Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Look you fucking asshole....Trump was set up again by the same motherfuckers that set him up with Russian Collusion.
They never were held accountable for their criminal activity and they're still trying to fuck him over.

And you gullible fuckers keep believing their motherfucking lies acting like every new hoax the create is genuine.
Poor Donald, they just won't let him alone to do whatever he wants to do. First it was the IRS, with tax evasion, then the State of New York with fraud then two impeachments, then Congress with inciting an insurrection, then Georgia with election tampering, and now the DOJ with espionage. They just won't let poor Donald alone.

Mudwhistle, I don't think you need to worry about poor Donald. In all the years he's been fighting legal battles, they never caught him. Most likely a combination of money, influence, and political expediency, will save Donald again. I think that the DOJ will let this investigation drag on and finally it will end with misdemeanor charges like they did with Clinton which they will drop. He is of course guilty as sin but that is totally irrelevant.
Trump's defense...

I don't have any classified documents; but if I do, I declassified them when I was president; but if I didn't, I still have Executive Privilege; but if I don't, the raid of Mar-a-Lago was illegal because they took my passports; but if it wasn't, this is just a hoax, perpetrating a witch hunt by the deep state; but if it's not, the FBI, led by a man I appointed, planted the classified documents; but even if they didn't, the classified documents were just souvenirs anyway; but even if they're not, I was cooperating fully with the government; but even if I wasn't, Barack Hussein Obama did worse; but even if he didn't, I gave a standing order that all classified documents are declassified when they leave the Oval Office; but even if I didn't, I'm still the rightful president anyway because Democrats stole the 2020 election from me; but even if they didn't, I was just trolling the left; so there, neener, neener, neener! It doesn't matter because I still won't lose any support from the right
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:🤪:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:🤪:abgg2q.jpg:
There is literally 15 boxes full of evidence - improperly stored presidential records of various classifications.

How damaged in the head do you have to be to say "no evidence"?
insults will not help your arguments.
100% totally wrong. Cannot take them home. The statute is crystal clear about that.

All presidents take classified documents with them where ever they go, be it Camp David, home, etc.
No one else gets any say, and the statues are crystal clear the president has total and complete discretion.
It is only everyone else, like the Secretary of State, who should not be taking them home.
Poor Donald, they just won't let him alone to do whatever he wants to do. First it was the IRS, with tax evasion, then the State of New York with fraud then two impeachments, then Congress with inciting an insurrection, then Georgia with election tampering, and now the DOJ with espionage. They just won't let poor Donald alone.

Mudwhistle, I don't think you need to worry about poor Donald. In all the years he's been fighting legal battles, they never caught him. Most likely a combination of money, influence, and political expediency, will save Donald again. I think that the DOJ will let this investigation drag on and finally it will end with misdemeanor charges like they did with Clinton which they will drop. He is of course guilty as sin but that is totally irrelevant.
Yeah...fuck you too.
What they're worried about is if he gets back into the White House and cleans house in the IRS, CIA, and the FBI.
That's what they're worried about.
JFK was assassinated for the same thing.
That's the issue here....not that Trump did anything illegal.
This is how they deal with political opposition in Russia....eventually they might try to poison him.
But that's a risk.
If that happens the jig will be up.
All presidents take classified documents with them where ever they go, be it Camp David, home, etc.
No one else gets any say, and the statues are crystal clear the president has total and complete discretion.
It is only everyone else, like the Secretary of State, who should not be taking them home.

Yes, and they remain classified when they take them outside of the Oval Office.
Waving a magic wand in August of 2022 won't cut it.
If he didn't declassify them, he would be charged with violations of 1949 classification act which is really not that bad. If he did declassify them, he would be charged espionage which was the DOJ's plan because they listed espionage act in the search warrant. Trump's lawyers must have expected this. When he makes the most secret information from the NSA and CIA available to the public by declassifying, an espionage charge is to be expected. Trump lawyers are hoping that the special master will reveal that the damages to national security are not as bad as it looks.

Right now it looks like the only person that can save his ass in Biden. With an executive order he can reclassify everyone of those documents limiting any damage to national security.
The 15 boxes of "evidence" was turned over to records back in Jan of 2022.
They don't really know how much stuff the FBI stole from Mara-lago....they were just grabbing everything they could get their hands on.........and a shitload of it had to be returned.

The FBI is out of control....and the Attorney General needs to answer to charges of obstruction of justice and abusing his position.....not to mention destruction of evidence and political espionage.

