented, historic, unwarranted against President Biden's political enemy!

EVERYONE knows now this was a political hit. Joe Biden andGarland has made that clear.

When Biden told tbe National Archive he would be willing to strip Executive Privilege from his POLITICAL OPPONENT so the investigation / raid could go forward - that doing so would take away a major Part of Trump's opposition to what they were doing and would lay the groundwork for the DOJ's and FBI's justification for an historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily armed raid of Biden's political opponent - Biden was in record as having been part of and as having facilitated a political hit on a political opponent by abusing his power and position as President and abusing / using that power to help the DOJ & FBI to conduct the illegal 'hit' in Trump.


ONCE AGAIN, this lie was leaked to the media,they rather story, the FBI then used the lie / media's story about nuclear secrets to get the broad-as-hell search warrant to go fishing...

The 'nuclear secrets' lie was NOT in the affidavit, it was NOT blacked out. There was no reason to black it out / redact it since the MEDIA, FBI, AND DOJ PUBLICLY spread the BS / discussed it PUBLICLY.

IT was not / never was in the affidavit because, again, they made that shit up AFTER the raid when they began catching hell for the raid.

They waited WEEKS to conduct the raid when they found out Trump had National s
Security-threatening/ damaging data / info ... and still wanted people to believe Trump had been / was colluding with the Russians?!?!

That makes absolutely NO sense, and only an idiot would believe that ... right snowflakes?

i don't recall either the FBI or DOJ stating that the documents contained nuclear secrets. They contain high classified information's from the NSA which does electronic intercepts and information collected by the CIA using human sources. This is determined from the marking on some of the top secret documents.

It seems very improbably that the courts would allow Trump executive privilege over presidential documents that have been established by congress as being goverment property and has appointed the Director of the National Archives as custodian. Trump as president was custodian of these documents but that passed to the National Achieves when he left office. This is in the presidential records act.
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i don't recall either the FBI or DOJ stating that the documents contained nuclear secrets. They contain high classified information's from the NSA which does electronic intercepts and information collected by the CIA using human sources. This is determined from the marking on some of the top secret documents.

It seems very improbably that the courts would allow Trump executive privilege over presidential documents that have been established by congress as being goverment property and has appointed the Director of the National Archives as custodian. Trump as president was custodian of these documents but that passed to National Achieves when he left office. This is in the presidential records act.
You know what they contain?
There were specific documents NARA was requesting and not getting from Trump. There was no reason to list them individually because they are already covered by general warrant to search for any classified documents.
In warrants it is not uncommon to describe a particular item(s) that is of high interest to DOJ to assist the searchers and also list a general category that contains that item and associated items.

For example: in a search warrant for illegal drugs it might list under items to be seized:
1. Metal 50 gallon drum contain Heroin
2. Substances identified under schedule I, II, III, IV, or V in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act ( 21 U.S.C. 812(c) )
Item 1 helps identify the high interest item and item 2 allows searchers to seize all controlled substances.
There is literally 15 boxes full of evidence - improperly stored presidential records of various classifications.

How damaged in the head do you have to be to say "no evidence"?
Had the FBI found NO classified documents, the right would be screaming. Now that they found classified documents (maybe what they were looking for, maybe not) Trump is reduced to tweeting a) that Obama did the same thing (a lie), b) that the documents were all automatically declassified by Trump (a joke), and c) that the FBI planted documents, etc.

The FBI search warrant called for collecting boxes and containers with classified documents — and all other items in the storage containers.

If the boxes contain other items — maybe a nude centerfold of his wife, her panties, a fake “Man of the Year” Time Magazine cover — they will be returned. They may even help Trump argue that the classified items were taken “by mistake” in his late and hasty exit from the White House.

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Trump didn't pack those boxes....the GSA packed them.
Sorry if the facts bother you, motherfucker....but clearly he wasn't responsible for what was in them.
FYI, he went thru the legal procedure of declassifying everything that was in those boxes.
The GSA prepared the boxes and he signed whatever he had to sign to declassify everything.
As POTUS he has that authority.
Anything they found in there was clearly planted.
If he declassified all those documents then all the information within those documents are now declassified and we should be able order copies from the government printing offices. The folks that work at Mar A Lago could legally shoot copies and post it on Internet or selling it.

