Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

In warrants it is not uncommon to describe a particular item(s) that is of high interest to DOJ to assist the searchers and also list a general category that contains that item and associated items.

For example: in a search warrant for illegal drugs it might list under items to be seized:
1. Metal 50 gallon drum contain Heroin
2. Substances identified under schedule I, II, III, IV, or V in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act ( 21 U.S.C. 812(c) )
Item 1 helps identify the high interest item and item 2 allows searchers to seize all controlled substances.
But this warrant was illegal because it didn't specify what they were looking for.
What said instead that anything document of any kind that Trump may have had contact with was to be confiscated.
So if he had them his copies of DC Comics were grabbed along with all of his Marvel Comics.
Playboys, Babes With Big Buns.....anything.

The people defending this Nazi style raid are all saying that "It's hard to believe that they would take these steps unless they believed they were investigating something serious!"

Well....I think it's time to start using an open mind and think about the worse case scenario. That our government is out of control as long as Democrats/Communists are in charge.

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The difference is Obama didn't declassify documents he didn't even know he was declassifying, like Trump did.

Trump declassified everything on his desk, before he even read them.

That's a danger to national security.
No it's not.
Trump declassified everything because he knew that the FBI and the NSA was spying on him....and he had to declassify everything he saw to keep them from trying to charge him with a crime.
Remember. Garland gave Trump the full unredacted copy of the search warrant. Trump could have released it at any time, but he didn't, because he knew what was in it, he had a copy of it.

And the request to unseal it, didn't come from Trump, it came from the media. And when they held a hearing on unsealing the warrant and manifest, Trumps lawyer didn't even join the request, or participate in the hearing. Ms Bobb just stood around observing.
The search warrant didn't have much on it.
What it said was essentially; "Grab everything and then grab everything else".
No it's not.
Trump declassified everything because he knew that the FBI and the NSA was spying on him....and he had to declassify everything he saw to keep them from trying to charge him with a crime.

WOW. Trump the traitor, declassified many of our nations highest secrets, in order to save his ass.

Are you sure you want to admit that?
The search warrant didn't have much on it.
What it said was essentially; "Grab everything and then grab everything else".
It was just posted by uncensored in post #2,330

Attachment B, property to be seized

Why lie about what the warrant said?
The search warrant didn't have much on it.
What it said was essentially; "Grab everything and then grab everything else".
No it's not.
Trump declassified everything because he knew that the FBI and the NSA was spying on him...

Do you suspect that what Trump declassified at some point was, in fact, classified presidential records?

Records he had no right to keep no matter classification status as per Presidential Records Act?

Aside from presidential records law, since Trump's "declassification" seem to have happened in his head, in his head only, how the hell would Archives and DOJ know they are declassified and should not be investigated?

Use your fucking head, just a little bit.
WOW. Trump the traitor, declassified many of our nations highest secrets, in order to save his ass.

Are you sure you want to admit that?
Nah....he declassified everything when he had it in his possession.
I didn't say anything about our highest secrets, whatever the fuck those might be.
Some secrets no president has because they are two-party controlled sensitive TS-SCI.
Even the president doesn't see that unless there's a need to know.

BTW, any communications between the POTUS and foreign leaders is classified as TS....yet James Comey and LtCol Vindman saw fit to leak these same communications to the press, and to security risks like congressional Democrats, yet you lying fucks think this was just peachy when they actually did it. You had no issue with anonymous whistleblowers leaking to the press about Trump's fucking phone calls with world leaders like Ukranian Pres Zelensky.

In this case....Trump had everything in a US Government Approved SCIF....and you call that a motherfucking security risk.


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Possession of classified or unclassified documents by the ex-president at his home is a felony. It belongs in the national archives. Period!

The statutes were already posted, and the video explanation given. No one understands why you keep repeating the same dried up shit that has already proven you wrong;
That's where you're wrong.


It was just posted by uncensored in post #2,330

Attachment B, property to be seized

Why lie about what the warrant said?
That's all he does.
It looks pretty specific to me.
It's looking for classified documents (that's pretty specific) especially when there shouldn't be ANY in his possession.

Presidential records (again pretty specific) since there again, shouldn't be ANY in his possession.
Trump broke the law. Period! Opinion | Trump's anti-FBI rhetoric is hurting one person most: Trump

If he didn't declassify them, he would be charged with violations of 1949 classification act which is really not that bad. If he did declassify them, he would be charged espionage which was the DOJ's plan because they listed espionage act in the search warrant. Trump's lawyers must have expected this. When he makes the most secret information from the NSA and CIA available to the public by declassifying, an espionage charge is to be expected. Trump lawyers are hoping that the special master will reveal that the damages to national security are not as bad as it looks.

Right now it looks like the only person that can save his ass in Biden. With an executive order he can reclassify everyone of those documents limiting any damage to national security.
I'm going to go back to what I've been saying before; 18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material And why does this law matter and carry weight? Because this person paid the price for the very statute I posted;

If we are to be a country of rules, laws, and a Constitution that this country fought 250 years for, it can't be a country of laws that are meant for the poor and working class, while justice is rewarding the rich for their crimes. We cannot let ourselves be influenced by that mentality.

If we adopt that as a policy, then we just flushed 250 years of Democracy down the toilet. We all need to wake up and see what is happening. You can't let a cult of personality dictate our actions by lowering our standards. WE EITHER ARE, OR WE ARE NOT. It's that simple.

This video is long, but it's worth the time. It puts this whole shit show by Trump into its proper context. It forces us to make a choice. Are we for Democracy and the rule of law, or are we for corruption and to hell with what's fair in society. If you choose the latter, then I'm not sure why Trump and his army of traitors are sitting around allowing their gun cases to collect dust?
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It looks pretty specific to me.

Yes, but you have an IQ in the low teens and don't grasp what the word "specific" means.

It's looking for classified documents (that's pretty specific) especially when there shouldn't be ANY in his possession.

Again, as CiC anything he had was by law declassified.

But note that the Gestapo says nothing of WHAT documents it thinks he has and instead is just fishing.

Presidential records (again pretty specific) since there again, shouldn't be ANY in his possession.

"Presidential records" such as cocktail napkins or birthday party invitations?

Garland needs a time out.

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I'm going to go back to what I've been saying before; 18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material And why does this law matter and carry weight? Because this person paid the price for the very statute I posted;

If we are to be a country of rules, laws, and a Constitution that this country fought 250 years for, it can't be a country of laws that are meant for the poor and working class, while justice is rewarding the rich for their crimes. We cannot let ourselves be influenced by that mentality.

If we adopt that as a policy, then we just flushed 250 years of Democracy down the toilet. We all need to wake up and see what is happening. You can't let a cult of personality dictate our actions by lowering our standards. WE EITHER ARE, OR WE ARE NOT. It's that simple.

If that's the case, they have to raid all former presidents' homes and Hillary Clinton's too.
The difference is Obama didn't declassify documents he didn't even know he was declassifying, like Trump did.


Obama didn't do ANYTHING other than give classified intelligence to a hostile foreign government. The court ruled that the declassification was defacto due to his being CiC.

Trump declassified everything on his desk, before he even read them.

While not true, he certainly had the authority.

That's a danger to national security.


You Nazis don't care about national security, you're stooges for Communist China.
If that's the case, they have to raid all former presidents' homes and Hillary Clinton's too.
Wtf? "They" got everything "they" requested from former presidents and Clinton.

It took a lot of Trump REFUSING to hand over documents before his place got raided and those documents confiscated.

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