For christ sakes, do you or do you not understand that many (be it 12 or 15) boxes of Presidential documents of various classification were confiscated by FBI at Mar-a-Lago?
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Yeah...fuck you too.
What they're worried about is if he gets back into the White House and cleans house in the IRS, CIA, and the FBI.
That's what they're worried about.
JFK was assassinated for the same thing.
That's the issue here....not that Trump did anything illegal.
This is how they deal with political opposition in Russia....eventually they might try to poison him.
But that's a risk.
If that happens the jig will be up.
Donald Trump's problem is not the democrats, it's Donald Trump. As president he was a square peg in a round hole. He doesn't give a shit about republicans nor their agenda. If Hillary was not in the picture for 2016, he just might have run as a democrat. I have read just about every book written about Donald Trump critical and favorable including several he wrote. I have come to the conclusion that he doesn't care about about God, country, family, or party. He cares only about Donald Trump. He has insatiable appetite for winning. That's why he has been in legal fights for the last 40 years and most likely why he ran for president and will certain try again. He just loves a good fight almost as much as he loves winning.
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For christ sakes, do you or do you not understand that many (be it 12 or 15) boxes of Presidential documents of various classification were confiscated by FBI at Mar-a-Lago?
Nobody knows how many God damned boxes they took.
They only tell you a set number so you can parrot it when arguing with people who know you're as full of shit as the FBI.
Donald Trump's problem is not the democrats, it's Donald Trump. As president he was a square peg in a round hole. He doesn't give a shit about republicans nor their agenda. He just wants to win. If Hillary was not in the picture for 2016, he just might have run as a democrat. I have read just about every book written about Donald Trump critical and favorable including several he wrote. I have come to the conclusion that he doesn't care about about God, country, family, or party. He cares only about Donald Trump. He has been that way all of his life and he isn't about change.
Yep.....he wouldn't buy into the criminal conspiracy to defraud the American electorate like the rest of them....so yeah...it's Donald Trump.
Yeah...fuck you too.
What they're worried about is if he gets back into the White House and cleans house in the IRS, CIA, and the FBI.
That's what they're worried about.
JFK was assassinated for the same thing.
That's the issue here....not that Trump did anything illegal.
This is how they deal with political opposition in Russia....eventually they might try to poison him.
But that's a risk.
If that happens the jig will be up.
Nobody knows how many God damned boxes they took.
They only tell you a set number so you can parrot it when arguing with people who know you're as full of shit as the FBI.
...number is not the point, the point is FBI confiscated MANY improperly retained presidential records, including classified and top secret materials.

When you Trumpsters say there is def "no evidence" you may as well write "I'm fucking stupid" on your forehead. There seems to be evidence, A LOT of evidence.
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...number is not the point, the point is FBI confiscated MANY improperly retained presidential records, including classified and top secret materials.

When you Trumpsters say there is def "no evidence" you may as well write "I'm fucking stupid" on your forehead. There seems to be evidence, A LOT of evidence.
No they didn't you lying piece of shit. All they did was break the law and dare anyone to stop them from doing it again.
If they had any evidence of his guilt it would have been in the affidavit and would have been unredacted.
Instead everything they redacted was the evidence of their illegal activities.
i don't recall either the FBI or DOJ stating that the documents contained nuclear secrets.

You're either not telling the truth or not paying attention. The news / threads were all over the board for days. Garland claimed to have deliberated for weeks over the raid because of Trump having 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes'.

1. If someone has 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes' you demand them back while the individual is voluntarily handing over 15 cases of other material.

2.. If someone has 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes' you don't wait WEEKS to conduct a raid to get them back.

3. If someone has 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes' you're going to mention this in the affidavit.

4. If you declare in public someone has 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes' there is no need to redact the fact you are conducting a raid to get them back after the fact.

5. If you are conducting a raid to retrieve 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes' you don't leave that out of the search warrant, and you don't make the search warrant so extremely broad that it gives you a license to go on a massive fishing expedition.

6. After going after someone for 6+ years ... and failing ... you don't conduct a 1st-ever, historic, unprecedented, unwarranted, heavily armed raid on a President's home - rhe political opponent of the current President, taking attorney-client privileged files / info ... a 2nd time.

7. WH memos exposing the current President OFFERED to take away his political opponent's Executive Privilege to strip him of his defense,to help tbe raid possible, and to take away any possible roadblocks in tbe way of conducting the raid against his political enemy all nut confirms this raid was one political hit in a series of CONTINUED criminal, lawless, treasonous political hits over the last 6+ years.
1. If someone has 'National Security-threatening nuclear codes' you demand them back while the individual is voluntarily handing over 15 cases of other material.

Trump didn't "hand over" anything. The National Archives seized those boxes. And then after going through them and finding a lot of classified documents in them, they came back with a subpoena for any remaining classified documents, and a subpoena for the surveillance footage covering the storage room.

Well the footage revealed at lot of activity, moving boxes in and out of the storage room. Yet when asked if there were any documents market classified at mar-a-lago, Trumps lawyer (Ms Bobb) said there were NONE.

That's certainly NOT cooperating, by lying to the federal authorities that you had already given them everything.

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