You see why the DOJ is planning to charge Trump with espionage and not violations of the security classification act. By saying he declassified those documents, he jump from frying pan into the fire. He should have talked to his lawyer first.
By saying he declassified those documents, he jump from frying pan into the fire. He should have talked to his lawyer first.
Trump dug himself into a corner. He said that documents he took from the oval office were automatically declassified. But the question of classified documents that Trump unintentionally removed from the oval office also being declassified along with those he intended to declassify.

Trump had no accounting of what were in the many boxes, meaning Trump had no accounting of what he intended to declassify. His claim of automatic declassification fails badly if Trump never told anybody what specific documents he declassified.
If he declassified all those documents then all the information within those documents are now declassified and we should be able order copies from the government printing offices. The folks that work at Mar A Lago could legally shoot copies and post it on Internet or selling it.

You see why the DOJ is planning to charge Trump with espionage and not violations of the security classification act. By saying he declassified those documents, he jump from frying pan into the fire. He should have talked to his lawyer first.
He's a total idiot. He went from "they're declassified", to "they were planted", to "they are mine." Lol!

And here's so more stupid shit on top of what Trump had to offer as a defense. Lindsey "the puppet" Graham is saying there will be violence if Trump is prosecuted. Really? What a pussy. Instead of dropping the temperature, he goes on the Sunday shows to stoke violence. What a hero right. Violence for what? To protect a criminal who sold his country down the river? WTF is wrong with these people? They are announcing to the country that they are ready for violence. Get ready folks. These people have totally lost their shit over a twice disgraced, impeached pos president, who sold his country out, and they are willing to do the same.
Sure he was. He said they were his. How do you know they are yours, if you don't know what's in them?

The GSA prepared the boxes and he signed whatever he had to sign to declassify everything. There is zero evidence that happened.
Remember, Trump said they were planted there too. If the FBI planted them, how would he know they were declassified? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 Dude, you are talking in circles.

You people need to stop muddying the water with totally retarded crapola. You can't shit in one hand and wash it away with piss in the other. Stop making idiots of yourselves. Don't you all have any self respect? Why do you show up here just to look stupid?
Who knows who actually packed them but ultimately, Trump is responsible for seeing that personal records, presidential records, classified material are not intermixed. The 30 boxes sent to NARA last January contained top secret documents mixed in notes and scribbling by the president, meeting agendas, presidential calendars, etc. It seems like Trump told his staff to throw everything in boxes and send it Mar A Lago and we'll figure it out latter.
If he declassified all those documents then all the information within those documents are now declassified and we should be able order copies from the government printing offices. The folks that work at Mar A Lago could legally shoot copies and post it on Internet or selling it.

You see why the DOJ is planning to charge Trump with espionage and not violations of the security classification act. By saying he declassified those documents, he jump from frying pan into the fire. He should have talked to his lawyer first.
That's not what's going on here.
These fuckers are trying to make what other presidents did in the past a crime if Trump does it. Mkay?
They criminalize everything that he does.
Trump dug himself into a corner. He said that documents he took from the oval office were automatically declassified. But the question of classified documents that Trump unintentionally removed from the oval office also being declassified along with those he intended to declassify.

Trump had no accounting of what were in the many boxes, meaning Trump had no accounting of what he intended to declassify. His claim of automatic declassification fails badly if Trump never told anybody what specific documents he declassified.
Any links supporting your many claims?
Who knows who actually packed them but ultimately, Trump is responsible for seeing that personal records, presidential records, classified material are not intermixed. The 30 boxes sent to NARA last January contained top secret documents mixed in notes and scribbling by the president, meeting agendas, presidential calendars, etc. It seems like Trump told his staff to throw everything in boxes and send it Mar A Lago and we'll figure it out latter.
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Look you fucking asshole....Trump was set up again by the same motherfuckers that set him up with Russian Collusion.
They never were held accountable for their criminal activity and they're still trying to fuck him over.

And you gullible fuckers keep believing their motherfucking lies acting like every new hoax they create is genuine.
So we spend weeks...months....years....arguing over a fucking lie.
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